diff --git a/example/AboutPage.qml b/example/AboutPage.qml
index ab55b286..fa3fe3bc 100644
--- a/example/AboutPage.qml
+++ b/example/AboutPage.qml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ FluWindow {
fontStyle: FluText.Title
- text:"v1.0.3"
+ text:"v1.0.4"
fontStyle: FluText.Body
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
diff --git a/example/MainPage.qml b/example/MainPage.qml
index 5f51a660..ededab23 100644
--- a/example/MainPage.qml
+++ b/example/MainPage.qml
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ FluWindow {
diff --git a/example/T_Awesome.qml b/example/T_Awesome.qml
index 0f5a94ce..13e26bf3 100644
--- a/example/T_Awesome.qml
+++ b/example/T_Awesome.qml
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ FluContentPage {
- cellWidth: 120
- cellHeight: 60
+ cellWidth: 80
+ cellHeight: 80
clip: true
ScrollBar.vertical: FluScrollBar {}
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ FluContentPage {
bottom: parent.bottom
delegate: Item {
- width: 120
- height: 60
+ width: 68
+ height: 80
@@ -57,10 +57,14 @@ FluContentPage {
FluText {
- font.pixelSize: 10;
+ font.pixelSize: 10
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.top: item_icon.bottom
+ width:parent.width
+ wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
text: modelData.name
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
diff --git a/example/T_Buttons.qml b/example/T_Buttons.qml
index b6d11cb9..6c6d96fe 100644
--- a/example/T_Buttons.qml
+++ b/example/T_Buttons.qml
@@ -81,8 +81,9 @@ FluScrollablePage{
paddings: 10
- icon:FluentIcons.FA_close
+ icon:FluentIcons.ChromeCloseContrast
+ iconSize: 15
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
left: parent.left
diff --git a/example/T_Theme.qml b/example/T_Theme.qml
index 2c2a9b29..ce022a2e 100644
--- a/example/T_Theme.qml
+++ b/example/T_Theme.qml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ FluScrollablePage{
color: mouse_item.containsMouse ? Qt.lighter(modelData.normal,1.1) : modelData.normal
FluIcon {
anchors.centerIn: parent
- icon: FluentIcons.FA_check
+ icon: FluentIcons.AcceptMedium
iconSize: 15
visible: modelData === FluTheme.primaryColor
color: FluTheme.isDark ? Qt.rgba(0,0,0,1) : Qt.rgba(1,1,1,1)
diff --git a/src/Def.h b/src/Def.h
index f583997c..e5d9e96a 100644
--- a/src/Def.h
+++ b/src/Def.h
@@ -5,792 +5,1410 @@
namespace Fluent_Awesome {
-enum class Fluent_AwesomeType{
- FA_glass = 0xf000,
- FA_music = 0xf001,
- FA_search = 0xf002,
- FA_envelope_o = 0xf003,
- FA_heart = 0xf004,
- FA_star = 0xf005,
- FA_star_o = 0xf006,
- FA_user = 0xf007,
- FA_film = 0xf008,
- FA_th_large = 0xf009,
- FA_th = 0xf00a,
- FA_th_list = 0xf00b,
- FA_check = 0xf00c,
- FA_remove = 0xf00d,
- FA_close = 0xf00d,
- FA_times = 0xf00d,
- FA_search_plus = 0xf00e,
- FA_search_minus = 0xf010,
- FA_power_off = 0xf011,
- FA_signal = 0xf012,
- FA_gear = 0xf013,
- FA_cog = 0xf013,
- FA_trash_o = 0xf014,
- FA_home = 0xf015,
- FA_file_o = 0xf016,
- FA_clock_o = 0xf017,
- FA_road = 0xf018,
- FA_download = 0xf019,
- FA_arrow_circle_o_down = 0xf01a,
- FA_arrow_circle_o_up = 0xf01b,
- FA_inbox = 0xf01c,
- FA_play_circle_o = 0xf01d,
- FA_rotate_right = 0xf01e,
- FA_repeat = 0xf01e,
- FA_refresh = 0xf021,
- FA_list_alt = 0xf022,
- FA_lock = 0xf023,
- FA_flag = 0xf024,
- FA_headphones = 0xf025,
- FA_volume_off = 0xf026,
- FA_volume_down = 0xf027,
- FA_volume_up = 0xf028,
- FA_qrcode = 0xf029,
- FA_barcode = 0xf02a,
- FA_tag = 0xf02b,
- FA_tags = 0xf02c,
- FA_book = 0xf02d,
- FA_bookmark = 0xf02e,
- FA_print = 0xf02f,
- FA_camera = 0xf030,
- FA_font = 0xf031,
- FA_bold = 0xf032,
- FA_italic = 0xf033,
- FA_text_height = 0xf034,
- FA_text_width = 0xf035,
- FA_align_left = 0xf036,
- FA_align_center = 0xf037,
- FA_align_right = 0xf038,
- FA_align_justify = 0xf039,
- FA_list = 0xf03a,
- FA_dedent = 0xf03b,
- FA_outdent = 0xf03b,
- FA_indent = 0xf03c,
- FA_video_camera = 0xf03d,
- FA_photo = 0xf03e,
- FA_image = 0xf03e,
- FA_picture_o = 0xf03e,
- FA_pencil = 0xf040,
- FA_map_marker = 0xf041,
- FA_adjust = 0xf042,
- FA_tint = 0xf043,
- FA_edit = 0xf044,
- FA_pencil_square_o = 0xf044,
- FA_share_square_o = 0xf045,
- FA_check_square_o = 0xf046,
- FA_arrows = 0xf047,
- FA_step_backward = 0xf048,
- FA_fast_backward = 0xf049,
- FA_backward = 0xf04a,
- FA_play = 0xf04b,
- FA_pause = 0xf04c,
- FA_stop = 0xf04d,
- FA_forward = 0xf04e,
- FA_fast_forward = 0xf050,
- FA_step_forward = 0xf051,
- FA_eject = 0xf052,
- FA_chevron_left = 0xf053,
- FA_chevron_right = 0xf054,
- FA_plus_circle = 0xf055,
- FA_minus_circle = 0xf056,
- FA_times_circle = 0xf057,
- FA_check_circle = 0xf058,
- FA_question_circle = 0xf059,
- FA_info_circle = 0xf05a,
- FA_crosshairs = 0xf05b,
- FA_times_circle_o = 0xf05c,
- FA_check_circle_o = 0xf05d,
- FA_ban = 0xf05e,
- FA_arrow_left = 0xf060,
- FA_arrow_right = 0xf061,
- FA_arrow_up = 0xf062,
- FA_arrow_down = 0xf063,
- FA_mail_forward = 0xf064,
- FA_share = 0xf064,
- FA_expand = 0xf065,
- FA_compress = 0xf066,
- FA_plus = 0xf067,
- FA_minus = 0xf068,
- FA_asterisk = 0xf069,
- FA_exclamation_circle = 0xf06a,
- FA_gift = 0xf06b,
- FA_leaf = 0xf06c,
- FA_fire = 0xf06d,
- FA_eye = 0xf06e,
- FA_eye_slash = 0xf070,
- FA_warning = 0xf071,
- FA_exclamation_triangle = 0xf071,
- FA_plane = 0xf072,
- FA_calendar = 0xf073,
- FA_random = 0xf074,
- FA_comment = 0xf075,
- FA_magnet = 0xf076,
- FA_chevron_up = 0xf077,
- FA_chevron_down = 0xf078,
- FA_retweet = 0xf079,
- FA_shopping_cart = 0xf07a,
- FA_folder = 0xf07b,
- FA_folder_open = 0xf07c,
- FA_arrows_v = 0xf07d,
- FA_arrows_h = 0xf07e,
- FA_bar_chart_o = 0xf080,
- FA_bar_chart = 0xf080,
- FA_twitter_square = 0xf081,
- FA_facebook_square = 0xf082,
- FA_camera_retro = 0xf083,
- FA_key = 0xf084,
- FA_gears = 0xf085,
- FA_cogs = 0xf085,
- FA_comments = 0xf086,
- FA_thumbs_o_up = 0xf087,
- FA_thumbs_o_down = 0xf088,
- FA_star_half = 0xf089,
- FA_heart_o = 0xf08a,
- FA_sign_out = 0xf08b,
- FA_linkedin_square = 0xf08c,
- FA_thumb_tack = 0xf08d,
- FA_external_link = 0xf08e,
- FA_sign_in = 0xf090,
- FA_trophy = 0xf091,
- FA_github_square = 0xf092,
- FA_upload = 0xf093,
- FA_lemon_o = 0xf094,
- FA_phone = 0xf095,
- FA_square_o = 0xf096,
- FA_bookmark_o = 0xf097,
- FA_phone_square = 0xf098,
- FA_twitter = 0xf099,
- FA_facebook_f = 0xf09a,
- FA_facebook = 0xf09a,
- FA_github = 0xf09b,
- FA_unlock = 0xf09c,
- FA_credit_card = 0xf09d,
- FA_feed = 0xf09e,
- FA_rss = 0xf09e,
- FA_hdd_o = 0xf0a0,
- FA_bullhorn = 0xf0a1,
- FA_bell = 0xf0f3,
- FA_certificate = 0xf0a3,
- FA_hand_o_right = 0xf0a4,
- FA_hand_o_left = 0xf0a5,
- FA_hand_o_up = 0xf0a6,
- FA_hand_o_down = 0xf0a7,
- FA_arrow_circle_left = 0xf0a8,
- FA_arrow_circle_right = 0xf0a9,
- FA_arrow_circle_up = 0xf0aa,
- FA_arrow_circle_down = 0xf0ab,
- FA_globe = 0xf0ac,
- FA_wrench = 0xf0ad,
- FA_tasks = 0xf0ae,
- FA_filter = 0xf0b0,
- FA_briefcase = 0xf0b1,
- FA_arrows_alt = 0xf0b2,
- FA_group = 0xf0c0,
- FA_users = 0xf0c0,
- FA_chain = 0xf0c1,
- FA_link = 0xf0c1,
- FA_cloud = 0xf0c2,
- FA_flask = 0xf0c3,
- FA_cut = 0xf0c4,
- FA_scissors = 0xf0c4,
- FA_copy = 0xf0c5,
- FA_files_o = 0xf0c5,
- FA_paperclip = 0xf0c6,
- FA_save = 0xf0c7,
- FA_floppy_o = 0xf0c7,
- FA_square = 0xf0c8,
- FA_navicon = 0xf0c9,
- FA_reorder = 0xf0c9,
- FA_bars = 0xf0c9,
- FA_list_ul = 0xf0ca,
- FA_list_ol = 0xf0cb,
- FA_strikethrough = 0xf0cc,
- FA_underline = 0xf0cd,
- FA_table = 0xf0ce,
- FA_magic = 0xf0d0,
- FA_truck = 0xf0d1,
- FA_pinterest = 0xf0d2,
- FA_pinterest_square = 0xf0d3,
- FA_google_plus_square = 0xf0d4,
- FA_google_plus = 0xf0d5,
- FA_money = 0xf0d6,
- FA_caret_down = 0xf0d7,
- FA_caret_up = 0xf0d8,
- FA_caret_left = 0xf0d9,
- FA_caret_right = 0xf0da,
- FA_columns = 0xf0db,
- FA_unsorted = 0xf0dc,
- FA_sort = 0xf0dc,
- FA_sort_down = 0xf0dd,
- FA_sort_desc = 0xf0dd,
- FA_sort_up = 0xf0de,
- FA_sort_asc = 0xf0de,
- FA_envelope = 0xf0e0,
- FA_linkedin = 0xf0e1,
- FA_rotate_left = 0xf0e2,
- FA_undo = 0xf0e2,
- FA_legal = 0xf0e3,
- FA_gavel = 0xf0e3,
