/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "H265Rtmp.h" #ifdef ENABLE_MP4 #include "mpeg4-hevc.h" #endif//ENABLE_MP4 namespace mediakit{ H265RtmpDecoder::H265RtmpDecoder() { _h265frame = obtainFrame(); } H265Frame::Ptr H265RtmpDecoder::obtainFrame() { auto frame = FrameImp::create(); frame->_prefix_size = 4; return frame; } #ifdef ENABLE_MP4 /** * 返回不带0x00 00 00 01头的sps * @return */ static bool getH265ConfigFrame(const RtmpPacket &thiz,string &frame) { if (thiz.getMediaType() != FLV_CODEC_H265) { return false; } if (!thiz.isCfgFrame()) { return false; } if (thiz.buffer.size() < 6) { WarnL << "bad H265 cfg!"; return false; } auto extra = thiz.buffer.data() + 5; auto bytes = thiz.buffer.size() - 5; struct mpeg4_hevc_t hevc = {0}; if (mpeg4_hevc_decoder_configuration_record_load((uint8_t *) extra, bytes, &hevc) > 0) { uint8_t *config = new uint8_t[bytes * 2]; int size = mpeg4_hevc_to_nalu(&hevc, config, bytes * 2); if (size > 4) { frame.assign((char *) config + 4, size - 4); } delete [] config; return size > 4; } return false; } #endif void H265RtmpDecoder::inputRtmp(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { if (pkt->isCfgFrame()) { #ifdef ENABLE_MP4 string config; if(getH265ConfigFrame(*pkt,config)){ onGetH265(config.data(), config.size(), pkt->time_stamp , pkt->time_stamp); } #else WarnL << "请开启MP4相关功能并使能\"ENABLE_MP4\",否则对H265-RTMP支持不完善"; #endif return; } if (pkt->buffer.size() > 9) { auto iTotalLen = pkt->buffer.size(); size_t iOffset = 5; uint8_t *cts_ptr = (uint8_t *) (pkt->buffer.data() + 2); int32_t cts = (((cts_ptr[0] << 16) | (cts_ptr[1] << 8) | (cts_ptr[2])) + 0xff800000) ^ 0xff800000; auto pts = pkt->time_stamp + cts; while(iOffset + 4 < iTotalLen){ uint32_t iFrameLen; memcpy(&iFrameLen, pkt->buffer.data() + iOffset, 4); iFrameLen = ntohl(iFrameLen); iOffset += 4; if(iFrameLen + iOffset > iTotalLen){ break; } onGetH265(pkt->buffer.data() + iOffset, iFrameLen, pkt->time_stamp , pts); iOffset += iFrameLen; } } } inline void H265RtmpDecoder::onGetH265(const char* pcData, size_t iLen, uint32_t dts,uint32_t pts) { if(iLen == 0){ return; } #if 1 _h265frame->_dts = dts; _h265frame->_pts = pts; _h265frame->_buffer.assign("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); //添加265头 _h265frame->_buffer.append(pcData, iLen); //写入环形缓存 RtmpCodec::inputFrame(_h265frame); _h265frame = obtainFrame(); #else //防止内存拷贝,这样产生的265帧不会有0x00 00 01头 auto frame = std::make_shared((char *)pcData,iLen,dts,pts,0); RtmpCodec::inputFrame(frame); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// H265RtmpEncoder::H265RtmpEncoder(const Track::Ptr &track) { _track = dynamic_pointer_cast(track); } void H265RtmpEncoder::makeConfigPacket(){ if (_track && _track->ready()) { //尝试从track中获取sps pps信息 _sps = _track->getSps(); _pps = _track->getPps(); _vps = _track->getVps(); } if (!_sps.empty() && !_pps.empty() && !_vps.empty()) { //获取到sps/pps makeVideoConfigPkt(); _gotSpsPps = true; } } void H265RtmpEncoder::inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) { auto pcData = frame->data() + frame->prefixSize(); auto iLen = frame->size() - frame->prefixSize(); auto type = H265_TYPE(((uint8_t*)pcData)[0]); if (!