amass 08340ad5c8
All checks were successful
Deploy / PullDocker (push) Successful in 11s
Deploy / Build (push) Successful in 1m54s
add codec.
2024-09-30 16:12:57 +00:00

392 lines
11 KiB
Raw Blame History

#include "mov-internal.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
static int mp4_read_tag(struct mov_t* mov, uint64_t bytes);
// ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010(E)
// 7.2.2 Common data structures
// Table-1 List of Class Tags for Descriptors (p31)
enum {
ISO_ObjectDescrTag = 0x01,
ISO_InitialObjectDescrTag = 0x02,
ISO_ESDescrTag = 0x03,
ISO_DecoderConfigDescrTag = 0x04,
ISO_DecSpecificInfoTag = 0x05,
ISO_SLConfigDescrTag = 0x06,
ISO_ContentIdentDescrTag = 0x07,
ISO_SupplContentIdentDescrTag = 0x08,
ISO_IPI_DescrPointerTag = 0x09,
ISO_IPMP_DescrPointerTag = 0x0A,
ISO_IPMP_DescrTag = 0x0B,
ISO_QoS_DescrTag = 0x0C,
ISO_RegistrationDescrTag = 0x0D,
ISO_ES_ID_IncTag = 0x0E,
ISO_ES_ID_RefTag = 0x0F,
ISO_MP4_IOD_Tag = 0x10,
ISO_MP4_OD_Tag = 0x11,
// ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010(E)
// BaseCommand
// Table-2 List of Class Tags for Commands (p33)
enum {
ISO_ObjectDescrUpdateTag = 0x01,
ISO_ObjectDescrRemoveTag = 0x02,
ISO_ES_DescrUpdateTag = 0x03,
ISO_ES_DescrRemoveTag = 0x04,
ISO_IPMP_DescrUpdateTag = 0x05,
ISO_IPMP_DescrRemoveTag = 0x06,
ISO_ES_DescrRemoveRefTag = 0x07,
ISO_ObjectDescrExecuteTag = 0x08,
ISO_User_Private = 0xC0,
// ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010(E) BaseDescriptor (p32)
// ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010(E) 8.3.3 Expandable classes (p116)
abstract aligned(8) expandable(2^28-1) class BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag=0 {
// empty. To be filled by classes extending this class.
int sizeOfInstance = 0;
bit(1) nextByte;
bit(7) sizeOfInstance;
while(nextByte) {
bit(1) nextByte;
bit(7) sizeByte;
sizeOfInstance = sizeOfInstance<<7 | sizeByte;
static int mov_read_base_descr(struct mov_t* mov, int bytes, int* tag, int* len)
int i;
uint32_t c;
*tag = mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
*len = 0;
c = 0x80;
for (i = 0; i < 4 && i + 1 < bytes && 0 != (c & 0x80); i++)
c = mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
*len = (*len << 7) | (c & 0x7F);
//if (0 == (c & 0x80))
// break;
return 1 + i;
static uint32_t mov_write_base_descr(const struct mov_t* mov, uint8_t tag, uint32_t len)
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, tag);
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, (uint8_t)(0x80 | (len >> 21)));
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, (uint8_t)(0x80 | (len >> 14)));
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, (uint8_t)(0x80 | (len >> 7)));
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, (uint8_t)(0x7F & len));
return 5;
// ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010(E) ES_Descriptor (p47)
class ES_Descriptor extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag=ES_DescrTag {
bit(16) ES_ID;
bit(1) streamDependenceFlag;
bit(1) URL_Flag;
bit(1) OCRstreamFlag;
bit(5) streamPriority;
if (streamDependenceFlag)
bit(16) dependsOn_ES_ID;
if (URL_Flag) {
bit(8) URLlength;
bit(8) URLstring[URLlength];
if (OCRstreamFlag)
bit(16) OCR_ES_Id;
DecoderConfigDescriptor decConfigDescr;
if (ODProfileLevelIndication==0x01) //no SL extension.
SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescr;
else // SL extension is possible.
SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescr;
IPI_DescrPointer ipiPtr[0 .. 1];
IP_IdentificationDataSet ipIDS[0 .. 255];
IPMP_DescriptorPointer ipmpDescrPtr[0 .. 255];
LanguageDescriptor langDescr[0 .. 255];
QoS_Descriptor qosDescr[0 .. 1];
RegistrationDescriptor regDescr[0 .. 1];
ExtensionDescriptor extDescr[0 .. 255];
static int mp4_read_es_descriptor(struct mov_t* mov, uint64_t bytes)
uint64_t p1, p2;
p1 = mov_buffer_tell(&mov->io);
/*uint32_t ES_ID = */mov_buffer_r16(&mov->io);
uint32_t flags = mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
if (flags & 0x80) //streamDependenceFlag
if (flags & 0x40) { //URL_Flag
uint32_t n = mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
mov_buffer_skip(&mov->io, n);
if (flags & 0x20) //OCRstreamFlag
p2 = mov_buffer_tell(&mov->io);
return mp4_read_tag(mov, bytes - (p2 - p1));
// ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010(E) DecoderSpecificInfo (p51)
abstract class DecoderSpecificInfo extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8)
// empty. To be filled by classes extending this class.
static int mp4_read_decoder_specific_info(struct mov_t* mov, int len)
struct mov_track_t* track = mov->track;
struct mov_sample_entry_t* entry = track->stsd.current;
if (entry->extra_data_size < len)
void* p = realloc(entry->extra_data, len);
if (NULL == p) return -ENOMEM;
entry->extra_data = p;
mov_buffer_read(&mov->io, entry->extra_data, len);
entry->extra_data_size = len;
return mov_buffer_error(&mov->io);
static int mp4_write_decoder_specific_info(const struct mov_t* mov)
const struct mov_sample_entry_t* entry = mov->track->stsd.current;
mov_write_base_descr(mov, ISO_DecSpecificInfoTag, entry->extra_data_size);
mov_buffer_write(&mov->io, entry->extra_data, entry->extra_data_size);
return entry->extra_data_size;
// ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010(E) DecoderConfigDescriptor (p48)
class DecoderConfigDescriptor extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag=DecoderConfigDescrTag {
bit(8) objectTypeIndication;
bit(6) streamType;
bit(1) upStream;
const bit(1) reserved=1;
bit(24) bufferSizeDB;
bit(32) maxBitrate;
bit(32) avgBitrate;
DecoderSpecificInfo decSpecificInfo[0 .. 1];
profileLevelIndicationIndexDescriptor profileLevelIndicationIndexDescr[0..255];
static int mp4_read_decoder_config_descriptor(struct mov_t* mov, int len)
struct mov_sample_entry_t* entry = mov->track->stsd.current;
entry->object_type_indication = (uint8_t)mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io); /* objectTypeIndication */
entry->stream_type = (uint8_t)mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io) >> 2; /* stream type */
/*uint32_t bufferSizeDB = */mov_buffer_r24(&mov->io); /* buffer size db */
/*uint32_t max_rate = */mov_buffer_r32(&mov->io); /* max bit-rate */
/*uint32_t bit_rate = */mov_buffer_r32(&mov->io); /* avg bit-rate */
return mp4_read_tag(mov, (uint64_t)len - 13); // mp4_read_decoder_specific_info
static int mp4_write_decoder_config_descriptor(const struct mov_t* mov)
const struct mov_sample_entry_t* entry = mov->track->stsd.current;
int size = 13 + (entry->extra_data_size > 0 ? entry->extra_data_size + 5 : 0);
mov_write_base_descr(mov, ISO_DecoderConfigDescrTag, size);
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, entry->object_type_indication);
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, 0x01/*reserved*/ | (entry->stream_type << 2));
mov_buffer_w24(&mov->io, 0); /* buffer size db */
mov_buffer_w32(&mov->io, 88360); /* max bit-rate */
mov_buffer_w32(&mov->io, 88360); /* avg bit-rate */
if (entry->extra_data_size > 0)
return size;
// ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010(E) SL Packet Header Configuration (p92)
class SLConfigDescriptor extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag=SLConfigDescrTag {
bit(8) predefined;
if (predefined==0) {
bit(1) useAccessUnitStartFlag;
bit(1) useAccessUnitEndFlag;
bit(1) useRandomAccessPointFlag;
bit(1) hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag;
bit(1) usePaddingFlag;
bit(1) useTimeStampsFlag;
bit(1) useIdleFlag;
bit(1) durationFlag;
bit(32) timeStampResolution;
bit(32) OCRResolution;