- FA_dashboard = 0xf0e4,
- FA_tachometer = 0xf0e4,
- FA_comment_o = 0xf0e5,
- FA_comments_o = 0xf0e6,
- FA_flash = 0xf0e7,
- FA_bolt = 0xf0e7,
- FA_sitemap = 0xf0e8,
- FA_umbrella = 0xf0e9,
- FA_paste = 0xf0ea,
- FA_clipboard = 0xf0ea,
- FA_lightbulb_o = 0xf0eb,
- FA_exchange = 0xf0ec,
- FA_cloud_download = 0xf0ed,
- FA_cloud_upload = 0xf0ee,
- FA_user_md = 0xf0f0,
- FA_stethoscope = 0xf0f1,
- FA_suitcase = 0xf0f2,
- FA_bell_o = 0xf0a2,
- FA_coffee = 0xf0f4,
- FA_cutlery = 0xf0f5,
- FA_file_text_o = 0xf0f6,
- FA_building_o = 0xf0f7,
- FA_hospital_o = 0xf0f8,
- FA_ambulance = 0xf0f9,
- FA_medkit = 0xf0fa,
- FA_fighter_jet = 0xf0fb,
- FA_beer = 0xf0fc,
- FA_h_square = 0xf0fd,
- FA_plus_square = 0xf0fe,
- FA_angle_double_left = 0xf100,
- FA_angle_double_right = 0xf101,
- FA_angle_double_up = 0xf102,
- FA_angle_double_down = 0xf103,
- FA_angle_left = 0xf104,
- FA_angle_right = 0xf105,
- FA_angle_up = 0xf106,
- FA_angle_down = 0xf107,
- FA_desktop = 0xf108,
- FA_laptop = 0xf109,
- FA_tablet = 0xf10a,
- FA_mobile_phone = 0xf10b,
- FA_mobile = 0xf10b,
- FA_circle_o = 0xf10c,
- FA_quote_left = 0xf10d,
- FA_quote_right = 0xf10e,
- FA_spinner = 0xf110,
- FA_circle = 0xf111,
- FA_mail_reply = 0xf112,
- FA_reply = 0xf112,
- FA_github_alt = 0xf113,
- FA_folder_o = 0xf114,
- FA_folder_open_o = 0xf115,
- FA_smile_o = 0xf118,
- FA_frown_o = 0xf119,
- FA_meh_o = 0xf11a,
- FA_gamepad = 0xf11b,
- FA_keyboard_o = 0xf11c,
- FA_flag_o = 0xf11d,
- FA_flag_checkered = 0xf11e,
- FA_terminal = 0xf120,
- FA_code = 0xf121,
- FA_mail_reply_all = 0xf122,
- FA_reply_all = 0xf122,
- FA_star_half_empty = 0xf123,
- FA_star_half_full = 0xf123,
- FA_star_half_o = 0xf123,
- FA_location_arrow = 0xf124,
- FA_crop = 0xf125,
- FA_code_fork = 0xf126,
- FA_unlink = 0xf127,
- FA_chain_broken = 0xf127,
- FA_question = 0xf128,
- FA_info = 0xf129,
- FA_exclamation = 0xf12a,
- FA_superscript = 0xf12b,
- FA_subscript = 0xf12c,
- FA_eraser = 0xf12d,
- FA_puzzle_piece = 0xf12e,
- FA_microphone = 0xf130,
- FA_microphone_slash = 0xf131,
- FA_shield = 0xf132,
- FA_calendar_o = 0xf133,
- FA_fire_extinguisher = 0xf134,
- FA_rocket = 0xf135,
- FA_maxcdn = 0xf136,
- FA_chevron_circle_left = 0xf137,
- FA_chevron_circle_right = 0xf138,
- FA_chevron_circle_up = 0xf139,
- FA_chevron_circle_down = 0xf13a,
- FA_html5 = 0xf13b,
- FA_css3 = 0xf13c,
- FA_anchor = 0xf13d,
- FA_unlock_alt = 0xf13e,
- FA_bullseye = 0xf140,
- FA_ellipsis_h = 0xf141,
- FA_ellipsis_v = 0xf142,
- FA_rss_square = 0xf143,
- FA_play_circle = 0xf144,
- FA_ticket = 0xf145,
- FA_minus_square = 0xf146,
- FA_minus_square_o = 0xf147,
- FA_level_up = 0xf148,
- FA_level_down = 0xf149,
- FA_check_square = 0xf14a,
- FA_pencil_square = 0xf14b,
- FA_external_link_square = 0xf14c,
- FA_share_square = 0xf14d,
- FA_compass = 0xf14e,
- FA_toggle_down = 0xf150,
- FA_caret_square_o_down = 0xf150,
- FA_toggle_up = 0xf151,
- FA_caret_square_o_up = 0xf151,
- FA_toggle_right = 0xf152,
- FA_caret_square_o_right = 0xf152,
- FA_euro = 0xf153,
- FA_eur = 0xf153,
- FA_gbp = 0xf154,
- FA_dollar = 0xf155,
- FA_usd = 0xf155,
- FA_rupee = 0xf156,
- FA_inr = 0xf156,
- FA_cny = 0xf157,
- FA_rmb = 0xf157,
- FA_yen = 0xf157,
- FA_jpy = 0xf157,
- FA_ruble = 0xf158,
- FA_rouble = 0xf158,
- FA_rub = 0xf158,
- FA_won = 0xf159,
- FA_krw = 0xf159,
- FA_bitcoin = 0xf15a,
- FA_btc = 0xf15a,
- FA_file = 0xf15b,
- FA_file_text = 0xf15c,
- FA_sort_alpha_asc = 0xf15d,
- FA_sort_alpha_desc = 0xf15e,
- FA_sort_amount_asc = 0xf160,
- FA_sort_amount_desc = 0xf161,
- FA_sort_numeric_asc = 0xf162,
- FA_sort_numeric_desc = 0xf163,
- FA_thumbs_up = 0xf164,
- FA_thumbs_down = 0xf165,
- FA_youtube_square = 0xf166,
- FA_youtube = 0xf167,
- FA_xing = 0xf168,
- FA_xing_square = 0xf169,
- FA_youtube_play = 0xf16a,
- FA_dropbox = 0xf16b,
- FA_stack_overflow = 0xf16c,
- FA_instagram = 0xf16d,
- FA_flickr = 0xf16e,
- FA_adn = 0xf170,
- FA_bitbucket = 0xf171,
- FA_bitbucket_square = 0xf172,
- FA_tumblr = 0xf173,
- FA_tumblr_square = 0xf174,
- FA_long_arrow_down = 0xf175,
- FA_long_arrow_up = 0xf176,
- FA_long_arrow_left = 0xf177,
- FA_long_arrow_right = 0xf178,
- FA_apple = 0xf179,
- FA_windows = 0xf17a,
- FA_android = 0xf17b,
- FA_linux = 0xf17c,
- FA_dribbble = 0xf17d,
- FA_skype = 0xf17e,
- FA_foursquare = 0xf180,
- FA_trello = 0xf181,
- FA_female = 0xf182,
- FA_male = 0xf183,
- FA_gittip = 0xf184,
- FA_gratipay = 0xf184,
- FA_sun_o = 0xf185,
- FA_moon_o = 0xf186,
- FA_archive = 0xf187,
- FA_bug = 0xf188,
- FA_vk = 0xf189,
- FA_weibo = 0xf18a,
- FA_renren = 0xf18b,
- FA_pagelines = 0xf18c,
- FA_stack_exchange = 0xf18d,
- FA_arrow_circle_o_right = 0xf18e,
- FA_arrow_circle_o_left = 0xf190,
- FA_toggle_left = 0xf191,
- FA_caret_square_o_left = 0xf191,
- FA_dot_circle_o = 0xf192,
- FA_wheelchair = 0xf193,
- FA_vimeo_square = 0xf194,
- FA_turkish_lira = 0xf195,
- FA_try = 0xf195,
- FA_plus_square_o = 0xf196,
- FA_space_shuttle = 0xf197,
- FA_slack = 0xf198,
- FA_envelope_square = 0xf199,
- FA_wordpress = 0xf19a,
- FA_openid = 0xf19b,
- FA_institution = 0xf19c,
- FA_bank = 0xf19c,
- FA_university = 0xf19c,
- FA_mortar_board = 0xf19d,
- FA_graduation_cap = 0xf19d,
- FA_yahoo = 0xf19e,
- FA_google = 0xf1a0,
- FA_reddit = 0xf1a1,
- FA_reddit_square = 0xf1a2,
- FA_stumbleupon_circle = 0xf1a3,
- FA_stumbleupon = 0xf1a4,
- FA_delicious = 0xf1a5,
- FA_digg = 0xf1a6,
- FA_pied_piper_pp = 0xf1a7,
- FA_pied_piper_alt = 0xf1a8,
- FA_drupal = 0xf1a9,
- FA_joomla = 0xf1aa,
- FA_language = 0xf1ab,
- FA_fax = 0xf1ac,
- FA_building = 0xf1ad,
- FA_child = 0xf1ae,
- FA_paw = 0xf1b0,
- FA_spoon = 0xf1b1,
- FA_cube = 0xf1b2,
- FA_cubes = 0xf1b3,
- FA_behance = 0xf1b4,
- FA_behance_square = 0xf1b5,
- FA_steam = 0xf1b6,
- FA_steam_square = 0xf1b7,
- FA_recycle = 0xf1b8,
- FA_automobile = 0xf1b9,
- FA_car = 0xf1b9,
- FA_cab = 0xf1ba,
- FA_taxi = 0xf1ba,
- FA_tree = 0xf1bb,
- FA_spotify = 0xf1bc,
- FA_deviantart = 0xf1bd,
- FA_soundcloud = 0xf1be,
- FA_database = 0xf1c0,
- FA_file_pdf_o = 0xf1c1,
- FA_file_word_o = 0xf1c2,
- FA_file_excel_o = 0xf1c3,
- FA_file_powerpoint_o = 0xf1c4,
- FA_file_photo_o = 0xf1c5,
- FA_file_picture_o = 0xf1c5,
- FA_file_image_o = 0xf1c5,
- FA_file_zip_o = 0xf1c6,
- FA_file_archive_o = 0xf1c6,
- FA_file_sound_o = 0xf1c7,
- FA_file_audio_o = 0xf1c7,
- FA_file_movie_o = 0xf1c8,
- FA_file_video_o = 0xf1c8,
- FA_file_code_o = 0xf1c9,
- FA_vine = 0xf1ca,
- FA_codepen = 0xf1cb,
- FA_jsfiddle = 0xf1cc,
- FA_life_bouy = 0xf1cd,
- FA_life_buoy = 0xf1cd,
- FA_life_saver = 0xf1cd,
- FA_support = 0xf1cd,
- FA_life_ring = 0xf1cd,
- FA_circle_o_notch = 0xf1ce,
- FA_ra = 0xf1d0,
- FA_resistance = 0xf1d0,
- FA_rebel = 0xf1d0,
- FA_ge = 0xf1d1,
- FA_empire = 0xf1d1,
- FA_git_square = 0xf1d2,
- FA_git = 0xf1d3,
- FA_y_combinator_square = 0xf1d4,
- FA_yc_square = 0xf1d4,
- FA_hacker_news = 0xf1d4,
- FA_tencent_weibo = 0xf1d5,
- FA_qq = 0xf1d6,
- FA_wechat = 0xf1d7,
- FA_weixin = 0xf1d7,
- FA_send = 0xf1d8,
- FA_paper_plane = 0xf1d8,
- FA_send_o = 0xf1d9,
- FA_paper_plane_o = 0xf1d9,
- FA_history = 0xf1da,
- FA_circle_thin = 0xf1db,
- FA_header = 0xf1dc,
- FA_paragraph = 0xf1dd,
- FA_sliders = 0xf1de,
- FA_share_alt = 0xf1e0,
- FA_share_alt_square = 0xf1e1,
- FA_bomb = 0xf1e2,
- FA_soccer_ball_o = 0xf1e3,
- FA_futbol_o = 0xf1e3,
- FA_tty = 0xf1e4,
- FA_binoculars = 0xf1e5,
- FA_plug = 0xf1e6,
- FA_slideshare = 0xf1e7,
- FA_twitch = 0xf1e8,
- FA_yelp = 0xf1e9,
- FA_newspaper_o = 0xf1ea,
- FA_wifi = 0xf1eb,
- FA_calculator = 0xf1ec,
- FA_paypal = 0xf1ed,
- FA_google_wallet = 0xf1ee,
- FA_cc_visa = 0xf1f0,
- FA_cc_mastercard = 0xf1f1,
- FA_cc_discover = 0xf1f2,
- FA_cc_amex = 0xf1f3,
- FA_cc_paypal = 0xf1f4,
- FA_cc_stripe = 0xf1f5,
- FA_bell_slash = 0xf1f6,
- FA_bell_slash_o = 0xf1f7,
- FA_trash = 0xf1f8,
- FA_copyright = 0xf1f9,
- FA_at = 0xf1fa,
- FA_eyedropper = 0xf1fb,
- FA_paint_brush = 0xf1fc,
- FA_birthday_cake = 0xf1fd,
- FA_area_chart = 0xf1fe,
- FA_pie_chart = 0xf200,
- FA_line_chart = 0xf201,
- FA_lastfm = 0xf202,
- FA_lastfm_square = 0xf203,
