2020-09-06 17:56:05 +08:00

639 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <math.h>
#include "MediaSource.h"
#include "Record/MP4Reader.h"
#include "Util/util.h"
#include "Network/sockutil.h"
#include "Network/TcpSession.h"
using namespace toolkit;
namespace mediakit {
recursive_mutex s_media_source_mtx;
MediaSource::SchemaVhostAppStreamMap s_media_source_map;
MediaSource::MediaSource(const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream_id){
GET_CONFIG(bool, enableVhost, General::kEnableVhost);
if (!enableVhost) {
} else {
_vhost = vhost.empty() ? DEFAULT_VHOST : vhost;
_schema = schema;
_app = app;
_stream_id = stream_id;
MediaSource::~MediaSource() {
const string& MediaSource::getSchema() const {
return _schema;
const string& MediaSource::getVhost() const {
return _vhost;
const string& MediaSource::getApp() const {
return _app;
const string& MediaSource::getId() const {
return _stream_id;
vector<Track::Ptr> MediaSource::getTracks(bool ready) const {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
return vector<Track::Ptr>();
return listener->getTracks(const_cast<MediaSource &>(*this), ready);
void MediaSource::setListener(const std::weak_ptr<MediaSourceEvent> &listener){
_listener = listener;
const std::weak_ptr<MediaSourceEvent>& MediaSource::getListener() const{
return _listener;
int MediaSource::totalReaderCount(){
auto listener = _listener.lock();
return readerCount();
return listener->totalReaderCount(*this);
bool MediaSource::seekTo(uint32_t stamp) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
return false;
return listener->seekTo(*this, stamp);
bool MediaSource::close(bool force) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
return false;
return listener->close(*this,force);
void MediaSource::onNoneReader(){
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (listener->totalReaderCount(*this) == 0) {
bool MediaSource::setupRecord(Recorder::type type, bool start, const string &custom_path){
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
WarnL << "未设置MediaSource的事件监听者setupRecord失败:" << getSchema() << "/" << getVhost() << "/" << getApp() << "/" << getId();
return false;
return listener->setupRecord(*this, type, start, custom_path);
bool MediaSource::isRecording(Recorder::type type){
auto listener = _listener.lock();
return false;
return listener->isRecording(*this, type);
void MediaSource::startSendRtp(const string &dst_url, uint16_t dst_port, uint32_t ssrc, bool is_udp, const function<void(const SockException &ex)> &cb){
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
cb(SockException(Err_other, "尚未设置事件监听器"));
return listener->startSendRtp(*this, dst_url, dst_port, ssrc, is_udp, cb);
bool MediaSource::stopSendRtp() {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
return false;
return listener->stopSendRtp(*this);
void MediaSource::for_each_media(const function<void(const MediaSource::Ptr &src)> &cb) {
decltype(s_media_source_map) copy;
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lock(s_media_source_mtx);
copy = s_media_source_map;
for (auto &pr0 : copy) {
for (auto &pr1 : pr0.second) {
for (auto &pr2 : pr1.second) {
for (auto &pr3 : pr2.second) {
auto src = pr3.second.lock();
template<typename MAP, typename FUNC>
static bool searchMedia(MAP &map, const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &id, FUNC &&func) {
auto it0 = map.find(schema);
if (it0 == map.end()) {
return false;
auto it1 = it0->second.find(vhost);
if (it1 == it0->second.end()) {
return false;
auto it2 = it1->second.find(app);
if (it2 == it1->second.end()) {
return false;
auto it3 = it2->second.find(id);
if (it3 == it2->second.end()) {
return false;
return func(it0, it1, it2, it3);
template<typename MAP, typename IT0, typename IT1, typename IT2>
static void eraseIfEmpty(MAP &map, IT0 it0, IT1 it1, IT2 it2) {
if (it2->second.empty()) {
if (it1->second.empty()) {
if (it0->second.empty()) {
static MediaSource::Ptr find_l(const string &schema, const string &vhost_in, const string &app, const string &id, bool create_new) {
string vhost = vhost_in;
if(vhost.empty() || !enableVhost){
MediaSource::Ptr ret;
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lock(s_media_source_mtx);
searchMedia(s_media_source_map, schema, vhost, app, id,
[&](MediaSource::SchemaVhostAppStreamMap::iterator &it0, MediaSource::VhostAppStreamMap::iterator &it1,
MediaSource::AppStreamMap::iterator &it2, MediaSource::StreamMap::iterator &it3) {
ret = it3->second.lock();
if (!ret) {
eraseIfEmpty(s_media_source_map, it0, it1, it2);
return false;
return true;
if(!ret && create_new){
ret = MediaSource::createFromMP4(schema, vhost, app, id);
return ret;
static void findAsync_l(const MediaInfo &info, const std::shared_ptr<TcpSession> &session, bool retry,
