/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "RtmpProtocol.h" #include "Rtmp/utils.h" #include "Util/util.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" #include "Thread/ThreadPool.h" using namespace toolkit; #ifdef ENABLE_OPENSSL #include "Util/SSLBox.h" #include #include static string openssl_HMACsha256(const void *key,unsigned int key_len, const void *data,unsigned int data_len){ std::shared_ptr out(new char[32],[](char *ptr){delete [] ptr;}); unsigned int out_len; #if defined(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x10100000L) //openssl 1.1.0新增api,老版本api作废 HMAC_CTX *ctx = HMAC_CTX_new(); HMAC_CTX_reset(ctx); HMAC_Init_ex(ctx, key, key_len, EVP_sha256(), NULL); HMAC_Update(ctx, (unsigned char*)data, data_len); HMAC_Final(ctx, (unsigned char *)out.get(), &out_len); HMAC_CTX_reset(ctx); HMAC_CTX_free(ctx); #else HMAC_CTX ctx; HMAC_CTX_init(&ctx); HMAC_Init_ex(&ctx, key, key_len, EVP_sha256(), NULL); HMAC_Update(&ctx, (unsigned char*)data, data_len); HMAC_Final(&ctx, (unsigned char *)out.get(), &out_len); HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); #endif //defined(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x10100000L) return string(out.get(),out_len); } #endif //ENABLE_OPENSSL #define C1_DIGEST_SIZE 32 #define C1_KEY_SIZE 128 #define C1_SCHEMA_SIZE 764 #define C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE (RANDOM_LEN + 8) #define C1_FPKEY_SIZE 30 #define S1_FMS_KEY_SIZE 36 #define S2_FMS_KEY_SIZE 68 #define C1_OFFSET_SIZE 4 namespace mediakit { RtmpProtocol::RtmpProtocol() { _nextHandle = [this](){ handle_C0C1(); }; } RtmpProtocol::~RtmpProtocol() { reset(); } void RtmpProtocol::reset() { ////////////ChunkSize//////////// _iChunkLenIn = DEFAULT_CHUNK_LEN; _iChunkLenOut = DEFAULT_CHUNK_LEN; ////////////Acknowledgement//////////// _ui32ByteSent = 0; _ui32LastSent = 0; _ui32WinSize = 0; ///////////PeerBandwidth/////////// _ui32Bandwidth = 2500000; _ui8LimitType = 2; ////////////Chunk//////////// _mapChunkData.clear(); _iNowStreamID = 0; _iNowChunkID = 0; //////////Invoke Request////////// _iReqID = 0; //////////Rtmp parser////////// _strRcvBuf.clear(); _ui32StreamId = STREAM_CONTROL; _nextHandle = [this]() { handle_C0C1(); }; } void RtmpProtocol::sendAcknowledgement(uint32_t ui32Size) { std::string control; uint32_t stream = htonl(ui32Size); control.append((char *) &stream, 4); sendRequest(MSG_ACK, control); } void RtmpProtocol::sendAcknowledgementSize(uint32_t ui32Size) { uint32_t windowSize = htonl(ui32Size); std::string set_windowSize((char *) &windowSize, 4); sendRequest(MSG_WIN_SIZE, set_windowSize); } void RtmpProtocol::sendPeerBandwidth(uint32_t ui32Size) { uint32_t peerBandwidth = htonl(ui32Size); std::string set_peerBandwidth((char *) &peerBandwidth, 4); set_peerBandwidth.push_back((char) 0x02); sendRequest(MSG_SET_PEER_BW, set_peerBandwidth); } void RtmpProtocol::sendChunkSize(uint32_t ui32Size) { uint32_t len = htonl(ui32Size); std::string set_chunk((char *) &len, 4); sendRequest(MSG_SET_CHUNK, set_chunk); _iChunkLenOut = ui32Size; } void RtmpProtocol::sendPingRequest(uint32_t ui32TimeStamp) { sendUserControl(CONTROL_PING_REQUEST, ui32TimeStamp); } void