param($type) [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $MsvcScript = 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\\Community\Common7\Tools\Launch-VsDevShell.ps1' if (!(Test-Path $MsvcScript)) { $MsvcScript = 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\\Professional\Common7\Tools\Launch-VsDevShell.ps1' } . $MsvcScript -SkipAutomaticLocation -Arch amd64 $qtHome = "D:\Qt\6.8.0\msvc2022_64" $openSSLRoot = "D:\Qt\Tools\OpenSSLv3\Win_x64" $librariesPath = "E:\Projects\Libraries" if (!(Test-Path $librariesPath)) { $librariesPath = "D:\Projects\Libraries" } $boostRoot = "$librariesPath\boost_1_86_0_msvc2022_64bit" $ffmpegRoot = "$librariesPath\ffmpeg-7.0.2-full_build-shared" $projectPath = Get-Location $buildPath = Join-Path -Path $projectPath -ChildPath "build" $fileContent = (Get-Content -Path "CMakeLists.txt") -join " " if ($fileContent -match 'project\([^\)]+VERSION\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)') { $version = $Matches[1] } else { Write-Output "未找到版本号" } $deployPath = Join-Path -Path $buildPath -ChildPath "SmartLockerTools_v$version" $zipFilePath = Join-Path -Path $buildPath -ChildPath "SmartLockerTools_v$" $changelogPath = Join-Path -Path $buildPath -ChildPath "CHANGELOG.txt" function Build() { if (!(Test-Path $buildPath\CMakeCache.txt)) { cmake.exe -G Ninja -S . -B build ` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ` -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$qtHome ` -DQT_DIR="$qtHome\lib\cmake\Qt6" ` -DQt6_DIR="$qtHome\lib\cmake\Qt6" ` -DQt6CoreTools_DIR="$qtHome\lib\cmake\Qt6CoreTools" ` -DQt6QmlTools_DIR="$qtHome\lib\cmake\Qt6QmlTools" ` -DLibraries_ROOT="$librariesPath" $files = Get-ChildItem -Path "build" -Recurse -Filter "" foreach ($file in $files) { $content = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Encoding Default Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Value $content -Encoding UTF8 Write-Host "Converted $($file.FullName) to UTF-8" } } cmake.exe --build $buildPath --target all } function Deploy() { if (Test-Path $deployPath) { Remove-Item $deployPath -Recurse -Force } New-Item $deployPath -ItemType Directory Copy-Item $buildPath\Analyser\Analyser.exe $deployPath\Analyser.exe Copy-Item $buildPath\OtaUpdate\SmartLockerUpdater.exe $deployPath\SmartLockerUpdater.exe $executables = @( @("Analyser.exe", "掌静脉测试工具.exe"), @("SmartLockerUpdater.exe", "掌静脉模组升级工具.exe") ) foreach ($executablePair in $executables) { $oldName = $executablePair[0] $newName = $executablePair[1] & $qtHome\bin\windeployqt.exe $deployPath\$oldName --qmldir=$qtHome\qml Rename-Item -Path $deployPath\$oldName -NewName $deployPath\$newName } $modules = "QmlCore" foreach ($module in $modules) { Copy-Item -Path $qtHome\bin\Qt6$module.dll -Destination $deployPath } if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $deployPath\qml\QtCore)) { New-Item $deployPath\qml\QtCore -ItemType Directory $plugins = "qtqmlcoreplugin.dll", "qmldir", "plugins.qmltypes" foreach ($plugin in $plugins) { Copy-Item -Path $QtHome\qml\QtCore\$plugin -Destination $deployPath\qml\QtCore } } Copy-Item $openSSLRoot\bin\libssl-3-x64.dll $deployPath Copy-Item $openSSLRoot\bin\libcrypto-3-x64.dll $deployPath $boosts = "thread", "filesystem", "log", "json" foreach ($boost in $boosts) { Copy-Item -Path $boostRoot\lib\boost_$boost-vc143-mt-x64-1_86.dll -Destination $deployPath } $ffmpegs = "avcodec-61", "avdevice-61", "avfilter-10", "avformat-61", "avutil-59", "postproc-58", "swresample-5", "swscale-8" foreach ($ffmpeg in $ffmpegs) { Copy-Item -Path $ffmpegRoot\bin\$ffmpeg.dll -Destination $deployPath } Compress-Archive -Path $deployPath -DestinationPath $zipFilePath -Force } function Clean() { if (Test-Path $buildPath) { Remove-Item $buildPath -Recurse -Force } } function Changelog() { $commit_message = git log -1 --pretty=format:"%B" Write-Output "Latest commit message:" Write-Output $commit_message $commit_message | Out-File -FilePath $changelogPath -Encoding utf8 Write-Output "Commit message has been written to $changelogPath" } switch ($type) { "build" { Build } "deploy" { Deploy } "clean" { Clean } "installer" { Installer } "changelog" { Changelog } "update" { UpdateServer } }