import QtQuick import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Window import QtQuick.Controls import FluentUI import "../component" FluScrollablePage{ property string password: "" property var loginPageRegister: registerForWindowResult("/login") title: qsTr("MultiWindow") Connections{ target: loginPageRegister function onResult(data) { password = data.password } } FluArea{ Layout.fillWidth: true height: 86 paddings: 10 Layout.topMargin: 20 Column{ spacing: 15 anchors{ verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter left: parent.left } FluText{ text: qsTr("Standard mode window,a new window is created every time") } FluButton{ text: qsTr("Create Window") onClicked: { FluApp.navigate("/standardWindow") } } } } FluArea{ Layout.fillWidth: true height: 86 paddings: 10 Layout.topMargin: 10 Column{ spacing: 15 anchors{ verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter left: parent.left } FluText{ text: qsTr("SingleTask mode window,If a window exists, this activates the window") textFormat: Text.RichText } FluButton{ text: qsTr("Create Window") onClicked: { FluApp.navigate("/singleTaskWindow") } } } } FluArea{ Layout.fillWidth: true height: 86 paddings: 10 Layout.topMargin: 10 Column{ spacing: 15 anchors{ verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter left: parent.left } FluText{ text: qsTr("SingleInstance mode window,If the window exists, destroy the window and create a new window") } FluButton{ text: qsTr("Create Window") onClicked: { FluApp.navigate("/singleInstanceWindow") } } } } CodeExpander{ Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: -1 code:'FluWindow{ //launchMode: FluWindowType.Standard //launchMode: FluWindowType.SingleTask launchMode: FluWindowType.SingleInstance } ' } FluArea{ Layout.fillWidth: true height: 100 paddings: 10 Layout.topMargin: 20 Column{ spacing: 15 anchors{ verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter left: parent.left } FluText{ text: qsTr("Create the window without carrying any parameters") } FluButton{ text: qsTr("Create Window") onClicked: { FluApp.navigate("/about") } } } } CodeExpander{ Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: -1 code:'FluButton{ text: qsTr("Create Window") onClicked: { FluApp.navigate("/about") } } ' } FluArea{ Layout.fillWidth: true height: 130 paddings: 10 Layout.topMargin: 20 Column{ spacing: 15 anchors{ verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter left: parent.left } FluText{ text: qsTr("Create a window with the parameter username: zhuzichu") } FluButton{ text: qsTr("Create Window") onClicked: { loginPageRegister.launch({username:"zhuzichu"}) } } FluText{ text:qsTr("Login Window Returned Password - >")+password } } } CodeExpander{ Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: -1 code:'property var loginPageRegister: registerForWindowResult("/login") Connections{ target: loginPageRegister function onResult(data) { password = data.password } } FluButton{ text: qsTr("Create Window") onClicked: { loginPageRegister.launch({username:"zhuzichu"}) } } ' } }