/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef ZLMEDIAKIT_MEDIASOURCE_H #define ZLMEDIAKIT_MEDIASOURCE_H #include #include #include #include #include "Network/Socket.h" #include "Extension/Track.h" #include "Record/Recorder.h" namespace toolkit { class Session; } // namespace toolkit namespace mediakit { enum class MediaOriginType : uint8_t { unknown = 0, rtmp_push , rtsp_push, rtp_push, pull, ffmpeg_pull, mp4_vod, device_chn, rtc_push, srt_push }; std::string getOriginTypeString(MediaOriginType type); class MediaSource; class MultiMediaSourceMuxer; class MediaSourceEvent { public: friend class MediaSource; class NotImplemented : public std::runtime_error { public: template NotImplemented(T && ...args) : std::runtime_error(std::forward(args)...) {} ~NotImplemented() override = default; }; MediaSourceEvent() = default; virtual ~MediaSourceEvent() = default; // 获取媒体源类型 virtual MediaOriginType getOriginType(MediaSource &sender) const { return MediaOriginType::unknown; } // 获取媒体源url或者文件路径 virtual std::string getOriginUrl(MediaSource &sender) const; // 获取媒体源客户端相关信息 virtual std::shared_ptr getOriginSock(MediaSource &sender) const { return nullptr; } // 通知拖动进度条 virtual bool seekTo(MediaSource &sender, uint32_t stamp) { return false; } // 通知暂停或恢复 virtual bool pause(MediaSource &sender, bool pause) { return false; } // 通知倍数 virtual bool speed(MediaSource &sender, float speed) { return false; } // 通知其停止产生流 virtual bool close(MediaSource &sender) { return false; } // 获取观看总人数,此函数一般强制重载 virtual int totalReaderCount(MediaSource &sender) { throw NotImplemented(toolkit::demangle(typeid(*this).name()) + "::totalReaderCount not implemented"); } // 通知观看人数变化 virtual void onReaderChanged(MediaSource &sender, int size); //流注册或注销事件 virtual void onRegist(MediaSource &sender, bool regist) {} // 获取丢包率 virtual float getLossRate(MediaSource &sender, TrackType type) { return -1; } // 获取所在线程, 此函数一般强制重载 virtual toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr getOwnerPoller(MediaSource &sender) { throw NotImplemented(toolkit::demangle(typeid(*this).name()) + "::getOwnerPoller not implemented"); } ////////////////////////仅供MultiMediaSourceMuxer对象继承//////////////////////// // 开启或关闭录制 virtual bool setupRecord(MediaSource &sender, Recorder::type type, bool start, const std::string &custom_path, size_t max_second) { return false; }; // 获取录制状态 virtual bool isRecording(MediaSource &sender, Recorder::type type) { return false; } // 获取所有track相关信息 virtual std::vector getMediaTracks(MediaSource &sender, bool trackReady = true) const { return std::vector(); }; // 获取MultiMediaSourceMuxer对象 virtual std::shared_ptr getMuxer(MediaSource &sender) { return nullptr; } class SendRtpArgs { public: // 是否采用udp方式发送rtp bool is_udp = true; // rtp采用ps还是es方式 bool use_ps = true; //发送es流时指定是否只发送纯音频流 bool only_audio = false; //tcp被动方式 bool passive = false; // rtp payload type uint8_t pt = 96; //是否支持同ssrc多服务器发送 bool ssrc_multi_send = false; // 指定rtp ssrc std::string ssrc; // 指定本地发送端口 uint16_t src_port = 0; // 发送目标端口 uint16_t dst_port; // 发送目标主机地址,可以是ip或域名 std::string dst_url; //udp发送时,是否开启rr rtcp接收超时判断 bool udp_rtcp_timeout = false; //tcp被动发送服务器延时关闭事件,单位毫秒;设置为0时,则使用默认值5000ms uint32_t tcp_passive_close_delay_ms = 0; //udp 发送时,rr rtcp包接收超时时间,单位毫秒 uint32_t rtcp_timeout_ms = 30 * 1000; //udp 发送时,发送sr rtcp包间隔,单位毫秒 uint32_t rtcp_send_interval_ms = 5 * 1000; //发送rtp同时接收,一般用于双向语言对讲, 如果不为空,说明开启接收 std::string recv_stream_id; }; // 开始发送ps-rtp virtual void startSendRtp(MediaSource &sender, const SendRtpArgs &args, const std::function cb) { cb(0, toolkit::SockException(toolkit::Err_other, "not implemented"));}; // 停止发送ps-rtp virtual bool stopSendRtp(MediaSource &sender, const std::string &ssrc) {return false; } private: toolkit::Timer::Ptr _async_close_timer; }; class ProtocolOption { public: ProtocolOption(); enum { kModifyStampOff = 0, // 采用源视频流绝对时间戳,不做任何改变 kModifyStampSystem = 1, // 