/* * Copyright (c) 2020 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "HlsPlayer.h" namespace mediakit { HlsPlayer::HlsPlayer(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller){ _segment.setOnSegment([this](const char *data, size_t len) { onPacket(data, len); }); setPoller(poller ? poller : EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller()); } HlsPlayer::~HlsPlayer() {} void HlsPlayer::play(const string &strUrl) { _m3u8_list.emplace_back(strUrl); play_l(); } void HlsPlayer::play_l(){ if (_m3u8_list.empty()) { teardown_l(SockException(Err_shutdown, "所有hls url都尝试播放失败!")); return; } float playTimeOutSec = (*this)[Client::kTimeoutMS].as() / 1000.0f; setMethod("GET"); if(!(*this)[kNetAdapter].empty()) { setNetAdapter((*this)[kNetAdapter]); } sendRequest(_m3u8_list.back(), playTimeOutSec); } void HlsPlayer::teardown_l(const SockException &ex){ _timer.reset(); _timer_ts.reset(); _http_ts_player.reset(); shutdown(ex); } void HlsPlayer::teardown() { teardown_l(SockException(Err_shutdown,"teardown")); } void HlsPlayer::playNextTs(bool force){ if (_ts_list.empty()) { //播放列表为空,那么立即重新下载m3u8文件 _timer.reset(); play_l(); return; } if (!force && _http_ts_player && _http_ts_player->alive()) { //播放器目前还存活,正在下载中 return; } auto ts_duration = _ts_list.front().duration * 1000; weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); std::shared_ptr ticker(new Ticker); _http_ts_player = std::make_shared(getPoller(), false); _http_ts_player->setOnCreateSocket([weakSelf](const EventPoller::Ptr &poller) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (strongSelf) { return strongSelf->createSocket(); } return Socket::createSocket(poller, true); }); _http_ts_player->setOnDisconnect([weakSelf, ticker, ts_duration](const SockException &err) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } auto delay = ts_duration - 500 - ticker->elapsedTime(); if (delay <= 0) { //播放这个ts切片花费了太长时间,我们立即下一个切片的播放 strongSelf->playNextTs(true); } else { //下一个切片慢点播放 strongSelf->_timer_ts.reset(new Timer(delay / 1000.0f, [weakSelf]() { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return false; } strongSelf->playNextTs(true); return false; }, strongSelf->getPoller())); } }); _http_ts_player->setOnPacket([weakSelf](const char *data, size_t len) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } //收到ts包 strongSelf->onPacket_l(data, len); }); _http_ts_player->setMethod("GET"); if (!(*this)[kNetAdapter].empty()) { _http_ts_player->setNetAdapter((*this)[Client::kNetAdapter]); } _http_ts_player->sendRequest(_ts_list.front().url, 2 * _ts_list.front().duration); _ts_list.pop_front(); } void HlsPlayer::onParsed(bool is_m3u8_inner,int64_t sequence,const map &ts_map){ if (!is_m3u8_inner) { //这是ts播放列表 if (_last_sequence == sequence) { return; } _last_sequence = sequence; for (auto &pr : ts_map) { auto &ts = pr.second; if (_ts_url_cache.emplace(ts.url).second) { //该ts未重复 _ts_list.emplace_back(ts); //按时间排序 _ts_url_sort.emplace_back(ts.url); } } if (_ts_url_sort.size() > 2 * ts_map.size()) { //去除防重列表中过多的数据 _ts_url_cache.erase(_ts_url_sort.front()); _ts_url_sort.pop_front(); } playNextTs(); } else { //这是m3u8列表,我们播放最高清的子hls if (ts_map.empty()) { teardown_l(SockException(Err_shutdown, StrPrinter << "empty sub hls list:" + getUrl())); return; } _timer.reset(); weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); auto url = ts_map.rbegin()->second.url; getPoller()->async([weakSelf, url]() { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (strongSelf) { strongSelf->play(url); } }, false); } } ssize_t HlsPlayer::onResponseHeader(const string &status, const HttpClient::HttpHeader &headers) { if (status != "200" && status != "206") { //失败 teardown_l(SockException(Err_shutdown, StrPrinter << "bad http status code:" + status)); return 0; } auto contet_type = const_cast< HttpClient::HttpHeader &>(headers)["Content-Type"]; _is_m3u8 = (contet_type.find("application/vnd.apple.mpegurl") == 0); return -1; } void