- FA_toggle_off = 0xf204,
- FA_toggle_on = 0xf205,
- FA_bicycle = 0xf206,
- FA_bus = 0xf207,
- FA_ioxhost = 0xf208,
- FA_angellist = 0xf209,
- FA_cc = 0xf20a,
- FA_shekel = 0xf20b,
- FA_sheqel = 0xf20b,
- FA_ils = 0xf20b,
- FA_meanpath = 0xf20c,
- FA_buysellads = 0xf20d,
- FA_connectdevelop = 0xf20e,
- FA_dashcube = 0xf210,
- FA_forumbee = 0xf211,
- FA_leanpub = 0xf212,
- FA_sellsy = 0xf213,
- FA_shirtsinbulk = 0xf214,
- FA_simplybuilt = 0xf215,
- FA_skyatlas = 0xf216,
- FA_cart_plus = 0xf217,
- FA_cart_arrow_down = 0xf218,
- FA_diamond = 0xf219,
- FA_ship = 0xf21a,
- FA_user_secret = 0xf21b,
- FA_motorcycle = 0xf21c,
- FA_street_view = 0xf21d,
- FA_heartbeat = 0xf21e,
- FA_venus = 0xf221,
- FA_mars = 0xf222,
- FA_mercury = 0xf223,
- FA_intersex = 0xf224,
- FA_transgender = 0xf224,
- FA_transgender_alt = 0xf225,
- FA_venus_double = 0xf226,
- FA_mars_double = 0xf227,
- FA_venus_mars = 0xf228,
- FA_mars_stroke = 0xf229,
- FA_mars_stroke_v = 0xf22a,
- FA_mars_stroke_h = 0xf22b,
- FA_neuter = 0xf22c,
- FA_genderless = 0xf22d,
- FA_facebook_official = 0xf230,
- FA_pinterest_p = 0xf231,
- FA_whatsapp = 0xf232,
- FA_server = 0xf233,
- FA_user_plus = 0xf234,
- FA_user_times = 0xf235,
- FA_hotel = 0xf236,
- FA_bed = 0xf236,
- FA_viacoin = 0xf237,
- FA_train = 0xf238,
- FA_subway = 0xf239,
- FA_medium = 0xf23a,
- FA_yc = 0xf23b,
- FA_y_combinator = 0xf23b,
- FA_optin_monster = 0xf23c,
- FA_opencart = 0xf23d,
- FA_expeditedssl = 0xf23e,
- FA_battery_4 = 0xf240,
- FA_battery = 0xf240,
- FA_battery_full = 0xf240,
- FA_battery_3 = 0xf241,
- FA_battery_three_quarters = 0xf241,
- FA_battery_2 = 0xf242,
- FA_battery_half = 0xf242,
- FA_battery_1 = 0xf243,
- FA_battery_quarter = 0xf243,
- FA_battery_0 = 0xf244,
- FA_battery_empty = 0xf244,
- FA_mouse_pointer = 0xf245,
- FA_i_cursor = 0xf246,
- FA_object_group = 0xf247,
- FA_object_ungroup = 0xf248,
- FA_sticky_note = 0xf249,
- FA_sticky_note_o = 0xf24a,
- FA_cc_jcb = 0xf24b,
- FA_cc_diners_club = 0xf24c,
- FA_clone = 0xf24d,
- FA_balance_scale = 0xf24e,
- FA_hourglass_o = 0xf250,
- FA_hourglass_1 = 0xf251,
- FA_hourglass_start = 0xf251,
- FA_hourglass_2 = 0xf252,
- FA_hourglass_half = 0xf252,
- FA_hourglass_3 = 0xf253,
- FA_hourglass_end = 0xf253,
- FA_hourglass = 0xf254,
- FA_hand_grab_o = 0xf255,
- FA_hand_rock_o = 0xf255,
- FA_hand_stop_o = 0xf256,
- FA_hand_paper_o = 0xf256,
- FA_hand_scissors_o = 0xf257,
- FA_hand_lizard_o = 0xf258,
- FA_hand_spock_o = 0xf259,
- FA_hand_pointer_o = 0xf25a,
- FA_hand_peace_o = 0xf25b,
- FA_trademark = 0xf25c,
- FA_registered = 0xf25d,
- FA_creative_commons = 0xf25e,
- FA_gg = 0xf260,
- FA_gg_circle = 0xf261,
- FA_tripadvisor = 0xf262,
- FA_odnoklassniki = 0xf263,
- FA_odnoklassniki_square = 0xf264,
- FA_get_pocket = 0xf265,
- FA_wikipedia_w = 0xf266,
- FA_safari = 0xf267,
- FA_chrome = 0xf268,
- FA_firefox = 0xf269,
- FA_opera = 0xf26a,
- FA_internet_explorer = 0xf26b,
- FA_tv = 0xf26c,
- FA_television = 0xf26c,
- FA_contao = 0xf26d,
- FA_amazon = 0xf270,
- FA_calendar_plus_o = 0xf271,
- FA_calendar_minus_o = 0xf272,
- FA_calendar_times_o = 0xf273,
- FA_calendar_check_o = 0xf274,
- FA_industry = 0xf275,
- FA_map_pin = 0xf276,
- FA_map_signs = 0xf277,
- FA_map_o = 0xf278,
- FA_map = 0xf279,
- FA_commenting = 0xf27a,
- FA_commenting_o = 0xf27b,
- FA_houzz = 0xf27c,
- FA_vimeo = 0xf27d,
- FA_black_tie = 0xf27e,
- FA_fonticons = 0xf280,
- FA_reddit_alien = 0xf281,
- FA_edge = 0xf282,
- FA_credit_card_alt = 0xf283,
- FA_codiepie = 0xf284,
- FA_modx = 0xf285,
- FA_fort_awesome = 0xf286,
- FA_usb = 0xf287,
- FA_product_hunt = 0xf288,
- FA_mixcloud = 0xf289,
- FA_scribd = 0xf28a,
- FA_pause_circle = 0xf28b,
- FA_pause_circle_o = 0xf28c,
- FA_stop_circle = 0xf28d,
- FA_stop_circle_o = 0xf28e,
- FA_shopping_bag = 0xf290,
- FA_shopping_basket = 0xf291,
- FA_hashtag = 0xf292,
- FA_bluetooth = 0xf293,
- FA_bluetooth_b = 0xf294,
- FA_percent = 0xf295,
- FA_gitlab = 0xf296,
- FA_wpbeginner = 0xf297,
- FA_wpforms = 0xf298,
- FA_envira = 0xf299,
- FA_universal_access = 0xf29a,
- FA_wheelchair_alt = 0xf29b,
- FA_question_circle_o = 0xf29c,
- FA_blind = 0xf29d,
- FA_audio_description = 0xf29e,
- FA_volume_control_phone = 0xf2a0,
- FA_braille = 0xf2a1,
- FA_assistive_listening_systems = 0xf2a2,
- FA_asl_interpreting = 0xf2a3,
- FA_american_sign_language_interpreting = 0xf2a3,
- FA_deafness = 0xf2a4,
- FA_hard_of_hearing = 0xf2a4,
- FA_deaf = 0xf2a4,
- FA_glide = 0xf2a5,
- FA_glide_g = 0xf2a6,
- FA_signing = 0xf2a7,
- FA_sign_language = 0xf2a7,
- FA_low_vision = 0xf2a8,
- FA_viadeo = 0xf2a9,
- FA_viadeo_square = 0xf2aa,
- FA_snapchat = 0xf2ab,
- FA_snapchat_ghost = 0xf2ac,
- FA_snapchat_square = 0xf2ad,
- FA_pied_piper = 0xf2ae,
- FA_first_order = 0xf2b0,
- FA_yoast = 0xf2b1,
- FA_themeisle = 0xf2b2,
- FA_google_plus_circle = 0xf2b3,
- FA_google_plus_official = 0xf2b3,
- FA_fa = 0xf2b4,
- FA_font_awesome = 0xf2b4,
- FA_handshake_o = 0xf2b5,
- FA_envelope_open = 0xf2b6,
- FA_envelope_open_o = 0xf2b7,
- FA_linode = 0xf2b8,
- FA_address_book = 0xf2b9,
- FA_address_book_o = 0xf2ba,
- FA_vcard = 0xf2bb,
- FA_address_card = 0xf2bb,
- FA_vcard_o = 0xf2bc,
- FA_address_card_o = 0xf2bc,
- FA_user_circle = 0xf2bd,
- FA_user_circle_o = 0xf2be,
- FA_user_o = 0xf2c0,
- FA_id_badge = 0xf2c1,
- FA_drivers_license = 0xf2c2,
- FA_id_card = 0xf2c2,
- FA_drivers_license_o = 0xf2c3,
- FA_id_card_o = 0xf2c3,
- FA_quora = 0xf2c4,
- FA_free_code_camp = 0xf2c5,
- FA_telegram = 0xf2c6,
- FA_thermometer_4 = 0xf2c7,
- FA_thermometer = 0xf2c7,
- FA_thermometer_full = 0xf2c7,
- FA_thermometer_3 = 0xf2c8,
- FA_thermometer_three_quarters = 0xf2c8,
- FA_thermometer_2 = 0xf2c9,
- FA_thermometer_half = 0xf2c9,
- FA_thermometer_1 = 0xf2ca,
- FA_thermometer_quarter = 0xf2ca,
- FA_thermometer_0 = 0xf2cb,
- FA_thermometer_empty = 0xf2cb,
- FA_shower = 0xf2cc,
- FA_bathtub = 0xf2cd,
- FA_s15 = 0xf2cd,
- FA_bath = 0xf2cd,
- FA_podcast = 0xf2ce,
- FA_window_maximize = 0xf2d0,
- FA_window_minimize = 0xf2d1,
- FA_window_restore = 0xf2d2,
- FA_times_rectangle = 0xf2d3,
- FA_window_close = 0xf2d3,
- FA_times_rectangle_o = 0xf2d4,
- FA_window_close_o = 0xf2d4,
- FA_bandcamp = 0xf2d5,
- FA_grav = 0xf2d6,
- FA_etsy = 0xf2d7,
- FA_imdb = 0xf2d8,
- FA_ravelry = 0xf2d9,
- FA_eercast = 0xf2da,
- FA_microchip = 0xf2db,
- FA_snowflake_o = 0xf2dc,
- FA_superpowers = 0xf2dd,
- FA_wpexplorer = 0xf2de,
- FA_meetup = 0xf2e0
+enum class Fluent_AwesomeType {
+ GlobalNavButton=0xe700,
+ Wifi=0xe701,
+ Bluetooth=0xe702,
+ Connect=0xe703,
+ InternetSharing=0xe704,
+ VPN=0xe705,
+ Brightness=0xe706,
+ MapPin=0xe707,
+ QuietHours=0xe708,
+ Airplane=0xe709,
+ Tablet=0xe70a,
+ QuickNote=0xe70b,
+ RememberedDevice=0xe70c,
+ ChevronDown=0xe70d,
+ ChevronUp=0xe70e,
+ Edit=0xe70f,
+ Add=0xe710,
+ Cancel=0xe711,
+ More=0xe712,
+ Settings=0xe713,
+ Video=0xe714,
+ Mail=0xe715,
+ People=0xe716,
+ Phone=0xe717,
+ Pin=0xe718,
+ Shop=0xe719,
+ Stop=0xe71a,
+ Link=0xe71b,
+ Filter=0xe71c,
+ AllApps=0xe71d,
+ Zoom=0xe71e,
+ ZoomOut=0xe71f,
+ Microphone=0xe720,
+ Search=0xe721,
+ Camera=0xe722,
+ Attach=0xe723,
+ Send=0xe724,
+ SendFill=0xe725,
+ WalkSolid=0xe726,
+ InPrivate=0xe727,
+ FavoriteList=0xe728,
+ PageSolid=0xe729,
+ Forward=0xe72a,
+ Back=0xe72b,
+ Refresh=0xe72c,
+ Share=0xe72d,
+ Lock=0xe72e,
+ ReportHacked=0xe730,
+ EMI=0xe731,
+ FavoriteStar=0xe734,
+ FavoriteStarFill=0xe735,
+ ReadingMode=0xe736,
+ Favicon=0xe737,
+ Remove=0xe738,
+ Checkbox=0xe739,
+ CheckboxComposite=0xe73a,
+ CheckboxFill=0xe73b,
+ CheckboxIndeterminate=0xe73c,
+ CheckboxCompositeReversed=0xe73d,
+ CheckMark=0xe73e,
+ BackToWindow=0xe73f,
+ FullScreen=0xe740,
+ ResizeTouchLarger=0xe741,
+ ResizeTouchSmaller=0xe742,
+ ResizeMouseSmall=0xe743,
+ ResizeMouseMedium=0xe744,
+ ResizeMouseWide=0xe745,
+ ResizeMouseTall=0xe746,
+ ResizeMouseLarge=0xe747,
+ SwitchUser=0xe748,
+ Print=0xe749,
+ Up=0xe74a,
+ Down=0xe74b,
+ OEM=0xe74c,
+ Delete=0xe74d,
+ Save=0xe74e,
+ Mute=0xe74f,
+ BackSpaceQWERTY=0xe750,
+ ReturnKey=0xe751,
+ UpArrowShiftKey=0xe752,
