/* * Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include "strCoding.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include #endif//defined(_WIN32) using namespace std; namespace mediakit { // ////////////////////////通用/////////////////////// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:758fb788] // ////////////////////////General/////////////////////// void UTF8ToUnicode(wchar_t *pOut, const char *pText) { char *uchar = (char *) pOut; uchar[1] = ((pText[0] & 0x0F) << 4) + ((pText[1] >> 2) & 0x0F); uchar[0] = ((pText[1] & 0x03) << 6) + (pText[2] & 0x3F); return; } void UnicodeToUTF8(char *pOut, const wchar_t *pText) { // 注意 WCHAR高低字的顺序,低字节在前,高字节在后 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:95408ed0] // Note the order of the high and low bytes of WCHAR, the low byte is in front, and the high byte is behind const char *pchar = (const char *) pText; pOut[0] = (0xE0 | ((pchar[1] & 0xF0) >> 4)); pOut[1] = (0x80 | ((pchar[1] & 0x0F) << 2)) + ((pchar[0] & 0xC0) >> 6); pOut[2] = (0x80 | (pchar[0] & 0x3F)); return; } char HexCharToBin(char ch) { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return (char)(ch - '0'); if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return (char)(ch - 'a' + 10); if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return (char)(ch - 'A' + 10); return -1; } char HexStrToBin(const char *str) { auto high = HexCharToBin(str[0]); auto low = HexCharToBin(str[1]); if (high == -1 || low == -1) { // 无法把16进制字符串转换为二进制 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2c828a6f] // Cannot convert hexadecimal string to binary return -1; } return (high << 4) | low; } static string UrlEncodeCommon(const string &str,const char* dont_escape){ string out; size_t len = str.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char ch = str[i]; if (isalnum((uint8_t) ch) || strchr(dont_escape, (uint8_t) ch) != NULL) { out.push_back(ch); } else { char buf[4]; snprintf(buf, 4, "%%%X%X", (uint8_t) ch >> 4, (uint8_t) ch & 0x0F); out.append(buf); } } return out; } static string UrlDecodeCommon(const string &str,const char* dont_unescape){ string output; size_t i = 0, len = str.length(); while (i < len) { if (str[i] == '%') { if (i + 3 > len) { // %后面必须还有两个字节才会反转义 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c7c4299a] // There must be two bytes after % to escape output.append(str, i, len - i); break; } char ch = HexStrToBin(&(str[i + 1])); if (ch == -1 || strchr(dont_unescape, (unsigned char)ch) != NULL) { // %后面两个字节不是16进制字符串,转义失败;或者转义出来可能会造成url包含非path部分,比如#?,说明提交的是非法拼接的url;直接拼接3个原始字符 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7c734054] // The two bytes after % are not hexadecimal strings, the escape fails; or the escaped result may cause the url to contain non-path parts, such as #?, indicating that the submitted url is illegally spliced; directly splice the three original characters output.append(str, i, 3); } else { output += ch; } i += 3; } else { output += str[i]; ++i; } } return output; } string strCoding::UrlEncodePath(const string &str) { const char *dont_escape = "!#&'*+:=?@/._-$,;~()"; return UrlEncodeCommon(str,dont_escape); } string strCoding::UrlEncodeComponent(const string &str) { const char *dont_escape = "!'()*-._~"; return UrlEncodeCommon(str,dont_escape); } std::string strCoding::UrlEncodeUserOrPass(const std::string &str) { // from rfc https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986 // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d9a6a1d3] // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark) //'-', '_', '.', '~' // §2.2 Reserved characters (reserved) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:4da0c164] // §2.2 Reserved characters (reserved) // '$', '&', '+', ',', '/', ':', ';', '=', '?', '@', // §3.2.1 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f282bdcd] // §3.2.1 // The RFC allows ';', ':', '&', '=', '+', '$', and ',' in // userinfo, so we must escape only '@', '/', and '?'. // The parsing of userinfo treats ':' as special so we must escape // that too. const char *dont_escape = "$&+,;=-._~"; return UrlEncodeCommon(str,dont_escape); } string strCoding::UrlDecodePath(const string &str) { const char *dont_unescape = "#$&+,/:;=?@"; return UrlDecodeCommon(str,dont_unescape); } std::string strCoding::UrlDecodeComponent(const std::string &str) { string output; size_t i = 0, len = str.length(); while (i < len) { if (str[i] == '%') { if (i + 3 > len) { // %后面必须还有两个字节才会反转义 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c7c4299a] // There must be two bytes after % to escape output.append(str, i, len - i); break; } char ch = HexStrToBin(&(str[i + 1])); if (ch == -1) { // %后面两个字节不是16进制字符串,转义失败;直接拼接3个原始字符 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:10e614a4] // The two bytes after % are not hexadecimal strings, the escape fails; directly splice the three original characters output.append(str, i, 3); } else { output += ch; } i += 3; } else if (str[i] == '+') { output += ' '; ++i; } else { output += str[i]; ++i; } } return output; } std::string strCoding::UrlDecodeUserOrPass(const std::string &str) { const char *dont_unescape = ""; return UrlDecodeCommon(str,dont_unescape); } // /////////////////////////////windows专用/////////////////////////////////// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e6109cf5] // /////////////////////////////Windows Specific/////////////////////////////////// #if defined(_WIN32) void UnicodeToGB2312(char* pOut, wchar_t uData) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, &uData, 1, pOut, sizeof(wchar_t), NULL, NULL); } void Gb2312ToUnicode(wchar_t* pOut, const char *gbBuffer) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, gbBuffer, 2, pOut, 1); } string strCoding::UTF8ToGB2312(const string &str) { auto len = str.size(); auto pText = str.data(); char Ctemp[4] = {0}; char *pOut = new char[len + 1]; memset(pOut, 0, len + 1); int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < len) { if (pText[i] >= 0) { pOut[j++] = pText[i++]; } else { wchar_t Wtemp; UTF8ToUnicode(&Wtemp, pText + i); UnicodeToGB2312(Ctemp, Wtemp); pOut[j] = Ctemp[0]; pOut[j + 1] = Ctemp[1]; i += 3; j += 2; } } string ret = pOut; delete[] pOut; return ret; } string strCoding::GB2312ToUTF8(const string &str) { auto len = str.size(); auto pText = str.data(); char buf[4] = { 0 }; auto nLength = len * 3; char* pOut = new char[nLength]; memset(pOut, 0, nLength); size_t i = 0, j = 0; while (i < len) { // 如果是英文直接复制就可以 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d6abdf68] // If it is English, you can copy it directly if (*(pText + i) >= 0) { pOut[j++] = pText[i++]; } else { wchar_t pbuffer; Gb2312ToUnicode(&pbuffer, pText + i); UnicodeToUTF8(buf, &pbuffer); pOut[j] = buf[0]; pOut[j + 1] = buf[1]; pOut[j + 2] = buf[2]; j += 3; i += 2; } } string ret = pOut; delete[] pOut; return ret; } #endif//defined(_WIN32) } /* namespace mediakit */