/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include "MediaSource.h" #include "Record/MP4Reader.h" #include "Util/util.h" #include "Network/sockutil.h" #include "Network/TcpSession.h" using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { recursive_mutex MediaSource::g_mtxMediaSrc; MediaSource::SchemaVhostAppStreamMap MediaSource::g_mapMediaSrc; MediaSource::MediaSource(const string &strSchema, const string &strVhost, const string &strApp, const string &strId) : _strSchema(strSchema), _strApp(strApp), _strId(strId) { if (strVhost.empty()) { _strVhost = DEFAULT_VHOST; } else { _strVhost = strVhost; } } MediaSource::~MediaSource() { unregist(); } const string& MediaSource::getSchema() const { return _strSchema; } const string& MediaSource::getVhost() const { return _strVhost; } const string& MediaSource::getApp() const { //获取该源的id return _strApp; } const string& MediaSource::getId() const { return _strId; } vector MediaSource::getTracks(bool trackReady) const { auto strongPtr = _track_source.lock(); if(strongPtr){ return strongPtr->getTracks(trackReady); } return vector(); } void MediaSource::setTrackSource(const std::weak_ptr &track_src) { _track_source = track_src; } void MediaSource::setListener(const std::weak_ptr &listener){ _listener = listener; } const std::weak_ptr& MediaSource::getListener() const{ return _listener; } int MediaSource::totalReaderCount(){ auto listener = _listener.lock(); if(!listener){ return readerCount(); } return listener->totalReaderCount(*this); } bool MediaSource::seekTo(uint32_t ui32Stamp) { auto listener = _listener.lock(); if(!listener){ return false; } return listener->seekTo(*this,ui32Stamp); } bool MediaSource::close(bool force) { auto listener = _listener.lock(); if(!listener){ return false; } return listener->close(*this,force); } void MediaSource::onNoneReader(){ auto listener = _listener.lock(); if(!listener){ return; } if (listener->totalReaderCount(*this) == 0) { listener->onNoneReader(*this); } } bool MediaSource::setupRecord(Recorder::type type, bool start, const string &custom_path){ auto listener = _listener.lock(); if (!listener) { WarnL << "未设置MediaSource的事件监听者,setupRecord失败:" << getSchema() << "/" << getVhost() << "/" << getApp() << "/" << getId(); return false; } return listener->setupRecord(*this, type, start, custom_path); } bool MediaSource::isRecording(Recorder::type type){ auto listener = _listener.lock(); if(!listener){ return false; } return listener->isRecording(*this, type); } void MediaSource::for_each_media(const function &cb) { decltype(g_mapMediaSrc) copy; { //拷贝g_mapMediaSrc后再遍历,考虑到是高频使用的全局单例锁,并且在上锁时会执行回调代码 //很容易导致多个锁交叉死锁的情况,而且该函数使用频率不高,拷贝开销相对来说是可以接受的 lock_guard lock(g_mtxMediaSrc); copy = g_mapMediaSrc; } for (auto &pr0 : copy) { for (auto &pr1 : pr0.second) { for (auto &pr2 : pr1.second) { for (auto &pr3 : pr2.second) { auto src = pr3.second.lock(); if(src){ cb(src); } } } } } } template static bool searchMedia(MAP &map, const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &id, FUNC &&func) { auto it0 = map.find(schema); if (it0 == map.end()) { //未找到协议 return false; } auto it1 = it0->second.find(vhost); if (it1 == it0->second.end()) { //未找到vhost return false; } auto it2 = it1->second.find(app); if (it2 == it1->second.end()) { //未找到app return false; } auto it3 = it2->second.find(id); if (it3 == it2->second.end()) { //未找到streamId return false; } return func(it0, it1, it2, it3); } template static void eraseIfEmpty(MAP &map, IT0 it0, IT1 it1, IT2 it2) { if (it2->second.empty()) { it1->second.erase(it2); if (it1->second.empty()) { it0->second.erase(it1); if (it0->second.empty()) { map.erase(it0); } } } } void MediaSource::findAsync_l(const MediaInfo &info, const std::shared_ptr &session, bool retry, const function &cb){ auto src = MediaSource::find_l(info._schema, info._vhost, info._app, info._streamid, true); if (src || !retry) { cb(src); return; } void *listener_tag = session.get(); weak_ptr weakSession = session; GET_CONFIG(int, maxWaitMS, General::kMaxStreamWaitTimeMS); auto onTimeout = session->getPoller()->doDelayTask(maxWaitMS, [cb, listener_tag]() { //最多等待一定时间,如果这个时间内,流未注册上,那么返回未找到流 NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged); cb(nullptr); return 0; }); auto cancelAll = [onTimeout, listener_tag]() { //取消延时任务,防止多次回调 