/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * Copyright (c) 2018 huohuo <913481084@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/config.h" #include "RtspPlayer.h" #include "H264/SPSParser.h" #include "Util/MD5.h" #include "Util/mini.h" #include "Util/util.h" #include "Util/base64.h" #include "Network/sockutil.h" using namespace toolkit; using namespace mediakit::Client; namespace mediakit { RtspPlayer::RtspPlayer(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller) : TcpClient(poller){ RtpReceiver::setPoolSize(64); } RtspPlayer::~RtspPlayer(void) { DebugL< weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); float playTimeOutSec = (*this)[kTimeoutMS].as() / 1000.0; _pPlayTimer.reset( new Timer(playTimeOutSec, [weakSelf]() { auto strongSelf=weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf) { return false; } strongSelf->onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_timeout,"play rtsp timeout")); return false; },getPoller())); if(!(*this)[kNetAdapter].empty()){ setNetAdapter((*this)[kNetAdapter]); } startConnect(ip, port , playTimeOutSec); } void RtspPlayer::onConnect(const SockException &err){ if(err.getErrCode()!=Err_success) { onPlayResult_l(err); return; } sendDescribe(); } void RtspPlayer::onRecv(const Buffer::Ptr& pBuf) { input(pBuf->data(),pBuf->size()); } void RtspPlayer::onErr(const SockException &ex) { onPlayResult_l(ex); } // from live555 bool RtspPlayer::handleAuthenticationFailure(const string ¶msStr) { if(!_rtspRealm.empty()){ //已经认证过了 return false; } char *realm = new char[paramsStr.size()]; char *nonce = new char[paramsStr.size()]; char *stale = new char[paramsStr.size()]; onceToken token(nullptr,[&](){ delete[] realm; delete[] nonce; delete[] stale; }); if (sscanf(paramsStr.data(), "Digest realm=\"%[^\"]\", nonce=\"%[^\"]\", stale=%[a-zA-Z]", realm, nonce, stale) == 3) { _rtspRealm = (const char *)realm; _rtspMd5Nonce = (const char *)nonce; return true; } if (sscanf(paramsStr.data(), "Digest realm=\"%[^\"]\", nonce=\"%[^\"]\"", realm, nonce) == 2) { _rtspRealm = (const char *)realm; _rtspMd5Nonce = (const char *)nonce; return true; } if (sscanf(paramsStr.data(), "Basic realm=\"%[^\"]\"", realm) == 1) { _rtspRealm = (const char *)realm; return true; } return false; } void RtspPlayer::handleResDESCRIBE(const Parser& parser) { string authInfo = parser["WWW-Authenticate"]; //发送DESCRIBE命令后的回复 if ((parser.Url() == "401") && handleAuthenticationFailure(authInfo)) { sendDescribe(); return; } if(parser.Url() == "302"){ auto newUrl = parser["Location"]; if(newUrl.empty()){ throw std::runtime_error("未找到Location字段(跳转url)"); } play(newUrl); return; } if (parser.Url() != "200") { throw std::runtime_error( StrPrinter << "DESCRIBE:" << parser.Url() << " " << parser.Tail() << endl); } _strContentBase = parser["Content-Base"]; if(_strContentBase.empty()){ _strContentBase = _strUrl; } if (_strContentBase.back() == '/') { _strContentBase.pop_back(); } //解析sdp _sdpAttr.load(parser.Content()); _aTrackInfo = _sdpAttr.getAvailableTrack(); if (_aTrackInfo.