// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in // the LICENSE file. #include // for allocator, __shared_ptr_access #include // for char_traits, operator+, string, basic_string #include "ftxui/component/captured_mouse.hpp" // for ftxui #include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Input, Renderer, Vertical #include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase #include "ftxui/component/component_options.hpp" // for InputOption #include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for Component, ScreenInteractive #include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for text, hbox, separator, Element, operator|, vbox, border #include "ftxui/util/ref.hpp" // for Ref int main() { using namespace ftxui; // The data: std::string first_name; std::string last_name; std::string password; std::string phoneNumber; Region selection; std::string textToCopy; auto screen = ScreenInteractive::TerminalOutput(); // The basic input components: Component input_first_name = Input(&first_name, "first name"); Component input_last_name = Input(&last_name, "last name"); // The password input component: InputOption password_option; password_option.password = true; Component input_password = Input(&password, "password", password_option); // The phone number input component: // We are using `CatchEvent` to filter out non-digit characters. Component input_phone_number = Input(&phoneNumber, "phone number"); input_phone_number |= CatchEvent([&](Event event) { return event.is_character() && !std::isdigit(event.character()[0]); }); input_phone_number |= CatchEvent([&](Event event) { return event.is_character() && phoneNumber.size() > 10; }); // The component tree: auto component = Container::Vertical({ input_first_name, input_last_name, input_password, input_phone_number, }); // Tweak how the component tree is rendered: auto renderer = Renderer(component, [&] { return vbox({ hbox(text(" First name : "), input_first_name->Render()), hbox(text(" Last name : "), input_last_name->Render()), hbox(text(" Password : "), input_password->Render()), hbox(text(" Phone num : "), input_phone_number->Render()), separator(), text("Hello " + first_name + " " + last_name), text("Your password is " + password), text("Your phone number is " + phoneNumber), text("select_start " + std::to_string(selection.startx) + ";" + std::to_string(selection.starty)), text("select_end " + std::to_string(selection.endx) + ";" + std::to_string(selection.endy)), text("textToCopy " + textToCopy) }) | border | selected(selection, [&textToCopy](std::string selected){textToCopy = selected;}); }); // TODO: Is there a way for me to embedd the catchEvent in the selected decorator? At a minimum move the function in the selected.cpp file and add doc to call it // TODO: Implement the double click on word to select the word // TODO: Implement the double click and drag to select word by word (optional) // TODO: Add a "selectable" flag in the pixel class and take it into account when selecting things renderer |= CatchEvent([&](Event event) { if (event.is_mouse()) { auto& mouse = event.mouse(); if (mouse.button == Mouse::Left) { if (mouse.motion == Mouse::Pressed) { selection.startx = mouse.x; selection.starty = mouse.y; selection.endx = mouse.x; selection.endy = mouse.y; } else if (mouse.motion == Mouse::Released) { selection.endx = mouse.x; selection.endy = mouse.y; } else if (mouse.motion == Mouse::Moved) { selection.endx = mouse.x; selection.endy = mouse.y; } screen.PostEvent(Event::Custom); return true; } } // if (event == Event::SpecialKey("Ctrl+Shift+C")) { // textToCopy = "Kikoo!"; // //clip::set_text(text_to_copy); // Set the clipboard content // screen.PostEvent(Event::Custom); // return true; // } return false; }); screen.Loop(renderer); }