#include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" #include "ftxui/screen/string.hpp" #include "ftxui/screen/terminal.hpp" #if defined(_WIN32) #define DEFINE_CONSOLEV2_PROPERTIES #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #include #ifndef UNICODE #error Must be compiled in UNICODE mode #endif #else #include #include #endif // Quick exit is missing in standard CLang headers #if defined(__clang__) && defined(__APPLE__) #define quick_exit(a) exit(a) #endif namespace ftxui { namespace { // Produce a stream of Event from a stream of char. void CharToEventStream(Receiver receiver, Sender sender) { char c; while (receiver->Receive(&c)) Event::Convert(receiver, sender, c); } #if defined(_WIN32) void Win32EventListener(std::atomic* quit, Sender char_sender, Sender event_sender) { auto console = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); while (!*quit) { // Throttle ReadConsoleInput by waiting 250ms, this wait function will // return if there is input in the console. auto wait_result = WaitForSingleObject(console, 250); if (wait_result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) continue; DWORD number_of_events = 0; if (!GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(console, &number_of_events)) continue; if (number_of_events <= 0) continue; std::vector records{number_of_events}; DWORD number_of_events_read = 0; ReadConsoleInput(console, records.data(), (DWORD)(records.size() * sizeof(INPUT_RECORD)), &number_of_events_read); records.resize(number_of_events_read); for (const auto& r : records) { switch (r.EventType) { case KEY_EVENT: { auto key_event = r.Event.KeyEvent; // ignore UP key events if (key_event.bKeyDown == FALSE) continue; char_sender->Send((char)key_event.uChar.UnicodeChar); } break; case WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT: event_sender->Send(Event::Special({0})); break; case MENU_EVENT: case FOCUS_EVENT: case MOUSE_EVENT: // TODO(mauve): Implement later. break; } } } } #else int CheckStdinReady(int usec_timeout) { timeval tv = {0, usec_timeout}; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); select(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); return FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); } // Read char from the terminal. void UnixEventListener(std::atomic* quit, Sender sender) { const int buffer_size = 100; const int timeout_usec = 50000; while (!*quit) { if (!CheckStdinReady(timeout_usec)) continue; char buff[buffer_size]; int l = read(fileno(stdin), buff, buffer_size); for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) sender->Send(buff[i]); } } #endif static const char* HIDE_CURSOR = "\x1B[?25l"; static const char* SHOW_CURSOR = "\x1B[?25h"; static const char* DISABLE_LINE_WRAP = "\x1B[7l"; static const char* ENABLE_LINE_WRAP = "\x1B[7h"; static const char* USE_ALTERNATIVE_SCREEN = "\x1B[?1049h"; static const char* USE_NORMAL_SCREEN = "\x1B[?1049l"; using SignalHandler = void(int); std::stack> on_exit_functions; void OnExit(int signal) { while (!on_exit_functions.empty()) { on_exit_functions.top()(); on_exit_functions.pop(); } if (signal == SIGINT) std::exit(SIGINT); } auto install_signal_handler = [](int sig, SignalHandler handler) { auto old_signal_handler = std::signal(sig, handler); on_exit_functions.push([&]() { std::signal(sig, old_signal_handler); }); }; std::function on_resize = [] {}; void OnResize(int /* signal */) { on_resize(); } } // namespace ScreenInteractive::ScreenInteractive(int dimx, int dimy, Dimension dimension, bool use_alternative_screen) : Screen(dimx, dimy), dimension_(dimension), use_alternative_screen_(use_alternative_screen) { event_receiver_ = MakeReceiver(); event_sender_ = event_receiver_->MakeSender(); } ScreenInteractive::~ScreenInteractive() {} // static ScreenInteractive ScreenInteractive::FixedSize(int dimx, int dimy) { return ScreenInteractive(dimx, dimy, Dimension::Fixed, false); } // static ScreenInteractive ScreenInteractive::Fullscreen() { return ScreenInteractive(0, 0, Dimension::Fullscreen, true); } // static ScreenInteractive ScreenInteractive::TerminalOutput() { return ScreenInteractive(0, 0, Dimension::TerminalOutput, false); } // static ScreenInteractive ScreenInteractive::FitComponent() { return ScreenInteractive(0, 0, Dimension::FitComponent, false); } void ScreenInteractive::PostEvent(Event event) { if (!quit_) event_sender_->Send(event); } void ScreenInteractive::Loop(Component* component) { // Install a SIGINT handler and restore the old handler on exit. auto old_sigint_handler = std::signal(SIGINT, OnExit); on_exit_functions.push( [old_sigint_handler]() { std::signal(SIGINT, old_sigint_handler); }); // Save the old terminal configuration and restore it on exit. #if defined(_WIN32) // Enable VT processing on stdout and stdin auto stdout_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); auto stdin_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); DWORD out_mode = 