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* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "mk_common.h"
#include "mk_frame.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// 音视频轨道 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:cec3b225]
// Audio and video track
typedef struct mk_track_t *mk_track;
// 输出frame回调 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:4daee75b]
// Output frame callback
typedef void(API_CALL *on_mk_frame_out)(void *user_data, mk_frame frame);
// track创建参数 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:31a3c487]
// Track creation parameters
typedef union {
struct {
int width;
int height;
int fps;
} video;
struct {
int channels;
int sample_rate;
} audio;
} codec_args;
* 创建track对象引用
* @param codec_id 请参考MKCodecXXX 常量定义
* @param args 视频或音频参数
* @return track对象引用
* Create a track object reference
* @param codec_id Please refer to the MKCodecXXX constant definition
* @param args Video or audio parameters
* @return Track object reference
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d53f3578]
API_EXPORT mk_track API_CALL mk_track_create(int codec_id, codec_args *args);
* 减引用track对象
* @param track track对象
* Decrement the reference count of the track object
* @param track Track object
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:50d6180e]
API_EXPORT void API_CALL mk_track_unref(mk_track track);
* 引用track对象
* @param track track对象
* @return 新的track引用对象
* Increment the reference count of the track object
* @param track Track object
* @return New track reference object
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6492cbb1]
API_EXPORT mk_track API_CALL mk_track_ref(mk_track track);
* 获取track 编码codec类型,请参考MKCodecXXX定义
* Get the track encoding codec type, please refer to the MKCodecXXX definition
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f90ed835]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_codec_id(mk_track track);
* 获取编码codec名称
* Get the encoding codec name
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f46d430e]
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_track_codec_name(mk_track track);
* 获取比特率信息
* Get the bitrate information
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:de8b48fe]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_bit_rate(mk_track track);
* 获取轨道是否已就绪,1: 已就绪,0:未就绪
* Get whether the track is ready, 1: ready, 0: not ready
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:926d1a1a]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_ready(mk_track track);
* 获取累计帧数
* Get the cumulative frame count
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c30a45c6]
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_track_frames(mk_track track);
* 获取时间,单位毫秒
* Get the time, in milliseconds
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:37b0e1f9]
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_track_duration(mk_track track);
* 监听frame输出事件
* @param track track对象
* @param cb frame输出回调
* @param user_data frame输出回调用户指针参数
* Listen for frame output events
* @param track Track object
* @param cb Frame output callback
* @param user_data Frame output callback user pointer parameter
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5cbd8347]
API_EXPORT void *API_CALL mk_track_add_delegate(mk_track track, on_mk_frame_out cb, void *user_data);
API_EXPORT void *API_CALL mk_track_add_delegate2(mk_track track, on_mk_frame_out cb, void *user_data, on_user_data_free user_data_free);
* 取消frame输出事件监听
* @param track track对象
* @param tag mk_track_add_delegate返回值
* Cancel the frame output event listener
* @param track Track object
* @param tag Return value of mk_track_add_delegate
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:83a9fd9f]
API_EXPORT void API_CALL mk_track_del_delegate(mk_track track, void *tag);
* 输入frame到track,通常你不需要调用此api
* Input frame to track, you usually don't need to call this api
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ca3b03e8]
API_EXPORT void API_CALL mk_track_input_frame(mk_track track, mk_frame frame);
* track是否为视频
* Whether the track is video
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:22573187]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_is_video(mk_track track);
* 获取视频宽度
* Get the video width
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:06a849c6]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_video_width(mk_track track);
* 获取视频高度
* Get the video height
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:27b5ed6e]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_video_height(mk_track track);
* 获取视频帧率
* Get the video frame rate
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3c19a388]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_video_fps(mk_track track);
* 获取视频累计关键帧数
* Get the cumulative number of video keyframes
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0e70e666]
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_track_video_key_frames(mk_track track);
* 获取视频GOP关键帧间隔
* Get the video GOP keyframe interval
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ea8d3729]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_video_gop_size(mk_track track);
* 获取视频累计关键帧间隔(毫秒)
* Get the cumulative video keyframe interval (milliseconds)
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:194b1e80]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_video_gop_interval_ms(mk_track track);
* 获取音频采样率
* Get the audio sample rate
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bf0e046b]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_audio_sample_rate(mk_track track);
* 获取音频通道数
* Get the number of audio channels
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ccb5d776]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_audio_channel(mk_track track);
* 获取音频位数,一般为16bit
* Get the audio bit depth, usually 16bit
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:11e36409]
API_EXPORT int API_CALL mk_track_audio_sample_bit(mk_track track);
#ifdef __cplusplus