RtmpProtocol::sendPingResponse(uint32_t ui32TimeStamp) { sendUserControl(CONTROL_PING_RESPONSE, ui32TimeStamp); } void RtmpProtocol::sendSetBufferLength(uint32_t ui32StreamId, uint32_t ui32Length) { std::string control; ui32StreamId = htonl(ui32StreamId); control.append((char *) &ui32StreamId, 4); ui32Length = htonl(ui32Length); control.append((char *) &ui32Length, 4); sendUserControl(CONTROL_SETBUFFER, control); } void RtmpProtocol::sendUserControl(uint16_t ui16EventType, uint32_t ui32EventData) { std::string control; uint16_t type = htons(ui16EventType); control.append((char *) &type, 2); uint32_t stream = htonl(ui32EventData); control.append((char *) &stream, 4); sendRequest(MSG_USER_CONTROL, control); } void RtmpProtocol::sendUserControl(uint16_t ui16EventType, const string& strEventData) { std::string control; uint16_t type = htons(ui16EventType); control.append((char *) &type, 2); control.append(strEventData); sendRequest(MSG_USER_CONTROL, control); } void RtmpProtocol::sendResponse(int iType, const string& str) { if(!_bDataStarted && (iType == MSG_DATA)){ _bDataStarted = true; } sendRtmp(iType, _iNowStreamID, str, 0, _bDataStarted ? CHUNK_CLIENT_REQUEST_AFTER : CHUNK_CLIENT_REQUEST_BEFORE); } void RtmpProtocol::sendInvoke(const string& strCmd, const AMFValue& val) { AMFEncoder enc; enc << strCmd << ++_iReqID << val; sendRequest(MSG_CMD, enc.data()); } void RtmpProtocol::sendRequest(int iCmd, const string& str) { sendRtmp(iCmd, _ui32StreamId, str, 0, CHUNK_SERVER_REQUEST); } class BufferPartial : public Buffer { public: BufferPartial(const Buffer::Ptr &buffer,uint32_t offset,uint32_t size){ _buffer = buffer; _data = buffer->data() + offset; _size = size; } ~BufferPartial(){} char *data() const override { return _data; } uint32_t size() const override{ return _size; } private: Buffer::Ptr _buffer; char *_data; uint32_t _size; }; void RtmpProtocol::sendRtmp(uint8_t ui8Type, uint32_t ui32StreamId, const std::string& strBuf, uint32_t ui32TimeStamp, int iChunkId) { sendRtmp(ui8Type,ui32StreamId,std::make_shared(strBuf),ui32TimeStamp,iChunkId); } void RtmpProtocol::sendRtmp(uint8_t ui8Type, uint32_t ui32StreamId, const Buffer::Ptr &buf, uint32_t ui32TimeStamp, int iChunkId){ if (iChunkId < 2 || iChunkId > 63) { auto strErr = StrPrinter << "不支持发送该类型的块流 ID:" << iChunkId << endl; throw std::runtime_error(strErr); } //是否有扩展时间戳 bool bExtStamp = ui32TimeStamp >= 0xFFFFFF; //rtmp头 BufferRaw::Ptr bufferHeader = obtainBuffer(); bufferHeader->setCapacity(sizeof(RtmpHeader)); bufferHeader->setSize(sizeof(RtmpHeader)); //对rtmp头赋值,如果使用整形赋值,在arm android上可能由于数据对齐导致总线错误的问题 RtmpHeader *header = (RtmpHeader*) bufferHeader->data(); header->flags = (iChunkId & 0x3f) | (0 << 6); header->typeId = ui8Type; set_be24(header->timeStamp, bExtStamp ? 