/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Util/util.h" #include "Util/logger.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" #include "Util/NoticeCenter.h" #include "Util/File.h" #ifdef ENABLE_MYSQL #include "Util/SqlPool.h" #endif //ENABLE_MYSQL #include "Common/config.h" #include "Common/MediaSource.h" #include "Http/HttpRequester.h" #include "Http/HttpSession.h" #include "Network/TcpServer.h" #include "Network/UdpServer.h" #include "Player/PlayerProxy.h" #include "Pusher/PusherProxy.h" #include "Util/MD5.h" #include "WebApi.h" #include "WebHook.h" #include "Thread/WorkThreadPool.h" #include "Rtp/RtpSelector.h" #include "FFmpegSource.h" #if defined(ENABLE_RTPPROXY) #include "Rtp/RtpServer.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WEBRTC #include "../webrtc/WebRtcPlayer.h" #include "../webrtc/WebRtcPusher.h" #include "../webrtc/WebRtcEchoTest.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #include #endif // _WIN32 #if defined(ENABLE_VERSION) #include "version.h" #endif using namespace std; using namespace Json; using namespace toolkit; using namespace mediakit; namespace API { #define API_FIELD "api." const string kApiDebug = API_FIELD"apiDebug"; const string kSecret = API_FIELD"secret"; const string kSnapRoot = API_FIELD"snapRoot"; const string kDefaultSnap = API_FIELD"defaultSnap"; static onceToken token([]() { mINI::Instance()[kApiDebug] = "1"; mINI::Instance()[kSecret] = "035c73f7-bb6b-4889-a715-d9eb2d1925cc"; mINI::Instance()[kSnapRoot] = "./www/snap/"; mINI::Instance()[kDefaultSnap] = "./www/logo.png"; }); }//namespace API using HttpApi = function; //http api列表 static map s_map_api; static void responseApi(const Json::Value &res, const HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker){ GET_CONFIG(string, charSet, Http::kCharSet); HttpSession::KeyValue headerOut; headerOut["Content-Type"] = string("application/json; charset=") + charSet; invoker(200, headerOut, res.toStyledString()); }; static void responseApi(int code, const string &msg, const HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker){ Json::Value res; res["code"] = code; res["msg"] = msg; responseApi(res, invoker); } static ApiArgsType getAllArgs(const Parser &parser); static HttpApi toApi(const function &cb) { return [cb](const Parser &parser, const HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker, SockInfo &sender) { GET_CONFIG(string, charSet, Http::kCharSet); HttpSession::KeyValue headerOut; headerOut["Content-Type"] = string("application/json; charset=") + charSet; Json::Value val; val["code"] = API::Success; //参数解析成map auto args = getAllArgs(parser); cb(sender, headerOut, HttpAllArgs(parser, args), val, invoker); }; } static HttpApi toApi(const function &cb) { return toApi([cb](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC) { cb(API_ARGS_VALUE); invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); } static HttpApi toApi(const function &cb) { return [cb](const Parser &parser, const HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker, SockInfo &sender) { GET_CONFIG(string, charSet, Http::kCharSet); HttpSession::KeyValue headerOut; headerOut["Content-Type"] = string("application/json; charset=") + charSet; Json::Value val; val["code"] = API::Success; if (parser["Content-Type"].find("application/json") == string::npos) { throw InvalidArgsException("该接口只支持json格式的请求"); } //参数解析成json对象然后处理 Json::Value args; Json::Reader reader; reader.parse(parser.Content(), args); cb(sender, headerOut, HttpAllArgs(parser, args), val, invoker); }; } static HttpApi toApi(const function &cb) { return toApi([cb](API_ARGS_JSON_ASYNC) { cb(API_ARGS_VALUE); invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); } static HttpApi toApi(const function &cb) { return [cb](const Parser &parser, const HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker, SockInfo &sender) { GET_CONFIG(string, charSet, Http::kCharSet); HttpSession::KeyValue headerOut; headerOut["Content-Type"] = string("application/json; charset=") + charSet; Json::Value val; val["code"] = API::Success; cb(sender, headerOut, HttpAllArgs(parser, (string &)parser.Content()), val, invoker); }; } static HttpApi toApi(const function &cb) { return toApi([cb](API_ARGS_STRING_ASYNC) { cb(API_ARGS_VALUE); invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); } void api_regist(const string &api_path, const function &func) { s_map_api.emplace(api_path, toApi(func)); } void api_regist(const string &api_path, const function &func) { s_map_api.emplace(api_path, toApi(func)); } void api_regist(const string &api_path, const function &func) { s_map_api.emplace(api_path, toApi(func)); } void api_regist(const string &api_path, const function &func) { s_map_api.emplace(api_path, toApi(func)); } void api_regist(const string &api_path, const function &func){ s_map_api.emplace(api_path, toApi(func)); } void api_regist(const string &api_path, const function &func){ s_map_api.emplace(api_path, toApi(func)); } //获取HTTP请求中url参数、content参数 static ApiArgsType getAllArgs(const Parser &parser) { ApiArgsType allArgs; if (parser["Content-Type"].find("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0) { auto contentArgs = parser.parseArgs(parser.Content()); for (auto &pr : contentArgs) { allArgs[pr.first] = HttpSession::urlDecode(pr.second); } } else if (parser["Content-Type"].find("application/json") == 0) { try { stringstream ss(parser.Content()); Value jsonArgs; ss >> jsonArgs; auto keys = jsonArgs.getMemberNames(); for (auto key = keys.begin(); key != keys.end(); ++key) { allArgs[*key] = jsonArgs[*key].asString(); } } catch (std::exception &ex) { WarnL << ex.what(); } } else if (!parser["Content-Type"].empty()) { WarnL << "invalid Content-Type:" << parser["Content-Type"]; } for (auto &pr : parser.getUrlArgs()) { allArgs[pr.first] = pr.second; } return allArgs; } extern uint64_t getTotalMemUsage(); extern uint64_t getTotalMemBlock(); extern uint64_t getThisThreadMemUsage(); extern uint64_t getThisThreadMemBlock(); extern std::vector getBlockTypeSize(); extern uint64_t getTotalMemBlockByType(int type); extern uint64_t getThisThreadMemBlockByType(int type) ; static void *web_api_tag = nullptr; static inline void addHttpListener(){ GET_CONFIG(bool, api_debug, API::kApiDebug); //注册监听kBroadcastHttpRequest事件 