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* Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <functional>
#include "Util/mini.h"
#include "Util/onceToken.h"
#include "Util/NoticeCenter.h"
#include "macros.h"
namespace mediakit {
class ProtocolOption;
//默认配置文件名为 /path/to/your/exe.ini
bool loadIniConfig(const char *ini_path = nullptr);
namespace Broadcast {
extern const std::string kBroadcastMediaChanged;
#define BroadcastMediaChangedArgs const bool &bRegist, MediaSource &sender
extern const std::string kBroadcastRecordMP4;
#define BroadcastRecordMP4Args const RecordInfo &info
// 录制 ts 文件后广播
extern const std::string kBroadcastRecordTs;
#define BroadcastRecordTsArgs const RecordInfo &info
//收到http api请求广播
extern const std::string kBroadcastHttpRequest;
#define BroadcastHttpRequestArgs const Parser &parser,const HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker,bool &consumed,SockInfo &sender
extern const std::string kBroadcastHttpAccess;
#define BroadcastHttpAccessArgs const Parser &parser,const std::string &path,const bool &is_dir,const HttpSession::HttpAccessPathInvoker &invoker,SockInfo &sender
//在http文件服务器中,收到http访问文件或目录前的广播,通过该事件可以控制http url到文件路径的映射
extern const std::string kBroadcastHttpBeforeAccess;
#define BroadcastHttpBeforeAccessArgs const Parser &parser, std::string &path, SockInfo &sender
extern const std::string kBroadcastOnGetRtspRealm;
#define BroadcastOnGetRtspRealmArgs const MediaInfo &args,const RtspSession::onGetRealm &invoker,SockInfo &sender
extern const std::string kBroadcastOnRtspAuth;
#define BroadcastOnRtspAuthArgs const MediaInfo &args,const std::string &realm,const std::string &user_name,const bool &must_no_encrypt,const RtspSession::onAuth &invoker,SockInfo &sender
using PublishAuthInvoker = std::function<void(const std::string &err, const ProtocolOption &option)>;
extern const std::string kBroadcastMediaPublish;
#define BroadcastMediaPublishArgs const MediaOriginType &type, const MediaInfo &args, const Broadcast::PublishAuthInvoker &invoker,SockInfo &sender
using AuthInvoker = std::function<void(const std::string &err)>;
extern const std::string kBroadcastMediaPlayed;
#define BroadcastMediaPlayedArgs const MediaInfo &args,const Broadcast::AuthInvoker &invoker,SockInfo &sender
extern const std::string kBroadcastShellLogin;
#define BroadcastShellLoginArgs const std::string &user_name,const std::string &passwd,const Broadcast::AuthInvoker &invoker,SockInfo &sender
extern const std::string kBroadcastFlowReport;
#define BroadcastFlowReportArgs const MediaInfo &args,const uint64_t &totalBytes,const uint64_t &totalDuration,const bool &isPlayer, SockInfo &sender
extern const std::string kBroadcastNotFoundStream;
#define BroadcastNotFoundStreamArgs const MediaInfo &args, SockInfo &sender, const std::function<void()> &closePlayer
extern const std::string kBroadcastStreamNoneReader;
#define BroadcastStreamNoneReaderArgs MediaSource &sender
extern const std::string kBroadcastReloadConfig;
#define BroadcastReloadConfigArgs void
#define ReloadConfigTag ((void *)(0xFF))
#define RELOAD_KEY(arg,key) \
do { \
decltype(arg) arg##_tmp = ::toolkit::mINI::Instance()[key]; \
if (arg == arg##_tmp) { \
return; \
} \
arg = arg##_tmp; \
InfoL << "reload config:" << key << "=" << arg; \
} while(0)
#define LISTEN_RELOAD_KEY(arg, key, ...) \
do { \
static ::toolkit::onceToken s_token_listen([](){ \
::toolkit::NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(ReloadConfigTag, \
Broadcast::kBroadcastReloadConfig,[](BroadcastReloadConfigArgs) { \
__VA_ARGS__; \
}); \
}); \
} while(0)
#define GET_CONFIG(type, arg, key) \
static type arg = ::toolkit::mINI::Instance()[key]; \
LISTEN_RELOAD_KEY(arg, key, { \
RELOAD_KEY(arg, key); \
#define GET_CONFIG_FUNC(type, arg, key, ...) \
static type arg; \
do { \
static ::toolkit::onceToken s_token_set([](){ \
static auto lam = __VA_ARGS__ ; \
static auto arg##_str = ::toolkit::mINI::Instance()[key]; \