+ Cloud=0xe753,
+ Flashlight=0xe754,
+ RotationLock=0xe755,
+ CommandPrompt=0xe756,
+ SIPMove=0xe759,
+ SIPUndock=0xe75a,
+ SIPRedock=0xe75b,
+ EraseTool=0xe75c,
+ UnderscoreSpace=0xe75d,
+ GripperTool=0xe75e,
+ Dialpad=0xe75f,
+ PageLeft=0xe760,
+ PageRight=0xe761,
+ MultiSelect=0xe762,
+ KeyboardLeftHanded=0xe763,
+ KeyboardRightHanded=0xe764,
+ KeyboardClassic=0xe765,
+ KeyboardSplit=0xe766,
+ Volume=0xe767,
+ Play=0xe768,
+ Pause=0xe769,
+ ChevronLeft=0xe76b,
+ ChevronRight=0xe76c,
+ InkingTool=0xe76d,
+ Emoji2=0xe76e,
+ GripperBarHorizontal=0xe76f,
+ System=0xe770,
+ Personalize=0xe771,
+ Devices=0xe772,
+ SearchAndApps=0xe773,
+ Globe=0xe774,
+ TimeLanguage=0xe775,
+ EaseOfAccess=0xe776,
+ UpdateRestore=0xe777,
+ HangUp=0xe778,
+ ContactInfo=0xe779,
+ Unpin=0xe77a,
+ Contact=0xe77b,
+ Memo=0xe77c,
+ IncomingCall=0xe77e,
+ Paste=0xe77f,
+ PhoneBook=0xe780,
+ LEDLight=0xe781,
+ Error=0xe783,
+ GripperBarVertical=0xe784,
+ Unlock=0xe785,
+ Slideshow=0xe786,
+ Calendar=0xe787,
+ GripperResize=0xe788,
+ Megaphone=0xe789,
+ Trim=0xe78a,
+ NewWindow=0xe78b,
+ SaveLocal=0xe78c,
+ Color=0xe790,
+ DataSense=0xe791,
+ SaveAs=0xe792,
+ Light=0xe793,
+ AspectRatio=0xe799,
+ DataSenseBar=0xe7a5,
+ Redo=0xe7a6,
+ Undo=0xe7a7,
+ Crop=0xe7a8,
+ OpenWith=0xe7ac,
+ Rotate=0xe7ad,
+ RedEye=0xe7b3,
+ SetlockScreen=0xe7b5,
+ MapPin2=0xe7b7,
+ Package=0xe7b8,
+ Warning=0xe7ba,
+ ReadingList=0xe7bc,
+ Education=0xe7be,
+ ShoppingCart=0xe7bf,
+ Train=0xe7c0,
+ Flag=0xe7c1,
+ Move=0xe7c2,
+ Page=0xe7c3,
+ TaskView=0xe7c4,
+ BrowsePhotos=0xe7c5,
+ HalfStarLeft=0xe7c6,
+ HalfStarRight=0xe7c7,
+ Record=0xe7c8,
+ TouchPointer=0xe7c9,
+ LangJPN=0xe7de,
+ Ferry=0xe7e3,
+ Highlight=0xe7e6,
+ ActionCenterNotification=0xe7e7,
+ PowerButton=0xe7e8,
+ ResizeTouchNarrower=0xe7ea,
+ ResizeTouchShorter=0xe7eb,
+ DrivingMode=0xe7ec,
+ RingerSilent=0xe7ed,
+ OtherUser=0xe7ee,
+ Admin=0xe7ef,
+ CC=0xe7f0,
+ SDCard=0xe7f1,
+ CallForwarding=0xe7f2,
+ SettingsDisplaySound=0xe7f3,
+ TVMonitor=0xe7f4,
+ Speakers=0xe7f5,
+ Headphone=0xe7f6,
+ DeviceLaptopPic=0xe7f7,
+ DeviceLaptopNoPic=0xe7f8,
+ DeviceMonitorRightPic=0xe7f9,
+ DeviceMonitorLeftPic=0xe7fa,
+ DeviceMonitorNoPic=0xe7fb,
+ Game=0xe7fc,
+ HorizontalTabKey=0xe7fd,
+ StreetsideSplitMinimize=0xe802,
+ StreetsideSplitExpand=0xe803,
+ Car=0xe804,
+ Walk=0xe805,
+ Bus=0xe806,
+ TiltUp=0xe809,
+ TiltDown=0xe80a,
+ CallControl=0xe80b,
+ RotateMapRight=0xe80c,
+ RotateMapLeft=0xe80d,
+ Home=0xe80f,
+ ParkingLocation=0xe811,
+ MapCompassTop=0xe812,
+ MapCompassBottom=0xe813,
+ IncidentTriangle=0xe814,
+ Touch=0xe815,
+ MapDirections=0xe816,
+ StartPoint=0xe819,
+ StopPoint=0xe81a,
+ EndPoint=0xe81b,
+ History=0xe81c,
+ Location=0xe81d,
+ MapLayers=0xe81e,
+ Accident=0xe81f,
+ Work=0xe821,
+ Construction=0xe822,
+ Recent=0xe823,
+ Bank=0xe825,
+ DownloadMap=0xe826,
+ InkingToolFill2=0xe829,
+ HighlightFill2=0xe82a,
+ EraseToolFill=0xe82b,
+ EraseToolFill2=0xe82c,
+ Dictionary=0xe82d,
+ DictionaryAdd=0xe82e,
+ ToolTip=0xe82f,
+ ChromeBack=0xe830,
+ ProvisioningPackage=0xe835,
+ AddRemoteDevice=0xe836,
+ FolderOpen=0xe838,
+ Ethernet=0xe839,
+ ShareBroadband=0xe83a,
+ DirectAccess=0xe83b,
+ DialUp=0xe83c,
+ DefenderApp=0xe83d,
+ BatteryCharging9=0xe83e,
+ Battery10=0xe83f,
+ Pinned=0xe840,
+ PinFill=0xe841,
+ PinnedFill=0xe842,
+ PeriodKey=0xe843,
+ PuncKey=0xe844,
+ RevToggleKey=0xe845,
+ RightArrowKeyTime1=0xe846,
+ RightArrowKeyTime2=0xe847,
+ LeftQuote=0xe848,
+ RightQuote=0xe849,
+ DownShiftKey=0xe84a,
+ UpShiftKey=0xe84b,
+ PuncKey0=0xe84c,
+ PuncKeyLeftBottom=0xe84d,
+ RightArrowKeyTime3=0xe84e,
+ RightArrowKeyTime4=0xe84f,
+ Battery0=0xe850,
+ Battery1=0xe851,
+ Battery2=0xe852,
+ Battery3=0xe853,
+ Battery4=0xe854,
+ Battery5=0xe855,
+ Battery6=0xe856,
+ Battery7=0xe857,
+ Battery8=0xe858,
+ Battery9=0xe859,
+ BatteryCharging0=0xe85a,
+ BatteryCharging1=0xe85b,
+ BatteryCharging2=0xe85c,
+ BatteryCharging3=0xe85d,
+ BatteryCharging4=0xe85e,
+ BatteryCharging5=0xe85f,
+ BatteryCharging6=0xe860,
+ BatteryCharging7=0xe861,
+ BatteryCharging8=0xe862,
+ BatterySaver0=0xe863,
+ BatterySaver1=0xe864,
+ BatterySaver2=0xe865,
+ BatterySaver3=0xe866,
+ BatterySaver4=0xe867,
+ BatterySaver5=0xe868,
+ BatterySaver6=0xe869,
+ BatterySaver7=0xe86a,
+ BatterySaver8=0xe86b,
+ SignalBars1=0xe86c,
+ SignalBars2=0xe86d,
+ SignalBars3=0xe86e,
+ SignalBars4=0xe86f,
+ SignalBars5=0xe870,
+ SignalNotConnected=0xe871,
+ Wifi1=0xe872,
+ Wifi2=0xe873,
+ Wifi3=0xe874,
+ MobSIMLock=0xe875,
+ MobSIMMissing=0xe876,
+ Vibrate=0xe877,
+ RoamingInternational=0xe878,
+ RoamingDomestic=0xe879,
+ CallForwardInternational=0xe87a,
+ CallForwardRoaming=0xe87b,
+ JpnRomanji=0xe87c,
+ JpnRomanjiLock=0xe87d,
+ JpnRomanjiShift=0xe87e,
+ JpnRomanjiShiftLock=0xe87f,
+ StatusDataTransfer=0xe880,
+ StatusDataTransferVPN=0xe881,
+ StatusDualSIM2=0xe882,
+ StatusDualSIM2VPN=0xe883,
+ StatusDualSIM1=0xe884,
+ StatusDualSIM1VPN=0xe885,
+ StatusSGLTE=0xe886,
+ StatusSGLTECell=0xe887,
+ StatusSGLTEDataVPN=0xe888,
+ StatusVPN=0xe889,
+ WifiHotspot=0xe88a,
+ LanguageKor=0xe88b,
+ LanguageCht=0xe88c,
+ LanguageChs=0xe88d,
+ USB=0xe88e,
+ InkingToolFill=0xe88f,
+ View=0xe890,
+ HighlightFill=0xe891,
+ Previous=0xe892,
+ Next=0xe893,
+ Clear=0xe894,
+ Sync=0xe895,
+ Download=0xe896,
+ Help=0xe897,
+ Upload=0xe898,
+ Emoji=0xe899,
+ TwoPage=0xe89a,
+ LeaveChat=0xe89b,
+ MailForward=0xe89c,
+ RotateCamera=0xe89e,
+ ClosePane=0xe89f,
+ OpenPane=0xe8a0,
+ PreviewLink=0xe8a1,
+ AttachCamera=0xe8a2,
+ ZoomIn=0xe8a3,
+ Bookmarks=0xe8a4,
+ Document=0xe8a5,
+ ProtectedDocument=0xe8a6,
+ OpenInNewWindow=0xe8a7,
+ MailFill=0xe8a8,
+ ViewAll=0xe8a9,
+ VideoChat=0xe8aa,
+ Switch=0xe8ab,
+ Rename=0xe8ac,
+ Go=0xe8ad,
+ SurfaceHub=0xe8ae,
+ Remote=0xe8af,
+ Click=0xe8b0,
+ Shuffle=0xe8b1,
+ Movies=0xe8b2,
+ SelectAll=0xe8b3,
+ Orientation=0xe8b4,
+ Import=0xe8b5,
+ ImportAll=0xe8b6,
+ Folder=0xe8b7,
+ Webcam=0xe8b8,
+ Picture=0xe8b9,
+ Caption=0xe8ba,
+ ChromeClose=0xe8bb,
+ ShowResults=0xe8bc,
+ Message=0xe8bd,
+ Leaf=0xe8be,
+ CalendarDay=0xe8bf,
+ CalendarWeek=0xe8c0,
+ Characters=0xe8c1,
+ MailReplyAll=0xe8c2,
+ Read=0xe8c3,
+ ShowBcc=0xe8c4,
+ HideBcc=0xe8c5,
+ Cut=0xe8c6,
+ PaymentCard=0xe8c7,
+ Copy=0xe8c8,
+ Important=0xe8c9,
+ MailReply=0xe8ca,
+ Sort=0xe8cb,
+ MobileTablet=0xe8cc,
+ DisconnectDrive=0xe8cd,
+ MapDrive=0xe8ce,
+ ContactPresence=0xe8cf,
+ Priority=0xe8d0,
+ GotoToday=0xe8d1,
+ Font=0xe8d2,
+ FontColor=0xe8d3,
+ Contact2=0xe8d4,
+ FolderFill=0xe8d5,
+ Audio=0xe8d6,
+ Permissions=0xe8d7,
+ DisableUpdates=0xe8d8,
+ Unfavorite=0xe8d9,
+ OpenLocal=0xe8da,
+ Italic=0xe8db,
+ Underline=0xe8dc,
+ Bold=0xe8dd,
+ MoveToFolder=0xe8de,
+ LikeDislike=0xe8df,
+ Dislike=0xe8e0,
+ Like=0xe8e1,
+ AlignRight=0xe8e2,
+ AlignCenter=0xe8e3,
+ AlignLeft=0xe8e4,
+ OpenFile=0xe8e5,
+ ClearSelection=0xe8e6,
+ FontDecrease=0xe8e7,
+ FontIncrease=0xe8e8,
+ FontSize=0xe8e9,
+ CellPhone=0xe8ea,
+ Reshare=0xe8eb,
+ Tag=0xe8ec,
+ RepeatOne=0xe8ed,
+ RepeatAll=0xe8ee,
+ Calculator=0xe8ef,
+ Directions=0xe8f0,
+ Library=0xe8f1,
+ ChatBubbles=0xe8f2,
+ PostUpdate=0xe8f3,
+ NewFolder=0xe8f4,
+ CalendarReply=0xe8f5,
+ UnsyncFolder=0xe8f6,
+ SyncFolder=0xe8f7,
+ BlockContact=0xe8f8,
+ SwitchApps=0xe8f9,
+ AddFriend=0xe8fa,
+ Accept=0xe8fb,
+ GoToStart=0xe8fc,
+ BulletedList=0xe8fd,
+ Scan=0xe8fe,
+ Preview=0xe8ff,
+ Group=0xe902,
+ ZeroBars=0xe904,
+ OneBar=0xe905,
+ TwoBars=0xe906,
+ ThreeBars=0xe907,
+ FourBars=0xe908,
+ World=0xe909,
+ Comment=0xe90a,
+ MusicInfo=0xe90b,
+ DockLeft=0xe90c,
+ DockRight=0xe90d,
+ DockBottom=0xe90e,
+ Repair=0xe90f,
+ Accounts=0xe910,
+ DullSound=0xe911,
+ Manage=0xe912,
+ Street=0xe913,
+ Printer3D=0xe914,
+ RadioBullet=0xe915,
+ Stopwatch=0xe916,
+ Photo=0xe91b,
+ ActionCenter=0xe91c,
+ FullCircleMask=0xe91f,
+ ChromeMinimize=0xe921,
+ ChromeMaximize=0xe922,
+ ChromeRestore=0xe923,
+ Annotation=0xe924,
+ BackSpaceQWERTYSm=0xe925,
+ BackSpaceQWERTYMd=0xe926,
+ Swipe=0xe927,
+ Fingerprint=0xe928,
