## feature - NACK support - listener support - push stream payload must ts - pull stream payload is ts - protocol impliment [reference](https://haivision.github.io/srt-rfc/draft-sharabayko-srt.html) - version support (>=1.3.0) - fec and encriyped not support ## usage zlm get vhost,app,streamid and push or play by streamid of srt like this `#!::key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value4......` h and r is special key,to get vhost app streamid, if h not exist ,vhost is default value m is special key, to judge is push or pull, if vaule is publish the mode is push,otherwise is play, if m not exist, mode is play other key and m ,can use by webhook to auth for play or push like: #!::h=zlmediakit.com,r=live/test,m=publish vhost = zlmediakit.com app = live streamid = test mode is push - OBS push stream url `srt://!::r=live/test,m=publish` - ffmpeg push `ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i test.ts -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mpegts srt://!::r=live/test,m=publish` - ffplay pull `ffplay -i srt://!::r=live/test` - vlc not support ,because can't set stream id [reference](https://github.com/Haivision/srt/issues/1015)