onTimeout->cancel(); //取消媒体注册事件监听 NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged); }; function closePlayer = [cb, cancelAll]() { cancelAll(); //告诉播放器,流不存在,这样会立即断开播放器 cb(nullptr); }; auto onRegist = [weakSession, info, cb, cancelAll](BroadcastMediaChangedArgs) { auto strongSession = weakSession.lock(); if (!strongSession) { //自己已经销毁 cancelAll(); return; } if (!bRegist || sender.getSchema() != info._schema || sender.getVhost() != info._vhost || sender.getApp() != info._app || sender.getId() != info._streamid) { //不是自己感兴趣的事件,忽略之 return; } cancelAll(); //播发器请求的流终于注册上了,切换到自己的线程再回复 strongSession->async([weakSession, info, cb]() { auto strongSession = weakSession.lock(); if (!strongSession) { return; } DebugL << "收到媒体注册事件,回复播放器:" << info._schema << "/" << info._vhost << "/" << info._app << "/" << info._streamid; //再找一遍媒体源,一般能找到 findAsync_l(info, strongSession, false, cb); }, false); }; //监听媒体注册事件 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged, onRegist); //广播未找到流,此时可以立即去拉流,这样还来得及 NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastNotFoundStream, info, static_cast(*session), closePlayer); } void MediaSource::findAsync(const MediaInfo &info, const std::shared_ptr &session,const function &cb){ return findAsync_l(info, session, true, cb); } MediaSource::Ptr MediaSource::find(const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &id) { return find_l(schema, vhost, app, id, false); } MediaSource::Ptr MediaSource::find_l(const string &schema, const string &vhost_tmp, const string &app, const string &id, bool bMake) { string vhost = vhost_tmp; if(vhost.empty()){ vhost = DEFAULT_VHOST; } GET_CONFIG(bool,enableVhost,General::kEnableVhost); if(!enableVhost){ vhost = DEFAULT_VHOST; } MediaSource::Ptr ret; { lock_guard lock(g_mtxMediaSrc); //查找某一媒体源,找到后返回 searchMedia(g_mapMediaSrc, schema, vhost, app, id, [&](SchemaVhostAppStreamMap::iterator &it0, VhostAppStreamMap::iterator &it1, AppStreamMap::iterator &it2, StreamMap::iterator &it3) { ret = it3->second.lock(); if (!ret) { //该对象已经销毁 it2->second.erase(it3); eraseIfEmpty(g_mapMediaSrc, it0, it1, it2); return false; } return true; }); } if(!ret && bMake){ //未查找媒体源,则创建一个 ret = createFromMP4(schema, vhost, app, id); } return ret; } void MediaSource::regist() { GET_CONFIG(bool,enableVhost,General::kEnableVhost); if(!enableVhost){ _strVhost = DEFAULT_VHOST; } //注册该源,注册后服务器才能找到该源 { lock_guard lock(g_mtxMediaSrc); g_mapMediaSrc[_strSchema][_strVhost][_strApp][_strId] = shared_from_this(); } _StrPrinter codec_info; auto tracks = getTracks(true); for(auto &track : tracks) { auto codec_type = track->getTrackType(); codec_info << track->getCodecName(); switch (codec_type) { case TrackAudio : { auto audio_track = dynamic_pointer_cast(track); codec_info << "[" << audio_track->getAudioSampleRate() << "/" << audio_track->getAudioChannel() << "/" << audio_track->getAudioSampleBit() << "] "; break; } case TrackVideo : { auto video_track = dynamic_pointer_cast(track); codec_info << "[" << video_track->getVideoWidth() << "/" << video_track->getVideoHeight() << "/" << round(video_track->getVideoFps()) << "] "; break; } default: break; } } InfoL << _strSchema << " " << _strVhost << " " << _strApp << " " << _strId << " " << codec_info; NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged, true, *this); auto listener = _listener.lock(); if (listener) { listener->onRegist(*this, true); } } //反注册该源 bool MediaSource::unregist() { bool ret; { lock_guard lock(g_mtxMediaSrc); ret = searchMedia(g_mapMediaSrc, _strSchema, _strVhost, _strApp, _strId, [&](SchemaVhostAppStreamMap::iterator &it0, VhostAppStreamMap::iterator &it1, AppStreamMap::iterator &it2, StreamMap::iterator &it3) { auto strongMedia = it3->second.lock(); if (strongMedia && this != strongMedia.get()) { //不是自己,不允许反注册 return false; } it2->second.erase(it3); eraseIfEmpty(g_mapMediaSrc, it0, it1, it2); return true; }); } if(ret){ InfoL << _strSchema << " " << _strVhost << " " << _strApp << " " << _strId; NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged, false, *this); auto listener = _listener.lock(); if (listener) { listener->onRegist(*this, false); } } return ret; } /////////////////////////////////////MediaInfo////////////////////////////////////// void MediaInfo::parse(const string &url){ //string