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// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp"
#include "ftxui/screen/string.hpp"
#include "ftxui/screen/terminal.hpp"
#if defined(_WIN32)
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>
namespace ftxui {
namespace {
static const wchar_t* BOLD_SET = L"\x1B[1m";
static const wchar_t* BOLD_RESET = L"\x1B[22m"; // Can't use 21 here.
static const wchar_t* DIM_SET = L"\x1B[2m";
static const wchar_t* DIM_RESET = L"\x1B[22m";
static const wchar_t* UNDERLINED_SET = L"\x1B[4m";
static const wchar_t* UNDERLINED_RESET = L"\x1B[24m";
static const wchar_t* BLINK_SET = L"\x1B[5m";
static const wchar_t* BLINK_RESET = L"\x1B[25m";
static const wchar_t* INVERTED_SET = L"\x1B[7m";
static const wchar_t* INVERTED_RESET = L"\x1B[27m";
static const char* MOVE_LEFT = "\r";
static const char* MOVE_UP = "\x1B[1A";
static const char* CLEAR_LINE = "\x1B[2K";
bool In(const Box& stencil, int x, int y) {
return stencil.x_min <= x && x <= stencil.x_max && //
stencil.y_min <= y && y <= stencil.y_max;
Pixel dev_null_pixel;
#if defined(_WIN32)
void WindowsEmulateVT100Terminal() {
static bool done = false;
if (done)
done = true;
// Enable VT processing on stdout and stdin
auto stdout_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
DWORD out_mode = 0;
GetConsoleMode(stdout_handle, &out_mode);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/setconsolemode
const int enable_virtual_terminal_processing = 0x0004;
const int disable_newline_auto_return = 0x0008;
out_mode |= enable_virtual_terminal_processing;
out_mode |= disable_newline_auto_return;
SetConsoleMode(stdout_handle, out_mode);
} // namespace
/// A fixed dimension.
Dimension Dimension::Fixed(int v) {
return Dimension{v, v};
/// The minimal dimension that will fit the given element.
Dimension Dimension::Fit(Element& e) {
Terminal::Dimensions size = Terminal::Size();
return Dimension{std::min(e->requirement().min_x, size.dimx),
std::min(e->requirement().min_y, size.dimy)};
/// Use the terminal dimensions.
Dimension Dimension::Full() {
Terminal::Dimensions size = Terminal::Size();
return Dimension{size.dimx, size.dimy};
// static
/// Create a screen with the given dimension along the x-axis and y-axis.
Screen Screen::Create(Dimension width, Dimension height) {
return Screen(width.dimx, height.dimy);
// static
/// Create a screen with the given dimension.
Screen Screen::Create(Dimension dimension) {
return Screen(dimension.dimx, dimension.dimy);
Screen::Screen(int dimx, int dimy)
: stencil({0, dimx - 1, 0, dimy - 1}),
pixels_(dimy, std::vector<Pixel>(dimx)) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
// The placement of this call is a bit weird, however we can assume that
// anybody who instantiates a Screen object eventually wants to output
// something to the console.
// As we require UTF8 for all input/output operations we will just switch to
// UTF8 encoding here
void UpdatePixelStyle(std::wstringstream& ss, Pixel& previous, Pixel& next) {
if (next.bold != previous.bold)
ss << (next.bold ? BOLD_SET : BOLD_RESET);
if (next.dim != previous.dim)
ss << (next.dim ? DIM_SET : DIM_RESET);
if (next.underlined != previous.underlined)
ss << (next.underlined ? UNDERLINED_SET : UNDERLINED_RESET);
if (next.blink != previous.blink)
ss << (next.blink ? BLINK_SET : BLINK_RESET);
if (next.inverted != previous.inverted)
ss << (next.inverted ? INVERTED_SET : INVERTED_RESET);
if (next.foreground_color != previous.foreground_color ||
next.background_color != previous.background_color) {
ss << L"\x1B[" +
to_wstring(std::to_string((uint8_t)next.foreground_color)) + L"m";
ss << L"\x1B[" +
to_wstring(std::to_string(10 + (uint8_t)next.background_color)) +
previous = next;
/// Produce a std::string that can be used to print the Screen on the terminal.
std::string Screen::ToString() {
std::wstringstream ss;
Pixel previous_pixel;
for (int y = 0; y < dimy_; ++y) {
if (y != 0)
ss << '\n';
for (int x = 0; x < dimx_;) {
auto& pixel = pixels_[y][x];
wchar_t c = pixel.character;
UpdatePixelStyle(ss, previous_pixel, pixel);
ss << c;
x += wchar_width(c);
Pixel final_pixel;
UpdatePixelStyle(ss, previous_pixel, final_pixel);
return to_string(ss.str());
/// @brief Access a character a given position.
/// @param x The character position along the x-axis.
/// @param y The character position along the y-axis.
wchar_t& Screen::at(int x, int y) {
return PixelAt(x, y).character;
/// @brief Access a Pixel at a given position.
/// @param x The pixel position along the x-axis.
/// @param y The pixel position along the y-axis.
Pixel& Screen::PixelAt(int x, int y) {
return In(stencil, x, y) ? pixels_[y][x] : dev_null_pixel;
/// @brief Return a string to be printed in order to reset the cursor position
/// to the beginning of the screen.
/// ```cpp
/// std::string reset_position;
/// while(true) {
/// auto document = render();
/// auto screen = Screen::Create(Dimension::Full(), Dimension::Fit(document));
/// Render(screen, document);
/// std::cout << reset_position << screen.ToString() << std::flush;
/// reset_position = screen.ResetPosition();
/// using namespace std::chrono_literals;
/// std::this_thread::sleep_for(0.01s);
/// }
/// ```
/// @return The string to print in order to reset the cursor position to the
/// beginning.
std::string Screen::ResetPosition() {
std::stringstream ss;
for (int y = 1; y < dimy_; ++y) {
return ss.str();
/// @brief Clear all the pixel from the screen.
void Screen::Clear() {
pixels_ = std::vector<std::vector<Pixel>>(dimy_,
std::vector<Pixel>(dimx_, Pixel()));
cursor_.x = dimx_ - 1;
cursor_.y = dimy_ - 1;
// clang-format off
void Screen::ApplyShader() {
// Merge box characters togethers.
for (int y = 1; y < dimy_; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < dimx_; ++x) {
wchar_t& left = at(x - 1, y);
wchar_t& top = at(x, y - 1);
wchar_t& cur = at(x, y);
// Left vs current
if (cur == U'│' && left == U'─') cur = U'┤';
if (cur == U'─' && left == U'│') left = U'├';
if (cur == U'├' && left == U'─') cur = U'┼';
if (cur == U'─' && left == U'┤') left = U'┼';
// Top vs current
if (cur == U'─' && top == U'│') cur = U'┴';
if (cur == U'│' && top == U'─') top = U'┬';
if (cur == U'┬' && top == U'│') cur = U'┼';
if (cur == U'│' && top == U'┴') top = U'┼';
// clang-format on
} // namespace ftxui