/* * Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "PlayerProxy.h" #include "Common/config.h" #include "Rtmp/RtmpMediaSource.h" #include "Rtmp/RtmpPlayer.h" #include "Rtsp/RtspMediaSource.h" #include "Rtsp/RtspPlayer.h" #include "Util/MD5.h" #include "Util/logger.h" #include "Util/mini.h" using namespace toolkit; using namespace std; namespace mediakit { PlayerProxy::PlayerProxy( const MediaTuple &tuple, const ProtocolOption &option, int retry_count, const EventPoller::Ptr &poller, int reconnect_delay_min, int reconnect_delay_max, int reconnect_delay_step) : MediaPlayer(poller), _tuple(tuple), _option(option) { _retry_count = retry_count; setOnClose(nullptr); setOnConnect(nullptr); setOnDisconnect(nullptr); _reconnect_delay_min = reconnect_delay_min > 0 ? reconnect_delay_min : 2; _reconnect_delay_max = reconnect_delay_max > 0 ? reconnect_delay_max : 60; _reconnect_delay_step = reconnect_delay_step > 0 ? reconnect_delay_step : 3; _live_secs = 0; _live_status = 1; _repull_count = 0; (*this)[Client::kWaitTrackReady] = false; } void PlayerProxy::setPlayCallbackOnce(function cb) { _on_play = std::move(cb); } void PlayerProxy::setOnClose(function cb) { _on_close = cb ? std::move(cb) : [](const SockException &) {}; } void PlayerProxy::setOnDisconnect(std::function cb) { _on_disconnect = cb ? std::move(cb) : [] () {}; } void PlayerProxy::setOnConnect(std::function cb) { _on_connect = cb ? std::move(cb) : [](const TranslationInfo&) {}; } void PlayerProxy::setTranslationInfo() { _transtalion_info.byte_speed = _media_src ? _media_src->getBytesSpeed() : -1; _transtalion_info.start_time_stamp = _media_src ? _media_src->getCreateStamp() : 0; _transtalion_info.stream_info.clear(); auto tracks = _muxer->getTracks(); for (auto &track : tracks) { track->update(); _transtalion_info.stream_info.emplace_back(); auto &back = _transtalion_info.stream_info.back(); back.bitrate = track->getBitRate(); back.codec_type = track->getTrackType(); back.codec_name = track->getCodecName(); switch (back.codec_type) { case TrackAudio : { auto audio_track = dynamic_pointer_cast(track); back.audio_sample_rate = audio_track->getAudioSampleRate(); back.audio_channel = audio_track->getAudioChannel(); back.audio_sample_bit = audio_track->getAudioSampleBit(); break; } case TrackVideo : { auto video_track = dynamic_pointer_cast(track); back.video_width = video_track->getVideoWidth(); back.video_height = video_track->getVideoHeight(); back.video_fps = video_track->getVideoFps(); break; } default: break; } } } static int getMaxTrackSize(const std::string &url) { if (url.find(".m3u8") != std::string::npos || url.find(".ts") != std::string::npos) { // hls和ts协议才开放多track支持 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6c5f8f04] // Only hls and ts protocols support multiple tracks return 16; } return 2; } void PlayerProxy::play(const string &strUrlTmp) { _option.max_track = getMaxTrackSize(strUrlTmp); weak_ptr weakSelf = shared_from_this(); std::shared_ptr piFailedCnt(new int(0)); // 连续播放失败次数 setOnPlayResult([weakSelf, strUrlTmp, piFailedCnt](const SockException &err) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } if (strongSelf->_on_play) { strongSelf->_on_play(err); strongSelf->_on_play = nullptr; } if (!err) { // 取消定时器,避免hls拉流索引文件因为网络波动失败重连成功后出现循环重试的情况 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:91e5f0c8] // Cancel the timer to avoid the situation where the hls stream index file fails to reconnect due to network fluctuations and then retries in a loop after successful reconnection strongSelf->_timer.reset(); strongSelf->_live_ticker.resetTime(); strongSelf->_live_status = 0; // 播放成功 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e43f9fb8] // Play successfully *piFailedCnt = 0; // 连续播放失败次数清0 