#include "ftxui/component/terminal_input_parser.hpp" #include // for max #include #include // for unique_ptr #include // for move #include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event namespace ftxui { TerminalInputParser::TerminalInputParser(Sender out) : out_(std::move(out)) {} void TerminalInputParser::Timeout(int time) { timeout_ += time; if (timeout_ < 50) return; timeout_ = 0; if (pending_.size()) Send(SPECIAL); } void TerminalInputParser::Add(char c) { pending_ += c; timeout_ = 0; position_ = -1; Send(Parse()); } unsigned char TerminalInputParser::Current() { return pending_[position_]; } bool TerminalInputParser::Eat() { position_++; return position_ < (int)pending_.size(); } void TerminalInputParser::Send(TerminalInputParser::Output output) { switch (output.type) { case UNCOMPLETED: return; case DROP: pending_.clear(); return; case CHARACTER: out_->Send(Event::Character(std::move(pending_))); pending_.clear(); return; case SPECIAL: out_->Send(Event::Special(std::move(pending_))); pending_.clear(); return; case MOUSE: out_->Send(Event::Mouse(std::move(pending_), output.mouse)); pending_.clear(); return; case CURSOR_REPORTING: out_->Send(Event::CursorReporting(std::move(pending_), output.cursor.x, output.cursor.y)); pending_.clear(); return; } // NOT_REACHED(). } TerminalInputParser::Output TerminalInputParser::Parse() { if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; switch (Current()) { case 24: // CAN case 26: // SUB return DROP; case '\x1B': return ParseESC(); default: break; } if (Current() < 32) // C0 return SPECIAL; if (Current() == 127) // Delete return SPECIAL; return ParseUTF8(); } // Code point <-> UTF-8 conversion // // ┏━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━┓ // ┃Byte 1 ┃Byte 2 ┃Byte 3 ┃Byte 4 ┃ // ┡━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━┩ // │0xxxxxxx│ │ │ │ // ├────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┤ // │110xxxxx│10xxxxxx│ │ │ // ├────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┤ // │1110xxxx│10xxxxxx│10xxxxxx│ │ // ├────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┤ // │11110xxx│10xxxxxx│10xxxxxx│10xxxxxx│ // └────────┴────────┴────────┴────────┘ // // Then some sequences are illegal if it exist a shorter representation of the // same codepoint. TerminalInputParser::Output TerminalInputParser::ParseUTF8() { unsigned char head = static_cast(Current()); unsigned char selector = 0b1000'0000; // The non code-point part of the first byte. unsigned char mask = selector; // Find the first zero in the first byte. int first_zero = 8; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { mask |= selector; if (head & selector) { selector >>= 1; continue; } first_zero = i; break; } // Accumulate the value of the first byte. uint32_t value = head & ~mask; // Invalid UTF8, with more than 5 bytes. if (first_zero == 1 || first_zero >= 5) return DROP; // Multi byte UTF-8. for (int i = 2; i <= first_zero; ++i) { if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; // Invalid continuation byte. head = static_cast(Current()); if ((head & 0b1100'0000) != 0b1000'0000) return DROP; value <<= 6; value += head & 0b0011'1111; } // Check for overlong UTF8 encoding. int extra_byte; if (value <= 0b000'0000'0111'1111) { extra_byte = 0; } else if (value <= 0b000'0111'1111'1111) { extra_byte = 1; } else if (value <= 0b1111'1111'1111'1111) { extra_byte = 2; } else if (value <= 0b1'0000'1111'1111'1111'1111) { extra_byte = 3; } else { return DROP; } if (extra_byte != position_) return DROP; return CHARACTER; } TerminalInputParser::Output TerminalInputParser::ParseESC() { if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; switch (Current()) { case 'P': return ParseDCS(); case '[': return ParseCSI(); case ']': return ParseOSC(); default: if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; return SPECIAL; } } TerminalInputParser::Output TerminalInputParser::ParseDCS() { // Parse until the string terminator ST. while (1) { if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; if (Current() != '\x1B') continue; if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; if (Current() != '\\') continue; return SPECIAL; } } TerminalInputParser::Output TerminalInputParser::ParseCSI() { bool altered = false; int argument = 0; std::vector arguments; while (true) { if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; if (Current() == '<') { altered = true; continue; } if (Current() >= '0' && Current() <= '9') { argument *= 10; argument += int(Current() - '0'); continue; } if (Current() == ';') { arguments.push_back(argument); argument = 0; continue; } if (Current() >= ' ' && Current() <= '~' && Current() != '<') { arguments.push_back(argument); argument = 0; switch (Current()) { case 'M': return ParseMouse(altered, true, std::move(arguments)); case 'm': return ParseMouse(altered, false, std::move(arguments)); case 'R': return ParseCursorReporting(std::move(arguments)); default: return SPECIAL; } } // Invalid ESC in CSI. if (Current() == '\x1B') return SPECIAL; } } TerminalInputParser::Output TerminalInputParser::ParseOSC() { // Parse until the string terminator ST. while (true) { if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; if (Current() != '\x1B') continue; if (!Eat()) return UNCOMPLETED; if (Current() != '\\') continue; return SPECIAL; } } TerminalInputParser::Output TerminalInputParser::ParseMouse( bool altered, bool pressed, std::vector arguments) { if (arguments.size() != 3) return SPECIAL; (void)altered; Output output(MOUSE); output.mouse.button = Mouse::Button((arguments[0] & 3) + // ((arguments[0] & 64) >> 4)); output.mouse.motion = Mouse::Motion(pressed); output.mouse.shift = bool(arguments[0] & 4); output.mouse.meta = bool(arguments[0] & 8); output.mouse.x = arguments[1]; output.mouse.y = arguments[2]; return output; } TerminalInputParser::Output TerminalInputParser::ParseCursorReporting( std::vector arguments) { if (arguments.size() != 2) return SPECIAL; Output output(CURSOR_REPORTING); output.cursor.y = arguments[0]; output.cursor.x = arguments[1]; return output; } } // namespace ftxui // Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in // the LICENSE file.