0; DWORD in_mode = 0; GetConsoleMode(stdout_handle, &out_mode); GetConsoleMode(stdin_handle, &in_mode); on_exit_functions.push([=] { SetConsoleMode(stdout_handle, out_mode); }); on_exit_functions.push([=] { SetConsoleMode(stdin_handle, in_mode); }); // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/setconsolemode const int enable_virtual_terminal_processing = 0x0004; const int disable_newline_auto_return = 0x0008; out_mode |= enable_virtual_terminal_processing; out_mode |= disable_newline_auto_return; // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/setconsolemode const int enable_line_input = 0x0002; const int enable_echo_input = 0x0004; const int enable_virtual_terminal_input = 0x0200; const int enable_window_input = 0x0008; in_mode &= ~enable_echo_input; in_mode &= ~enable_line_input; in_mode |= enable_virtual_terminal_input; in_mode |= enable_window_input; SetConsoleMode(stdin_handle, in_mode); SetConsoleMode(stdout_handle, out_mode); #else struct termios terminal; tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &terminal); on_exit_functions.push([=] { tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &terminal); }); terminal.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; // Non canonique terminal. terminal.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; // Do not print after a key press. terminal.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; terminal.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; // auto oldf = fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_GETFL, 0); // fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_SETFL, oldf | O_NONBLOCK); // on_exit_functions.push([=] { fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_GETFL, oldf); }); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &terminal); // Handle resize. on_resize = [&] { event_sender_->Send(Event::Special({0})); }; install_signal_handler(SIGWINCH, OnResize); #endif // Hide the cursor and show it at exit. std::cout << HIDE_CURSOR; std::cout << DISABLE_LINE_WRAP; std::cout << std::flush; on_exit_functions.push([&] { std::cout << reset_cursor_position; std::cout << SHOW_CURSOR; std::cout << ENABLE_LINE_WRAP; std::cout << std::endl; }); // Produce a stream of Event from a stream of char. auto char_receiver = MakeReceiver(); auto char_sender = char_receiver->MakeSender(); auto event_sender_1 = event_receiver_->MakeSender(); auto char_to_event_stream = std::thread( CharToEventStream, std::move(char_receiver), std::move(event_sender_1)); // Depending on the OS, start a thread that will produce events and/or chars. #if defined(_WIN32) auto event_sender_2 = event_receiver_->MakeSender(); auto event_listener = std::thread(&Win32EventListener, &quit_, std::move(char_sender), std::move(event_sender_2)); #else auto event_listener = std::thread(&UnixEventListener, &quit_, std::move(char_sender)); #endif if (use_alternative_screen_) { std::cout << USE_ALTERNATIVE_SCREEN; on_exit_functions.push([] { std::cout << USE_NORMAL_SCREEN; }); } // The main loop. while (!quit_) { if (!event_receiver_->HasPending()) { std::cout << reset_cursor_position << ResetPosition(); Draw(component); std::cout << ToString() << set_cursor_position << std::flush; Clear(); } Event event; if (event_receiver_->Receive(&event)) component->OnEvent(event); } char_to_event_stream.join(); event_listener.join(); OnExit(0); } void ScreenInteractive::Draw(Component* component) { auto document = component->Render(); int dimx = 0; int dimy = 0; switch (dimension_) { case Dimension::Fixed: dimx = dimx_; dimy = dimy_; break; case Dimension::TerminalOutput: document->ComputeRequirement(); dimx = Terminal::Size().dimx; dimy = document->requirement().min_y; break; case Dimension::Fullscreen: dimx = Terminal::Size().dimx; dimy = Terminal::Size().dimy; break; case Dimension::FitComponent: auto terminal = Terminal::Size(); document->ComputeRequirement(); dimx = std::min(document->requirement().min_x, terminal.dimx); dimy = std::min(document->requirement().min_y, terminal.dimy); break; } // Resize the screen if needed. if (dimx != dimx_ || dimy != dimy_) { dimx_ = dimx; dimy_ = dimy; pixels_ = std::vector>(dimy, std::vector(dimx)); cursor_.x = dimx_ - 1; cursor_.y = dimy_ - 1; } Render(*this, document); // Set cursor position for user using tools to insert CJK characters. set_cursor_position = ""; reset_cursor_position = ""; int dx = dimx_ - 1 - cursor_.x; int dy = dimy_ - 1 - cursor_.y; if (dx != 0) { set_cursor_position += "\x1B[" + std::to_string(dx) + "D"; reset_cursor_position += "\x1B[" + std::to_string(dx) + "C"; } if (dy != 0) { set_cursor_position += "\x1B[" + std::to_string(dy) + "A"; reset_cursor_position += "\x1B[" + std::to_string(dy) + "B"; } } std::function ScreenInteractive::ExitLoopClosure() { return [this]() { quit_ = true; event_sender_.reset(); }; } } // namespace ftxui. // Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in // the LICENSE file.