arg = lam(arg##_str); \
LISTEN_RELOAD_KEY(arg, key, { \
RELOAD_KEY(arg##_str, key); \
arg = lam(arg##_str); \
}); \
}); \
} while(0)
} //namespace Broadcast
namespace General{
extern const std::string kMediaServerId;
extern const std::string kFlowThreshold;
extern const std::string kStreamNoneReaderDelayMS;
extern const std::string kMaxStreamWaitTimeMS;
extern const std::string kEnableVhost;
extern const std::string kAddMuteAudio;
extern const std::string kResetWhenRePlay;
extern const std::string kPublishToHls ;
extern const std::string kPublishToMP4 ;
extern const std::string kMergeWriteMS ;
extern const std::string kModifyStamp;
extern const std::string kHlsDemand;
extern const std::string kRtspDemand;
extern const std::string kRtmpDemand;
extern const std::string kTSDemand;
extern const std::string kFMP4Demand;
extern const std::string kEnableAudio;
//最多等待未初始化的Track 10秒超时之后会忽略未初始化的Track
extern const std::string kWaitTrackReadyMS;
extern const std::string kWaitAddTrackMS;
extern const std::string kUnreadyFrameCache;
extern const std::string kContinuePushMS;
}//namespace General
namespace Http {
//http 文件发送缓存大小
extern const std::string kSendBufSize;
//http 最大请求字节数
extern const std::string kMaxReqSize;
//http keep-alive秒数
extern const std::string kKeepAliveSecond;
//http 字符编码
extern const std::string kCharSet;
//http 服务器根目录
extern const std::string kRootPath;
//http 服务器虚拟目录 虚拟目录名和文件路径使用","隔开,多个配置路径间用";"隔开,例如 path_d,d:/record;path_e,e:/record
extern const std::string kVirtualPath;
//http 404错误提示内容
extern const std::string kNotFound;
extern const std::string kDirMenu;
extern const std::string kForbidCacheSuffix;
}//namespace Http
namespace Shell {
extern const std::string kMaxReqSize;
} //namespace Shell
namespace Rtsp {
extern const std::string kAuthBasic;
extern const std::string kHandshakeSecond;
extern const std::string kKeepAliveSecond;
extern const std::string kDirectProxy;
} //namespace Rtsp
namespace Rtmp {
extern const std::string kModifyStamp;
extern const std::string kHandshakeSecond;
extern const std::string kKeepAliveSecond;
} //namespace RTMP
namespace Rtp {
extern const std::string kVideoMtuSize;
extern const std::string kAudioMtuSize;
//rtp包最大长度限制, 单位KB
extern const std::string kRtpMaxSize;
} //namespace Rtsp
namespace MultiCast {
extern const std::string kAddrMin;
extern const std::string kAddrMax;
extern const std::string kUdpTTL;
} //namespace MultiCast
namespace Record {
extern const std::string kAppName;
extern const std::string kSampleMS;
extern const std::string kFileSecond;
extern const std::string kFilePath;
extern const std::string kFileBufSize;
extern const std::string kFastStart;
extern const std::string kFileRepeat;
} //namespace Record
namespace Hls {
extern const std::string kSegmentDuration;
extern const std::string kSegmentNum;
extern const std::string kSegmentRetain;
extern const std::string kFileBufSize;
extern const std::string kFilePath;
// 是否广播 ts 切片完成通知
extern const std::string kBroadcastRecordTs;
extern const std::string kDeleteDelaySec;
} //namespace Hls
namespace RtpProxy {
extern const std::string kDumpDir;
extern const std::string kTimeoutSec;
extern const std::string kPortRange;
} //namespace RtpProxy
* rtsp/rtmp播放器、推流器相关设置名
* 这些设置项都不是配置文件用
* 只用于设置某个播放器或推流器实例用
namespace Client {
extern const std::string kNetAdapter;
//设置方法:player[PlayerBase::kRtpType] = 0/1/2;
extern const std::string kRtpType;
extern const std::string kRtspUser;
//rtsp认证用用户密码可以是明文也可以是md5,md5密码生成方式 md5(username:realm:password)
extern const std::string kRtspPwd;
extern const std::string kRtspPwdIsMD5;
//握手超时时间默认10,000 毫秒
extern const std::string kTimeoutMS;
extern const std::string kMediaTimeoutMS;
extern const std::string kBeatIntervalMS;
extern const std::string kBenchmarkMode;
//播放器在触发播放成功事件时是否等待所有track ready时再回调
extern const std::string kWaitTrackReady;
} // namespace mediakit
#endif /* COMMON_CONFIG_H */