0xFFFFFF : ui32TimeStamp); set_be24(header->bodySize, buf->size()); set_le32(header->streamId, ui32StreamId); //发送rtmp头 onSendRawData(bufferHeader); //扩展时间戳字段 BufferRaw::Ptr bufferExtStamp; if (bExtStamp) { //生成扩展时间戳 bufferExtStamp = obtainBuffer(); bufferExtStamp->setCapacity(4); bufferExtStamp->setSize(4); set_be32(bufferExtStamp->data(), ui32TimeStamp); } //生成一个字节的flag,标明是什么chunkId BufferRaw::Ptr bufferFlags = obtainBuffer(); bufferFlags->setCapacity(1); bufferFlags->setSize(1); bufferFlags->data()[0] = (iChunkId & 0x3f) | (3 << 6); size_t offset = 0; uint32_t totalSize = sizeof(RtmpHeader); while (offset < buf->size()) { if (offset) { onSendRawData(bufferFlags); totalSize += 1; } if (bExtStamp) { //扩展时间戳 onSendRawData(bufferExtStamp); totalSize += 4; } size_t chunk = min(_iChunkLenOut, buf->size() - offset); onSendRawData(std::make_shared(buf,offset,chunk)); totalSize += chunk; offset += chunk; } _ui32ByteSent += totalSize; if (_ui32WinSize > 0 && _ui32ByteSent - _ui32LastSent >= _ui32WinSize) { _ui32LastSent = _ui32ByteSent; sendAcknowledgement(_ui32ByteSent); } } void RtmpProtocol::onParseRtmp(const char *pcRawData, int iSize) { _strRcvBuf.append(pcRawData, iSize); auto cb = _nextHandle; cb(); } ////for client//// void RtmpProtocol::startClientSession(const function &callBack) { //发送 C0C1 char handshake_head = HANDSHAKE_PLAINTEXT; onSendRawData(obtainBuffer(&handshake_head, 1)); RtmpHandshake c1(0); onSendRawData(obtainBuffer((char *) (&c1), sizeof(c1))); _nextHandle = [this,callBack]() { //等待 S0+S1+S2 handle_S0S1S2(callBack); }; } void RtmpProtocol::handle_S0S1S2(const function &callBack) { if (_strRcvBuf.size() < 1 + 2 * C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE) { //数据不够 return; } if (_strRcvBuf[0] != HANDSHAKE_PLAINTEXT) { throw std::runtime_error("only plaintext[0x03] handshake supported"); } //发送 C2 const char *pcC2 = _strRcvBuf.data() + 1; onSendRawData(obtainBuffer(pcC2, C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE)); _strRcvBuf.erase(0, 1 + 2 * C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE); //握手结束 _nextHandle = [this]() { //握手结束并且开始进入解析命令模式 handle_rtmp(); }; callBack(); } ////for server //// void RtmpProtocol::handle_C0C1() { if (_strRcvBuf.size() < 1 + C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE) { //need more data! return; } if (_strRcvBuf[0] != HANDSHAKE_PLAINTEXT) { throw std::runtime_error("only plaintext[0x03] handshake supported"); } if(memcmp(_strRcvBuf.data() + 5,"\x00\x00\x00\x00",4) ==0 ){ //simple handsharke handle_C1_simple(); }else{ #ifdef ENABLE_OPENSSL //complex handsharke handle_C1_complex(); #else WarnL << "未打开ENABLE_OPENSSL宏,复杂握手采用简单方式处理,flash播放器可能无法播放!"; handle_C1_simple(); #endif//ENABLE_OPENSSL } _strRcvBuf.erase(0, 1 + C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE); } void RtmpProtocol::handle_C1_simple(){ //发送S0 char handshake_head = HANDSHAKE_PLAINTEXT; onSendRawData(obtainBuffer(&handshake_head, 1)); //发送S1 RtmpHandshake s1(0); onSendRawData(obtainBuffer((char *) &s1, C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE)); //发送S2 onSendRawData(obtainBuffer(_strRcvBuf.data() + 1, C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE)); //等待C2 _nextHandle = [this]() { handle_C2(); }; } #ifdef ENABLE_OPENSSL void RtmpProtocol::handle_C1_complex(){ //参考自:http://blog.csdn.net/win_lin/article/details/13006803 //skip c0,time,version const char *c1_start = _strRcvBuf.data() + 1; const char *schema_start = c1_start + 8; char *digest_start; try{ /* c1s1 schema0 time: 4bytes version: 4bytes key: 764bytes digest: 764bytes */ auto digest = get_C1_digest((uint8_t *)schema_start + C1_SCHEMA_SIZE,&digest_start); string c1_joined(c1_start,C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE); c1_joined.erase(digest_start - c1_start , C1_DIGEST_SIZE ); check_C1_Digest(digest,c1_joined); send_complex_S0S1S2(0,digest); // InfoL << "schema0"; }catch(std::exception &ex){ //貌似flash从来都不用schema1 // WarnL << "try rtmp complex schema0 failed:" << ex.what(); try{ /* c1s1 schema1 time: 4bytes version: 4bytes digest: 764bytes key: 764bytes */ auto digest = get_C1_digest((uint8_t *)schema_start,&digest_start); string c1_joined(c1_start,C1_HANDSHARK_SIZE); c1_joined.erase(digest_start - c1_start , C1_DIGEST_SIZE ); check_C1_Digest(digest,c1_joined); send_complex_S0S1S2(1,digest); // InfoL << "schema1"; }catch(std::exception &ex){ // WarnL << "try rtmp complex schema1 failed:" << ex.what(); handle_C1_simple(); } } } #if !defined(u_int8_t) #define u_int8_t unsigned char #endif // !defined(u_int8_t) static u_int8_t FMSKey[] = { 0x47, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x75, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x20, 0x41, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x65, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x65, 0x64, 0x69, 0x61, 0x20, 0x53, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x30, 0x30, 0x31, // Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server 001 0xf0, 0xee, 0xc2, 0x4a, 0x80, 0x68, 0xbe, 0xe8, 0x2e, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x02, 0x9e, 0x7e, 0x57, 0x6e, 0xec, 0x5d, 0x2d, 0x29, 0x80, 0x6f, 0xab, 0x93, 0xb8, 0xe6, 0x36, 0xcf, 0xeb, 0x31, 0xae }; // 68 static u_int8_t FPKey[] = { 0x47, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x75, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x65, 0x20, 0x41, 0x64, 0x6F, 0x62, 0x65, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6C, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x20, 0x50, 0x6C, 0x61, 0x79, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x30, 0x30, 0x31, // Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001 0xF0, 0xEE, 0xC2, 0x4A, 0x80, 0x68, 0xBE, 0xE8, 0x2E, 0x00, 0xD0, 0xD1, 0x02, 0x9E, 0x7E, 0x57, 0x6E, 0xEC, 0x5D, 0x2D, 0x29, 0x80, 0x6F, 0xAB, 0x93, 0xB8, 0xE6, 0x36, 0xCF, 0xEB, 0x31, 0xAE }; // 62 void RtmpProtocol::check_C1_Digest(const string &digest,const string &data){ auto sha256 = openssl_HMACsha256(FPKey,C1_FPKEY_SIZE,data.data(),data.size()); if(sha256 != digest){ throw std::runtime_error("digest mismatched"); }else{ InfoL << "check rtmp complex handshark success!"; } } string RtmpProtocol::get_C1_digest(const uint8_t *ptr,char **digestPos){ /* 764bytes digest结构 offset: 4bytes random-data: (offset)bytes digest-data: 32bytes random-data: (764-4-offset-32)bytes */ int offset = 0; for(int i=0;i> 6]; _iNowChunkID = flags & 0x3f; switch (_iNowChunkID) { case 0: { //0 值表示二字节形式,并且 ID 范围 64 - 319 //(第二个字节 + 64)。 if (_strRcvBuf.size() < 2) { //need more data return; } _iNowChunkID = 64 + (uint8_t) (_strRcvBuf[1]); iOffset = 1; } break; case 1: { //1 值表示三字节形式,并且 ID 范围为 64 - 65599 //((第三个字节) * 256 + 第二个字节 + 64)。 