const function<void(const MediaSource::Ptr &src)> &cb){
auto src = find_l(info._schema, info._vhost, info._app, info._streamid, true);
if (src || !retry) {
void *listener_tag = session.get();
weak_ptr<TcpSession> weak_session = session;
GET_CONFIG(int, maxWaitMS, General::kMaxStreamWaitTimeMS);
auto on_timeout = session->getPoller()->doDelayTask(maxWaitMS, [cb, listener_tag]() {
NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged);
return 0;
auto cancel_all = [on_timeout, listener_tag]() {
NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged);
function<void()> close_player = [cb, cancel_all]() {
auto on_regist = [weak_session, info, cb, cancel_all](BroadcastMediaChangedArgs) {
auto strong_session = weak_session.lock();
if (!strong_session) {
if (!bRegist ||
sender.getSchema() != info._schema ||
sender.getVhost() != info._vhost ||
sender.getApp() != info._app ||
sender.getId() != info._streamid) {
strong_session->async([weak_session, info, cb]() {
auto strongSession = weak_session.lock();
if (!strongSession) {
DebugL << "收到媒体注册事件,回复播放器:" << info._schema << "/" << info._vhost << "/" << info._app << "/" << info._streamid;
findAsync_l(info, strongSession, false, cb);
}, false);
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged, on_regist);
NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastNotFoundStream, info, static_cast<SockInfo &>(*session), close_player);
void MediaSource::findAsync(const MediaInfo &info, const std::shared_ptr<TcpSession> &session,const function<void(const Ptr &src)> &cb){
return findAsync_l(info, session, true, cb);
MediaSource::Ptr MediaSource::find(const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &id) {
return find_l(schema, vhost, app, id, false);
static string getTrackInfoStr(const TrackSource *track_src){
_StrPrinter codec_info;
auto tracks = track_src->getTracks(true);
for (auto &track : tracks) {
auto codec_type = track->getTrackType();
codec_info << track->getCodecName();
switch (codec_type) {
case TrackAudio : {
auto audio_track = dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioTrack>(track);
codec_info << "["
<< audio_track->getAudioSampleRate() << "/"
<< audio_track->getAudioChannel() << "/"
<< audio_track->getAudioSampleBit() << "] ";
case TrackVideo : {
auto video_track = dynamic_pointer_cast<VideoTrack>(track);
codec_info << "["
<< video_track->getVideoWidth() << "/"
<< video_track->getVideoHeight() << "/"
<< round(video_track->getVideoFps()) << "] ";
return codec_info;
void MediaSource::emitEvent(bool regist){
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (listener) {
listener->onRegist(*this, regist);
NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged, regist, *this);
InfoL << (regist ? "媒体注册:" : "媒体注销:") << _schema << " " << _vhost << " " << _app << " " << _stream_id << " " << getTrackInfoStr(this);
void MediaSource::regist() {
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lock(s_media_source_mtx);
s_media_source_map[_schema][_vhost][_app][_stream_id] = shared_from_this();
bool MediaSource::unregist() {
bool ret;
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lock(s_media_source_mtx);
ret = searchMedia(s_media_source_map, _schema, _vhost, _app, _stream_id,
[&](SchemaVhostAppStreamMap::iterator &it0, VhostAppStreamMap::iterator &it1,
AppStreamMap::iterator &it2, StreamMap::iterator &it3) {
auto strong_self = it3->second.lock();
if (strong_self && this != strong_self.get()) {
return false;
eraseIfEmpty(s_media_source_map, it0, it1, it2);
return true;
if (ret) {
return ret;
void MediaInfo::parse(const string &url){
//string url = "rtsp://";
auto schema_pos = url.find("://");
if (schema_pos != string::npos) {
_schema = url.substr(0, schema_pos);
} else {
schema_pos = -3;
auto split_vec = split(url.substr(schema_pos + 3), "/");
if (split_vec.size() > 0) {
auto vhost = split_vec[0];
auto pos = vhost.find(":");
if (pos != string::npos) {
_host = _vhost = vhost.substr(0, pos);
_port = vhost.substr(pos + 1);
} else {
_host = _vhost = vhost;
if (_vhost == "localhost" || INADDR_NONE != inet_addr(_vhost.data())) {
if (split_vec.size() > 1) {
_app = split_vec[1];
if (split_vec.size() > 2) {
string stream_id;
for (int i = 2; i < split_vec.size(); ++i) {
stream_id.append(split_vec[i] + "/");
if (stream_id.back() == '/') {
auto pos = stream_id.find("?");
if (pos != string::npos) {
_streamid = stream_id.substr(0, pos);
_param_strs = stream_id.substr(pos + 1);
auto params = Parser::parseArgs(_param_strs);
if (params.find(VHOST_KEY) != params.end()) {
_vhost = params[VHOST_KEY];
} else {
_streamid = stream_id;
GET_CONFIG(bool, enableVhost, General::kEnableVhost);
if (!enableVhost || _vhost.empty()) {