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_api_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastHttpRequest, [](BroadcastHttpRequestArgs) { auto it = s_map_api.find(parser.Url()); if (it == s_map_api.end()) { return; } //该api已被消费 consumed = true; if(api_debug){ auto newInvoker = [invoker, parser](int code, const HttpSession::KeyValue &headerOut, const HttpBody::Ptr &body) { //body默认为空 ssize_t size = 0; if (body && body->remainSize()) { //有body,获取body大小 size = body->remainSize(); } LogContextCapture log(getLogger(), LDebug, __FILE__, "http api debug", __LINE__); log << "\r\n# request:\r\n" << parser.Method() << " " << parser.FullUrl() << "\r\n"; log << "# header:\r\n"; for (auto &pr : parser.getHeader()) { log << pr.first << " : " << pr.second << "\r\n"; } auto &content = parser.Content(); log << "# content:\r\n" << (content.size() > 4 * 1024 ? content.substr(0, 4 * 1024) : content) << "\r\n"; if (size > 0 && size < 4 * 1024) { auto response = body->readData(size); log << "# response:\r\n" << response->data() << "\r\n"; invoker(code, headerOut, response); } else { log << "# response size:" << size << "\r\n"; invoker(code, headerOut, body); } }; ((HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &) invoker) = newInvoker; } try { it->second(parser, invoker, sender); } catch (ApiRetException &ex) { responseApi(ex.code(), ex.what(), invoker); } #ifdef ENABLE_MYSQL catch(SqlException &ex){ responseApi(API::SqlFailed, StrPrinter << "操作数据库失败:" << ex.what() << ":" << ex.getSql(), invoker); } #endif// ENABLE_MYSQL catch (std::exception &ex) { responseApi(API::Exception, ex.what(), invoker); } }); } //拉流代理器列表 static unordered_map s_proxyMap; static recursive_mutex s_proxyMapMtx; //推流代理器列表 static unordered_map s_proxyPusherMap; static recursive_mutex s_proxyPusherMapMtx; //FFmpeg拉流代理器列表 static unordered_map s_ffmpegMap; static recursive_mutex s_ffmpegMapMtx; #if defined(ENABLE_RTPPROXY) //rtp服务器列表 static unordered_map s_rtpServerMap; static recursive_mutex s_rtpServerMapMtx; #endif static inline string getProxyKey(const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream) { return vhost + "/" + app + "/" + stream; } static inline string getPusherKey(const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream, const string &dst_url) { return schema + "/" + vhost + "/" + app + "/" + stream + "/" + MD5(dst_url).hexdigest(); } static void fillSockInfo(Value& val, SockInfo* info) { val["peer_ip"] = info->get_peer_ip(); val["peer_port"] = info->get_peer_port(); val["local_port"] = info->get_local_port(); val["local_ip"] = info->get_local_ip(); val["identifier"] = info->getIdentifier(); } Value makeMediaSourceJson(MediaSource &media){ Value item; item["schema"] = media.getSchema(); item[VHOST_KEY] = media.getVhost(); item["app"] = media.getApp(); item["stream"] = media.getId(); item["createStamp"] = (Json::UInt64) media.getCreateStamp(); item["aliveSecond"] = (Json::UInt64) media.getAliveSecond(); item["bytesSpeed"] = media.getBytesSpeed(); item["readerCount"] = media.readerCount(); item["totalReaderCount"] = media.totalReaderCount(); item["originType"] = (int) media.getOriginType(); item["originTypeStr"] = getOriginTypeString(media.getOriginType()); item["originUrl"] = media.getOriginUrl(); item["isRecordingMP4"] = media.isRecording(Recorder::type_mp4); item["isRecordingHLS"] = media.isRecording(Recorder::type_hls); auto originSock = media.getOriginSock(); if (originSock) { fillSockInfo(item["originSock"], originSock.get()); } else { item["originSock"] = Json::nullValue; } //getLossRate有线程安全问题;使用getMediaInfo接口才能获取丢包率;getMediaList接口将忽略丢包率 auto current_thread = false; try { current_thread = media.getOwnerPoller()->isCurrentThread();} catch (...) {} float last_loss = -1; for(auto &track : media.getTracks(false)){ Value obj; auto codec_type = track->getTrackType(); obj["codec_id"] = track->getCodecId(); obj["codec_id_name"] = track->getCodecName(); obj["ready"] = track->ready(); obj["codec_type"] = codec_type; if (current_thread) { //rtp推流只有一个统计器,但是可能有多个track,如果短时间多次获取间隔丢包率,第二次会获取为-1 auto loss = media.getLossRate(codec_type); if (loss == -1) { loss = last_loss; } else { last_loss = loss; } obj["loss"] = loss; } switch(codec_type){ case TrackAudio : { auto audio_track = dynamic_pointer_cast(track); obj["sample_rate"] = audio_track->getAudioSampleRate(); obj["channels"] = audio_track->getAudioChannel(); obj["sample_bit"] = audio_track->getAudioSampleBit(); break; } case TrackVideo : { auto video_track = dynamic_pointer_cast(track); obj["width"] = video_track->getVideoWidth(); obj["height"] = video_track->getVideoHeight(); obj["fps"] = round(video_track->getVideoFps()); break; } default: break; } item["tracks"].append(obj); } return item; } #if defined(ENABLE_RTPPROXY) uint16_t openRtpServer(uint16_t local_port, const string &stream_id, int tcp_mode, const string &local_ip, bool re_use_port, uint32_t ssrc) { lock_guard lck(s_rtpServerMapMtx); if (s_rtpServerMap.find(stream_id) != s_rtpServerMap.end()) { //为了防止RtpProcess所有权限混乱的问题,不允许重复添加相同的stream_id return 0; } RtpServer::Ptr server = std::make_shared(); server->start(local_port, stream_id, (RtpServer::TcpMode)tcp_mode, local_ip.c_str(), re_use_port, ssrc); server->setOnDetach([stream_id]() { //设置rtp超时移除事件 lock_guard lck(s_rtpServerMapMtx); s_rtpServerMap.erase(stream_id); }); //保存对象 s_rtpServerMap.emplace(stream_id, server); //回复json return server->getPort(); } void connectRtpServer(const string &stream_id, const string &dst_url, uint16_t dst_port, const function &cb) { lock_guard lck(s_rtpServerMapMtx); auto it = s_rtpServerMap.find(stream_id); if (it == s_rtpServerMap.end()) { cb(SockException(Err_other, "未找到rtp服务")); return; } it->second->connectToServer(dst_url, dst_port, cb); } bool closeRtpServer(const string &stream_id) { lock_guard lck(s_rtpServerMapMtx); auto it = s_rtpServerMap.find(stream_id); if (it == s_rtpServerMap.end()) { return false; } auto server = it->second; s_rtpServerMap.erase(it); return true; } #endif void getStatisticJson(const function &cb) { auto obj = std::make_shared(objectValue); auto &val = *obj; val["MediaSource"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["MultiMediaSourceMuxer"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["TcpServer"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["TcpSession"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["UdpServer"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["UdpSession"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["TcpClient"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["Socket"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["FrameImp"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["Frame"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["Buffer"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["BufferRaw"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["BufferLikeString"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["BufferList"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["RtpPacket"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); val["RtmpPacket"] = (Json::UInt64)(ObjectStatistic::count()); #ifdef ENABLE_MEM_DEBUG auto bytes = getTotalMemUsage(); val["totalMemUsage"] = (Json::UInt64) bytes; val["totalMemUsageMB"] = (int) (bytes / 1024 / 1024); val["totalMemBlock"] = (Json::UInt64) getTotalMemBlock(); static auto block_type_size = getBlockTypeSize(); { int i = 0; string str; size_t last = 0; for (auto sz : block_type_size) { str.append(to_string(last) + "~" + to_string(sz) + ":" + to_string(getTotalMemBlockByType(i++)) + ";"); last = sz; } str.pop_back(); val["totalMemBlockTypeCount"] = str; } auto thread_size = EventPollerPool::Instance().getExecutorSize() + WorkThreadPool::Instance().getExecutorSize(); std::shared_ptr > thread_mem_info = std::make_shared >(thread_size); shared_ptr finished(nullptr, [thread_mem_info, cb, obj](void *) { for (auto &val : *thread_mem_info) { (*obj)["threadMem"].append(val); } //触发回调 cb(*obj); }); auto pos = 0; auto lam0 = [&](TaskExecutor &executor) { auto &val = (*thread_mem_info)[pos++]; executor.async([finished, &val]() { auto bytes = getThisThreadMemUsage(); val["threadName"] = getThreadName(); val["threadMemUsage"] = (Json::UInt64) bytes; val["threadMemUsageMB"] = (Json::UInt64) (bytes / 1024 / 1024); val["threadMemBlock"] = (Json::UInt64) getThisThreadMemBlock(); { int i = 0; string str; size_t last = 0; for (auto sz : block_type_size) { str.append(to_string(last) + "~" + to_string(sz) + ":" + to_string(getThisThreadMemBlockByType(i++)) + ";"); last = sz; } str.pop_back(); val["threadMemBlockTypeCount"] = str; } }); }; auto lam1 = [lam0](const TaskExecutor::Ptr &executor) { lam0(*executor); }; EventPollerPool::Instance().for_each(lam1); WorkThreadPool::Instance().for_each(lam1); #else cb(*obj); #endif } void addStreamProxy(const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream, const string &url, int retry_count, const ProtocolOption &option, int rtp_type, float timeout_sec, const function &cb) { auto key = getProxyKey(vhost, app, stream); lock_guard lck(s_proxyMapMtx); if (s_proxyMap.find(key) != s_proxyMap.end()) { //已经在拉流了 cb(SockException(Err_success), key); return; } //添加拉流代理 auto player = std::make_shared(vhost, app, stream, option, retry_count ? retry_count : -1); s_proxyMap[key] = player; //指定RTP over TCP(播放rtsp时有效) (*player)[Client::kRtpType] = rtp_type; if (timeout_sec > 0.1) { //播放握手超时时间 (*player)[Client::kTimeoutMS] = timeout_sec * 1000; } //开始播放,如果播放失败或者播放中止,将会自动重试若干次,默认一直重试 player->setPlayCallbackOnce([cb, key](const SockException &ex) { if (ex) { lock_guard lck(s_proxyMapMtx); s_proxyMap.erase(key); } cb(ex, key); }); //被主动关闭拉流 player->setOnClose([key](const SockException &ex) { lock_guard lck(s_proxyMapMtx); s_proxyMap.erase(key); }); player->play(url); }; template static void getArgsValue(const HttpAllArgs &allArgs, const string &key, Type &value) { auto val = allArgs[key]; if (!val.empty()) { value = (Type)val; } } /** * 安装api接口 * 所有api都支持GET和POST两种方式 * POST方式参数支持application/json和application/x-www-form-urlencoded方式 */ void installWebApi() { addHttpListener(); GET_CONFIG(string,api_secret,API::kSecret); //获取线程负载 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/getThreadsLoad",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ EventPollerPool::Instance().getExecutorDelay([invoker, headerOut](const vector &vecDelay) { Value val; auto vec = EventPollerPool::Instance().getExecutorLoad(); int i = API::Success; for (auto load : vec) { Value obj(objectValue); obj["load"] = load; obj["delay"] = vecDelay[i++]; val["data"].append(obj); } val["code"] = API::Success; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); //获取后台工作线程负载 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/getWorkThreadsLoad", [](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ WorkThreadPool::Instance().getExecutorDelay([invoker, headerOut](const vector &vecDelay) { Value val; auto vec = WorkThreadPool::Instance().getExecutorLoad(); int i = 0; for (auto load : vec) { Value obj(objectValue); obj["load"] = load; obj["delay"] = vecDelay[i++]; val["data"].append(obj); } val["code"] = API::Success; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); //获取服务器配置 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/getServerConfig",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); Value obj; for (auto &pr : mINI::Instance()) { obj[pr.first] = (string &) pr.second; } val["data"].append(obj); }); //设置服务器配置 //测试url(比如关闭http api调试) //你也可以通过http post方式传参,可以通过application/x-www-form-urlencoded或application/json方式传参 api_regist("/index/api/setServerConfig",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); auto &ini = mINI::Instance(); int changed = API::Success; for (auto &pr : allArgs.getArgs()) { if (ini.find(pr.first) == ini.end()) { #if 1 //没有这个key continue; #else // 新增配置选项,为了动态添加多个ffmpeg cmd 模板 ini[pr.first] = pr.second; // 防止changed变化 continue; #endif } if (ini[pr.first] == pr.second) { continue; } ini[pr.first] = pr.second; //替换成功 ++changed; } if (changed > 0) { NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastReloadConfig); ini.dumpFile(g_ini_file); } val["changed"] = changed; }); static auto s_get_api_list = [](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); for(auto &pr : s_map_api){ val["data"].append(pr.first); } }; //获取服务器api列表 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/getApiList",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ s_get_api_list(API_ARGS_VALUE); }); //获取服务器api列表 //测试url api_regist("/index/",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ s_get_api_list(API_ARGS_VALUE); }); #if !defined(_WIN32) //重启服务器,只有Daemon方式才能重启,否则是直接关闭! //测试url api_regist("/index/api/restartServer",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller()->doDelayTask(1000,[](){ //尝试正常退出 ::kill(getpid(), SIGINT); //3秒后强制退出 EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller()->doDelayTask(3000,[](){ exit(0); return 0; }); return 0; }); val["msg"] = "服务器将在一秒后自动重启"; }); #else //增加Windows下的重启代码 api_regist("/index/api/restartServer", [](API_ARGS_MAP) { CHECK_SECRET(); //创建重启批处理脚本文件 FILE *pf; errno_t err = ::_wfopen_s(&pf, L"RestartServer.cmd", L"w"); //“w”如果该文件存在,其内容将被覆盖 if (err == 0) { char szExeName[1024]; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE] = { 0 }; char dir[_MAX_DIR] = { 0 }; char fname[_MAX_FNAME] = { 0 }; char ext[_MAX_EXT] = { 0 }; char exeName[_MAX_FNAME] = { 0 }; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szExeName, 1024); //获取进程的全路径 _splitpath(szExeName, drive, dir, fname, ext); strcpy(exeName, fname); strcat(exeName, ext); fprintf(pf, "@echo off\ntaskkill /f /im %s\nstart \"\" \"%s\"\ndel %%0", exeName, szExeName); fclose(pf); // 1秒后执行创建的批处理脚本 EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller()->doDelayTask(1000, []() { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof si); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof pi); si.cb = sizeof si; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; TCHAR winSysDir[1024]; ZeroMemory(winSysDir, sizeof winSysDir); GetSystemDirectory(winSysDir, 1024); TCHAR appName[1024]; ZeroMemory(appName, sizeof appName); _stprintf(appName, "%s\\cmd.exe", winSysDir); BOOL bRet = CreateProcess(appName, " /c RestartServer.cmd", NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (bRet == FALSE) { int err = GetLastError(); cout << endl << "无法执行重启操作,错误代码:" << err << endl; } WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); return 0; }); val["msg"] = "服务器将在一秒后自动重启"; } else { val["msg"] = "创建重启脚本文件失败"; val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; } }); #endif//#if !defined(_WIN32) //获取流列表,可选筛选参数 //测试url0(获取所有流) //测试url1(获取虚拟主机为"__defaultVost__"的流) //测试url2(获取rtsp类型的流) api_regist("/index/api/getMediaList",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); //获取所有MediaSource列表 MediaSource::for_each_media([&](const MediaSource::Ptr &media) { val["data"].append(makeMediaSourceJson(*media)); }, allArgs["schema"], allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"]); }); //测试url api_regist("/index/api/isMediaOnline",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("schema","vhost","app","stream"); val["online"] = (bool) (MediaSource::find(allArgs["schema"],allArgs["vhost"],allArgs["app"],allArgs["stream"])); }); //获取媒体流播放器列表 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/getMediaPlayerList",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("schema", "vhost", "app", "stream"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["schema"], allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"]); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } src->getPlayerList( [=](const std::list> &info_list) mutable { val["code"] = API::Success; auto &data = val["data"]; data = Value(arrayValue); for (auto &info : info_list) { auto obj = static_pointer_cast(info); data.append(std::move(*obj)); } invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }, [](std::shared_ptr &&info) -> std::shared_ptr { auto obj = std::make_shared(); auto session = static_pointer_cast(info); fillSockInfo(*obj, session.get()); (*obj)["typeid"] = toolkit::demangle(typeid(*session).name()); return obj; }); }); //测试url api_regist("/index/api/getMediaInfo",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("schema","vhost","app","stream"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["schema"],allArgs["vhost"],allArgs["app"],allArgs["stream"]); if(!src){ throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { auto val = makeMediaSourceJson(*src); val["code"] = API::Success; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); //主动关断流,包括关断拉流、推流 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/close_stream",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("schema","vhost","app","stream"); //踢掉推流器 auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["schema"], allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"]); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } bool force = allArgs["force"].as(); src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { bool flag = src->close(force); val["result"] = flag ? 0 : -1; val["msg"] = flag ? "success" : "close failed"; val["code"] = flag ? API::Success : API::OtherFailed; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); //批量主动关断流,包括关断拉流、推流 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/close_streams",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); //筛选命中个数 int count_hit = 0; int count_closed = 0; list media_list; MediaSource::for_each_media([&](const MediaSource::Ptr &media) { ++count_hit; media_list.emplace_back(media); }, allArgs["schema"], allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"]); bool force = allArgs["force"].as(); for (auto &media : media_list) { if (media->close(force)) { ++count_closed; } } val["count_hit"] = count_hit; val["count_closed"] = count_closed; }); //获取所有Session列表信息 //可以根据本地端口和远端ip来筛选 //测试url(筛选某端口下的tcp会话) api_regist("/index/api/getAllSession",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); Value jsession; uint16_t local_port = allArgs["local_port"].as(); string peer_ip = allArgs["peer_ip"]; SessionMap::Instance().for_each_session([&](const string &id,const Session::Ptr &session){ if(local_port != 0 && local_port != session->get_local_port()){ return; } if(!peer_ip.empty() && peer_ip != session->get_peer_ip()){ return; } fillSockInfo(jsession, session.get()); jsession["id"] = id; jsession["typeid"] = toolkit::demangle(typeid(*session).name()); val["data"].append(jsession); }); }); //断开tcp连接,比如说可以断开rtsp、rtmp播放器等 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/kick_session",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("id"); //踢掉tcp会话 auto session = SessionMap::Instance().get(allArgs["id"]); if(!session){ throw ApiRetException("can not find the target",API::OtherFailed); } session->safeShutdown(); }); //批量断开tcp连接,比如说可以断开rtsp、rtmp播放器等 