if (_strRcvBuf.size() < 3) { //need more data return; } _iNowChunkID = 64 + ((uint8_t) (_strRcvBuf[2]) << 8) + (uint8_t) (_strRcvBuf[1]); iOffset = 2; } break; default: //带有 2 值的块流 ID 被保留,用于下层协议控制消息和命令。 break; } if (_strRcvBuf.size() < iHeaderLen + iOffset) { //need more data return; } RtmpHeader &header = *((RtmpHeader *) (_strRcvBuf.data() + iOffset)); auto &chunkData = _mapChunkData[_iNowChunkID]; chunkData.chunkId = _iNowChunkID; switch (iHeaderLen) { case 12: chunkData.hasAbsStamp = true; chunkData.streamId = load_le32(header.streamId); case 8: chunkData.bodySize = load_be24(header.bodySize); chunkData.typeId = header.typeId; case 4: chunkData.tsField = load_be24(header.timeStamp); } auto timeStamp = chunkData.tsField; if (chunkData.tsField == 0xFFFFFF) { if (_strRcvBuf.size() < iHeaderLen + iOffset + 4) { //need more data return; } timeStamp = load_be32(_strRcvBuf.data() + iOffset + iHeaderLen); iOffset += 4; } if (chunkData.bodySize < chunkData.strBuf.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("非法的bodySize"); } auto iMore = min(_iChunkLenIn, chunkData.bodySize - chunkData.strBuf.size()); if (_strRcvBuf.size() < iHeaderLen + iOffset + iMore) { //need more data return; } chunkData.strBuf.append(_strRcvBuf, iHeaderLen + iOffset, iMore); _strRcvBuf.erase(0, iHeaderLen + iOffset + iMore); if (chunkData.strBuf.size() == chunkData.bodySize) { //frame is ready _iNowStreamID = chunkData.streamId; chunkData.timeStamp = timeStamp + (chunkData.hasAbsStamp ? 0 : chunkData.timeStamp); if(chunkData.bodySize){ handle_rtmpChunk(chunkData); } chunkData.strBuf.clear(); chunkData.hasAbsStamp = false; } } } void RtmpProtocol::handle_rtmpChunk(RtmpPacket& chunkData) { switch (chunkData.typeId) { case MSG_ACK: { if (chunkData.strBuf.size() < 4) { throw std::runtime_error("MSG_ACK: Not enough data"); } //auto bytePeerRecv = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); //TraceL << "MSG_ACK:" << bytePeerRecv; } break; case MSG_SET_CHUNK: { if (chunkData.strBuf.size() < 4) { throw std::runtime_error("MSG_SET_CHUNK :Not enough data"); } _iChunkLenIn = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); TraceL << "MSG_SET_CHUNK:" << _iChunkLenIn; } break; case MSG_USER_CONTROL: { //user control message if (chunkData.strBuf.size() < 2) { throw std::runtime_error("MSG_USER_CONTROL: Not enough data."); } uint16_t event_type = load_be16(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); chunkData.strBuf.erase(0, 2); switch (event_type) { case CONTROL_PING_REQUEST: { if (chunkData.strBuf.size() < 4) { throw std::runtime_error("CONTROL_PING_REQUEST: Not enough data."); } uint32_t timeStamp = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); //TraceL << "CONTROL_PING_REQUEST:" << timeStamp; sendUserControl(CONTROL_PING_RESPONSE, timeStamp); } break; case CONTROL_PING_RESPONSE: { if (chunkData.strBuf.size() < 4) { throw std::runtime_error("CONTROL_PING_RESPONSE: Not enough data."); } //uint32_t timeStamp = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); //TraceL << "CONTROL_PING_RESPONSE:" << timeStamp; } break; case CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN: { //开始播放 if (chunkData.strBuf.size() < 4) { throw std::runtime_error("CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN: Not enough data."); } uint32_t stramId = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); onStreamBegin(stramId); TraceL << "CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:" << stramId; } break; case CONTROL_STREAM_EOF: { //暂停 if (chunkData.strBuf.size() < 4) { throw std::runtime_error("CONTROL_STREAM_EOF: Not enough data."); } uint32_t stramId = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); onStreamEof(stramId); TraceL << "CONTROL_STREAM_EOF:" << stramId; } break; case CONTROL_STREAM_DRY: { //停止播放 if (chunkData.strBuf.size() < 4) { throw std::runtime_error("CONTROL_STREAM_DRY: Not enough data."); } uint32_t stramId = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); onStreamDry(stramId); TraceL << "CONTROL_STREAM_DRY:" << stramId; } break; default: //WarnL << "unhandled user control:" << event_type; break; } } break; case MSG_WIN_SIZE: { _ui32WinSize = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); TraceL << "MSG_WIN_SIZE:" << _ui32WinSize; } break; case MSG_SET_PEER_BW: { _ui32Bandwidth = load_be32(&chunkData.strBuf[0]); _ui8LimitType = chunkData.strBuf[4]; TraceL << "MSG_SET_PEER_BW:" << _ui32WinSize; } break; case MSG_AGGREGATE: { auto ptr = (uint8_t*)chunkData.strBuf.data(); auto ptr_tail = ptr + chunkData.strBuf.length() ; while(ptr + 8 + 3 < ptr_tail){ auto type = *ptr; ptr += 1; auto size = load_be24(ptr); ptr += 3; auto ts = load_be24(ptr); ptr += 3; ts |= (*ptr << 24); ptr += 1; //参考ffmpeg忽略了3个字节 /** * while (next - pkt->data < pkt->size - RTMP_HEADER) { type = bytestream_get_byte(&next); size = bytestream_get_be24(&next); cts = bytestream_get_be24(&next); cts |= bytestream_get_byte(&next) << 24; if (!pts) pts = cts; ts += cts - pts; pts = cts; if (size + 3 + 4 > pkt->data + pkt->size - next) break; bytestream_put_byte(&p, type); bytestream_put_be24(&p, size); bytestream_put_be24(&p, ts); bytestream_put_byte(&p, ts >> 24); memcpy(p, next, size + 3 + 4); p += size + 3; bytestream_put_be32(&p, size + RTMP_HEADER); next += size + 3 + 4; } */ ptr += 3; //参考FFmpeg多拷贝了4个字节 size += 4; if(ptr + size > ptr_tail){ // ErrorL << ptr + size << " " << ptr_tail << " " << ptr_tail - ptr - size; break; } // DebugL << (int)type << " " << size << " " << ts << " " << chunkData.timeStamp << " " << ptr_tail - ptr; RtmpPacket sub_packet ; sub_packet.strBuf.resize(size); memcpy((char *)sub_packet.strBuf.data(),ptr,size); sub_packet.typeId = type; sub_packet.bodySize = size; sub_packet.timeStamp = ts; sub_packet.streamId = chunkData.streamId; sub_packet.chunkId = chunkData.chunkId; handle_rtmpChunk(sub_packet); ptr += size; } // InfoL << ptr_tail - ptr; } break; default: onRtmpChunk(chunkData); break; } } BufferRaw::Ptr RtmpProtocol::obtainBuffer() { return std::make_shared() ;//_bufferPool.obtain(); } BufferRaw::Ptr RtmpProtocol::obtainBuffer(const void *data, int len) { auto buffer = obtainBuffer(); buffer->assign((const char *)data,len); return buffer; } } /* namespace mediakit */