_gotSpsPps) { //尝试从frame中获取sps pps switch (type) { case H265Frame::NAL_SPS: { //sps _sps = string(pcData, iLen); makeConfigPacket(); break; } case H265Frame::NAL_PPS: { //pps _pps = string(pcData, iLen); makeConfigPacket(); break; } case H265Frame::NAL_VPS: { //vps _vps = string(pcData, iLen); makeConfigPacket(); break; } default: break; } } if(type == H265Frame::NAL_SEI_PREFIX || type == H265Frame::NAL_SEI_SUFFIX || type == H265Frame::NAL_AUD){ return;// 防止sei aud 作为一帧 } if(frame->configFrame() && _lastPacket &&_lastPacketHasVCL){ // sps pps flush frame RtmpCodec::inputRtmp(_lastPacket); _lastPacket = nullptr; _lastPacketHasVCL = false; } if (_lastPacket && (_lastPacket->time_stamp != frame->dts() || (_lastPacketHasVCL &&type>=H265Frame::NAL_TRAIL_R &&type<= H265Frame::NAL_RSV_IRAP_VCL23 && (pcData[2]>>7 &0x01) !=0))) { RtmpCodec::inputRtmp(_lastPacket); _lastPacket = nullptr; _lastPacketHasVCL = false; } if(type>=H265Frame::NAL_TRAIL_R &&type<= H265Frame::NAL_RSV_IRAP_VCL23){ _lastPacketHasVCL = true; } if(!_lastPacket) { //I or P or B frame int8_t flags = FLV_CODEC_H265; bool is_config = false; flags |= (((frame->configFrame() || frame->keyFrame()) ? FLV_KEY_FRAME : FLV_INTER_FRAME) << 4); // to do // 必须是IDR帧才能是关键帧,否则有可能开始帧会花屏 SPS PPS VPS 打头的是一般I帧,但不一定是IDR帧 // RtmpCodec::inputRtmp 时需要判断 是否是IDR帧,做出相应的修改 _lastPacket = RtmpPacket::create(); _lastPacket->buffer.push_back(flags); _lastPacket->buffer.push_back(!is_config); auto cts = frame->pts() - frame->dts(); cts = htonl(cts); _lastPacket->buffer.append((char *)&cts + 1, 3); _lastPacket->chunk_id = CHUNK_VIDEO; _lastPacket->stream_index = STREAM_MEDIA; _lastPacket->time_stamp = frame->dts(); _lastPacket->type_id = MSG_VIDEO; } uint32_t size = htonl((uint32_t)iLen); _lastPacket->buffer.append((char *) &size, 4); _lastPacket->buffer.append(pcData, iLen); _lastPacket->body_size = _lastPacket->buffer.size(); } void H265RtmpEncoder::makeVideoConfigPkt() { #ifdef ENABLE_MP4 int8_t flags = FLV_CODEC_H265; flags |= (FLV_KEY_FRAME << 4); bool is_config = true; auto rtmpPkt = RtmpPacket::create(); //header rtmpPkt->buffer.push_back(flags); rtmpPkt->buffer.push_back(!is_config); //cts rtmpPkt->buffer.append("\x0\x0\x0", 3); struct mpeg4_hevc_t hevc = {0}; string vps_sps_pps = string("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4) + _vps + string("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4) + _sps + string("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4) + _pps; h265_annexbtomp4(&hevc, vps_sps_pps.data(), (int)vps_sps_pps.size(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); uint8_t extra_data[1024]; int extra_data_size = mpeg4_hevc_decoder_configuration_record_save(&hevc, extra_data, sizeof(extra_data)); if (extra_data_size == -1) { WarnL << "生成H265 extra_data 失败"; return; } //HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord rtmpPkt->buffer.append((char *)extra_data, extra_data_size); rtmpPkt->body_size = rtmpPkt->buffer.size(); rtmpPkt->chunk_id = CHUNK_VIDEO; rtmpPkt->stream_index = STREAM_MEDIA; rtmpPkt->time_stamp = 0; rtmpPkt->type_id = MSG_VIDEO; RtmpCodec::inputRtmp(rtmpPkt); #else WarnL << "请开启MP4相关功能并使能\"ENABLE_MP4\",否则对H265-RTMP支持不完善"; #endif } }//namespace mediakit