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("无有效的Sdp Track"); } if (!onCheckSDP(parser.Content(), _sdpAttr)) { throw std::runtime_error("onCheckSDP faied"); } sendSetup(0); } //发送SETUP命令 void RtspPlayer::sendSetup(unsigned int trackIndex) { _onHandshake = std::bind(&RtspPlayer::handleResSETUP,this, placeholders::_1,trackIndex); auto &track = _aTrackInfo[trackIndex]; auto baseUrl = _strContentBase + "/" + track->_control_surffix; switch (_eType) { case Rtsp::RTP_TCP: { sendRtspRequest("SETUP",baseUrl,{"Transport",StrPrinter << "RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=" << track->_type * 2 << "-" << track->_type * 2 + 1}); } break; case Rtsp::RTP_MULTICAST: { sendRtspRequest("SETUP",baseUrl,{"Transport","Transport: RTP/AVP;multicast"}); } break; case Rtsp::RTP_UDP: { _apRtpSock[trackIndex].reset(new Socket()); if (!_apRtpSock[trackIndex]->bindUdpSock(0, get_local_ip().data())) { _apRtpSock[trackIndex].reset(); throw std::runtime_error("open rtp sock err"); } _apRtcpSock[trackIndex].reset(new Socket()); if (!_apRtcpSock[trackIndex]->bindUdpSock(0, get_local_ip().data())) { _apRtcpSock[trackIndex].reset(); throw std::runtime_error("open rtcp sock err"); } sendRtspRequest("SETUP",baseUrl,{"Transport", StrPrinter << "RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=" << _apRtpSock[trackIndex]->get_local_port() << "-" << _apRtcpSock[trackIndex]->get_local_port()}); } break; default: break; } } void RtspPlayer::handleResSETUP(const Parser &parser, unsigned int uiTrackIndex) { if (parser.Url() != "200") { throw std::runtime_error( StrPrinter << "SETUP:" << parser.Url() << " " << parser.Tail() << endl); } if (uiTrackIndex == 0) { _strSession = parser["Session"]; _strSession.append(";"); _strSession = FindField(_strSession.data(), nullptr, ";"); } auto strTransport = parser["Transport"]; if(strTransport.find("TCP") != string::npos){ _eType = Rtsp::RTP_TCP; }else if(strTransport.find("multicast") != string::npos){ _eType = Rtsp::RTP_MULTICAST; }else{ _eType = Rtsp::RTP_UDP; } RtspSplitter::enableRecvRtp(_eType == Rtsp::RTP_TCP); if(_eType == Rtsp::RTP_TCP) { string interleaved = FindField( FindField((strTransport + ";").data(), "interleaved=", ";").data(), NULL, "-"); _aTrackInfo[uiTrackIndex]->_interleaved = atoi(interleaved.data()); }else{ const char *strPos = (_eType == Rtsp::RTP_MULTICAST ? "port=" : "server_port=") ; auto port_str = FindField((strTransport + ";").data(), strPos, ";"); uint16_t rtp_port = atoi(FindField(port_str.data(), NULL, "-").data()); uint16_t rtcp_port = atoi(FindField(port_str.data(), "-",NULL).data()); auto &pRtpSockRef = _apRtpSock[uiTrackIndex]; auto &pRtcpSockRef = _apRtcpSock[uiTrackIndex]; if (_eType == Rtsp::RTP_MULTICAST) { //udp组播 auto multiAddr = FindField((strTransport + ";").data(), "destination=", ";"); pRtpSockRef.reset(new Socket()); if (!pRtpSockRef->bindUdpSock(rtp_port, "")) { pRtpSockRef.reset(); throw std::runtime_error("open udp sock err"); } auto fd = pRtpSockRef->rawFD(); if (-1 == SockUtil::joinMultiAddrFilter(fd, multiAddr.data(), get_peer_ip().data(),get_local_ip().data())) { SockUtil::joinMultiAddr(fd, multiAddr.data(),get_local_ip().data()); } } else { //udp单播 struct sockaddr_in rtpto; rtpto.sin_port = ntohs(rtp_port); rtpto.sin_family = AF_INET; rtpto.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(get_peer_ip().data()); pRtpSockRef->setSendPeerAddr((struct sockaddr *)&(rtpto)); //发送rtp打洞包 pRtpSockRef->send("\xce\xfa\xed\xfe", 4); //设置rtcp发送目标,为后续发送rtcp做准备 rtpto.sin_port = ntohs(rtcp_port); rtpto.sin_family = AF_INET; rtpto.