HlsPlayer::onResponseBody(const char *buf, size_t size, size_t recvedSize, size_t totalSize) { if (recvedSize == size) { //刚开始 _m3u8.clear(); } _m3u8.append(buf, size); } void HlsPlayer::onResponseCompleted() { if (HlsParser::parse(getUrl(), _m3u8)) { playDelay(); if (_first) { _first = false; onPlayResult(SockException(Err_success, "play success")); } } else { teardown_l(SockException(Err_shutdown, "解析m3u8文件失败")); } } float HlsPlayer::delaySecond(){ if (HlsParser::isM3u8() && HlsParser::getTargetDur() > 0) { return (float)HlsParser::getTargetDur(); } return 1.0f; } void HlsPlayer::onDisconnect(const SockException &ex) { if (_first) { //第一次失败,则播放失败 _first = false; onPlayResult(ex); return; } //主动shutdown if (ex.getErrCode() == Err_shutdown) { if (_m3u8_list.size() <= 1) { //全部url都播放失败 onShutdown(ex); } else { _m3u8_list.pop_back(); //还有上一级url可以重试播放 play_l(); } return; } //eof等,之后播放失败,那么重试播放m3u8 playDelay(); } bool HlsPlayer::onRedirectUrl(const string &url,bool temporary) { _m3u8_list.emplace_back(url); return true; } void HlsPlayer::playDelay(){ weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); _timer.reset(new Timer(delaySecond(), [weakSelf]() { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (strongSelf) { strongSelf->play_l(); } return false; }, getPoller())); } void HlsPlayer::onPacket_l(const char *data, size_t len){ _segment.input(data,len); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HlsPlayerImp::HlsPlayerImp(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller) : PlayerImp(poller) { } void HlsPlayerImp::setOnPacket(const TSSegment::onSegment &cb){ _on_ts = cb; } void HlsPlayerImp::onPacket(const char *data,size_t len) { if (_on_ts) { _on_ts(data, len); } if (!_decoder) { _decoder = DecoderImp::createDecoder(DecoderImp::decoder_ts, this); } if (_decoder) { _decoder->input((uint8_t *) data, len); } } void HlsPlayerImp::onAllTrackReady() { PlayerImp::onPlayResult(SockException(Err_success,"play hls success")); } void HlsPlayerImp::onPlayResult(const SockException &ex) { if (ex) { PlayerImp::onPlayResult(ex); } else { _frame_cache.clear(); _stamp[TrackAudio].setRelativeStamp(0); _stamp[TrackVideo].setRelativeStamp(0); _stamp[TrackAudio].syncTo(_stamp[TrackVideo]); setPlayPosition(0); weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); //每50毫秒执行一次 _timer = std::make_shared(0.05f, [weakSelf]() { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return false; } strongSelf->onTick(); return true; }, getPoller()); } } void HlsPlayerImp::onShutdown(const SockException &ex) { PlayerImp::onShutdown(ex); _timer = nullptr; } vector HlsPlayerImp::getTracks(bool trackReady) const { return MediaSink::getTracks(trackReady); } void HlsPlayerImp::inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) { //计算相对时间戳 int64_t dts, pts; _stamp[frame->getTrackType()].revise(frame->dts(), frame->pts(), dts, pts); //根据时间戳缓存frame _frame_cache.emplace(dts, Frame::getCacheAbleFrame(frame)); if (getBufferMS() > 30 * 1000) { //缓存超过30秒,强制消费至15秒(减少延时或内存占用) while (getBufferMS() > 15 * 1000) { MediaSink::inputFrame(_frame_cache.begin()->second); _frame_cache.erase(_frame_cache.begin()); } //接着播放缓存中最早的帧 setPlayPosition(_frame_cache.begin()->first); } } int64_t HlsPlayerImp::getPlayPosition(){ return _ticker.elapsedTime() + _ticker_offset; } int64_t HlsPlayerImp::getBufferMS(){ if(_frame_cache.empty()){ return 0; } return _frame_cache.rbegin()->first - _frame_cache.begin()->first; } void HlsPlayerImp::setPlayPosition(int64_t pos){ _ticker.resetTime(); _ticker_offset = pos; } void HlsPlayerImp::onTick() { auto it = _frame_cache.begin(); while (it != _frame_cache.end()) { if (it->first > getPlayPosition()) { //这些帧还未到时间播放 break; } if (getBufferMS() < 3 * 1000) { //缓存小于3秒,那么降低定时器消费速度(让剩余的数据在3秒后消费完毕) //目的是为了防止定时器长时间干等后,数据瞬间消费完毕 setPlayPosition(_frame_cache.begin()->first); } //消费掉已经到期的帧 MediaSink::inputFrame(it->second); it = _frame_cache.erase(it); } } }//namespace mediakit