url = "rtsp://"; auto schema_pos = url.find("://"); if(schema_pos != string::npos){ _schema = url.substr(0,schema_pos); }else{ schema_pos = -3; } auto split_vec = split(url.substr(schema_pos + 3),"/"); if(split_vec.size() > 0){ auto vhost = split_vec[0]; auto pos = vhost.find(":"); if(pos != string::npos){ _host = _vhost = vhost.substr(0,pos); _port = vhost.substr(pos + 1); } else{ _host = _vhost = vhost; } if(_vhost == "localhost" || INADDR_NONE != inet_addr(_vhost.data())){ //如果访问的是localhost或ip,那么则为默认虚拟主机 _vhost = DEFAULT_VHOST; } } if(split_vec.size() > 1){ _app = split_vec[1]; } if(split_vec.size() > 2){ string steamid; for(int i = 2 ; i < split_vec.size() ; ++i){ steamid.append(split_vec[i] + "/"); } if(steamid.back() == '/'){ steamid.pop_back(); } auto pos = steamid.find("?"); if(pos != string::npos){ _streamid = steamid.substr(0,pos); _param_strs = steamid.substr(pos + 1); auto params = Parser::parseArgs(_param_strs); if(params.find(VHOST_KEY) != params.end()){ _vhost = params[VHOST_KEY]; } } else{ _streamid = steamid; } } GET_CONFIG(bool,enableVhost,General::kEnableVhost); if(!enableVhost || _vhost.empty()){ //如果关闭虚拟主机或者虚拟主机为空,则设置虚拟主机为默认 _vhost = DEFAULT_VHOST; } } /////////////////////////////////////MediaSourceEvent////////////////////////////////////// void MediaSourceEvent::onNoneReader(MediaSource &sender){ GET_CONFIG(string, recordApp, Record::kAppName); GET_CONFIG(int, stream_none_reader_delay, General::kStreamNoneReaderDelayMS); //如果mp4点播, 无人观看时我们强制关闭点播 bool is_mp4_vod = sender.getApp() == recordApp; //没有任何人观看该视频源,表明该源可以关闭了 weak_ptr weakSender = sender.shared_from_this(); _async_close_timer = std::make_shared(stream_none_reader_delay / 1000.0, [weakSender,is_mp4_vod]() { auto strongSender = weakSender.lock(); if (!strongSender) { //对象已经销毁 return false; } if (strongSender->totalReaderCount() != 0) { //还有人消费 return false; } if(!is_mp4_vod){ //直播时触发无人观看事件,让开发者自行选择是否关闭 WarnL << "无人观看事件:" << strongSender->getSchema() << "/" << strongSender->getVhost() << "/" << strongSender->getApp() << "/" << strongSender->getId(); NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastStreamNoneReader, *strongSender); }else{ //这个是mp4点播,我们自动关闭 WarnL << "MP4点播无人观看,自动关闭:" << strongSender->getSchema() << "/" << strongSender->getVhost() << "/" << strongSender->getApp() << "/" << strongSender->getId(); strongSender->close(false); } return false; }, nullptr); } MediaSource::Ptr MediaSource::createFromMP4(const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream, const string &filePath , bool checkApp){ GET_CONFIG(string, appName, Record::kAppName); if (checkApp && app != appName) { return nullptr; } #ifdef ENABLE_MP4 try { MP4Reader::Ptr pReader(new MP4Reader(vhost, app, stream, filePath)); pReader->startReadMP4(); return MediaSource::find(schema, vhost, app, stream); } catch (std::exception &ex) { WarnL << ex.what(); return nullptr; } #else WarnL << "创建MP4点播失败,请编译时打开\"ENABLE_MP4\"选项"; return nullptr; #endif //ENABLE_MP4 } static bool isFlushAble_default(bool is_video, uint32_t last_stamp, uint32_t new_stamp, int cache_size) { if (new_stamp + 500 < last_stamp) { //时间戳回退比较大(可能seek中),由于rtp中时间戳是pts,是可能存在一定程度的回退的 return true; } //时间戳发送变化或者缓存超过1024个,sendmsg接口一般最多只能发送1024个数据包 return last_stamp != new_stamp || cache_size >= 1024; } static bool isFlushAble_merge(bool is_video, uint32_t last_stamp, uint32_t new_stamp, int cache_size, int merge_ms) { if (new_stamp + 500 < last_stamp) { //时间戳回退比较大(可能seek中),由于rtp中时间戳是pts,是可能存在一定程度的回退的 return true; } if (new_stamp > last_stamp + merge_ms) { //时间戳增量超过合并写阈值 return true; } //缓存数超过1024个,这个逻辑用于避免时间戳异常的流导致的内存暴增问题 //而且sendmsg接口一般最多只能发送1024个数据包 return cache_size >= 1024; } bool FlushPolicy::isFlushAble(bool is_video, bool is_key, uint32_t new_stamp, int cache_size) { bool flush_flag = false; if (is_key && is_video) { //遇到关键帧flush掉前面的数据,确保关键帧为该组数据的第一帧,确保GOP缓存有效 flush_flag = true; } else { GET_CONFIG(int, mergeWriteMS, General::kMergeWriteMS); if (mergeWriteMS <= 0) { //关闭了合并写或者合并写阈值小于等于0 flush_flag = isFlushAble_default(is_video, _last_stamp[is_video], new_stamp, cache_size); } else { flush_flag = isFlushAble_merge(is_video, _last_stamp[is_video], new_stamp, cache_size, mergeWriteMS); } } if (flush_flag) { _last_stamp[is_video] = new_stamp; } return flush_flag; } } /* namespace mediakit */