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/kick_sessions",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); uint16_t local_port = allArgs["local_port"].as(); string peer_ip = allArgs["peer_ip"]; size_t count_hit = 0; list session_list; SessionMap::Instance().for_each_session([&](const string &id,const Session::Ptr &session){ if(local_port != 0 && local_port != session->get_local_port()){ return; } if(!peer_ip.empty() && peer_ip != session->get_peer_ip()){ return; } session_list.emplace_back(session); ++count_hit; }); for(auto &session : session_list){ session->safeShutdown(); } val["count_hit"] = (Json::UInt64)count_hit; }); static auto addStreamPusherProxy = [](const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream, const string &url, int retry_count, int rtp_type, float timeout_sec, const function &cb) { auto key = getPusherKey(schema, vhost, app, stream, url); auto src = MediaSource::find(schema, vhost, app, stream); if (!src) { cb(SockException(Err_other, "can not find the source stream"), key); return; } lock_guard lck(s_proxyPusherMapMtx); if (s_proxyPusherMap.find(key) != s_proxyPusherMap.end()) { //已经在推流了 cb(SockException(Err_success), key); return; } //添加推流代理 PusherProxy::Ptr pusher(new PusherProxy(src, retry_count ? retry_count : -1)); s_proxyPusherMap[key] = pusher; //指定RTP over TCP(播放rtsp时有效) (*pusher)[Client::kRtpType] = rtp_type; if (timeout_sec > 0.1) { //推流握手超时时间 (*pusher)[Client::kTimeoutMS] = timeout_sec * 1000; } //开始推流,如果推流失败或者推流中止,将会自动重试若干次,默认一直重试 pusher->setPushCallbackOnce([cb, key, url](const SockException &ex) { if (ex) { WarnL << "Push " << url << " failed, key: " << key << ", err: " << ex.what(); lock_guard lck(s_proxyPusherMapMtx); s_proxyPusherMap.erase(key); } cb(ex, key); }); //被主动关闭推流 pusher->setOnClose([key, url](const SockException &ex) { WarnL << "Push " << url << " failed, key: " << key << ", err: " << ex.what(); lock_guard lck(s_proxyPusherMapMtx); s_proxyPusherMap.erase(key); }); pusher->publish(url); }; //动态添加rtsp/rtmp推流代理 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/addStreamPusherProxy", [](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC) { CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("schema", "vhost", "app", "stream", "dst_url"); auto dst_url = allArgs["dst_url"]; addStreamPusherProxy(allArgs["schema"], allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"], allArgs["dst_url"], allArgs["retry_count"], allArgs["rtp_type"], allArgs["timeout_sec"], [invoker, val, headerOut, dst_url](const SockException &ex, const string &key) mutable { if (ex) { val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = ex.what(); } else { val["data"]["key"] = key; InfoL << "Publish success, please play with player:" << dst_url; } invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); //关闭推流代理 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/delStreamPusherProxy", [](API_ARGS_MAP) { CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("key"); lock_guard lck(s_proxyPusherMapMtx); val["data"]["flag"] = s_proxyPusherMap.erase(allArgs["key"]) == 1; }); //动态添加rtsp/rtmp拉流代理 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/addStreamProxy",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("vhost","app","stream","url"); ProtocolOption option(allArgs); addStreamProxy(allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"], allArgs["url"], allArgs["retry_count"], option, allArgs["rtp_type"], allArgs["timeout_sec"], [invoker,val,headerOut](const SockException &ex,const string &key) mutable{ if (ex) { val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = ex.what(); } else { val["data"]["key"] = key; } invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); //关闭拉流代理 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/delStreamProxy",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("key"); lock_guard lck(s_proxyMapMtx); val["data"]["flag"] = s_proxyMap.erase(allArgs["key"]) == 1; }); static auto addFFmpegSource = [](const string &ffmpeg_cmd_key, const string &src_url, const string &dst_url, int timeout_ms, bool enable_hls, bool enable_mp4, const function &cb) { auto key = MD5(dst_url).hexdigest(); lock_guard lck(s_ffmpegMapMtx); if (s_ffmpegMap.find(key) != s_ffmpegMap.end()) { //已经在拉流了 cb(SockException(Err_success), key); return; } FFmpegSource::Ptr ffmpeg = std::make_shared(); s_ffmpegMap[key] = ffmpeg; ffmpeg->setOnClose([key]() { lock_guard lck(s_ffmpegMapMtx); s_ffmpegMap.erase(key); }); ffmpeg->setupRecordFlag(enable_hls, enable_mp4); ffmpeg->play(ffmpeg_cmd_key, src_url, dst_url, timeout_ms, [cb, key](const SockException &ex) { if (ex) { lock_guard lck(s_ffmpegMapMtx); s_ffmpegMap.erase(key); } cb(ex, key); }); }; //动态添加rtsp/rtmp拉流代理 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/addFFmpegSource",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("src_url","dst_url","timeout_ms"); auto src_url = allArgs["src_url"]; auto dst_url = allArgs["dst_url"]; int timeout_ms = allArgs["timeout_ms"]; auto enable_hls = allArgs["enable_hls"].as(); auto enable_mp4 = allArgs["enable_mp4"].as(); addFFmpegSource(allArgs["ffmpeg_cmd_key"], src_url, dst_url, timeout_ms, enable_hls, enable_mp4, [invoker, val, headerOut](const SockException &ex, const string &key) mutable{ if (ex) { val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = ex.what(); } else { val["data"]["key"] = key; } invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); //关闭拉流代理 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/delFFmpegSource",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("key"); lock_guard lck(s_ffmpegMapMtx); val["data"]["flag"] = s_ffmpegMap.erase(allArgs["key"]) == 1; }); //新增http api下载可执行程序文件接口 //测试url api_regist("/index/api/downloadBin",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); invoker.responseFile(allArgs.getParser().getHeader(),StrCaseMap(),exePath()); }); #if defined(ENABLE_RTPPROXY) api_regist("/index/api/getRtpInfo",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("stream_id"); auto process = RtpSelector::Instance().getProcess(allArgs["stream_id"], false); if (!process) { val["exist"] = false; return; } val["exist"] = true; fillSockInfo(val, process.get()); }); api_regist("/index/api/openRtpServer",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("port", "stream_id"); auto