/* * Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "FlvMuxer.h" #include "Util/File.h" #include "Rtmp/utils.h" #include "Http/HttpSession.h" #define FILE_BUF_SIZE (64 * 1024) using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { FlvMuxer::FlvMuxer(){ _packet_pool.setSize(64); } void FlvMuxer::start(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller, const RtmpMediaSource::Ptr &media, uint32_t start_pts) { if (!media) { throw std::runtime_error("RtmpMediaSource 无效"); } if (!poller->isCurrentThread()) { weak_ptr weak_self = getSharedPtr(); // 延时两秒启动录制,目的是为了等待config帧收集完毕 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d359f59d] // Start recording after a delay of two seconds, the purpose is to wait for the config frame to be collected. poller->doDelayTask(2000, [weak_self, poller, media, start_pts]() { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (strong_self) { strong_self->start(poller, media, start_pts); } return 0; }); return; } onWriteFlvHeader(media); std::weak_ptr weak_self = getSharedPtr(); media->pause(false); _ring_reader = media->getRing()->attach(poller); _ring_reader->setGetInfoCB([weak_self]() { Any ret; ret.set(dynamic_pointer_cast(weak_self.lock())); return ret; }); _ring_reader->setDetachCB([weak_self]() { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (!strong_self) { return; } strong_self->onDetach(); }); bool check = start_pts > 0; _ring_reader->setReadCB([weak_self, start_pts, check](const RtmpMediaSource::RingDataType &pkt) mutable { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (!strong_self) { return; } size_t i = 0; auto size = pkt->size(); pkt->for_each([&](const RtmpPacket::Ptr &rtmp) { if (check) { if (rtmp->time_stamp < start_pts) { return; } check = false; } strong_self->onWriteRtmp(rtmp, ++i == size); }); }); } BufferRaw::Ptr FlvMuxer::obtainBuffer() { return _packet_pool.obtain2(); } BufferRaw::Ptr FlvMuxer::obtainBuffer(const void *data, size_t len) { auto buffer = obtainBuffer(); buffer->assign((const char *) data, len); return buffer; } void FlvMuxer::onWriteFlvHeader(const RtmpMediaSource::Ptr &src) { // 发送flv文件头 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ee2c5556] // Send the flv file header. auto buffer = obtainBuffer(); buffer->setCapacity(sizeof(FLVHeader)); buffer->setSize(sizeof(FLVHeader)); FLVHeader *header = (FLVHeader *) buffer->data(); memset(header, 0, sizeof(FLVHeader)); header->flv[0] = 'F'; header->flv[1] = 'L'; header->flv[2] = 'V'; header->version = FLVHeader::kFlvVersion; header->length = htonl(FLVHeader::kFlvHeaderLength); header->have_video = src->haveVideo(); header->have_audio = src->haveAudio(); // memset时已经赋值为0 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0f71eef1] // It has already been assigned to 0 during memset. //header->previous_tag_size0 = 0; //flv header onWrite(buffer, false); // metadata src->getMetaData([&](const AMFValue &metadata) { AMFEncoder invoke; invoke << "onMetaData" << metadata; onWriteFlvTag(MSG_DATA, std::make_shared(invoke.data()), 0, false); }); //config frame src->getConfigFrame([&](const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { onWriteRtmp(pkt, true); }); } void FlvMuxer::onWriteFlvTag(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt, uint32_t time_stamp, bool flush) { onWriteFlvTag(pkt->type_id, pkt, time_stamp, flush); } void FlvMuxer::onWriteFlvTag(uint8_t type, const Buffer::Ptr &buffer, uint32_t time_stamp, bool flush) { RtmpTagHeader header; header.type = type; set_be24(header.data_size, (uint32_t) buffer->size()); header.timestamp_ex = (time_stamp >> 24) & 0xff; set_be24(header.timestamp, time_stamp & 0xFFFFFF); //tag header onWrite(obtainBuffer((char *) &header, sizeof(header)), false); //tag data onWrite(buffer, false); //PreviousTagSize uint32_t size = htonl((uint32_t) (buffer->size() + sizeof(header))); onWrite(obtainBuffer((char *) &size, 4), flush); } void FlvMuxer::onWriteRtmp(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt, bool flush) { onWriteFlvTag(pkt, pkt->time_stamp, flush); } void FlvMuxer::stop() { if (_ring_reader) { _ring_reader.reset(); onDetach(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////FlvRecorder///////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FlvRecorder::startRecord(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream, const string &file_path) { startRecord(poller, dynamic_pointer_cast(MediaSource::find(RTMP_SCHEMA, vhost, app, stream)), file_path); } void FlvRecorder::startRecord(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller, const RtmpMediaSource::Ptr &media, const string &file_path) { stop(); lock_guard lck(_file_mtx); // 开辟文件写缓存 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:22d1c17f] // Allocate file write cache. std::shared_ptr fileBuf(new char[FILE_BUF_SIZE], [](char *ptr) { if (ptr) { delete[] ptr; } }); // 新建文件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f3d512a6] // Create a new file. _file.reset(File::create_file(file_path, "wb"), [fileBuf](FILE *fp) { if (fp) { fflush(fp); fclose(fp); } }); if (!_file) { throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter << "打开文件失败:" << file_path); } // 设置文件写缓存 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a767e55c] // Set the file write cache. setvbuf(_file.get(), fileBuf.get(), _IOFBF, FILE_BUF_SIZE); start(poller, media); } void FlvRecorder::onWrite(const Buffer::Ptr &data, bool flush) { lock_guard lck(_file_mtx); if (_file) { fwrite(data->data(), data->size(), 1, _file.get()); } } void FlvRecorder::onDetach() { lock_guard lck(_file_mtx); _file.reset(); } std::shared_ptr FlvRecorder::getSharedPtr() { return shared_from_this(); } }//namespace mediakit