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(get_peer_ip().data()); pRtcpSockRef->setSendPeerAddr((struct sockaddr *)&(rtpto)); } auto srcIP = inet_addr(get_peer_ip().data()); weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); //设置rtp over udp接收回调处理函数 pRtpSockRef->setOnRead([srcIP, uiTrackIndex, weakSelf](const Buffer::Ptr &buf, struct sockaddr *addr) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } if (((struct sockaddr_in *) addr)->sin_addr.s_addr != srcIP) { WarnL << "收到其他地址的rtp数据:" << inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *) addr)->sin_addr); return; } strongSelf->handleOneRtp(uiTrackIndex, strongSelf->_aTrackInfo[uiTrackIndex], (unsigned char *) buf->data(), buf->size()); }); if(pRtcpSockRef) { //设置rtcp over udp接收回调处理函数 pRtcpSockRef->setOnRead([srcIP, uiTrackIndex, weakSelf](const Buffer::Ptr &buf, struct sockaddr *addr) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } if (((struct sockaddr_in *) addr)->sin_addr.s_addr != srcIP) { WarnL << "收到其他地址的rtcp数据:" << inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *) addr)->sin_addr); return; } strongSelf->onRecvRtcp(uiTrackIndex, strongSelf->_aTrackInfo[uiTrackIndex], (unsigned char *) buf->data(), buf->size()); }); } } if (uiTrackIndex < _aTrackInfo.size() - 1) { //需要继续发送SETUP命令 sendSetup(uiTrackIndex + 1); return; } //所有setup命令发送完毕 //设置心跳包发送定时器 weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); _pBeatTimer.reset(new Timer((*this)[kBeatIntervalMS].as() / 1000.0, [weakSelf](){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf){ return false; } strongSelf->sendRtcpPacket(); return true; },getPoller())); //发送play命令 pause(false); } void RtspPlayer::sendOptions() { _onHandshake = [](const Parser& parser){ // DebugL << "options response"; }; sendRtspRequest("OPTIONS",_strContentBase); } void RtspPlayer::sendDescribe() { //发送DESCRIBE命令后处理函数:handleResDESCRIBE _onHandshake = std::bind(&RtspPlayer::handleResDESCRIBE,this, placeholders::_1); sendRtspRequest("DESCRIBE",_strUrl,{"Accept","application/sdp"}); } void RtspPlayer::sendPause(bool bPause,uint32_t seekMS){ if(!bPause){ //修改时间轴 int iTimeInc = seekMS - getProgressMilliSecond(); for(unsigned int i = 0 ;i < _aTrackInfo.size() ;i++){ _aiFistStamp[i] = _aiNowStamp[i] + iTimeInc; _aiNowStamp[i] = _aiFistStamp[i]; } _iSeekTo = seekMS; } //开启或暂停rtsp _onHandshake = std::bind(&RtspPlayer::handleResPAUSE,this, placeholders::_1,bPause); sendRtspRequest(bPause ? "PAUSE" : "PLAY", _strContentBase, {"Range",StrPrinter << "npt=" << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << seekMS / 1000.0 << "-"}); } void RtspPlayer::pause(bool bPause) { sendPause(bPause, getProgressMilliSecond()); } void RtspPlayer::handleResPAUSE(const Parser& parser, bool bPause) { if (parser.Url() != "200") { WarnL <<(bPause ? "Pause" : "Play") << " failed:" << parser.Url() << " " << parser.Tail() << endl; return; } if (!bPause) { //修正时间轴 auto strRange = parser["Range"]; if (strRange.size()) { auto strStart = FindField(strRange.data(), "npt=", "-"); if (strStart == "now") { strStart = "0"; } _iSeekTo = 1000 * atof(strStart.data()); DebugL << "seekTo(ms):" << _iSeekTo ; } auto strRtpInfo = parser["RTP-Info"]; if (strRtpInfo.size()) { strRtpInfo.append(","); vector vec = split(strRtpInfo, ","); for(auto &strTrack : vec){ strTrack.append(";"); auto strControlSuffix = strTrack.substr(1 + strTrack.rfind('/'),strTrack.find(';') - strTrack.rfind('/') - 1); auto strRtpTime = FindField(strTrack.data(), "rtptime=", ";"); auto idx = getTrackIndexByControlSuffix(strControlSuffix); if(idx != -1){ _aiFistStamp[idx] = atoll(strRtpTime.data()) * 1000 / _aTrackInfo[idx]->_samplerate; _aiNowStamp[idx] = _aiFistStamp[idx]; DebugL << "rtptime(ms):" << strControlSuffix <<" " << strRtpTime; } } } onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_success, "rtsp play success")); } else { _pRtpTimer.reset(); } } void RtspPlayer::onWholeRtspPacket(Parser &parser) { try { decltype(_onHandshake) fun; _onHandshake.swap(fun); if(fun){ fun(parser); } parser.Clear(); } catch (std::exception &err) { SockException ex(Err_other, err.what()); onPlayResult_l(ex); } } void RtspPlayer::onRtpPacket(const char *data, uint64_t len) { int trackIdx = -1; uint8_t interleaved = data[1]; if(interleaved %2 == 0){ trackIdx = getTrackIndexByInterleaved(interleaved); if (trackIdx != -1) { handleOneRtp(trackIdx,_aTrackInfo[trackIdx],(unsigned char *)data + 4, len - 4); } }else{ trackIdx = getTrackIndexByInterleaved(interleaved - 1); if (trackIdx != -1) { onRecvRtcp(trackIdx,_aTrackInfo[trackIdx],(unsigned char *)data + 4, len - 4); } } } void RtspPlayer::onRecvRtcp(int iTrackidx,SdpTrack::Ptr &track, unsigned char *pucData, unsigned int uiLen){ } void RtspPlayer::sendRtcpPacket(){ //目前只实现了通过options命令实现心跳包 sendOptions(); } void RtspPlayer::onRtpSorted(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtppt, int trackidx){ //统计丢包率 if (_aui16FirstSeq[trackidx] == 0 || rtppt->sequence < _aui16FirstSeq[trackidx]) { _aui16FirstSeq[trackidx] = rtppt->sequence; _aui64RtpRecv[trackidx] = 0; } _aui64RtpRecv[trackidx] ++; _aui16NowSeq[trackidx] = rtppt->sequence; _aiNowStamp[trackidx] = rtppt->timeStamp; if( _aiFistStamp[trackidx] == 0){ _aiFistStamp[trackidx] = _aiNowStamp[trackidx]; } rtppt->timeStamp -= _aiFistStamp[trackidx]; onRecvRTP_l(rtppt,_aTrackInfo[trackidx]); } float RtspPlayer::getPacketLossRate(TrackType type) const{ int iTrackIdx = getTrackIndexByTrackType(type); if(iTrackIdx == -1){ uint64_t totalRecv = 0; uint64_t totalSend = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _aTrackInfo.size(); i++) { totalRecv += _aui64RtpRecv[i]; totalSend += (_aui16NowSeq[i] - _aui16FirstSeq[i] + 1); } if(totalSend == 0){ return 0; } return 1.0 - (double)totalRecv / totalSend; } if(_aui16NowSeq[iTrackIdx] - _aui16FirstSeq[iTrackIdx] + 1 == 0){ return 0; } return 1.0 - (double)_aui64RtpRecv[iTrackIdx] / (_aui16NowSeq[iTrackIdx] - _aui16FirstSeq[iTrackIdx] + 1); } uint32_t RtspPlayer::getProgressMilliSecond() const{ uint32_t iTime[2] = {0,0}; for(unsigned int i = 0 ;i < _aTrackInfo.size() ;i++){ iTime[i] = _aiNowStamp[i] - _aiFistStamp[i]; } return _iSeekTo + MAX(iTime[0],iTime[1]); } void RtspPlayer::seekToMilliSecond(uint32_t ms) { sendPause(false,ms); } void RtspPlayer::sendRtspRequest(const string &cmd, const string &url, const std::initializer_list &header) { string key; StrCaseMap header_map; int i = 0; for(auto &val : header){ if(++i % 2 == 0){ header_map.emplace(key,val); }else{ key = val; } } sendRtspRequest(cmd,url,header_map); } void RtspPlayer::sendRtspRequest(const string &cmd, const string &url,const StrCaseMap &header_const) { auto header = header_const; header.emplace("CSeq",StrPrinter << _uiCseq++); header.emplace("User-Agent",SERVER_NAME "(build in " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")"); if(!