采用zlmediakit接收数据时的系统时间戳(有平滑处理) kModifyStampRelative = 2 // 采用源视频流时间戳相对时间戳(增长量),有做时间戳跳跃和回退矫正 }; // 时间戳类型 int modify_stamp; //转协议是否开启音频 bool enable_audio; //添加静音音频,在关闭音频时,此开关无效 bool add_mute_audio; // 无人观看时,是否直接关闭(而不是通过on_none_reader hook返回close) // 此配置置1时,此流如果无人观看,将不触发on_none_reader hook回调, // 而是将直接关闭流 bool auto_close; //断连续推延时,单位毫秒,默认采用配置文件 uint32_t continue_push_ms; //是否开启转换为hls(mpegts) bool enable_hls; //是否开启转换为hls(fmp4) bool enable_hls_fmp4; //是否开启MP4录制 bool enable_mp4; //是否开启转换为rtsp/webrtc bool enable_rtsp; //是否开启转换为rtmp/flv bool enable_rtmp; //是否开启转换为http-ts/ws-ts bool enable_ts; //是否开启转换为http-fmp4/ws-fmp4 bool enable_fmp4; // hls协议是否按需生成,如果hls.segNum配置为0(意味着hls录制),那么hls将一直生成(不管此开关) bool hls_demand; // rtsp[s]协议是否按需生成 bool rtsp_demand; // rtmp[s]、http[s]-flv、ws[s]-flv协议是否按需生成 bool rtmp_demand; // http[s]-ts协议是否按需生成 bool ts_demand; // http[s]-fmp4、ws[s]-fmp4协议是否按需生成 bool fmp4_demand; //是否将mp4录制当做观看者 bool mp4_as_player; //mp4切片大小,单位秒 size_t mp4_max_second; //mp4录制保存路径 std::string mp4_save_path; //hls录制保存路径 std::string hls_save_path; // 支持通过on_publish返回值替换stream_id std::string stream_replace; template ProtocolOption(const MAP &allArgs) : ProtocolOption() { #define GET_OPT_VALUE(key) getArgsValue(allArgs, #key, key) GET_OPT_VALUE(modify_stamp); GET_OPT_VALUE(enable_audio); GET_OPT_VALUE(add_mute_audio); GET_OPT_VALUE(auto_close); GET_OPT_VALUE(continue_push_ms); GET_OPT_VALUE(enable_hls); GET_OPT_VALUE(enable_hls_fmp4); GET_OPT_VALUE(enable_mp4); GET_OPT_VALUE(enable_rtsp); GET_OPT_VALUE(enable_rtmp); GET_OPT_VALUE(enable_ts); GET_OPT_VALUE(enable_fmp4); GET_OPT_VALUE(hls_demand); GET_OPT_VALUE(rtsp_demand); GET_OPT_VALUE(rtmp_demand); GET_OPT_VALUE(ts_demand); GET_OPT_VALUE(fmp4_demand); GET_OPT_VALUE(mp4_max_second); GET_OPT_VALUE(mp4_as_player); GET_OPT_VALUE(mp4_save_path); GET_OPT_VALUE(hls_save_path); GET_OPT_VALUE(stream_replace); } private: template static void getArgsValue(const MAP &allArgs, const KEY &key, TYPE &value) { auto val = ((MAP &)allArgs)[key]; if (!val.empty()) { value = (TYPE)val; } } }; //该对象用于拦截感兴趣的MediaSourceEvent事件 class MediaSourceEventInterceptor : public MediaSourceEvent { public: MediaSourceEventInterceptor() = default; ~MediaSourceEventInterceptor() override = default; void setDelegate(const std::weak_ptr &listener); std::shared_ptr getDelegate() const; MediaOriginType getOriginType(MediaSource &sender) const override; std::string getOriginUrl(MediaSource &sender) const override; std::shared_ptr getOriginSock(MediaSource &sender) const override; bool seekTo(MediaSource &sender, uint32_t stamp) override; bool pause(MediaSource &sender, bool pause) override; bool speed(MediaSource &sender, float speed) override; bool close(MediaSource &sender) override; int totalReaderCount(MediaSource &sender) override; void onReaderChanged(MediaSource &sender, int size) override; void onRegist(MediaSource &sender, bool regist) override; bool setupRecord(MediaSource &sender, Recorder::type type, bool start, const std::string &custom_path, size_t max_second) override; bool isRecording(MediaSource &sender, Recorder::type type) override; std::vector getMediaTracks(MediaSource &sender, bool trackReady = true) const override; void startSendRtp(MediaSource &sender, const SendRtpArgs &args, const std::function cb) override; bool stopSendRtp(MediaSource &sender, const std::string &ssrc) override; float getLossRate(MediaSource &sender, TrackType type) override; toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr getOwnerPoller(MediaSource &sender) override; std::shared_ptr getMuxer(MediaSource &sender) override; private: std::weak_ptr _listener; }; /** * 解析url获取媒体相关信息 */ class MediaInfo: public MediaTuple { public: ~MediaInfo() = default; MediaInfo() = default; MediaInfo(const std::string &url) { parse(url); } void parse(const std::string &url); std::string getUrl() const { return schema + "://" + shortUrl(); } public: uint16_t port = 0; std::string