/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "test_video_stack.h" #include "Network/TcpServer.h" #include "Network/TcpServer.h" #include #include #include "Common/Device.h" #include "Util/MD5.h" #include "Util/logger.h" #include "Util/SSLBox.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" #include "Network/TcpServer.h" #include "Poller/EventPoller.h" #include "Common/config.h" #include "Rtsp/UDPServer.h" #include "Rtsp/RtspSession.h" #include "Rtmp/RtmpSession.h" #include "Shell/ShellSession.h" #include "Rtmp/FlvMuxer.h" #include "Player/PlayerProxy.h" #include "Http/WebSocketSession.h" #include "Pusher/MediaPusher.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; using namespace mediakit; void VideoStack::parseParam(const std::string ¶m) { //auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(testJson); Json::Value json; Json::Reader reader; reader.parse(testJson, json); _width = json["width"].asInt(); //输出宽度 _height = json["height"].asInt(); //输出高度 _stack_id = json["id"].asString(); int rows = json["rows"].asInt(); // 堆叠行数 int cols = json["cols"].asInt(); // 堆叠列数 float gapv = json["gapv"].asFloat(); // 垂直间距 float gaph = json["gaph"].asFloat(); // 水平间距 // int gapvPix = (int)std::round(gapv * _width) % 2 ? std::round(gapv * _width)+ 1 : std::round(gapv * _width); // int gaphPix = (int)std::round(gaph * _height) % 2 ? std::round(gaph * _height) + 1 : std::round(gaph * _height); // int gridWidth = _width - ((cols-1) * gapvPix); //1920*(1-0.002*3) / 4 = 477 // int gridHeight = _height - ((rows - 1) * gaphPix); //1080*(1-0.001*3) / 4 = 269 //间隔先默认都是0 auto gridWidth = _width / cols; auto gridHeight = _height / rows; int gapvPix = 0; int gaphPix = 0; _params = std::vector(rows * cols); for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { std::string url = json["urls"][row][col].asString(); VideoStack::Param param; param.posX = gridWidth * col + col * gaphPix; param.posY = gridHeight * row + row * gapvPix; param.width = gridWidth; param.height = gridHeight; param.url = url; _params[row * cols + col] = param; } } // 判断是否需要合并格子 (焦点屏) if (!json["span"].empty()) { for (const auto& subArray : json["span"]) { std::array mergePos; int index = 0; // 获取要合并的起始格子和终止格子下标 for (const auto& innerArray : subArray) { for (const auto& number : innerArray) { if (index < mergePos.size()) { mergePos[index++] = number.asInt(); } } } for (int i = mergePos[0]; i <= mergePos[2]; i++) { for (int j = mergePos[1]; j <= mergePos[3]; j++) { if (i == mergePos[0] && j == mergePos[1]) { // 重新计算合并后格子的宽高 _params[i * cols + j].width = (mergePos[3] - mergePos[1] + 1) * gridWidth + (mergePos[3] - mergePos[1]) * gapvPix; _params[i * cols + j].height = (mergePos[2] - mergePos[0] + 1) * gridHeight + (mergePos[2] - mergePos[0]) * gaphPix; } else { _params[i * cols + j] = {}; // 置空被合并的格子 } } } } } } void VideoStack::copyToBuf(const std::shared_ptr &buf, const FFmpegFrame::Ptr &frame, const Param &p) { auto sws = std::make_shared(AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, p.width, p.height); auto tmp = sws->inputFrame(frame); /*libyuv::I420Scale(frame->get()->data[0], frame->get()->linesize[0], frame->get()->data[1], frame->get()->linesize[1], frame->get()->data[2], frame->get()->linesize[2], frame->get()->width, frame->get()->height, tmp->data[0], tmp->linesize[0], tmp->data[1], tmp->linesize[1], tmp->data[2], tmp->linesize[2], tmp->width, tmp->height, libyuv::kFilterNone);*/ //TODO: NV12的copy //Y平面 for (int i = 0; i < p.height; i++) { memcpy(buf->data[0] + buf->linesize[0] * (i + p.posY) + p.posX, tmp->get()->data[0] + tmp->get()->linesize[0] * i, tmp->get()->width); } for (int i = 0; i < p.height / 2; i++) { // U平面 memcpy(buf->data[1] + buf->linesize[1] * (i + p.posY / 2) + p.posX / 2, tmp->get()->data[1] + tmp->get()->linesize[1] * i, tmp->get()->width / 2); // V平面 memcpy(buf->data[2] + buf->linesize[2] * (i + p.posY / 2) + p.posX / 2, tmp->get()->data[2] + tmp->get()->linesize[2] * i, tmp->get()->width / 2); } } void StackPlayer::play(const std::string &url) { _url = url; // 创建拉流 解码对象 auto player = std::make_shared(); std::weak_ptr weakPlayer = player; std::weak_ptr weakSP = shared_from_this(); player->setOnPlayResult([weakPlayer, weakSP, url](const toolkit::SockException &ex) mutable { InfoL << "Dec channel OnPlayResult:" << ex.what(); auto strongPlayer = weakPlayer.lock(); if (!strongPlayer) { return; } if (ex) { InfoL << "重试: " << url; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); strongPlayer->play(url); } auto videoTrack = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(strongPlayer->getTrack(mediakit::TrackVideo, false)); // auto audioTrack = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(strongPlayer->getTrack(mediakit::TrackAudio, false)); if (videoTrack) { // auto decoder = std::make_shared(videoTrack, 1, std::vector{ "hevc_cuvid", "h264_cuvid"}); auto decoder = std::make_shared(videoTrack, 0, std::vector { "h264" }); // auto decoder = std::make_shared(videoTrack); auto strongSP = weakSP.lock(); if (!strongSP) { return; } strongSP->fps = videoTrack->getVideoFps(); decoder->setOnDecode([weakSP](const mediakit::FFmpegFrame::Ptr &frame) mutable { auto strongSP = weakSP.lock(); if (!strongSP) { return; } strongSP->onFrame(frame); }); videoTrack->addDelegate((std::function)[decoder](const mediakit::Frame::Ptr &frame) { return decoder->inputFrame(frame, false, false); }); } }); player->setOnShutdown([](const toolkit::SockException &ex) { InfoL << "Stack play shutdown: " << ex.what(); //TODO:断线 将Param中的isDisconnected置为true,然后编码线程那边对此进行判断,填充断线图片 }); (*player)[mediakit::Client::kWaitTrackReady] = false; // 不等待TrackReady (*player)[mediakit::Client::kRtpType] = Rtsp::RTP_TCP; player->play(url); _player = player; } void StackPlayer::addStackPtr(VideoStack* that) { //std::unique_lock wlock(_mx); if (!that) { return; } auto it = _stacks.find(that->_stack_id); if (it != _stacks.end()) { return; } _stacks[that->_stack_id] = that; } void StackPlayer::delStackPtr(VideoStack *that) { //std::unique_lock wlock(_mx); // TODO: } //TODO: 根据相对pts来进行同步 (单位是ms,可能得加一个pts转换时间基的步骤) /* void StackPlayer::syncFrameByPts(const FFmpegFrame::Ptr& frame, VideoStack::Param& p, float target_fps) { static std::shared_ptr lastFrame = nullptr; static int64_t lastPts = 0; // 上一帧的 PTS static double totalDiff = 0.0; // 检查 frame 是否有效 if (!frame) return; // 首帧时给lastFrame赋值 if (!lastFrame) { lastFrame = frame; lastPts = frame->get()->pts; p.write.push_back(frame); p.tail++; return; } // 计算两帧之间的时间差(假设 PTS 是以秒为单位) double diff = static_cast(frame->get()->pts - lastPts); double duration = 1000 / target_fps; totalDiff += diff - duration; if (totalDiff >= duration) { totalDiff -= duration; // 当累积误差达到一个完整的帧时,复用上一帧 p.write.push_back(lastFrame); p.tail++; } else if (totalDiff <= -duration) { totalDiff += duration; // 累积误差小于负的目标帧持续时间时,跳过当前帧(丢弃) // 这里不更新 lastFrame 和 lastPts } else { // 保留当前帧 p.write.push_back(frame); p.tail++; lastFrame = frame; lastPts = frame->get()->pts; } } */ //直接用fps来计算 进行补帧(复用上一帧)或丢帧 void StackPlayer::syncFrameByFps(const FFmpegFrame::Ptr& frame, VideoStack::Param& p, float target_fps) { // 检查 frame 是否有效 if (!frame) return; // 首帧时给lastFrame赋值 if (!lastFrame) { lastFrame = frame; } diff += fps - target_fps; if (diff >= fps) { diff -= fps; // 当累积误差达到一个完整的帧时,复用上一帧 p.cache.push_back(lastFrame); } else if (diff <= -fps) { // 累积误差小于负的fps时丢弃当前帧 diff += fps; // 注意这里不更新 lastFrame,因为我们丢弃了当前帧 } else { // 保留当前帧 lastFrame = frame; p.cache.push_back(frame); } } void StackPlayer::onFrame(const FFmpegFrame::Ptr &frame) { //std::shared_lock rlock(_mx); for (auto &vsp : _stacks) { auto &that = vsp.second; if (!that) { continue; } for (auto &p : that->_params) { if (p.url != _url) { continue; } //p.cache.push_back(frame); syncFrameByFps(frame,p,that->_fps); //不同帧率的视频,通过复用上一帧或丢帧来实现帧同步 if (that->isReady.test(p.order)) { continue; } if (p.cache.size() >= MAX_FRAME_SIZE) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FRAME_SIZE; i++) { auto &front = p.cache.front(); that->copyToBuf(that->_buffers[i], front, p); p.cache.pop_front(); that->isReady.set(p.order); } } } } } void VideoStack::init() { _dev = std::make_shared(mediakit::MediaTuple{ DEFAULT_VHOST, "stack", _stack_id }); mediakit::VideoInfo info; info.codecId = mediakit::CodecH264; info.iWidth = _width; info.iHeight = _height; info.iFrameRate = _fps; info.iBitRate = _bitRate; _dev->initVideo(std::move(info)); // dev->initAudio(); //TODO:音频 _dev->addTrackCompleted(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FRAME_SIZE; i++) { std::shared_ptr frame(av_frame_alloc(), [](AVFrame *frame_) { av_frame_free(&frame_); }); frame->width = _width; frame->height = _height; frame->format = _pixfmt; av_frame_get_buffer(frame.get(), 32); _buffers.push_back(frame); } // setBackground(0, 0, 0); _isExit = false; int i = 0; for (auto &p : _params) { if (p.url.empty()) { continue; } /*p.tmp.reset(av_frame_alloc(), [](AVFrame *frame_) { av_frame_free(&frame_); }); p.tmp->width = p.width; p.tmp->height = p.height; p.tmp->format = _pixfmt; av_frame_get_buffer(p.tmp.get(), 32);*/ p.order = i++; flag.set(p.order); auto it = playerMap.find(p.url); if (it == playerMap.end()) { // 创建一个 auto player = std::make_shared(); player->play(p.url); player->addStackPtr(this); playerMap[p.url] = player; } else { it->second->addStackPtr(this); } } } void VideoStack::start() { std::thread( [this]() { int64_t pts = 0, index = 0; while (!_isExit) { if (isReady == flag) { for (auto &buf : _buffers) { _dev->inputYUV((char **)buf->data, buf->linesize, pts); pts += 40; index++; } isReady = 0; } else { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); } } }).detach(); } static std::unordered_map _srvMap; // 播放地址 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { EventPollerPool::enableCpuAffinity(false); //是否开启cpu亲和性 Logger::Instance().add(std::make_shared()); TcpServer::Ptr httpSrv(new TcpServer()); httpSrv->start(7089); _srvMap.emplace(7089, httpSrv); VideoStack v; v.parseParam(); v.init(); v.start(); getchar(); return 0; }