+ Handwriting=0xe929,
+ ChromeBackToWindow=0xe92c,
+ ChromeFullScreen=0xe92d,
+ KeyboardStandard=0xe92e,
+ KeyboardDismiss=0xe92f,
+ Completed=0xe930,
+ ChromeAnnotate=0xe931,
+ Label=0xe932,
+ IBeam=0xe933,
+ IBeamOutline=0xe934,
+ FlickDown=0xe935,
+ FlickUp=0xe936,
+ FlickLeft=0xe937,
+ FlickRight=0xe938,
+ FeedbackApp=0xe939,
+ MusicAlbum=0xe93c,
+ Streaming=0xe93e,
+ Code=0xe943,
+ ReturnToWindow=0xe944,
+ LightningBolt=0xe945,
+ Info=0xe946,
+ CalculatorMultiply=0xe947,
+ CalculatorAddition=0xe948,
+ CalculatorSubtract=0xe949,
+ CalculatorDivide=0xe94a,
+ CalculatorSquareroot=0xe94b,
+ CalculatorPercentage=0xe94c,
+ CalculatorNegate=0xe94d,
+ CalculatorEqualTo=0xe94e,
+ CalculatorBackspace=0xe94f,
+ Component=0xe950,
+ DMC=0xe951,
+ Dock=0xe952,
+ MultimediaDMS=0xe953,
+ MultimediaDVR=0xe954,
+ MultimediaPMP=0xe955,
+ PrintfaxPrinterFile=0xe956,
+ Sensor=0xe957,
+ StorageOptical=0xe958,
+ Communications=0xe95a,
+ Headset=0xe95b,
+ Projector=0xe95d,
+ Health=0xe95e,
+ Wire=0xe95f,
+ Webcam2=0xe960,
+ Input=0xe961,
+ Mouse=0xe962,
+ Smartcard=0xe963,
+ SmartcardVirtual=0xe964,
+ MediaStorageTower=0xe965,
+ ReturnKeySm=0xe966,
+ GameConsole=0xe967,
+ Network=0xe968,
+ StorageNetworkWireless=0xe969,
+ StorageTape=0xe96a,
+ ChevronUpSmall=0xe96d,
+ ChevronDownSmall=0xe96e,
+ ChevronLeftSmall=0xe96f,
+ ChevronRightSmall=0xe970,
+ ChevronUpMed=0xe971,
+ ChevronDownMed=0xe972,
+ ChevronLeftMed=0xe973,
+ ChevronRightMed=0xe974,
+ Devices2=0xe975,
+ ExpandTile=0xe976,
+ PC1=0xe977,
+ PresenceChicklet=0xe978,
+ PresenceChickletVideo=0xe979,
+ Reply=0xe97a,
+ SetTile=0xe97b,
+ Type=0xe97c,
+ Korean=0xe97d,
+ HalfAlpha=0xe97e,
+ FullAlpha=0xe97f,
+ Key12On=0xe980,
+ ChineseChangjie=0xe981,
+ QWERTYOn=0xe982,
+ QWERTYOff=0xe983,
+ ChineseQuick=0xe984,
+ Japanese=0xe985,
+ FullHiragana=0xe986,
+ FullKatakana=0xe987,
+ HalfKatakana=0xe988,
+ ChineseBoPoMoFo=0xe989,
+ ChinesePinyin=0xe98a,
+ ConstructionCone=0xe98f,
+ XboxOneConsole=0xe990,
+ Volume0=0xe992,
+ Volume1=0xe993,
+ Volume2=0xe994,
+ Volume3=0xe995,
+ BatteryUnknown=0xe996,
+ WifiAttentionOverlay=0xe998,
+ Robot=0xe99a,
+ TapAndSend=0xe9a1,
+ FitPage=0xe9a6,
+ PasswordKeyShow=0xe9a8,
+ PasswordKeyHide=0xe9a9,
+ BidiLtr=0xe9aa,
+ BidiRtl=0xe9ab,
+ ForwardSm=0xe9ac,
+ CommaKey=0xe9ad,
+ DashKey=0xe9ae,
+ DullSoundKey=0xe9af,
+ HalfDullSound=0xe9b0,
+ RightDoubleQuote=0xe9b1,
+ LeftDoubleQuote=0xe9b2,
+ PuncKeyRightBottom=0xe9b3,
+ PuncKey1=0xe9b4,
+ PuncKey2=0xe9b5,
+ PuncKey3=0xe9b6,
+ PuncKey4=0xe9b7,
+ PuncKey5=0xe9b8,
+ PuncKey6=0xe9b9,
+ PuncKey9=0xe9ba,
+ PuncKey7=0xe9bb,
+ PuncKey8=0xe9bc,
+ Frigid=0xe9ca,
+ Unknown=0xe9ce,
+ AreaChart=0xe9d2,
+ CheckList=0xe9d5,
+ Diagnostic=0xe9d9,
+ Equalizer=0xe9e9,
+ Process=0xe9f3,
+ Processing=0xe9f5,
+ ReportDocument=0xe9f9,
+ VideoSolid=0xea0c,
+ MixedMediaBadge=0xea0d,
+ DisconnectDisplay=0xea14,
+ Shield=0xea18,
+ Info2=0xea1f,
+ ActionCenterAsterisk=0xea21,
+ Beta=0xea24,
+ SaveCopy=0xea35,
+ List=0xea37,
+ Asterisk=0xea38,
+ ErrorBadge=0xea39,
+ CircleRing=0xea3a,
+ CircleFill=0xea3b,
+ MergeCall=0xea3c,
+ PrivateCall=0xea3d,
+ Record2=0xea3f,
+ AllAppsMirrored=0xea40,
+ BookmarksMirrored=0xea41,
+ BulletedListMirrored=0xea42,
+ CallForwardInternationalMirrored=0xea43,
+ CallForwardRoamingMirrored=0xea44,
+ ChromeBackMirrored=0xea47,
+ ClearSelectionMirrored=0xea48,
+ ClosePaneMirrored=0xea49,
+ ContactInfoMirrored=0xea4a,
+ DockRightMirrored=0xea4b,
+ DockLeftMirrored=0xea4c,
+ ExpandTileMirrored=0xea4e,
+ GoMirrored=0xea4f,
+ GripperResizeMirrored=0xea50,
+ HelpMirrored=0xea51,
+ ImportMirrored=0xea52,
+ ImportAllMirrored=0xea53,
+ LeaveChatMirrored=0xea54,
+ ListMirrored=0xea55,
+ MailForwardMirrored=0xea56,
+ MailReplyMirrored=0xea57,
+ MailReplyAllMirrored=0xea58,
+ OpenPaneMirrored=0xea5b,
+ OpenWithMirrored=0xea5c,
+ ParkingLocationMirrored=0xea5e,
+ ResizeMouseMediumMirrored=0xea5f,
+ ResizeMouseSmallMirrored=0xea60,
+ ResizeMouseTallMirrored=0xea61,
+ ResizeTouchNarrowerMirrored=0xea62,
+ SendMirrored=0xea63,
+ SendFillMirrored=0xea64,
+ ShowResultsMirrored=0xea65,
+ Media=0xea69,
+ SyncError=0xea6a,
+ Devices3=0xea6c,
+ SlowMotionOn=0xea79,
+ Lightbulb=0xea80,
+ StatusCircle=0xea81,
+ StatusTriangle=0xea82,
+ StatusError=0xea83,
+ StatusWarning=0xea84,
+ Puzzle=0xea86,
+ CalendarSolid=0xea89,
+ HomeSolid=0xea8a,
+ ParkingLocationSolid=0xea8b,
+ ContactSolid=0xea8c,
+ ConstructionSolid=0xea8d,
+ AccidentSolid=0xea8e,
+ Ringer=0xea8f,
+ PDF=0xea90,
+ ThoughtBubble=0xea91,
+ HeartBroken=0xea92,
+ BatteryCharging10=0xea93,
+ BatterySaver9=0xea94,
+ BatterySaver10=0xea95,
+ CallForwardingMirrored=0xea97,
+ MultiSelectMirrored=0xea98,
+ Broom=0xea99,
+ ForwardCall=0xeac2,
+ Trackers=0xeadf,
+ Market=0xeafc,
+ PieSingle=0xeb05,
+ StockUp=0xeb0f,
+ StockDown=0xeb11,
+ Design=0xeb3c,
+ Website=0xeb41,
+ Drop=0xeb42,
+ Radar=0xeb44,
+ BusSolid=0xeb47,
+ FerrySolid=0xeb48,
+ StartPointSolid=0xeb49,
+ StopPointSolid=0xeb4a,
+ EndPointSolid=0xeb4b,
+ AirplaneSolid=0xeb4c,
+ TrainSolid=0xeb4d,
+ WorkSolid=0xeb4e,
+ ReminderFill=0xeb4f,
+ Reminder=0xeb50,
+ Heart=0xeb51,
+ HeartFill=0xeb52,
+ EthernetError=0xeb55,
+ EthernetWarning=0xeb56,
+ StatusConnecting1=0xeb57,
+ StatusConnecting2=0xeb58,
+ StatusUnsecure=0xeb59,
+ WifiError0=0xeb5a,
+ WifiError1=0xeb5b,
+ WifiError2=0xeb5c,
+ WifiError3=0xeb5d,
+ WifiError4=0xeb5e,
+ WifiWarning0=0xeb5f,
+ WifiWarning1=0xeb60,
+ WifiWarning2=0xeb61,
+ WifiWarning3=0xeb62,
+ WifiWarning4=0xeb63,
+ Devices4=0xeb66,
+ NUIIris=0xeb67,
+ NUIFace=0xeb68,
+ GatewayRouter=0xeb77,
+ EditMirrored=0xeb7e,
+ NUIFPStartSlideHand=0xeb82,
+ NUIFPStartSlideAction=0xeb83,
+ NUIFPContinueSlideHand=0xeb84,
+ NUIFPContinueSlideAction=0xeb85,
+ NUIFPRollRightHand=0xeb86,
+ NUIFPRollRightHandAction=0xeb87,
+ NUIFPRollLeftHand=0xeb88,
+ NUIFPRollLeftAction=0xeb89,
+ NUIFPPressHand=0xeb8a,
+ NUIFPPressAction=0xeb8b,
+ NUIFPPressRepeatHand=0xeb8c,
+ NUIFPPressRepeatAction=0xeb8d,
+ StatusErrorFull=0xeb90,
+ TaskViewExpanded=0xeb91,
+ Certificate=0xeb95,
+ BackSpaceQWERTYLg=0xeb96,
+ ReturnKeyLg=0xeb97,
+ FastForward=0xeb9d,
+ Rewind=0xeb9e,
+ Photo2=0xeb9f,
+ MobBattery0=0xeba0,
+ MobBattery1=0xeba1,
+ MobBattery2=0xeba2,
+ MobBattery3=0xeba3,
+ MobBattery4=0xeba4,
+ MobBattery5=0xeba5,
+ MobBattery6=0xeba6,
+ MobBattery7=0xeba7,
+ MobBattery8=0xeba8,
+ MobBattery9=0xeba9,
+ MobBattery10=0xebaa,
+ MobBatteryCharging0=0xebab,
+ MobBatteryCharging1=0xebac,
+ MobBatteryCharging2=0xebad,
+ MobBatteryCharging3=0xebae,
+ MobBatteryCharging4=0xebaf,
+ MobBatteryCharging5=0xebb0,
+ MobBatteryCharging6=0xebb1,
+ MobBatteryCharging7=0xebb2,
+ MobBatteryCharging8=0xebb3,
+ MobBatteryCharging9=0xebb4,
+ MobBatteryCharging10=0xebb5,
+ MobBatterySaver0=0xebb6,
+ MobBatterySaver1=0xebb7,
+ MobBatterySaver2=0xebb8,
+ MobBatterySaver3=0xebb9,
+ MobBatterySaver4=0xebba,
+ MobBatterySaver5=0xebbb,
+ MobBatterySaver6=0xebbc,
+ MobBatterySaver7=0xebbd,
+ MobBatterySaver8=0xebbe,
+ MobBatterySaver9=0xebbf,
+ MobBatterySaver10=0xebc0,
+ DictionaryCloud=0xebc3,
+ ResetDrive=0xebc4,
+ VolumeBars=0xebc5,
+ Project=0xebc6,
+ AdjustHologram=0xebd2,
+ CloudDownload=0xebd3,
+ MobWifiCallBars=0xebd4,
+ MobWifiCall0=0xebd5,
+ MobWifiCall1=0xebd6,
+ MobWifiCall2=0xebd7,
+ MobWifiCall3=0xebd8,
+ MobWifiCall4=0xebd9,
+ Family=0xebda,
+ LockFeedback=0xebdb,
+ DeviceDiscovery=0xebde,
+ WindDirection=0xebe6,
+ RightArrowKeyTime0=0xebe7,
+ Bug=0xebe8,
+ TabletMode=0xebfc,
+ StatusCircleLeft=0xebfd,
+ StatusTriangleLeft=0xebfe,
+ StatusErrorLeft=0xebff,
+ StatusWarningLeft=0xec00,
+ MobBatteryUnknown=0xec02,
+ NetworkTower=0xec05,
+ CityNext=0xec06,
+ CityNext2=0xec07,
+ Courthouse=0xec08,
+ Groceries=0xec09,
+ Sustainable=0xec0a,
+ BuildingEnergy=0xec0b,
+ ToggleFilled=0xec11,
+ ToggleBorder=0xec12,
+ SliderThumb=0xec13,
+ ToggleThumb=0xec14,
+ MiracastLogoSmall=0xec15,
+ MiracastLogoLarge=0xec16,
+ PLAP=0xec19,
+ Badge=0xec1b,
+ SignalRoaming=0xec1e,
+ MobileLocked=0xec20,
+ InsiderHubApp=0xec24,