strongSelf->onPlaySuccess(); strongSelf->setTranslationInfo(); strongSelf->_on_connect(strongSelf->_transtalion_info); InfoL << "play " << strUrlTmp << " success"; } else if (*piFailedCnt < strongSelf->_retry_count || strongSelf->_retry_count < 0) { // 播放失败,延时重试播放 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d7537c9c] // Play failed, retry playing with delay strongSelf->_on_disconnect(); strongSelf->rePlay(strUrlTmp, (*piFailedCnt)++); } else { // 达到了最大重试次数,回调关闭 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:610f31f3] // Reached the maximum number of retries, callback to close strongSelf->_on_close(err); } }); setOnShutdown([weakSelf, strUrlTmp, piFailedCnt](const SockException &err) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } // 注销直接拉流代理产生的流:#532 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c6343a3b] // Unregister the stream generated by the direct stream proxy: #532 strongSelf->setMediaSource(nullptr); if (strongSelf->_muxer) { auto tracks = strongSelf->MediaPlayer::getTracks(false); for (auto &track : tracks) { track->delDelegate(strongSelf->_muxer.get()); } GET_CONFIG(bool, reset_when_replay, General::kResetWhenRePlay); if (reset_when_replay) { strongSelf->_muxer.reset(); } else { strongSelf->_muxer->resetTracks(); } } if (*piFailedCnt == 0) { // 第一次重拉更新时长 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3c414b08] // Update the duration for the first time strongSelf->_live_secs += strongSelf->_live_ticker.elapsedTime() / 1000; strongSelf->_live_ticker.resetTime(); TraceL << " live secs " << strongSelf->_live_secs; } // 播放异常中断,延时重试播放 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:fee316b2] // Play interrupted abnormally, retry playing with delay if (*piFailedCnt < strongSelf->_retry_count || strongSelf->_retry_count < 0) { strongSelf->_repull_count++; strongSelf->rePlay(strUrlTmp, (*piFailedCnt)++); } else { // 达到了最大重试次数,回调关闭 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:610f31f3] // Reached the maximum number of retries, callback to close strongSelf->_on_close(err); } }); try { MediaPlayer::play(strUrlTmp); } catch (std::exception &ex) { ErrorL << ex.what(); onPlayResult(SockException(Err_other, ex.what())); return; } _pull_url = strUrlTmp; setDirectProxy(); } void PlayerProxy::setDirectProxy() { MediaSource::Ptr mediaSource; if (dynamic_pointer_cast(_delegate)) { // rtsp拉流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:189cf691] // Rtsp stream GET_CONFIG(bool, directProxy, Rtsp::kDirectProxy); if (directProxy && _option.enable_rtsp) { mediaSource = std::make_shared(_tuple); } } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast(_delegate)) { // rtmp拉流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f70a142c] // Rtmp stream GET_CONFIG(bool, directProxy, Rtmp::kDirectProxy); if (directProxy && _option.enable_rtmp) { mediaSource = std::make_shared(_tuple); } } if (mediaSource) { setMediaSource(mediaSource); } } PlayerProxy::~PlayerProxy() { _timer.reset(); // 避免析构时, 忘记回调api请求 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1ad9ad52] // Avoid forgetting to callback api request when destructing if (_on_play) { try { _on_play(SockException(Err_shutdown, "player proxy close")); } catch (std::exception &ex) { WarnL << "Exception occurred: " << ex.what(); } _on_play = nullptr; } } void PlayerProxy::rePlay(const string &strUrl, int iFailedCnt) { auto iDelay = MAX(_reconnect_delay_min * 1000, MIN(iFailedCnt * _reconnect_delay_step * 1000, _reconnect_delay_max * 1000)); weak_ptr weakSelf = shared_from_this(); _timer = std::make_shared( iDelay / 1000.0f, [weakSelf, strUrl, iFailedCnt]() { // 播放失败次数越多,则延时越长 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5af39264] // The more times the playback fails, the longer the delay auto strongPlayer = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongPlayer) { return