stream_id = allArgs["stream_id"]; auto tcp_mode = allArgs["tcp_mode"].as(); if (allArgs["enable_tcp"].as() && !tcp_mode) { //兼容老版本请求,新版本去除enable_tcp参数并新增tcp_mode参数 tcp_mode = 1; } auto port = openRtpServer(allArgs["port"], stream_id, tcp_mode, "::", allArgs["re_use_port"].as(), allArgs["ssrc"].as()); if (port == 0) { throw InvalidArgsException("该stream_id已存在"); } //回复json val["port"] = port; }); api_regist("/index/api/connectRtpServer", [](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC) { CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("stream_id", "dst_url", "dst_port"); connectRtpServer( allArgs["stream_id"], allArgs["dst_url"], allArgs["dst_port"], [val, headerOut, invoker](const SockException &ex) mutable { if (ex) { val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = ex.what(); } invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); api_regist("/index/api/closeRtpServer",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("stream_id"); if(!closeRtpServer(allArgs["stream_id"])){ val["hit"] = 0; return; } val["hit"] = 1; }); api_regist("/index/api/listRtpServer",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); lock_guard lck(s_rtpServerMapMtx); for (auto &pr : s_rtpServerMap) { Value obj; obj["stream_id"] = pr.first; obj["port"] = pr.second->getPort(); val["data"].append(obj); } }); api_regist("/index/api/startSendRtp",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("vhost", "app", "stream", "ssrc", "dst_url", "dst_port", "is_udp"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"], allArgs["from_mp4"].as()); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the source stream", API::NotFound); } MediaSourceEvent::SendRtpArgs args; args.passive = false; args.dst_url = allArgs["dst_url"]; args.dst_port = allArgs["dst_port"]; args.ssrc = allArgs["ssrc"]; args.is_udp = allArgs["is_udp"]; args.src_port = allArgs["src_port"]; args.pt = allArgs["pt"].empty() ? 96 : allArgs["pt"].as(); args.use_ps = allArgs["use_ps"].empty() ? true : allArgs["use_ps"].as(); args.only_audio = allArgs["only_audio"].as(); args.udp_rtcp_timeout = allArgs["udp_rtcp_timeout"]; args.recv_stream_id = allArgs["recv_stream_id"]; TraceL << "startSendRtp, pt " << int(args.pt) << " ps " << args.use_ps << " audio " << args.only_audio; src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { src->startSendRtp(args, [val, headerOut, invoker](uint16_t local_port, const SockException &ex) mutable { if (ex) { val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = ex.what(); } val["local_port"] = local_port; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); }); api_regist("/index/api/startSendRtpPassive",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("vhost", "app", "stream", "ssrc"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"], allArgs["from_mp4"].as()); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the source stream", API::NotFound); } MediaSourceEvent::SendRtpArgs args; args.passive = true; args.ssrc = allArgs["ssrc"]; args.is_udp = false; args.src_port = allArgs["src_port"]; args.pt = allArgs["pt"].empty() ? 96 : allArgs["pt"].as(); args.use_ps = allArgs["use_ps"].empty() ? true : allArgs["use_ps"].as(); args.only_audio = allArgs["only_audio"].as(); args.recv_stream_id = allArgs["recv_stream_id"]; TraceL << "startSendRtpPassive, pt " << int(args.pt) << " ps " << args.use_ps << " audio " << args.only_audio; src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { src->startSendRtp(args, [val, headerOut, invoker](uint16_t local_port, const SockException &ex) mutable { if (ex) { val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = ex.what(); } val["local_port"] = local_port; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); }); api_regist("/index/api/stopSendRtp",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("vhost", "app", "stream"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"]); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { // ssrc如果为空,关闭全部 if (!src->stopSendRtp(allArgs["ssrc"])) { val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = "stopSendRtp failed"; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); return; } invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); api_regist("/index/api/pauseRtpCheck", [](API_ARGS_MAP) { CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("stream_id"); //只是暂停流的检查,流媒体服务器做为流负载服务,收流就转发,RTSP/RTMP有自己暂停协议 auto rtp_process = RtpSelector::Instance().getProcess(allArgs["stream_id"], false); if (rtp_process) { rtp_process->setStopCheckRtp(true); } else { val["code"] = API::NotFound; } }); api_regist("/index/api/resumeRtpCheck", [](API_ARGS_MAP) { CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("stream_id"); auto rtp_process = RtpSelector::Instance().getProcess(allArgs["stream_id"], false); if (rtp_process) { rtp_process->setStopCheckRtp(false); } else { val["code"] = API::NotFound; } }); #endif//ENABLE_RTPPROXY // 开始录制hls或MP4 api_regist("/index/api/startRecord",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("type","vhost","app","stream"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"] ); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { auto result = src->setupRecord((Recorder::type)allArgs["type"].as(), true, allArgs["customized_path"], allArgs["max_second"].as()); val["result"] = result; val["code"] = result ? API::Success : API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = result ? "success" : "start record failed"; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); //设置录像流播放速度 api_regist("/index/api/setRecordSpeed", [](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC) { CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("schema", "vhost", "app", "stream", "speed"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["schema"], allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"]); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } auto speed = allArgs["speed"].as(); src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { bool flag = src->speed(speed); val["result"] = flag ? 