/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include "Parser.h" #include "macros.h" #include "Network/sockutil.h" #include "Common/macros.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { string findSubString(const char *buf, const char *start, const char *end, size_t buf_size) { if (buf_size <= 0) { buf_size = strlen(buf); } auto msg_start = buf; auto msg_end = buf + buf_size; size_t len = 0; if (start != NULL) { len = strlen(start); msg_start = strstr(buf, start); } if (msg_start == NULL) { return ""; } msg_start += len; if (end != NULL) { msg_end = strstr(msg_start, end); if (msg_end == NULL) { return ""; } } return string(msg_start, msg_end); } void Parser::parse(const char *buf, size_t size) { clear(); auto ptr = buf; while (true) { auto next_line = strstr(ptr, "\r\n"); CHECK(next_line); if (ptr == buf) { auto blank = strchr(ptr, ' '); CHECK(blank > ptr && blank < next_line); _method = std::string(ptr, blank); auto next_blank = strchr(blank + 1, ' '); CHECK(next_blank && next_blank < next_line); _url.assign(blank + 1, next_blank); auto pos = _url.find('?'); if (pos != string::npos) { _params = _url.substr(pos + 1); _url_args = parseArgs(_params); _url = _url.substr(0, pos); } _protocol = std::string(next_blank + 1, next_line); } else { auto pos = strchr(ptr, ':'); CHECK(pos > ptr && pos < next_line); std::string key { ptr, pos }; std::string value; if (pos[1] == ' ') { value.assign(pos + 2, next_line); } else { value.assign(pos + 1, next_line); } _headers.emplace_force(trim(std::move(key)), trim(std::move(value))); } ptr = next_line + 2; if (strncmp(ptr, "\r\n", 2) == 0) { // 协议解析完毕 _content.assign(ptr + 2, buf + size); break; } } } const string &Parser::method() const { return _method; } const string &Parser::url() const { return _url; } const std::string &Parser::status() const { return url(); } string Parser::fullUrl() const { if (_params.empty()) { return _url; } return _url + "?" + _params; } const string &Parser::protocol() const { return _protocol; } const std::string &Parser::statusStr() const { return protocol(); } static std::string kNull; const string &Parser::operator[](const char *name) const { auto it = _headers.find(name); if (it == _headers.end()) { return kNull; } return it->second; } const string &Parser::content() const { return _content; } void Parser::clear() { _method.clear(); _url.clear(); _params.clear(); _protocol.clear(); _content.clear(); _headers.clear(); _url_args.clear(); } const string &Parser::params() const { return _params; } void Parser::setUrl(string url) { _url = std::move(url); } void Parser::setContent(string content) { _content = std::move(content); } StrCaseMap &Parser::getHeader() const { return _headers; } StrCaseMap &Parser::getUrlArgs() const { return _url_args; } StrCaseMap Parser::parseArgs(const string &str, const char *pair_delim, const char *key_delim) { StrCaseMap ret; auto arg_vec = split(str, pair_delim); for (auto &key_val : arg_vec) { if (key_val.empty()) { // 忽略 continue; } auto pos = key_val.find(key_delim); if (pos != string::npos) { auto key = trim(std::string(key_val, 0, pos)); auto val = trim(key_val.substr(pos + strlen(key_delim))); ret.emplace_force(std::move(key), std::move(val)); } else { trim(key_val); if (!key_val.empty()) { ret.emplace_force(std::move(key_val), ""); } } } return ret; } std::string Parser::mergeUrl(const string &base_url, const string &path) { // 以base_url为基础, 合并path路径生成新的url, path支持相对路径和绝对路径 if (base_url.empty()) { return path; } if (path.empty()) { return base_url; } // 如果包含协议,则直接返回 if (path.find("://") != string::npos) { return path; } string protocol = "http://"; size_t protocol_end = base_url.find("://"); if (protocol_end != string::npos) { protocol = base_url.substr(0, protocol_end + 3); } // 如果path以"//"开头,则直接拼接协议 if (path.find("//") == 0) { return protocol + path.substr(2); } string host; size_t pos = 0; if (protocol_end != string::npos) { pos = base_url.find('/', protocol_end + 3); host = base_url.substr(0, pos); if (pos == string::npos) { pos = base_url.size(); } else { pos++; } } // 如果path以"/"开头,则直接拼接协议和主机 if (path[0] == '/') { return host + path; } vector path_parts; size_t next_pos = 0; if (!host.empty()) { path_parts.emplace_back(host); } while ((next_pos = base_url.find('/', pos)) != string::npos) { path_parts.emplace_back(base_url.substr(pos, next_pos - pos)); pos = next_pos + 1; } pos = 0; while ((next_pos = path.find('/', pos)) != string::npos) { string part = path.substr(pos, next_pos - pos); if (part == "..") { if (!path_parts.empty() && !path_parts.back().empty()) { if (path_parts.size() > 1 || protocol_end == string::npos) { path_parts.pop_back(); } } } else if (part != "." && !part.empty()) { path_parts.emplace_back(part); } pos = next_pos + 1; } string part = path.substr(pos); if (part != ".." && part != "." && !part.empty()) { path_parts.emplace_back(part); } stringstream final_url; for (size_t i = 0; i < path_parts.size(); ++i) { if (i == 0) { final_url << path_parts[i]; } else { final_url << '/' << path_parts[i]; } } return final_url.str(); } void RtspUrl::parse(const string &strUrl) { auto schema = findSubString(strUrl.data(), nullptr, "://"); bool is_ssl = strcasecmp(schema.data(), "rtsps") == 0; // 查找"://"与"/"之间的字符串,用于提取用户名密码 auto middle_url = findSubString(strUrl.data(), "://", "/"); if (middle_url.empty()) { middle_url = findSubString(strUrl.data(), "://", nullptr); } auto pos = middle_url.rfind('@'); if (pos == string::npos) { // 并没有用户名密码 return setup(is_ssl, strUrl, "", ""); } // 包含用户名密码 auto user_pwd = middle_url.substr(0, pos); auto suffix = strUrl.substr(schema.size() + 3 + pos + 1); auto url = StrPrinter << "rtsp://" << suffix << endl; if (user_pwd.find(":") == string::npos) { return setup(is_ssl, url, user_pwd, ""); } auto user = findSubString(user_pwd.data(), nullptr, ":"); auto pwd = findSubString(user_pwd.data(), ":", nullptr); return setup(is_ssl, url, user, pwd); } void RtspUrl::setup(bool is_ssl, const string &url, const string &user, const string &passwd) { auto ip = findSubString(url.data(), "://", "/"); if (ip.empty()) { ip = split(findSubString(url.data(), "://", NULL), "?")[0]; } uint16_t port = is_ssl ? 322 : 554; splitUrl(ip, ip, port); _url = std::move(url); _user = std::move(user); _passwd = std::move(passwd); _host = std::move(ip); _port = port; _is_ssl = is_ssl; } static void inline checkHost(std::string &host) { if (host.back() == ']' && host.front() == '[') { // ipv6去除方括号 host.pop_back(); host.erase(0, 1); CHECK(SockUtil::is_ipv6(host.data()), "not a ipv6 address:", host); } } void splitUrl(const std::string &url, std::string &host, uint16_t &port) { CHECK(!url.empty(), "empty url"); auto pos = url.rfind(':'); if (pos == string::npos || url.back() == ']') { // 没有冒号,未指定端口;或者是纯粹的ipv6地址 host = url; checkHost(host); return; } CHECK(pos > 0, "invalid url:", url); CHECK(sscanf(url.data() + pos + 1, "%" SCNu16, &port) == 1, "parse port from url failed:", url); host = url.substr(0, pos); checkHost(host); } #if 0 //测试代码 static onceToken token([](){ string host; uint16_t port; splitUrl("www.baidu.com:8880", host, port); splitUrl("", host, port); splitUrl("[::]:8880", host, port); splitUrl("[fe80::604d:4173:76e9:1009]:8880", host, port); }); #endif } // namespace mediakit