false; } WarnL << "重试播放[" << iFailedCnt << "]:" << strUrl; strongPlayer->MediaPlayer::play(strUrl); strongPlayer->setDirectProxy(); return false; }, getPoller()); } bool PlayerProxy::close(MediaSource &sender) { // 通知其停止推流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d69d10d8] // Notify it to stop pushing the stream weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); getPoller()->async_first([weakSelf]() { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } strongSelf->_muxer.reset(); strongSelf->setMediaSource(nullptr); strongSelf->teardown(); }); _on_close(SockException(Err_shutdown, "closed by user")); WarnL << "close media: " << sender.getUrl(); return true; } int PlayerProxy::totalReaderCount() { return (_muxer ? _muxer->totalReaderCount() : 0) + (_media_src ? _media_src->readerCount() : 0); } int PlayerProxy::totalReaderCount(MediaSource &sender) { return totalReaderCount(); } MediaOriginType PlayerProxy::getOriginType(MediaSource &sender) const { return MediaOriginType::pull; } string PlayerProxy::getOriginUrl(MediaSource &sender) const { return _pull_url; } std::shared_ptr PlayerProxy::getOriginSock(MediaSource &sender) const { return getSockInfo(); } float PlayerProxy::getLossRate(MediaSource &sender, TrackType type) { return getPacketLossRate(type); } TranslationInfo PlayerProxy::getTranslationInfo() { return _transtalion_info; } void PlayerProxy::onPlaySuccess() { GET_CONFIG(bool, reset_when_replay, General::kResetWhenRePlay); if (dynamic_pointer_cast(_media_src)) { // rtsp拉流代理 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3935cf68] // Rtsp stream proxy if (reset_when_replay || !_muxer) { auto old = _option.enable_rtsp; _option.enable_rtsp = false; _muxer = std::make_shared(_tuple, getDuration(), _option); _option.enable_rtsp = old; } } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast(_media_src)) { // rtmp拉流代理 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:21173335] // Rtmp stream proxy if (reset_when_replay || !_muxer) { auto old = _option.enable_rtmp; _option.enable_rtmp = false; _muxer = std::make_shared(_tuple, getDuration(), _option); _option.enable_rtmp = old; } } else { // 其他拉流代理 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e5f2e45d] // Other stream proxies if (reset_when_replay || !_muxer) { _muxer = std::make_shared(_tuple, getDuration(), _option); } } _muxer->setMediaListener(shared_from_this()); auto videoTrack = getTrack(TrackVideo, false); if (videoTrack) { // 添加视频 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:afc7e0f7] // Add video _muxer->addTrack(videoTrack); // 视频数据写入_mediaMuxer [AUTO-TRANSLATED:fc07e1c9] // Write video data to _mediaMuxer videoTrack->addDelegate(_muxer); } auto audioTrack = getTrack(TrackAudio, false); if (audioTrack) { // 添加音频 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e08e79ce] // Add audio _muxer->addTrack(audioTrack); // 音频数据写入_mediaMuxer [AUTO-TRANSLATED:69911524] // Write audio data to _mediaMuxer audioTrack->addDelegate(_muxer); } // 添加完毕所有track,防止单track情况下最大等待3秒 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8908bc01] // After adding all tracks, prevent the maximum waiting time of 3 seconds in the case of a single track _muxer->addTrackCompleted(); if (_media_src) { // 让_muxer对象拦截一部分事件(比如说录像相关事件) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7d27c400] // Let the _muxer object intercept some events (such as recording related events) _media_src->setListener(_muxer); } } int PlayerProxy::getStatus() { return _live_status.load(); } uint64_t PlayerProxy::getLiveSecs() { if (_live_status == 0) { return _live_secs + _live_ticker.elapsedTime() / 1000; } return _live_secs; } uint64_t PlayerProxy::getRePullCount() { return _repull_count; } } /* namespace mediakit */