/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef ZLMEDIAKIT_FRAME_H #define ZLMEDIAKIT_FRAME_H #include #include #include "Util/RingBuffer.h" #include "Network/Socket.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit{ typedef enum { CodecInvalid = -1, CodecH264 = 0, CodecH265, CodecAAC, CodecG711A, CodecG711U, CodecOpus, CodecMax = 0x7FFF } CodecId; typedef enum { TrackInvalid = -1, TrackVideo = 0, TrackAudio, TrackTitle, TrackMax = 3 } TrackType; /** * 编码信息的抽象接口 */ class CodecInfo { public: typedef std::shared_ptr Ptr; CodecInfo(){} virtual ~CodecInfo(){} /** * 获取编解码器类型 */ virtual CodecId getCodecId() const = 0; /** * 获取编码器名称 */ const char *getCodecName(); /** * 获取音视频类型 */ TrackType getTrackType(); }; /** * 帧类型的抽象接口 */ class Frame : public Buffer, public CodecInfo { public: typedef std::shared_ptr Ptr; virtual ~Frame(){} /** * 返回解码时间戳,单位毫秒 */ virtual uint32_t dts() const = 0; /** * 返回显示时间戳,单位毫秒 */ virtual uint32_t pts() const { return dts(); } /** * 前缀长度,譬如264前缀为0x00 00 00 01,那么前缀长度就是4 * aac前缀则为7个字节 */ virtual uint32_t prefixSize() const = 0; /** * 返回是否为关键帧 */ virtual bool keyFrame() const = 0; /** * 是否为配置帧,譬如sps pps vps */ virtual bool configFrame() const = 0; /** * 是否可以缓存 */ virtual bool cacheAble() const { return true; } /** * 返回可缓存的frame */ static Ptr getCacheAbleFrame(const Ptr &frame); }; class FrameImp : public Frame { public: typedef std::shared_ptr Ptr; char *data() const override{ return (char *)_buffer.data(); } uint32_t size() const override { return _buffer.size(); } uint32_t dts() const override { return _dts; } uint32_t pts() const override{ return _pts ? _pts : _dts; } uint32_t prefixSize() const override{ return _prefix_size; } CodecId getCodecId() const override{ return _codecid; } bool keyFrame() const override { return false; } bool configFrame() const override{ return false; } public: CodecId _codecid = CodecInvalid; string _buffer; uint32_t _dts = 0; uint32_t _pts = 0; uint32_t _prefix_size = 0; }; /** * 一个Frame类中可以有多个帧,他们通过 0x 00 00 01 分隔 * ZLMediaKit会先把这种复合帧split成单个帧然后再处理 * 一个复合帧可以通过无内存拷贝的方式切割成多个子Frame * 提供该类的目的是切割复合帧时防止内存拷贝,提高性能 */ template class FrameInternal : public Parent{ public: typedef std::shared_ptr Ptr; FrameInternal(const Frame::Ptr &parent_frame, char *ptr, uint32_t size, int prefix_size) : Parent(ptr, size, parent_frame->dts(), parent_frame->pts(), prefix_size) { _parent_frame = parent_frame; } bool cacheAble() const override { return _parent_frame->cacheAble(); } private: Frame::Ptr _parent_frame; }; /** * 循环池辅助类 */ template class ResourcePoolHelper{ public: ResourcePoolHelper(int size = 8){ _pool.setSize(size); } virtual ~ResourcePoolHelper(){} std::shared_ptr obtainObj(){ return _pool.obtain(); } private: ResourcePool _pool; }; /** * 写帧接口的抽象接口类 */ class FrameWriterInterface { public: typedef std::shared_ptr Ptr; FrameWriterInterface(){} virtual ~FrameWriterInterface(){} /** * 写入帧数据 */ virtual void inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) = 0; }; /** * 写帧接口转function,辅助类 */ class FrameWriterInterfaceHelper : public FrameWriterInterface { public: typedef std::shared_ptr Ptr; typedef std::function onWriteFrame; /** * inputFrame后触发onWriteFrame回调 */ FrameWriterInterfaceHelper(const onWriteFrame& cb){ _writeCallback = cb; } virtual ~FrameWriterInterfaceHelper(){} /** * 写入帧数据 */ void inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) override { _writeCallback(frame); } private: onWriteFrame _writeCallback; }; /** * 支持代理转发的帧环形缓存 */ class FrameDispatcher : public FrameWriterInterface { public: typedef std::shared_ptr Ptr; FrameDispatcher(){} virtual ~FrameDispatcher(){} /** * 添加代理 */ void addDelegate(const FrameWriterInterface::Ptr &delegate){ //_delegates_write可能多线程同时操作 lock_guard lck(_mtx); _delegates_write.emplace(delegate.get(),delegate); _need_update = true; } /** * 删除代理 */ void delDelegate(void *ptr){ //_delegates_write可能多线程同时操作 lock_guard lck(_mtx); _delegates_write.erase(ptr); _need_update = true; } /** * 写入帧并派发 */ void inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) override{ if(_need_update){ //发现代理列表发生变化了,这里同步一次 lock_guard lck(_mtx); _delegates_read = _delegates_write; _need_update = false; } //_delegates_read能确保是单线程操作的 for(auto &pr : _delegates_read){ pr.second->inputFrame(frame); } } /** * 返回代理个数 */ int size() const { return _delegates_write.size(); } private: mutex _mtx; map _delegates_read; map _delegates_write; bool _need_update = false; }; /** * 通过Frame接口包装指针,方便使用者把自己的数据快速接入ZLMediaKit */ class FrameFromPtr : public Frame{ public: typedef std::shared_ptr Ptr; char *data() const override{ return _ptr; } uint32_t size() const override { return _size; } uint32_t dts() const override { return _dts; } uint32_t pts() const override{ return _pts ? _pts : dts(); } uint32_t prefixSize() const override{ return _prefix_size; } bool cacheAble() const override { return false; } protected: char *_ptr; uint32_t _size; uint32_t _dts; uint32_t _pts = 0; uint32_t _prefix_size; }; }//namespace mediakit #endif //ZLMEDIAKIT_FRAME_H