+ PersonalFolder=0xec25,
+ HomeGroup=0xec26,
+ MyNetwork=0xec27,
+ KeyboardFull=0xec31,
+ Cafe=0xec32,
+ MobSignal1=0xec37,
+ MobSignal2=0xec38,
+ MobSignal3=0xec39,
+ MobSignal4=0xec3a,
+ MobSignal5=0xec3b,
+ MobWifi1=0xec3c,
+ MobWifi2=0xec3d,
+ MobWifi3=0xec3e,
+ MobWifi4=0xec3f,
+ MobAirplane=0xec40,
+ MobBluetooth=0xec41,
+ MobActionCenter=0xec42,
+ MobLocation=0xec43,
+ MobWifiHotspot=0xec44,
+ LanguageJpn=0xec45,
+ MobQuietHours=0xec46,
+ MobDrivingMode=0xec47,
+ SpeedOff=0xec48,
+ SpeedMedium=0xec49,
+ SpeedHigh=0xec4a,
+ ThisPC=0xec4e,
+ MusicNote=0xec4f,
+ FileExplorer=0xec50,
+ FileExplorerApp=0xec51,
+ LeftArrowKeyTime0=0xec52,
+ MicOff=0xec54,
+ MicSleep=0xec55,
+ MicError=0xec56,
+ PlaybackRate1x=0xec57,
+ PlaybackRateOther=0xec58,
+ CashDrawer=0xec59,
+ BarcodeScanner=0xec5a,
+ ReceiptPrinter=0xec5b,
+ MagStripeReader=0xec5c,
+ CompletedSolid=0xec61,
+ CompanionApp=0xec64,
+ Favicon2=0xec6c,
+ SwipeRevealArt=0xec6d,
+ MicOn=0xec71,
+ MicClipping=0xec72,
+ TabletSelected=0xec74,
+ MobileSelected=0xec75,
+ LaptopSelected=0xec76,
+ TVMonitorSelected=0xec77,
+ DeveloperTools=0xec7a,
+ MobCallForwarding=0xec7e,
+ MobCallForwardingMirrored=0xec7f,
+ BodyCam=0xec80,
+ PoliceCar=0xec81,
+ Draw=0xec87,
+ DrawSolid=0xec88,
+ LowerBrightness=0xec8a,
+ ScrollUpDown=0xec8f,
+ DateTime=0xec92,
+ HoloLens=0xec94,
+ Tiles=0xeca5,
+ PartyLeader=0xeca7,
+ AppIconDefault=0xecaa,
+ Calories=0xecad,
+ POI=0xecaf,
+ BandBattery0=0xecb9,
+ BandBattery1=0xecba,
+ BandBattery2=0xecbb,
+ BandBattery3=0xecbc,
+ BandBattery4=0xecbd,
+ BandBattery5=0xecbe,
+ BandBattery6=0xecbf,
+ AddSurfaceHub=0xecc4,
+ DevUpdate=0xecc5,
+ Unit=0xecc6,
+ AddTo=0xecc8,
+ RemoveFrom=0xecc9,
+ RadioBtnOff=0xecca,
+ RadioBtnOn=0xeccb,
+ RadioBullet2=0xeccc,
+ ExploreContent=0xeccd,
+ Blocked2=0xece4,
+ ScrollMode=0xece7,
+ ZoomMode=0xece8,
+ PanMode=0xece9,
+ WiredUSB=0xecf0,
+ WirelessUSB=0xecf1,
+ USBSafeConnect=0xecf3,
+ ActionCenterNotificationMirrored=0xed0c,
+ ActionCenterMirrored=0xed0d,
+ SubscriptionAdd=0xed0e,
+ ResetDevice=0xed10,
+ SubscriptionAddMirrored=0xed11,
+ QRCode=0xed14,
+ Feedback=0xed15,
+ Hide=0xed1a,
+ Subtitles=0xed1e,
+ SubtitlesAudio=0xed1f,
+ OpenFolderHorizontal=0xed25,
+ CalendarMirrored=0xed28,
+ MobeSIM=0xed2a,
+ MobeSIMNoProfile=0xed2b,
+ MobeSIMLocked=0xed2c,
+ MobeSIMBusy=0xed2d,
+ SignalError=0xed2e,
+ StreamingEnterprise=0xed2f,
+ Headphone0=0xed30,
+ Headphone1=0xed31,
+ Headphone2=0xed32,
+ Headphone3=0xed33,
+ Apps=0xed35,
+ KeyboardBrightness=0xed39,
+ KeyboardLowerBrightness=0xed3a,
+ SkipBack10=0xed3c,
+ SkipForward30=0xed3d,
+ TreeFolderFolder=0xed41,
+ TreeFolderFolderFill=0xed42,
+ TreeFolderFolderOpen=0xed43,
+ TreeFolderFolderOpenFill=0xed44,
+ MultimediaDMP=0xed47,
+ KeyboardOneHanded=0xed4c,
+ Narrator=0xed4d,
+ EmojiTabPeople=0xed53,
+ EmojiTabSmilesAnimals=0xed54,
+ EmojiTabCelebrationObjects=0xed55,
+ EmojiTabFoodPlants=0xed56,
+ EmojiTabTransitPlaces=0xed57,
+ EmojiTabSymbols=0xed58,
+ EmojiTabTextSmiles=0xed59,
+ EmojiTabFavorites=0xed5a,
+ EmojiSwatch=0xed5b,
+ ConnectApp=0xed5c,
+ CompanionDeviceFramework=0xed5d,
+ Ruler=0xed5e,
+ FingerInking=0xed5f,
+ StrokeErase=0xed60,
+ PointErase=0xed61,
+ ClearAllInk=0xed62,
+ Pencil=0xed63,
+ Marker=0xed64,
+ InkingCaret=0xed65,
+ InkingColorOutline=0xed66,
+ InkingColorFill=0xed67,
+ HardDrive=0xeda2,
+ NetworkAdapter=0xeda3,
+ Touchscreen=0xeda4,
+ NetworkPrinter=0xeda5,
+ CloudPrinter=0xeda6,
+ KeyboardShortcut=0xeda7,
+ BrushSize=0xeda8,
+ NarratorForward=0xeda9,
+ NarratorForwardMirrored=0xedaa,
+ SyncBadge12=0xedab,
+ RingerBadge12=0xedac,
+ AsteriskBadge12=0xedad,
+ ErrorBadge12=0xedae,
+ CircleRingBadge12=0xedaf,
+ CircleFillBadge12=0xedb0,
+ ImportantBadge12=0xedb1,
+ MailBadge12=0xedb3,
+ PauseBadge12=0xedb4,
+ PlayBadge12=0xedb5,
+ PenWorkspace=0xedc6,
+ CaretLeft8=0xedd5,
+ CaretRight8=0xedd6,
+ CaretUp8=0xedd7,
+ CaretDown8=0xedd8,
+ CaretLeftSolid8=0xedd9,
+ CaretRightSolid8=0xedda,
+ CaretUpSolid8=0xeddb,
+ CaretDownSolid8=0xeddc,
+ Strikethrough=0xede0,
+ Export=0xede1,
+ ExportMirrored=0xede2,
+ ButtonMenu=0xede3,
+ CloudSearch=0xede4,
+ PinyinIMELogo=0xede5,
+ CalligraphyPen=0xedfb,
+ ReplyMirrored=0xee35,
+ LockscreenDesktop=0xee3f,
+ TaskViewSettings=0xee40,
+ MiniExpand2Mirrored=0xee47,
+ MiniContract2Mirrored=0xee49,
+ Play36=0xee4a,
+ PenPalette=0xee56,
+ GuestUser=0xee57,
+ SettingsBattery=0xee63,
+ TaskbarPhone=0xee64,
+ LockScreenGlance=0xee65,
+ GenericScan=0xee6f,
+ ImageExport=0xee71,
+ WifiEthernet=0xee77,
+ ActionCenterQuiet=0xee79,
+ ActionCenterQuietNotification=0xee7a,
+ TrackersMirrored=0xee92,
+ DateTimeMirrored=0xee93,
+ Wheel=0xee94,
+ VirtualMachineGroup=0xeea3,
+ ButtonView2=0xeeca,
+ PenWorkspaceMirrored=0xef15,
+ PenPaletteMirrored=0xef16,
+ StrokeEraseMirrored=0xef17,
+ PointEraseMirrored=0xef18,
+ ClearAllInkMirrored=0xef19,
+ BackgroundToggle=0xef1f,
+ Marquee=0xef20,
+ ChromeCloseContrast=0xef2c,
+ ChromeMinimizeContrast=0xef2d,
+ ChromeMaximizeContrast=0xef2e,
+ ChromeRestoreContrast=0xef2f,
+ TrafficLight=0xef31,
+ Replay=0xef3b,
+ Eyedropper=0xef3c,
+ LineDisplay=0xef3d,
+ PINPad=0xef3e,
+ SignatureCapture=0xef3f,
+ ChipCardCreditCardReader=0xef40,
+ MarketDown=0xef42,
+ PlayerSettings=0xef58,
+ LandscapeOrientation=0xef6b,
+ Flow=0xef90,
+ Touchpad=0xefa5,
+ Speech=0xefa9,
+ KnowledgeArticle=0xf000,
+ Relationship=0xf003,
+ ZipFolder=0xf012,
+ DefaultAPN=0xf080,
+ UserAPN=0xf081,
+ DoublePinyin=0xf085,
+ BlueLight=0xf08c,
+ CaretSolidLeft=0xf08d,
+ CaretSolidDown=0xf08e,
+ CaretSolidRight=0xf08f,
+ CaretSolidUp=0xf090,
+ ButtonA=0xf093,
+ ButtonB=0xf094,
+ ButtonY=0xf095,
+ ButtonX=0xf096,
+ ArrowUp8=0xf0ad,
+ ArrowDown8=0xf0ae,
+ ArrowRight8=0xf0af,
+ ArrowLeft8=0xf0b0,
+ QuarentinedItems=0xf0b2,
+ QuarentinedItemsMirrored=0xf0b3,
+ Protractor=0xf0b4,
+ ChecklistMirrored=0xf0b5,
+ StatusCircle7=0xf0b6,
+ StatusCheckmark7=0xf0b7,
+ StatusErrorCircle7=0xf0b8,
+ Connected=0xf0b9,
+ PencilFill=0xf0c6,
+ CalligraphyFill=0xf0c7,
+ QuarterStarLeft=0xf0ca,
+ QuarterStarRight=0xf0cb,
+ ThreeQuarterStarLeft=0xf0cc,
+ ThreeQuarterStarRight=0xf0cd,
+ QuietHoursBadge12=0xf0ce,
+ BackMirrored=0xf0d2,
+ ForwardMirrored=0xf0d3,
+ ChromeBackContrast=0xf0d5,
+ ChromeBackContrastMirrored=0xf0d6,
+ ChromeBackToWindowContrast=0xf0d7,
+ ChromeFullScreenContrast=0xf0d8,
+ GridView=0xf0e2,
+ ClipboardList=0xf0e3,
+ ClipboardListMirrored=0xf0e4,
+ OutlineQuarterStarLeft=0xf0e5,
+ OutlineQuarterStarRight=0xf0e6,
+ OutlineHalfStarLeft=0xf0e7,
+ OutlineHalfStarRight=0xf0e8,
+ OutlineThreeQuarterStarLeft=0xf0e9,
+ OutlineThreeQuarterStarRight=0xf0ea,
+ SpatialVolume0=0xf0eb,
+ SpatialVolume1=0xf0ec,
+ SpatialVolume2=0xf0ed,
+ SpatialVolume3=0xf0ee,
+ ApplicationGuard=0xf0ef,
+ OutlineStarLeftHalf=0xf0f7,
+ OutlineStarRightHalf=0xf0f8,
+ ChromeAnnotateContrast=0xf0f9,
+ DefenderBadge12=0xf0fb,
+ DetachablePC=0xf103,
+ LeftStick=0xf108,
+ RightStick=0xf109,
+ TriggerLeft=0xf10a,
+ TriggerRight=0xf10b,
+ BumperLeft=0xf10c,
+ BumperRight=0xf10d,
+ Dpad=0xf10e,
+ EnglishPunctuation=0xf110,
+ ChinesePunctuation=0xf111,
+ HMD=0xf119,
+ CtrlSpatialRight=0xf11b,
+ PaginationDotOutline10=0xf126,
+ PaginationDotSolid10=0xf127,
+ StrokeErase2=0xf128,
+ SmallErase=0xf129,
+ LargeErase=0xf12a,
+ FolderHorizontal=0xf12b,
+ MicrophoneListening=0xf12e,
+ StatusExclamationCircle7=0xf12f,
+ Video360=0xf131,
+ GiftboxOpen=0xf133,
+ StatusCircleOuter=0xf136,
+ StatusCircleInner=0xf137,
+ StatusCircleRing=0xf138,
+ StatusTriangleOuter=0xf139,
+ StatusTriangleInner=0xf13a,
+ StatusTriangleExclamation=0xf13b,
+ StatusCircleExclamation=0xf13c,
+ StatusCircleErrorX=0xf13d,
+ StatusCircleCheckmark=0xf13e,
+ StatusCircleInfo=0xf13f,
+ StatusCircleBlock=0xf140,
+ StatusCircleBlock2=0xf141,
+ StatusCircleQuestionMark=0xf142,
+ StatusCircleSync=0xf143,
+ Dial1=0xf146,
+ Dial2=0xf147,
+ Dial3=0xf148,
+ Dial4=0xf149,
+ Dial5=0xf14a,
+ Dial6=0xf14b,
+ Dial7=0xf14c,
+ Dial8=0xf14d,
+ Dial9=0xf14e,
+ Dial10=0xf14f,
+ Dial11=0xf150,
