/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "RtmpPlayer.h" #include "Rtmp/utils.h" #include "Util/util.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" #include "Thread/ThreadPool.h" using namespace toolkit; using namespace mediakit::Client; namespace mediakit { RtmpPlayer::RtmpPlayer(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller) : TcpClient(poller) { } RtmpPlayer::~RtmpPlayer() { DebugL << endl; } void RtmpPlayer::teardown() { if (alive()) { shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown,"teardown")); } _strApp.clear(); _strStream.clear(); _strTcUrl.clear(); _pBeatTimer.reset(); _pPlayTimer.reset(); _pMediaTimer.reset(); _iSeekTo = 0; RtmpProtocol::reset(); CLEAR_ARR(_aiFistStamp); CLEAR_ARR(_aiNowStamp); lock_guard lck(_mtxOnResultCB); _mapOnResultCB.clear(); lock_guard lck2(_mtxOnStatusCB); _dqOnStatusCB.clear(); } void RtmpPlayer::play(const string &strUrl) { teardown(); string strHost = FindField(strUrl.data(), "://", "/"); _strApp = FindField(strUrl.data(), (strHost + "/").data(), "/"); _strStream = FindField(strUrl.data(), (strHost + "/" + _strApp + "/").data(), NULL); _strTcUrl = string("rtmp://") + strHost + "/" + _strApp; if (!_strApp.size() || !_strStream.size()) { onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_other,"rtmp url非法"),false); return; } DebugL << strHost << " " << _strApp << " " << _strStream; auto iPort = atoi(FindField(strHost.data(), ":", NULL).data()); if (iPort <= 0) { //rtmp 默认端口1935 iPort = 1935; } else { //服务器域名 strHost = FindField(strHost.data(), NULL, ":"); } if(!(*this)[kNetAdapter].empty()){ setNetAdapter((*this)[kNetAdapter]); } weak_ptr weakSelf= dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); float playTimeOutSec = (*this)[kTimeoutMS].as() / 1000.0; _pPlayTimer.reset( new Timer(playTimeOutSec, [weakSelf]() { auto strongSelf=weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf) { return false; } strongSelf->onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_timeout,"play rtmp timeout"),false); return false; },getPoller())); _metadata_got = false; startConnect(strHost, iPort , playTimeOutSec); } void RtmpPlayer::onErr(const SockException &ex){ //定时器_pPlayTimer为空后表明握手结束了 onPlayResult_l(ex, !_pPlayTimer); } void RtmpPlayer::onPlayResult_l(const SockException &ex , bool handshakeCompleted) { WarnL << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what(); if(!ex){ //播放成功,恢复rtmp接收超时定时器 _mediaTicker.resetTime(); weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); int timeoutMS = (*this)[kMediaTimeoutMS].as(); //创建rtmp数据接收超时检测定时器 _pMediaTimer.reset( new Timer(timeoutMS / 2000.0, [weakSelf,timeoutMS]() { auto strongSelf=weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf) { return false; } if(strongSelf->_mediaTicker.elapsedTime()> timeoutMS) { //接收rtmp媒体数据超时 strongSelf->onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_timeout,"receive rtmp timeout"),true); return false; } return true; },getPoller())); } if (!handshakeCompleted) { //开始播放阶段 _pPlayTimer.reset(); onPlayResult(ex); } else if (ex) { //播放成功后异常断开回调 onShutdown(ex); } else { //恢复播放 onResume(); } if(ex){ teardown(); } } void RtmpPlayer::onConnect(const SockException &err){ if(err.getErrCode() != Err_success) { onPlayResult_l(err, false); return; } weak_ptr weakSelf= dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); startClientSession([weakSelf](){ auto strongSelf=weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf) { return; } strongSelf->send_connect(); }); } void RtmpPlayer::onRecv(const Buffer::Ptr &pBuf){ try { onParseRtmp(pBuf->data(), pBuf->size()); } catch (exception &e) { SockException ex(Err_other, e.what()); //定时器_pPlayTimer为空后表明握手结束了 onPlayResult_l(ex, !