/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "ShellSession.h" #include "Util/CMD.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" #include "Util/NoticeCenter.h" #include "Common/config.h" #include "ShellCMD.h" using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { static onceToken s_token([]() { REGIST_CMD(media); }, nullptr); ShellSession::ShellSession(const Socket::Ptr &_sock) : TcpSession(_sock) { DebugP(this); pleaseInputUser(); } ShellSession::~ShellSession() { DebugP(this); } void ShellSession::onRecv(const Buffer::Ptr&buf) { //DebugL << hexdump(buf->data(), buf->size()); GET_CONFIG(uint32_t,maxReqSize,Shell::kMaxReqSize); if (_strRecvBuf.size() + buf->size() >= maxReqSize) { shutdown(SockException(Err_other,"recv buffer overflow")); return; } _beatTicker.resetTime(); _strRecvBuf.append(buf->data(), buf->size()); if (_strRecvBuf.find("\xff\xf4\xff\0xfd\x06") != std::string::npos) { SockSender::send("\033[0m\r\n Bye bye!\r\n"); shutdown(SockException(Err_other,"received Ctrl+C")); return; } size_t index; string line; while ((index = _strRecvBuf.find("\r\n")) != std::string::npos) { line = _strRecvBuf.substr(0, index); _strRecvBuf.erase(0, index + 2); if (!onCommandLine(line)) { shutdown(SockException(Err_other,"exit cmd")); return; } } } void ShellSession::onError(const SockException &err){ WarnP(this) << err.what(); } void ShellSession::onManager() { if (_beatTicker.elapsedTime() > 1000 * 60 * 5) { //5 miniutes for alive shutdown(SockException(Err_timeout,"session timeout")); return; } } inline bool ShellSession::onCommandLine(const string& line) { auto loginInterceptor = _loginInterceptor; if (loginInterceptor) { bool ret = loginInterceptor(line); return ret; } try { std::shared_ptr ss(new stringstream); CMDRegister::Instance()(line,ss); SockSender::send(ss->str()); }catch(ExitException &ex){ return false; }catch(std::exception &ex){ SockSender::send(ex.what()); SockSender::send("\r\n"); } printShellPrefix(); return true; } inline void ShellSession::pleaseInputUser() { SockSender::send("\033[0m"); SockSender::send(StrPrinter << SERVER_NAME << " login: " << endl); _loginInterceptor = [this](const string &user_name) { _strUserName=user_name; pleaseInputPasswd(); return true; }; } inline void ShellSession::pleaseInputPasswd() { SockSender::send("Password: \033[8m"); _loginInterceptor = [this](const string &passwd) { auto onAuth = [this](const string &errMessage){ if(!errMessage.empty()){ //鉴权失败 SockSender::send(StrPrinter << "\033[0mAuth failed(" << errMessage << "), please try again.\r\n" << _strUserName << "@" << SERVER_NAME << "'s password: \033[8m" << endl); return; } SockSender::send("\033[0m"); SockSender::send("-----------------------------------------\r\n"); SockSender::send(StrPrinter<<"欢迎来到"< weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); Broadcast::AuthInvoker invoker = [weakSelf,onAuth](const string &errMessage){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf){ return; } strongSelf->async([errMessage,weakSelf,onAuth](){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf){ return; } onAuth(errMessage); }); }; auto flag = NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastShellLogin,_strUserName,passwd,invoker,static_cast(*this)); if(!flag){ //如果无人监听shell登录事件,那么默认shell无法登录 onAuth("please listen kBroadcastShellLogin event"); } return true; }; } inline void ShellSession::printShellPrefix() { SockSender::send(StrPrinter << _strUserName << "@" << SERVER_NAME << "# " << endl); } }/* namespace mediakit */