+ Dial12=0xf151,
+ Dial13=0xf152,
+ Dial14=0xf153,
+ Dial15=0xf154,
+ Dial16=0xf155,
+ DialShape1=0xf156,
+ DialShape2=0xf157,
+ DialShape3=0xf158,
+ DialShape4=0xf159,
+ ClosedCaptionsInternational=0xf15f,
+ TollSolid=0xf161,
+ TrafficCongestionSolid=0xf163,
+ ExploreContentSingle=0xf164,
+ CollapseContent=0xf165,
+ CollapseContentSingle=0xf166,
+ InfoSolid=0xf167,
+ GroupList=0xf168,
+ CaretBottomRightSolidCenter8=0xf169,
+ ProgressRingDots=0xf16a,
+ Checkbox14=0xf16b,
+ CheckboxComposite14=0xf16c,
+ CheckboxIndeterminateCombo14=0xf16d,
+ CheckboxIndeterminateCombo=0xf16e,
+ StatusPause7=0xf175,
+ CharacterAppearance=0xf17f,
+ Lexicon=0xf180,
+ ScreenTime=0xf182,
+ HeadlessDevice=0xf191,
+ NetworkSharing=0xf193,
+ EyeGaze=0xf19d,
+ ToggleLeft=0xf19e,
+ ToggleRight=0xf19f,
+ WindowsInsider=0xf1ad,
+ ChromeSwitch=0xf1cb,
+ ChromeSwitchContast=0xf1cc,
+ StatusCheckmark=0xf1d8,
+ StatusCheckmarkLeft=0xf1d9,
+ KeyboardLeftAligned=0xf20c,
+ KeyboardRightAligned=0xf20d,
+ KeyboardSettings=0xf210,
+ NetworkPhysical=0xf211,
+ IOT=0xf22c,
+ UnknownMirrored=0xf22e,
+ ViewDashboard=0xf246,
+ ExploitProtectionSettings=0xf259,
+ KeyboardNarrow=0xf260,
+ Keyboard12Key=0xf261,
+ KeyboardDock=0xf26b,
+ KeyboardUndock=0xf26c,
+ KeyboardLeftDock=0xf26d,
+ KeyboardRightDock=0xf26e,
+ Ear=0xf270,
+ PointerHand=0xf271,
+ Bullseye=0xf272,
+ DocumentApproval=0xf28b,
+ LocaleLanguage=0xf2b7,
+ PassiveAuthentication=0xf32a,
+ ColorSolid=0xf354,
+ NetworkOffline=0xf384,
+ NetworkConnected=0xf385,
+ NetworkConnectedCheckmark=0xf386,
+ SignOut=0xf3b1,
+ StatusInfo=0xf3cc,
+ StatusInfoLeft=0xf3cd,
+ NearbySharing=0xf3e2,
+ CtrlSpatialLeft=0xf3e7,
+ InteractiveDashboard=0xf404,
+ DeclineCall=0xf405,
+ ClippingTool=0xf406,
+ RectangularClipping=0xf407,
+ FreeFormClipping=0xf408,
+ CopyTo=0xf413,
+ IDBadge=0xf427,
+ DynamicLock=0xf439,
+ PenTips=0xf45e,
+ PenTipsMirrored=0xf45f,
+ HWPJoin=0xf460,
+ HWPInsert=0xf461,
+ HWPStrikeThrough=0xf462,
+ HWPScratchOut=0xf463,
+ HWPSplit=0xf464,
+ HWPNewLine=0xf465,
+ HWPOverwrite=0xf466,
+ MobWifiWarning1=0xf473,
+ MobWifiWarning2=0xf474,
+ MobWifiWarning3=0xf475,
+ MobWifiWarning4=0xf476,
+ MicLocationCombo=0xf47f,
+ Globe2=0xf49a,
+ SpecialEffectSize=0xf4a5,
+ GIF=0xf4a9,
+ Sticker2=0xf4aa,
+ SurfaceHubSelected=0xf4be,
+ HoloLensSelected=0xf4bf,
+ Earbud=0xf4c0,
+ MixVolumes=0xf4c3,
+ Safe=0xf540,
+ LaptopSecure=0xf552,
+ PrintDefault=0xf56d,
+ PageMirrored=0xf56e,
+ LandscapeOrientationMirrored=0xf56f,
+ ColorOff=0xf570,
+ PrintAllPages=0xf571,
+ PrintCustomRange=0xf572,
+ PageMarginPortraitNarrow=0xf573,
+ PageMarginPortraitNormal=0xf574,
+ PageMarginPortraitModerate=0xf575,
+ PageMarginPortraitWide=0xf576,
+ PageMarginLandscapeNarrow=0xf577,
+ PageMarginLandscapeNormal=0xf578,
+ PageMarginLandscapeModerate=0xf579,
+ PageMarginLandscapeWide=0xf57a,
+ CollateLandscape=0xf57b,
+ CollatePortrait=0xf57c,
+ CollatePortraitSeparated=0xf57d,
+ DuplexLandscapeOneSided=0xf57e,
+ DuplexLandscapeOneSidedMirrored=0xf57f,
+ DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdge=0xf580,
+ DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored=0xf581,
+ DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdge=0xf582,
+ DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored=0xf583,
+ DuplexPortraitOneSided=0xf584,
+ DuplexPortraitOneSidedMirrored=0xf585,
+ DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdge=0xf586,
+ DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored=0xf587,
+ DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdge=0xf588,
+ DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored=0xf589,
+ PPSOneLandscape=0xf58a,
+ PPSTwoLandscape=0xf58b,
+ PPSTwoPortrait=0xf58c,
+ PPSFourLandscape=0xf58d,
+ PPSFourPortrait=0xf58e,
+ HolePunchOff=0xf58f,
+ HolePunchPortraitLeft=0xf590,
+ HolePunchPortraitRight=0xf591,
+ HolePunchPortraitTop=0xf592,
+ HolePunchPortraitBottom=0xf593,
+ HolePunchLandscapeLeft=0xf594,
+ HolePunchLandscapeRight=0xf595,
+ HolePunchLandscapeTop=0xf596,
+ HolePunchLandscapeBottom=0xf597,
+ StaplingOff=0xf598,
+ StaplingPortraitTopLeft=0xf599,
+ StaplingPortraitTopRight=0xf59a,
+ StaplingPortraitBottomRight=0xf59b,
+ StaplingPortraitTwoLeft=0xf59c,
+ StaplingPortraitTwoRight=0xf59d,
+ StaplingPortraitTwoTop=0xf59e,
+ StaplingPortraitTwoBottom=0xf59f,
+ StaplingPortraitBookBinding=0xf5a0,
+ StaplingLandscapeTopLeft=0xf5a1,
+ StaplingLandscapeTopRight=0xf5a2,
+ StaplingLandscapeBottomLeft=0xf5a3,
+ StaplingLandscapeBottomRight=0xf5a4,
+ StaplingLandscapeTwoLeft=0xf5a5,
+ StaplingLandscapeTwoRight=0xf5a6,
+ StaplingLandscapeTwoTop=0xf5a7,
+ StaplingLandscapeTwoBottom=0xf5a8,
+ StaplingLandscapeBookBinding=0xf5a9,
+ StatusDataTransferRoaming=0xf5aa,
+ MobSIMError=0xf5ab,
+ CollateLandscapeSeparated=0xf5ac,
+ PPSOnePortrait=0xf5ad,
+ StaplingPortraitBottomLeft=0xf5ae,
+ PlaySolid=0xf5b0,
+ RepeatOff=0xf5e7,
+ Set=0xf5ed,
+ SetSolid=0xf5ee,
+ FuzzyReading=0xf5ef,
+ VerticalBattery0=0xf5f2,
+ VerticalBattery1=0xf5f3,
+ VerticalBattery2=0xf5f4,
+ VerticalBattery3=0xf5f5,
+ VerticalBattery4=0xf5f6,
+ VerticalBattery5=0xf5f7,
+ VerticalBattery6=0xf5f8,
+ VerticalBattery7=0xf5f9,
+ VerticalBattery8=0xf5fa,
+ VerticalBattery9=0xf5fb,
+ VerticalBattery10=0xf5fc,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging0=0xf5fd,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging1=0xf5fe,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging2=0xf5ff,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging3=0xf600,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging4=0xf601,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging5=0xf602,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging6=0xf603,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging7=0xf604,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging8=0xf605,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging9=0xf606,
+ VerticalBatteryCharging10=0xf607,
+ VerticalBatteryUnknown=0xf608,
+ SIMError=0xf618,
+ SIMMissing=0xf619,
+ SIMLock=0xf61a,
+ eSIM=0xf61b,
+ eSIMNoProfile=0xf61c,
+ eSIMLocked=0xf61d,
+ eSIMBusy=0xf61e,
+ NoiseCancelation=0xf61f,
+ NoiseCancelationOff=0xf620,
+ MusicSharing=0xf623,
+ MusicSharingOff=0xf624,
+ CircleShapeSolid=0xf63c,
+ WifiCallBars=0xf657,
+ WifiCall0=0xf658,
+ WifiCall1=0xf659,
+ WifiCall2=0xf65a,
+ WifiCall3=0xf65b,
+ WifiCall4=0xf65c,
+ CHTLanguageBar=0xf69e,
+ ComposeMode=0xf6a9,
+ ExpressiveInputEntry=0xf6b8,
+ EmojiTabMoreSymbols=0xf6ba,
+ WebSearch=0xf6fa,
+ Kiosk=0xf712,
+ RTTLogo=0xf714,
+ VoiceCall=0xf715,
+ GoToMessage=0xf716,
+ ReturnToCall=0xf71a,
+ StartPresenting=0xf71c,
+ StopPresenting=0xf71d,
+ ProductivityMode=0xf71e,
+ SetHistoryStatus=0xf738,
+ SetHistoryStatus2=0xf739,
+ Keyboardsettings20=0xf73d,
+ OneHandedRight20=0xf73e,
+ OneHandedLeft20=0xf73f,
+ Split20=0xf740,
+ Full20=0xf741,
+ Handwriting20=0xf742,
+ ChevronLeft20=0xf743,
+ ChevronLeft32=0xf744,
+ ChevronRight20=0xf745,
+ ChevronRight32=0xf746,
+ Event12=0xf763,
+ MicOff2=0xf781,
+ DeliveryOptimization=0xf785,
+ CancelMedium=0xf78a,
+ SearchMedium=0xf78b,
+ AcceptMedium=0xf78c,
+ RevealPasswordMedium=0xf78d,
+ DeleteWord=0xf7ad,
+ DeleteWordFill=0xf7ae,
+ DeleteLines=0xf7af,
+ DeleteLinesFill=0xf7b0,
+ InstertWords=0xf7b1,
+ InstertWordsFill=0xf7b2,
+ JoinWords=0xf7b3,
+ JoinWordsFill=0xf7b4,
+ OverwriteWords=0xf7b5,
+ OverwriteWordsFill=0xf7b6,
+ AddNewLine=0xf7b7,
+ AddNewLineFill=0xf7b8,
+ OverwriteWordsKorean=0xf7b9,
+ OverwriteWordsFillKorean=0xf7ba,
+ EducationIcon=0xf7bb,
+ WindowSnipping=0xf7ed,
+ VideoCapture=0xf7ee,
+ StatusSecured=0xf809,
+ NarratorApp=0xf83b,
+ PowerButtonUpdate=0xf83d,
+ RestartUpdate=0xf83e,
+ UpdateStatusDot=0xf83f,
+ Eject=0xf847,
+ Spelling=0xf87b,
+ SpellingKorean=0xf87c,
+ SpellingSerbian=0xf87d,
+ SpellingChinese=0xf87e,
+ FolderSelect=0xf89a,
+ SmartScreen=0xf8a5,
+ ExploitProtection=0xf8a6,
+ AddBold=0xf8aa,
+ SubtractBold=0xf8ab,
+ BackSolidBold=0xf8ac,
+ ForwardSolidBold=0xf8ad,
+ PauseBold=0xf8ae,