bit(8) timeStampLength; // must be <20><> 64
bit(8) OCRLength; // must be <20><> 64
bit(8) AU_Length; // must be <20><> 32
bit(8) instantBitrateLength;
bit(4) degradationPriorityLength;
bit(5) AU_seqNumLength; // must be <20><> 16
bit(5) packetSeqNumLength; // must be <20><> 16
bit(2) reserved=0b11;
if (durationFlag) {
bit(32) timeScale;
bit(16) accessUnitDuration;
bit(16) compositionUnitDuration;
if (!useTimeStampsFlag) {
bit(timeStampLength) startDecodingTimeStamp;
bit(timeStampLength) startCompositionTimeStamp;
class ExtendedSLConfigDescriptor extends SLConfigDescriptor : bit(8)
tag=ExtSLConfigDescrTag {
SLExtensionDescriptor slextDescr[1..255];
static int mp4_read_sl_config_descriptor(struct mov_t* mov)
int flags = 0;
int predefined = mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
if (0 == predefined)
flags = mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
/*uint32_t timeStampResolution = */mov_buffer_r32(&mov->io);
/*uint32_t OCRResolution = */mov_buffer_r32(&mov->io);
/*int timeStampLength = */mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
/*int OCRLength = */mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
/*int AU_Length = */mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
/*int instantBitrateLength = */mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io);
/*uint16_t length = */mov_buffer_r16(&mov->io);
else if (1 == predefined) // null SL packet header
flags = 0x00;
//int TimeStampResolution = 1000;
//int timeStampLength = 32;
else if (2 == predefined) // Reserved for use in MP4 files
// Table 14 <20><> Detailed predefined SLConfigDescriptor values (p93)
flags = 0x04;
// durationFlag
if (flags & 0x01)
/*uint32_t timeScale = */mov_buffer_r32(&mov->io);
/*uint16_t accessUnitDuration = */mov_buffer_r16(&mov->io);
/*uint16_t compositionUnitDuration = */mov_buffer_r16(&mov->io);
// useTimeStampsFlag
if (0 == (flags & 0x04))
//uint64_t startDecodingTimeStamp = 0; // file_reader_rb8(timeStampLength / 8)
//uint64_t startCompositionTimeStamp = 0; // file_reader_rb8(timeStampLength / 8)
return mov_buffer_error(&mov->io);
static size_t mp4_write_sl_config_descriptor(const struct mov_t* mov)
size_t size = 1;
size += mov_write_base_descr(mov, ISO_SLConfigDescrTag, 1);
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, 0x02);
return size;
static int mp4_read_tag(struct mov_t* mov, uint64_t bytes)
int tag, len;
uint64_t p1, p2, offset;
for (offset = 0; offset < bytes; offset += len)
tag = len = 0;
offset += mov_read_base_descr(mov, (int)(bytes - offset), &tag, &len);
if (offset + len > bytes)
p1 = mov_buffer_tell(&mov->io);
switch (tag)
case ISO_ESDescrTag:
mp4_read_es_descriptor(mov, len);
case ISO_DecoderConfigDescrTag:
mp4_read_decoder_config_descriptor(mov, len);
case ISO_DecSpecificInfoTag:
mp4_read_decoder_specific_info(mov, len);
case ISO_SLConfigDescrTag:
p2 = mov_buffer_tell(&mov->io);
mov_buffer_skip(&mov->io, len - (p2 - p1));
return mov_buffer_error(&mov->io);
// ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003(E) 5.6 Sample Description Boxes (p15)
int mov_read_esds(struct mov_t* mov, const struct mov_box_t* box)
mov_buffer_r8(&mov->io); /* version */
mov_buffer_r24(&mov->io); /* flags */
return mp4_read_tag(mov, box->size - 4);
static size_t mp4_write_es_descriptor(const struct mov_t* mov)
uint32_t size = 3; // mp4_write_decoder_config_descriptor
const struct mov_sample_entry_t* entry = mov->track->stsd.current;
size += 5 + 13 + (entry->extra_data_size > 0 ? entry->extra_data_size + 5 : 0); // mp4_write_decoder_config_descriptor
size += 5 + 1; // mp4_write_sl_config_descriptor
size += mov_write_base_descr(mov, ISO_ESDescrTag, size);
mov_buffer_w16(&mov->io, (uint16_t)mov->track->tkhd.track_ID); // ES_ID
mov_buffer_w8(&mov->io, 0x00); // flags (= no flags)
return size;
size_t mov_write_esds(const struct mov_t* mov)
size_t size;
uint64_t offset;
size = 12 /* full box */;
offset = mov_buffer_tell(&mov->io);
mov_buffer_w32(&mov->io, 0); /* size */
mov_buffer_write(&mov->io, "esds", 4);
mov_buffer_w32(&mov->io, 0); /* version & flags */
size += mp4_write_es_descriptor(mov);
mov_write_size(mov, offset, size); /* update size */
return size;