// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in // the LICENSE file. #include // for operator""s, chrono_literals #include // for operator|, text, Element, hbox, bold, color, filler, separator, vbox, window, gauge, Fit, size, dim, EQUAL, WIDTH #include // for Full, Screen #include // for cout, endl, ostream #include // for list, operator==, _List_iterator, _List_iterator<>::_Self #include // for allocator, shared_ptr, allocator_traits<>::value_type #include // for string, operator<<, to_string #include // for sleep_for #include // for move #include // for vector #include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render #include "ftxui/screen/color.hpp" // for Color, Color::Green, Color::Red, Color::RedLight, ftxui int main() { using namespace ftxui; struct Task { std::string name; int number_of_threads; int downloaded; int size; }; std::list remaining_tasks = { {"contact server ", 10, 0, 6 * 25}, {"download index.html ", 10, 0, 9 * 25}, {"download script.js ", 1, 0, 3 * 25}, {"download style.js ", 1, 0, 4 * 25}, {"download image.png ", 1, 0, 5 * 25}, {"download big_1.png ", 1, 0, 30 * 25}, {"download icon_1.png ", 1, 0, 7 * 25}, {"download icon_2.png ", 1, 0, 8 * 25}, {"download big_2.png ", 1, 0, 30 * 25}, {"download small_1.png ", 1, 0, 10 * 25}, {"download small_2.png ", 1, 0, 11 * 25}, {"download small_3.png ", 1, 0, 12 * 25}, }; std::list displayed_task; int remaining_threads = 12; int nb_queued = (int)remaining_tasks.size(); int nb_active = 0; int nb_done = 0; auto to_text = [](int number) { return text(std::to_string(number)) | size(WIDTH, EQUAL, 3); }; auto renderTask = [&](const Task& task) { auto style = (task.downloaded == task.size) ? dim : bold; return hbox({ text(task.name) | style, separator(), to_text(task.downloaded), text("/"), to_text(task.size), separator(), gauge(task.downloaded / float(task.size)), }); }; auto renderSummary = [&]() { auto summary = vbox({ hbox({ text("- done: "), to_text(nb_done) | bold, }) | color(Color::Green), hbox({ text("- active: "), to_text(nb_active) | bold, }) | color(Color::RedLight), hbox({ text("- queue: "), to_text(nb_queued) | bold, }) | color(Color::Red), }); return window(text(" Summary "), summary); }; auto render = [&]() { std::vector entries; for (auto& task : displayed_task) entries.push_back(renderTask(task)); return vbox({ // List of tasks. window(text(" Task "), vbox(std::move(entries))), // Summary. hbox({ renderSummary(), filler(), }), }); }; auto updateModel = [&]() { for (auto& task : displayed_task) { if (task.downloaded != task.size) { task.downloaded++; } else if (task.number_of_threads) { remaining_threads += task.number_of_threads; task.number_of_threads = 0; nb_active--; nb_done++; } } if (remaining_tasks.size() && remaining_tasks.front().number_of_threads <= remaining_threads) { remaining_threads -= remaining_tasks.front().number_of_threads; displayed_task.push_back(remaining_tasks.front()); remaining_tasks.pop_front(); nb_queued--; nb_active++; } }; std::string reset_position; for (;;) { // Draw. auto document = render(); auto screen = Screen::Create(Dimension::Full(), Dimension::Fit(document)); Render(screen, document); std::cout << reset_position; screen.Print(); reset_position = screen.ResetPosition(); // Simulate time. using namespace std::chrono_literals; std::this_thread::sleep_for(0.01s); // Exit if (nb_active + nb_queued == 0) break; // Update the model for the next frame. updateModel(); } std::cout << std::endl; }