_pPlayTimer); } } void RtmpPlayer::pause(bool bPause) { send_pause(bPause); } inline void RtmpPlayer::send_connect() { AMFValue obj(AMF_OBJECT); obj.set("app", _strApp); obj.set("tcUrl", _strTcUrl); //未使用代理 obj.set("fpad", false); //参考librtmp,什么作用? obj.set("capabilities", 15); //SUPPORT_VID_CLIENT_SEEK 支持seek obj.set("videoFunction", 1); //只支持aac obj.set("audioCodecs", (double)(0x0400)); //只支持H264 obj.set("videoCodecs", (double)(0x0080)); sendInvoke("connect", obj); addOnResultCB([this](AMFDecoder &dec){ //TraceL << "connect result"; dec.load(); auto val = dec.load(); auto level = val["level"].as_string(); auto code = val["code"].as_string(); if(level != "status"){ throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter <<"connect 失败:" << level << " " << code << endl); } send_createStream(); }); } inline void RtmpPlayer::send_createStream() { AMFValue obj(AMF_NULL); sendInvoke("createStream", obj); addOnResultCB([this](AMFDecoder &dec){ //TraceL << "createStream result"; dec.load(); _ui32StreamId = dec.load(); send_play(); }); } inline void RtmpPlayer::send_play() { AMFEncoder enc; enc << "play" << ++_iReqID << nullptr << _strStream << (double)_ui32StreamId; sendRequest(MSG_CMD, enc.data()); auto fun = [this](AMFValue &val){ //TraceL << "play onStatus"; auto level = val["level"].as_string(); auto code = val["code"].as_string(); if(level != "status"){ throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter <<"play 失败:" << level << " " << code << endl); } }; addOnStatusCB(fun); addOnStatusCB(fun); } inline void RtmpPlayer::send_pause(bool bPause) { AMFEncoder enc; enc << "pause" << ++_iReqID << nullptr << bPause; sendRequest(MSG_CMD, enc.data()); auto fun = [this,bPause](AMFValue &val){ //TraceL << "pause onStatus"; auto level = val["level"].as_string(); auto code = val["code"].as_string(); if(level != "status") { if(!bPause){ throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter <<"pause 恢复播放失败:" << level << " " << code << endl); } }else{ _bPaused = bPause; if(!bPause){ onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_success, "resum rtmp success"), true); }else{ //暂停播放 _pMediaTimer.reset(); } } }; addOnStatusCB(fun); _pBeatTimer.reset(); if(bPause){ weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); _pBeatTimer.reset(new Timer((*this)[kBeatIntervalMS].as() / 1000.0,[weakSelf](){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf){ return false; } uint32_t timeStamp = ::time(NULL); strongSelf->sendUserControl(CONTROL_PING_REQUEST, timeStamp); return true; },getPoller())); } } void RtmpPlayer::onCmd_result(AMFDecoder &dec){ auto iReqId = dec.load(); lock_guard lck(_mtxOnResultCB); auto it = _mapOnResultCB.find(iReqId); if(it != _mapOnResultCB.end()){ it->second(dec); _mapOnResultCB.erase(it); }else{ WarnL << "unhandled _result"; } } void RtmpPlayer::onCmd_onStatus(AMFDecoder &dec) { AMFValue val; while(true){ val = dec.load(); if(val.type() == AMF_OBJECT){ break; } } if(val.type() != AMF_OBJECT){ throw std::runtime_error("onStatus:the result object was not found"); } lock_guard lck(_mtxOnStatusCB); if(_dqOnStatusCB.size()){ _dqOnStatusCB.front()(val); _dqOnStatusCB.pop_front(); }else{ auto level = val["level"]; auto code = val["code"].as_string(); if(level.type() == AMF_STRING){ if(level.as_string() != "status"){ throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter <<"onStatus 失败:" << level.as_string() << " " << code << endl); } } //WarnL << "unhandled onStatus:" << code; } } void RtmpPlayer::onCmd_onMetaData(AMFDecoder &dec) { //TraceL; auto val = dec.load(); if(!onCheckMeta(val)){ throw std::runtime_error("onCheckMeta failed"); } _metadata_got = true; } void RtmpPlayer::onStreamDry(uint32_t ui32StreamId) { //TraceL << ui32StreamId; onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_other,"rtmp stream dry"), true); } void RtmpPlayer::onMediaData_l(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &packet) { _mediaTicker.resetTime(); if(!_pPlayTimer){ //已经触发了onPlayResult事件,直接触发onMediaData事件 onMediaData(packet); return; } if(packet->isCfgFrame()){ //输入配置帧以便初始化完成各个track onMediaData(packet); }else{ //先触发onPlayResult事件,这个时候解码器才能初始化完毕 onPlayResult_l(SockException(Err_success,"play rtmp success"), false); //触发onPlayResult事件后,再把帧数据输入到解码器 onMediaData(packet); } } void RtmpPlayer::onRtmpChunk(RtmpPacket &chunkData) { typedef void (RtmpPlayer::*rtmp_func_ptr)(AMFDecoder &dec); static unordered_map s_func_map; static onceToken token([]() { s_func_map.emplace("_error",&RtmpPlayer::onCmd_result); s_func_map.emplace("_result",&RtmpPlayer::onCmd_result); s_func_map.emplace("onStatus",&RtmpPlayer::onCmd_onStatus); s_func_map.emplace("onMetaData",&RtmpPlayer::onCmd_onMetaData); }, []() {}); switch (chunkData.typeId) { case MSG_CMD: case MSG_CMD3: case MSG_DATA: case MSG_DATA3: { AMFDecoder dec(chunkData.strBuf, 0); std::string type = dec.load(); auto it = s_func_map.find(type); if(it != s_func_map.end()){ auto fun = it->second; (this->*fun)(dec); }else{ WarnL << "can not support cmd:" << type; } } break; case MSG_AUDIO: case MSG_VIDEO: { auto idx = chunkData.typeId%2; if (_aNowStampTicker[idx].elapsedTime() > 500) { //计算播放进度时间轴用 _aiNowStamp[idx] = chunkData.timeStamp; } if(!_metadata_got){ if(!onCheckMeta(TitleMeta().getMetadata())){ throw std::runtime_error("onCheckMeta failed"); } _metadata_got = true; } onMediaData_l(std::make_shared(std::move(chunkData))); } break; default: //WarnL << "unhandled message:" << (int) chunkData.typeId << hexdump(chunkData.strBuf.data(), chunkData.strBuf.size()); break; } } uint32_t RtmpPlayer::getProgressMilliSecond() const{ uint32_t iTime[2] = {0,0}; for(auto i = 0 ;i < 2 ;i++){ iTime[i] = _aiNowStamp[i] - _aiFistStamp[i]; } return _iSeekTo + MAX(iTime[0],iTime[1]); } void RtmpPlayer::seekToMilliSecond(uint32_t seekMS){ if (_bPaused) { pause(false); } AMFEncoder enc; enc << "seek" << ++_iReqID << nullptr << seekMS * 1.0; sendRequest(MSG_CMD, enc.data()); addOnStatusCB([this,seekMS](AMFValue &val) { //TraceL << "seek result"; _aNowStampTicker[0].resetTime(); _aNowStampTicker[1].resetTime(); int iTimeInc = seekMS - getProgressMilliSecond(); for(auto i = 0 ;i < 2 ;i++){ _aiFistStamp[i] = _aiNowStamp[i] + iTimeInc; _aiNowStamp[i] = _aiFistStamp[i]; } _iSeekTo = seekMS; }); } } /* namespace mediakit */