+ ClickSolid=0xf8af,
+ SettingsSolid=0xf8b0,
+ MicrophoneSolidBold=0xf8b1,
+ SpeechSolidBold=0xf8b2,
+ ClickedOutLoudSolidBold=0xf8b3,
diff --git a/src/FluApp.cpp b/src/FluApp.cpp
index d72fbb50..68e9e0f6 100644
--- a/src/FluApp.cpp
+++ b/src/FluApp.cpp
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ QJsonArray FluApp::awesomelist(const QString& keyword)
- if(name.mid(3).contains(keyword)){
+ if(name.contains(keyword)){
QJsonObject obj;
diff --git a/src/FluTheme.cpp b/src/FluTheme.cpp
index 1c39df00..8562fd5d 100644
--- a/src/FluTheme.cpp
+++ b/src/FluTheme.cpp
@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ FluTheme::FluTheme(QObject *parent)
- isFrameless(true);
+ isFrameless(false);
diff --git a/src/Fluent.cpp b/src/Fluent.cpp
index d58ca339..87288392 100644
--- a/src/Fluent.cpp
+++ b/src/Fluent.cpp
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ void Fluent::initializeEngine(QQmlEngine *engine, const char *uri)
QFont font;
font.setFamily("Microsoft YaHei");
- QQuickWindow::setTextRenderType(QQuickWindow::NativeTextRendering);
+// QQuickWindow::setTextRenderType(QQuickWindow::NativeTextRendering);
- QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/com.zhuzichu/res/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf");
+ QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/com.zhuzichu/res/font/Segoe_Fluent_Icons.ttf");
FluApp* app = FluApp::getInstance();
FluColors* colors = FluColors::getInstance();
diff --git a/src/controls/FluAppBar.qml b/src/controls/FluAppBar.qml
index 8d6bc45d..edb5d11c 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluAppBar.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluAppBar.qml
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Rectangle{
- icon : FluentIcons.FA_window_minimize
+ icon : FluentIcons.ChromeMinimizeContrast
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
iconSize: 15
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Rectangle{
return false
return Window.Maximized === window.visibility
- icon : isRestore ? FluentIcons.FA_window_restore : FluentIcons.FA_window_maximize
+ icon : isRestore ? FluentIcons.ChromeRestoreContrast : FluentIcons.ChromeMaximizeContrast
color:hovered ? "#20000000" : "#00000000"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
visible: resizable
@@ -129,9 +129,10 @@ Rectangle{
- icon : FluentIcons.FA_close
+ icon : FluentIcons.ChromeCloseContrast
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ iconSize: 13
textColor: root.textColor
color:hovered ? "#20000000" : "#00000000"
onClicked: {
diff --git a/src/controls/FluAutoSuggestBox.qml b/src/controls/FluAutoSuggestBox.qml
index 43daa700..2bf416e5 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluAutoSuggestBox.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluAutoSuggestBox.qml
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ TextField{
inputItem: input
- icon:FluentIcons.FA_close
+ icon:FluentIcons.ChromeClose
iconSize: 14
width: 20
height: 20
diff --git a/src/controls/FluCheckBox.qml b/src/controls/FluCheckBox.qml
index e0e2a5ab..d9fb254a 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluCheckBox.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluCheckBox.qml
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Item {
FluIcon {
anchors.centerIn: parent
- icon: FluentIcons.FA_check
+ icon: FluentIcons.AcceptMedium
iconSize: 15
visible: checked
color: FluTheme.isDark ? Qt.rgba(0,0,0,1) : Qt.rgba(1,1,1,1)
diff --git a/src/controls/FluExpander.qml b/src/controls/FluExpander.qml
index bde00d54..e5d93672 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluExpander.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluExpander.qml
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ Item {
hoverColor: FluTheme.isDark ? Qt.rgba(73/255,73/255,73/255,1) : Qt.rgba(245/255,245/255,245/255,1)
normalColor: FluTheme.isDark ? Qt.rgba(61/255,61/255,61/255,1) : Qt.rgba(254/255,254/255,254/255,1)
hovered: root_mouse.containsMouse
- icon: expand ? FluentIcons.FA_angle_up : FluentIcons.FA_angle_down
+ iconSize: 15
+ icon: expand ? FluentIcons.ChevronUp : FluentIcons.ChevronDown
onClicked: {
expand = !expand
diff --git a/src/controls/FluIcon.qml b/src/controls/FluIcon.qml
index d35c5e22..9937c271 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluIcon.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluIcon.qml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Text {
property color iconColor: FluTheme.isDark ? "#FFFFFF" : "#000000"
- font.family: "fontawesome"
+ font.family: "Segoe Fluent Icons"
font.pixelSize: iconSize
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
diff --git a/src/controls/FluIconButton.qml b/src/controls/FluIconButton.qml
index 36deb1ac..c77cbc2e 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluIconButton.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluIconButton.qml
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Rectangle {
Text {
- font.family: "fontawesome"
+ font.family: "Segoe Fluent Icons"
font.pixelSize: iconSize
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
diff --git a/src/controls/FluInfoBar.qml b/src/controls/FluInfoBar.qml
index bcdb3dbd..df60f88d 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluInfoBar.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluInfoBar.qml
@@ -192,11 +192,11 @@ FluObject {
- case mcontrol.const_success: return FluentIcons.FA_check_circle;
- case mcontrol.const_warning: return FluentIcons.FA_info_circle;
- case mcontrol.const_info: return FluentIcons.FA_info_circle;
- case mcontrol.const_error: return FluentIcons.FA_times_circle;
- }
+ case mcontrol.const_success: return FluentIcons.CompletedSolid;
+ case mcontrol.const_warning: return FluentIcons.InfoSolid;
+ case mcontrol.const_info: return FluentIcons.InfoSolid;
+ case mcontrol.const_error: return FluentIcons.StatusErrorFull;
+ }FluentIcons.StatusErrorFull
return FluentIcons.FA_info_circle
diff --git a/src/controls/FluNavigationView.qml b/src/controls/FluNavigationView.qml
index f734a273..c81caff2 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluNavigationView.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluNavigationView.qml
@@ -145,10 +145,11 @@ Item {
spacing: 0
- icon: FluentIcons.FA_arrow_left
+ icon: FluentIcons.ChromeBack
Layout.leftMargin: 5
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
disabled: nav_swipe.depth === 1
+ iconSize: 15
onClicked: {
@@ -159,8 +160,9 @@ Item {
- icon: FluentIcons.FA_navicon
+ icon: FluentIcons.GlobalNavButton
Layout.leftMargin: 5
+ iconSize: 15
visible: displayMode === FluNavigationView.Minimal
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
onClicked: {
diff --git a/src/controls/FluTreeView.qml b/src/controls/FluTreeView.qml
index 251f7bb9..3881c13d 100644
--- a/src/controls/FluTreeView.qml
+++ b/src/controls/FluTreeView.qml
@@ -222,8 +222,9 @@ Item {
- icon:item_layout.expanded?FluentIcons.FA_angle_down:FluentIcons.FA_angle_right
+ icon:item_layout.expanded?FluentIcons.ChevronDown:FluentIcons.ChevronRight
opacity: item_layout.hasChild
+ iconSize: 15
onClicked: {
diff --git a/src/res.qrc b/src/res.qrc
index 8eb51068..8ed400d2 100644
--- a/src/res.qrc
+++ b/src/res.qrc
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
- res/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
@@ -43,5 +42,6 @@
+ res/font/Segoe_Fluent_Icons.ttf
diff --git a/src/res/font/Segoe_Fluent_Icons.ttf b/src/res/font/Segoe_Fluent_Icons.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f05a4bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/res/font/Segoe_Fluent_Icons.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/res/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf b/src/res/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
deleted file mode 100644
index 35acda2f..00000000
Binary files a/src/res/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf and /dev/null differ