0 : -1; val["msg"] = flag ? "success" : "set failed"; val["code"] = flag ? API::Success : API::OtherFailed; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); api_regist("/index/api/seekRecordStamp", [](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC) { CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("schema", "vhost", "app", "stream", "stamp"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["schema"], allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"]); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } auto stamp = allArgs["stamp"].as(); src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { bool flag = src->seekTo(stamp); val["result"] = flag ? 0 : -1; val["msg"] = flag ? "success" : "seek failed"; val["code"] = flag ? API::Success : API::OtherFailed; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); // 停止录制hls或MP4 api_regist("/index/api/stopRecord",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("type","vhost","app","stream"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"] ); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } auto type = (Recorder::type)allArgs["type"].as(); src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { auto result = src->setupRecord(type, false, "", 0); val["result"] = result; val["code"] = result ? API::Success : API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = result ? "success" : "stop record failed"; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); // 获取hls或MP4录制状态 api_regist("/index/api/isRecording",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("type","vhost","app","stream"); auto src = MediaSource::find(allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"]); if (!src) { throw ApiRetException("can not find the stream", API::NotFound); } auto type = (Recorder::type)allArgs["type"].as(); src->getOwnerPoller()->async([=]() mutable { val["status"] = src->isRecording(type); invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); // 删除录像文件夹 // api_regist("/index/api/deleteRecordDirectory", [](API_ARGS_MAP) { CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("vhost", "app", "stream"); auto record_path = Recorder::getRecordPath(Recorder::type_mp4, allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"], allArgs["customized_path"]); auto period = allArgs["period"]; record_path = record_path + period + "/"; int result = File::delete_file(record_path.data()); if (result) { // 不等于0时代表失败 record_path = "delete error"; } val["path"] = record_path; val["code"] = result; }); //获取录像文件夹列表或mp4文件列表 // api_regist("/index/api/getMp4RecordFile", [](API_ARGS_MAP){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("vhost", "app", "stream"); auto record_path = Recorder::getRecordPath(Recorder::type_mp4, allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"], allArgs["customized_path"]); auto period = allArgs["period"]; //判断是获取mp4文件列表还是获取文件夹列表 bool search_mp4 = period.size() == sizeof("2020-02-01") - 1; if (search_mp4) { record_path = record_path + period + "/"; } Json::Value paths(arrayValue); //这是筛选日期,获取文件夹列表 File::scanDir(record_path, [&](const string &path, bool isDir) { auto pos = path.rfind('/'); if (pos != string::npos) { string relative_path = path.substr(pos + 1); if (search_mp4) { if (!isDir) { //我们只收集mp4文件,对文件夹不感兴趣 paths.append(relative_path); } } else if (isDir && relative_path.find(period) == 0) { //匹配到对应日期的文件夹 paths.append(relative_path); } } return true; }, false); val["data"]["rootPath"] = record_path; val["data"]["paths"] = paths; }); static auto responseSnap = [](const string &snap_path, const HttpSession::KeyValue &headerIn, const HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker, const string &err_msg = "") { static bool s_snap_success_once = false; StrCaseMap headerOut; GET_CONFIG(string, defaultSnap, API::kDefaultSnap); if (!File::fileSize(snap_path.data())) { if (!err_msg.empty() && (!s_snap_success_once || defaultSnap.empty())) { //重来没截图成功过或者默认截图图片为空,那么直接返回FFmpeg错误日志 headerOut["Content-Type"] = HttpFileManager::getContentType(".txt"); invoker.responseFile(headerIn, headerOut, err_msg, false, false); return; } //截图成功过一次,那么认为配置无错误,截图失败时,返回预设默认图片 const_cast(snap_path) = File::absolutePath("", defaultSnap); headerOut["Content-Type"] = HttpFileManager::getContentType(snap_path.data()); } else { s_snap_success_once = true; //之前生成的截图文件,我们默认为jpeg格式 headerOut["Content-Type"] = HttpFileManager::getContentType(".jpeg"); } //返回图片给http客户端 invoker.responseFile(headerIn, headerOut, snap_path); }; //获取截图缓存或者实时截图 // api_regist("/index/api/getSnap", [](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("url", "timeout_sec", "expire_sec"); GET_CONFIG(string, snap_root, API::kSnapRoot); bool have_old_snap = false, res_old_snap = false; int expire_sec = allArgs["expire_sec"]; auto scan_path = File::absolutePath(MD5(allArgs["url"]).hexdigest(), snap_root) + "/"; string new_snap = StrPrinter << scan_path << time(NULL) << ".jpeg"; File::scanDir(scan_path, [&](const string &path, bool isDir) { if (isDir || !end_with(path, ".jpeg")) { //忽略文件夹或其他类型的文件 return true; } //找到截图 auto tm = FindField(path.data() + scan_path.size(), nullptr, ".jpeg"); if (atoll(tm.data()) + expire_sec < time(NULL)) { //截图已经过期,改名,以便再次请求时,可以返回老截图 rename(path.data(), new_snap.data()); have_old_snap = true; return true; } //截图存在,且未过期,那么返回之 res_old_snap = true; responseSnap(path, allArgs.getParser().getHeader(), invoker); //中断遍历 return false; }); if (res_old_snap) { //已经回复了旧的截图 return; } //无截图或者截图已经过期 if (!have_old_snap) { //无过期截图,生成一个空文件,目的是顺便创建文件夹路径 //同时防止在FFmpeg生成截图途中不停的尝试调用该api多次启动FFmpeg进程 auto file = File::create_file(new_snap.data(), "wb"); if (file) { fclose(file); } } //启动FFmpeg进程,开始截图,生成临时文件,截图成功后替换为正式文件 auto new_snap_tmp = new_snap + ".tmp"; FFmpegSnap::makeSnap(allArgs["url"], new_snap_tmp, allArgs["timeout_sec"], [invoker, allArgs, new_snap, new_snap_tmp](bool success, const string &err_msg) { if (!success) { //生成截图失败,可能残留空文件 File::delete_file(new_snap_tmp.data()); } else { //临时文件改成正式文件 File::delete_file(new_snap.data()); rename(new_snap_tmp.data(), new_snap.data()); } responseSnap(new_snap, allArgs.getParser().getHeader(), invoker, err_msg); }); }); api_regist("/index/api/getStatistic",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); getStatisticJson([headerOut, val, invoker](const Value &data) mutable{ val["data"] = data; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); #ifdef ENABLE_WEBRTC class WebRtcArgsImp : public WebRtcArgs { public: WebRtcArgsImp(const HttpAllArgs &args, std::string