MediaSource::Ptr MediaSource::createFromMP4(const string &schema, const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream, const string &file_path , bool check_app){
GET_CONFIG(string, appName, Record::kAppName);
if (check_app && app != appName) {
return nullptr;
#ifdef ENABLE_MP4
try {
MP4Reader::Ptr pReader(new MP4Reader(vhost, app, stream, file_path));
return MediaSource::find(schema, vhost, app, stream);
} catch (std::exception &ex) {
WarnL << ex.what();
return nullptr;
WarnL << "创建MP4点播失败请编译时打开\"ENABLE_MP4\"选项";
return nullptr;
#endif //ENABLE_MP4
void MediaSourceEvent::onNoneReader(MediaSource &sender){
GET_CONFIG(string, record_app, Record::kAppName);
GET_CONFIG(int, stream_none_reader_delay, General::kStreamNoneReaderDelayMS);
//如果mp4点播, 无人观看时我们强制关闭点播
bool is_mp4_vod = sender.getApp() == record_app;
weak_ptr<MediaSource> weakSender = sender.shared_from_this();
_async_close_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(stream_none_reader_delay / 1000.0, [weakSender,is_mp4_vod]() {
auto strongSender = weakSender.lock();
if (!strongSender) {
return false;
if (strongSender->totalReaderCount() != 0) {
return false;
WarnL << "无人观看事件:"
<< strongSender->getSchema() << "/"
<< strongSender->getVhost() << "/"
<< strongSender->getApp() << "/"
<< strongSender->getId();
NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastStreamNoneReader, *strongSender);
WarnL << "MP4点播无人观看,自动关闭:"
<< strongSender->getSchema() << "/"
<< strongSender->getVhost() << "/"
<< strongSender->getApp() << "/"
<< strongSender->getId();
return false;
}, nullptr);
bool MediaSourceEventInterceptor::seekTo(MediaSource &sender, uint32_t stamp) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
return false;
return listener->seekTo(sender, stamp);
bool MediaSourceEventInterceptor::close(MediaSource &sender, bool force) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
return false;
return listener->close(sender, force);
int MediaSourceEventInterceptor::totalReaderCount(MediaSource &sender) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
return sender.readerCount();
return listener->totalReaderCount(sender);
void MediaSourceEventInterceptor::onNoneReader(MediaSource &sender) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
void MediaSourceEventInterceptor::onRegist(MediaSource &sender, bool regist) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (listener) {
listener->onRegist(sender, regist);
bool MediaSourceEventInterceptor::setupRecord(MediaSource &sender, Recorder::type type, bool start, const string &custom_path) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
return false;
return listener->setupRecord(sender, type, start, custom_path);
bool MediaSourceEventInterceptor::isRecording(MediaSource &sender, Recorder::type type) {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
return false;
return listener->isRecording(sender, type);
vector<Track::Ptr> MediaSourceEventInterceptor::getTracks(MediaSource &sender, bool trackReady) const {
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (!listener) {
return vector<Track::Ptr>();
return listener->getTracks(sender, trackReady);
void MediaSourceEventInterceptor::startSendRtp(MediaSource &sender, const string &dst_url, uint16_t dst_port, uint32_t ssrc, bool is_udp, const function<void(const SockException &ex)> &cb){
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (listener) {
listener->startSendRtp(sender, dst_url, dst_port, ssrc, is_udp, cb);
} else {
MediaSourceEvent::startSendRtp(sender, dst_url, dst_port, ssrc, is_udp, cb);
bool MediaSourceEventInterceptor::stopSendRtp(MediaSource &sender){
auto listener = _listener.lock();
if (listener) {
return listener->stopSendRtp(sender);
return false;
static bool isFlushAble_default(bool is_video, uint32_t last_stamp, uint32_t new_stamp, int cache_size) {
if (new_stamp + 500 < last_stamp) {
return true;
return last_stamp != new_stamp || cache_size >= 1024;
static bool isFlushAble_merge(bool is_video, uint32_t last_stamp, uint32_t new_stamp, int cache_size, int merge_ms) {
if (new_stamp + 500 < last_stamp) {
return true;
if (new_stamp > last_stamp + merge_ms) {
return true;
return cache_size >= 1024;
bool FlushPolicy::isFlushAble(bool is_video, bool is_key, uint32_t new_stamp, int cache_size) {
bool flush_flag = false;
if (is_key && is_video) {
flush_flag = true;
} else {
GET_CONFIG(int, mergeWriteMS, General::kMergeWriteMS);
if (mergeWriteMS <= 0) {
flush_flag = isFlushAble_default(is_video, _last_stamp[is_video], new_stamp, cache_size);
} else {
flush_flag = isFlushAble_merge(is_video, _last_stamp[is_video], new_stamp, cache_size, mergeWriteMS);
if (flush_flag) {
_last_stamp[is_video] = new_stamp;
return flush_flag;
} /* namespace mediakit */