_strSession.empty()){ header.emplace("Session",_strSession); } if(!_rtspRealm.empty() && !(*this)[kRtspUser].empty()){ if(!_rtspMd5Nonce.empty()){ //MD5认证 /* response计算方法如下: RTSP客户端应该使用username + password并计算response如下: (1)当password为MD5编码,则 response = md5( password:nonce:md5(public_method:url) ); (2)当password为ANSI字符串,则 response= md5( md5(username:realm:password):nonce:md5(public_method:url) ); */ string encrypted_pwd = (*this)[kRtspPwd]; if(!(*this)[kRtspPwdIsMD5].as()){ encrypted_pwd = MD5((*this)[kRtspUser]+ ":" + _rtspRealm + ":" + encrypted_pwd).hexdigest(); } auto response = MD5( encrypted_pwd + ":" + _rtspMd5Nonce + ":" + MD5(cmd + ":" + url).hexdigest()).hexdigest(); _StrPrinter printer; printer << "Digest "; printer << "username=\"" << (*this)[kRtspUser] << "\", "; printer << "realm=\"" << _rtspRealm << "\", "; printer << "nonce=\"" << _rtspMd5Nonce << "\", "; printer << "uri=\"" << url << "\", "; printer << "response=\"" << response << "\""; header.emplace("Authorization",printer); }else if(!(*this)[kRtspPwdIsMD5].as()){ //base64认证 string authStr = StrPrinter << (*this)[kRtspUser] << ":" << (*this)[kRtspPwd]; char authStrBase64[1024] = {0}; av_base64_encode(authStrBase64,sizeof(authStrBase64),(uint8_t *)authStr.data(),authStr.size()); header.emplace("Authorization",StrPrinter << "Basic " << authStrBase64 ); } } _StrPrinter printer; printer << cmd << " " << url << " RTSP/1.0\r\n"; for (auto &pr : header){ printer << pr.first << ": " << pr.second << "\r\n"; } send(printer << "\r\n"); } void RtspPlayer::onRecvRTP_l(const RtpPacket::Ptr &pRtppt, const SdpTrack::Ptr &track) { _rtpTicker.resetTime(); onRecvRTP(pRtppt,track); } void RtspPlayer::onPlayResult_l(const SockException &ex) { WarnL << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what(); if(_pPlayTimer){ //播放结果回调 _pPlayTimer.reset(); onPlayResult(ex); if(!ex){ //播放成功 _rtpTicker.resetTime(); weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); int timeoutMS = (*this)[kMediaTimeoutMS].as(); _pRtpTimer.reset( new Timer(timeoutMS / 2000.0, [weakSelf,timeoutMS]() { auto strongSelf=weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf) { return false; } if(strongSelf->_rtpTicker.elapsedTime()> timeoutMS) { //recv rtp timeout! strongSelf->onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_timeout,"recv rtp timeout")); return false; } return true; },getPoller())); } } else if(ex){ //播放成功后异常断开回调 onShutdown(ex); } if(ex){ teardown(); } } int RtspPlayer::getTrackIndexByControlSuffix(const string &controlSuffix) const{ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _aTrackInfo.size(); i++) { auto pos = _aTrackInfo[i]->_control_surffix.find(controlSuffix); if (pos == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } int RtspPlayer::getTrackIndexByInterleaved(int interleaved) const{ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _aTrackInfo.size(); i++) { if (_aTrackInfo[i]->_interleaved == interleaved) { return i; } } return -1; } int RtspPlayer::getTrackIndexByTrackType(TrackType trackType) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _aTrackInfo.size(); i++) { if (_aTrackInfo[i]->_type == trackType) { return i; } } return -1; } } /* namespace mediakit */