full_url; std::string schema; std::string host; std::string param_strs; }; bool equalMediaTuple(const MediaTuple& a, const MediaTuple& b); /** * 媒体源,任何rtsp/rtmp的直播流都源自该对象 */ class MediaSource: public TrackSource, public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: static MediaSource& NullMediaSource(); using Ptr = std::shared_ptr; MediaSource(const std::string &schema, const MediaTuple& tuple); virtual ~MediaSource(); ////////////////获取MediaSource相关信息//////////////// // 获取协议类型 const std::string& getSchema() const { return _schema; } const MediaTuple& getMediaTuple() const { return _tuple; } std::string getUrl() const { return _schema + "://" + _tuple.shortUrl(); } //获取对象所有权 std::shared_ptr getOwnership(); // 获取所有Track std::vector getTracks(bool ready = true) const override; // 获取流当前时间戳 virtual uint32_t getTimeStamp(TrackType type) { return 0; }; // 设置时间戳 virtual void setTimeStamp(uint32_t stamp) {}; // 获取数据速率,单位bytes/s int getBytesSpeed(TrackType type = TrackInvalid); // 获取流创建GMT unix时间戳,单位秒 uint64_t getCreateStamp() const { return _create_stamp; } // 获取流上线时间,单位秒 uint64_t getAliveSecond() const; ////////////////MediaSourceEvent相关接口实现//////////////// // 设置监听者 virtual void setListener(const std::weak_ptr &listener); // 获取监听者 std::weak_ptr getListener() const; // 本协议获取观看者个数,可能返回本协议的观看人数,也可能返回总人数 virtual int readerCount() = 0; // 观看者个数,包括(hls/rtsp/rtmp) virtual int totalReaderCount(); // 获取播放器列表 virtual void getPlayerList(const std::function &info_list)> &cb, const std::function &on_change) { assert(cb); cb(std::list()); } virtual bool broadcastMessage(const toolkit::Any &data) { return false; } // 获取媒体源类型 MediaOriginType getOriginType() const; // 获取媒体源url或者文件路径 std::string getOriginUrl() const; // 获取媒体源客户端相关信息 std::shared_ptr getOriginSock() const; // 拖动进度条 bool seekTo(uint32_t stamp); // 暂停 bool pause(bool pause); // 倍数播放 bool speed(float speed); // 关闭该流 bool close(bool force); // 该流观看人数变化 void onReaderChanged(int size); // 开启或关闭录制 bool setupRecord(Recorder::type type, bool start, const std::string &custom_path, size_t max_second); // 获取录制状态 bool isRecording(Recorder::type type); // 开始发送ps-rtp void startSendRtp(const MediaSourceEvent::SendRtpArgs &args, const std::function cb); // 停止发送ps-rtp bool stopSendRtp(const std::string &ssrc); // 获取丢包率 float getLossRate(mediakit::TrackType type); // 获取所在线程 toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr getOwnerPoller(); // 获取MultiMediaSourceMuxer对象 std::shared_ptr getMuxer(); ////////////////static方法,查找或生成MediaSource//////////////// // 同步查找流 static Ptr find(const std::string &schema, const std::string &vhost, const std::string &app, const std::string &id, bool from_mp4 = false); static Ptr find(const MediaInfo &info, bool from_mp4 = false) { return find(info.schema, info.vhost, info.app, info.stream, from_mp4); } // 忽略schema,同步查找流,可能返回rtmp/rtsp/hls类型 static Ptr find(const std::string &vhost, const std::string &app, const std::string &stream_id, bool from_mp4 = false); // 异步查找流 static void findAsync(const MediaInfo &info, const std::shared_ptr &session, const std::function &cb); // 遍历所有流 static void for_each_media(const std::function &cb, const std::string &schema = "", const std::string &vhost = "", const std::string &app = "", const std::string &stream = ""); // 从mp4文件生成MediaSource static MediaSource::Ptr createFromMP4(const std::string &schema, const std::string &vhost, const std::string &app, const std::string &stream, const std::string &file_path = "", bool check_app = true); protected: //媒体注册 void regist(); private: // 媒体注销 bool unregist(); // 触发媒体事件 void emitEvent(bool regist); protected: toolkit::BytesSpeed _speed[TrackMax]; MediaTuple _tuple; private: std::atomic_flag _owned { false }; time_t _create_stamp; toolkit::Ticker _ticker; std::string _schema; std::weak_ptr _listener; // 对象个数统计 toolkit::ObjectStatistic _statistic; }; } /* namespace mediakit */ #endif //ZLMEDIAKIT_MEDIASOURCE_H