session_id) : _args(args) , _session_id(std::move(session_id)) {} ~WebRtcArgsImp() override = default; variant operator[](const string &key) const override { if (key == "url") { return getUrl(); } return _args[key]; } private: string getUrl() const{ auto &allArgs = _args; CHECK_ARGS("app", "stream"); return StrPrinter << RTC_SCHEMA << "://" << _args["Host"] << "/" << _args["app"] << "/" << _args["stream"] << "?" << _args.getParser().Params() + "&session=" + _session_id; } private: HttpAllArgs _args; std::string _session_id; }; api_regist("/index/api/webrtc",[](API_ARGS_STRING_ASYNC){ CHECK_ARGS("type"); auto type = allArgs["type"]; auto offer = allArgs.getArgs(); CHECK(!offer.empty(), "http body(webrtc offer sdp) is empty"); WebRtcPluginManager::Instance().getAnswerSdp(*(static_cast(&sender)), type, WebRtcArgsImp(allArgs, sender.getIdentifier()), [invoker, val, offer, headerOut](const WebRtcInterface &exchanger) mutable { //设置返回类型 headerOut["Content-Type"] = HttpFileManager::getContentType(".json"); //设置跨域 headerOut["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"; try { val["sdp"] = const_cast(exchanger).getAnswerSdp(offer); val["id"] = exchanger.getIdentifier(); val["type"] = "answer"; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); } catch (std::exception &ex) { val["code"] = API::Exception; val["msg"] = ex.what(); invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); } }); }); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_VERSION) api_regist("/index/api/version",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ CHECK_SECRET(); Value ver; ver["buildTime"] = BUILD_TIME; ver["branchName"] = BRANCH_NAME; ver["commitHash"] = COMMIT_HASH; val["data"] = ver; invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); #endif ////////////以下是注册的Hook API//////////// api_regist("/index/hook/on_publish",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //开始推流事件 //转换hls val["enable_hls"] = true; //不录制mp4 val["enable_mp4"] = false; }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_play",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //开始播放事件 }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_flow_report",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //流量统计hook api }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_rtsp_realm",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //rtsp是否需要鉴权,默认需要鉴权 val["code"] = API::Success; val["realm"] = "zlmediakit_reaml"; }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_rtsp_auth",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //rtsp鉴权密码,密码等于用户名 //rtsp可以有双重鉴权!后面还会触发on_play事件 CHECK_ARGS("user_name"); val["code"] = API::Success; val["encrypted"] = false; val["passwd"] = allArgs["user_name"].data(); }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_stream_changed",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //媒体注册或反注册事件 }); #if !defined(_WIN32) api_regist("/index/hook/on_stream_not_found_ffmpeg",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ //媒体未找到事件,我们都及时拉流hks作为替代品,目的是为了测试按需拉流 CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("vhost","app","stream"); //通过FFmpeg按需拉流 GET_CONFIG(int,rtmp_port,Rtmp::kPort); GET_CONFIG(int,timeout_sec,Hook::kTimeoutSec); string dst_url = StrPrinter << "rtmp://" << rtmp_port << "/" << allArgs["app"] << "/" << allArgs["stream"] << "?vhost=" << allArgs["vhost"]; addFFmpegSource("", "http://hls-ott-zhibo.wasu.tv/live/272/index.m3u8",/** ffmpeg拉流支持任意编码格式任意协议 **/ dst_url, (1000 * timeout_sec) - 500, false, false, [invoker,val,headerOut](const SockException &ex,const string &key) mutable{ if(ex){ val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = ex.what(); }else{ val["data"]["key"] = key; } invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); #endif//!defined(_WIN32) api_regist("/index/hook/on_stream_not_found",[](API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC){ //媒体未找到事件,我们都及时拉流hks作为替代品,目的是为了测试按需拉流 CHECK_SECRET(); CHECK_ARGS("vhost","app","stream", "schema"); ProtocolOption option; option.enable_hls = allArgs["schema"] == HLS_SCHEMA; option.enable_mp4 = false; //通过内置支持的rtsp/rtmp按需拉流 addStreamProxy(allArgs["vhost"], allArgs["app"], allArgs["stream"], /** 支持rtsp和rtmp方式拉流 ,rtsp支持h265/h264/aac,rtmp仅支持h264/aac **/ "rtsp://", -1,/*无限重试*/ option, 0,//rtp over tcp方式拉流 10,//10秒超时 [invoker,val,headerOut](const SockException &ex,const string &key) mutable{ if(ex){ val["code"] = API::OtherFailed; val["msg"] = ex.what(); }else{ val["data"]["key"] = key; } invoker(200, headerOut, val.toStyledString()); }); }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_record_mp4",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //录制mp4分片完毕事件 }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_shell_login",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //shell登录调试事件 }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_stream_none_reader",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //无人观看流默认关闭 val["close"] = true; }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_send_rtp_stopped",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //发送rtp(startSendRtp)被动关闭时回调 }); static auto checkAccess = [](const string ¶ms){ //我们假定大家都要权限访问 return true; }; api_regist("/index/hook/on_http_access",[](API_ARGS_MAP){ //在这里根据allArgs["params"](url参数)来判断该http客户端是否有权限访问该文件 if(!checkAccess(allArgs["params"])){ //无访问权限 val["err"] = "无访问权限"; //仅限制访问当前目录 val["path"] = ""; //标记该客户端无权限1分钟 val["second"] = 60; return; } //可以访问 val["err"] = ""; //只能访问当前目录 val["path"] = ""; //该http客户端用户被授予10分钟的访问权限,该权限仅限访问当前目录 val["second"] = 10 * 60; }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_server_started",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //服务器重启报告 }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_server_keepalive",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //心跳hook }); api_regist("/index/hook/on_rtp_server_timeout",[](API_ARGS_JSON){ //rtp server 超时 TraceL < lck(s_proxyMapMtx); s_proxyMap.clear(); } { lock_guard lck(s_ffmpegMapMtx); s_ffmpegMap.clear(); } { lock_guard lck(s_proxyPusherMapMtx); s_proxyPusherMap.clear(); } { #if defined(ENABLE_RTPPROXY) RtpSelector::Instance().clear(); lock_guard lck(s_rtpServerMapMtx); s_rtpServerMap.clear(); #endif } NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(&web_api_tag); }