/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "HttpDownloader.h" #include "Util/File.h" #include "Util/MD5.h" using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { HttpDownloader::~HttpDownloader() { closeFile(); } void HttpDownloader::startDownload(const string &url, const string &file_path, bool append) { _file_path = file_path; if (_file_path.empty()) { _file_path = exeDir() + "HttpDownloader/" + MD5(url).hexdigest(); } _save_file = File::create_file(_file_path.data(), append ? "ab" : "wb"); if (!_save_file) { auto strErr = StrPrinter << "打开文件失败:" << file_path << endl; throw std::runtime_error(strErr); } if (append) { auto currentLen = ftell(_save_file); if (currentLen) { //最少续传一个字节,怕遇到http 416的错误 currentLen -= 1; fseek(_save_file, -1, SEEK_CUR); } addHeader("Range", StrPrinter << "bytes=" << currentLen << "-" << endl); } setMethod("GET"); sendRequest(url); } void HttpDownloader::onResponseHeader(const string &status, const HttpHeader &headers) { if (status != "200" && status != "206") { //失败 throw std::invalid_argument("bad http status: " + status); } } void HttpDownloader::onResponseBody(const char *buf, size_t size) { if (_save_file) { fwrite(buf, size, 1, _save_file); } } void HttpDownloader::onResponseCompleted(const SockException &ex) { closeFile(); if (_on_result) { _on_result(ex, _file_path); _on_result = nullptr; } } void HttpDownloader::closeFile() { if (_save_file) { fflush(_save_file); fclose(_save_file); _save_file = nullptr; } } } /* namespace mediakit */