/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "HlsMediaSource.h" using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { HlsCookieData::HlsCookieData(const MediaInfo &info, const std::shared_ptr &sock_info) { _info = info; _sock_info = sock_info; _added = std::make_shared(false); addReaderCount(); } void HlsCookieData::addReaderCount() { if (!*_added) { auto src = getMediaSource(); if (src) { *_added = true; _ring_reader = src->getRing()->attach(EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller()); auto added = _added; _ring_reader->setDetachCB([added]() { // HlsMediaSource已经销毁 *added = false; }); } } } HlsCookieData::~HlsCookieData() { if (*_added) { uint64_t duration = (_ticker.createdTime() - _ticker.elapsedTime()) / 1000; WarnL << _sock_info->getIdentifier() << "(" << _sock_info->get_peer_ip() << ":" << _sock_info->get_peer_port() << ") " << "HLS播放器(" << _info.shortUrl() << ")断开,耗时(s):" << duration; GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, iFlowThreshold, General::kFlowThreshold); uint64_t bytes = _bytes.load(); if (bytes >= iFlowThreshold * 1024) { NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastFlowReport, _info, bytes, duration, true, static_cast(*_sock_info)); } } } void HlsCookieData::addByteUsage(size_t bytes) { addReaderCount(); _bytes += bytes; _ticker.resetTime(); } void HlsCookieData::setMediaSource(const HlsMediaSource::Ptr &src) { _src = src; } HlsMediaSource::Ptr HlsCookieData::getMediaSource() const { return _src.lock(); } } // namespace mediakit