2022-08-27 10:17:06 +08:00

308 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#if defined(ENABLE_RTPPROXY)
#include "GB28181Process.h"
#include "RtpProcess.h"
#include "Http/HttpTSPlayer.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace toolkit;
static constexpr char kRtpAppName[] = "rtp";
static constexpr size_t kMaxCachedFrame = 200;
namespace mediakit {
RtpProcess::RtpProcess(const string &stream_id) {
_media_info._schema = kRtpAppName;
_media_info._vhost = DEFAULT_VHOST;
_media_info._app = kRtpAppName;
_media_info._streamid = stream_id;
GET_CONFIG(string, dump_dir, RtpProxy::kDumpDir);
FILE *fp = !dump_dir.empty() ? File::create_file(File::absolutePath(_media_info._streamid + ".rtp", dump_dir).data(), "wb") : nullptr;
if (fp) {
_save_file_rtp.reset(fp, [](FILE *fp) {
FILE *fp = !dump_dir.empty() ? File::create_file(File::absolutePath(_media_info._streamid + ".video", dump_dir).data(), "wb") : nullptr;
if (fp) {
_save_file_video.reset(fp, [](FILE *fp) {
RtpProcess::~RtpProcess() {
uint64_t duration = (_last_frame_time.createdTime() - _last_frame_time.elapsedTime()) / 1000;
WarnP(this) << "RTP推流器("
<< _media_info._vhost << "/"
<< _media_info._app << "/"
<< _media_info._streamid
<< ")断开,耗时(s):" << duration;
GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, iFlowThreshold, General::kFlowThreshold);
if (_total_bytes >= iFlowThreshold * 1024) {
NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastFlowReport, _media_info, _total_bytes, duration, false, static_cast<SockInfo &>(*this));
bool RtpProcess::inputRtp(bool is_udp, const Socket::Ptr &sock, const char *data, size_t len, const struct sockaddr *addr, uint64_t *dts_out) {
auto is_busy = _busy_flag.test_and_set();
if (is_busy) {
WarnP(this) << "其他线程正在执行本函数";
return false;
onceToken token(nullptr, [&]() {
if (!_sock) {
_sock = sock;
_addr.reset(new sockaddr_storage(*((sockaddr_storage *)addr)));
_total_bytes += len;
if (_save_file_rtp) {
uint16_t size = (uint16_t)len;
size = htons(size);
fwrite((uint8_t *) &size, 2, 1, _save_file_rtp.get());
fwrite((uint8_t *) data, len, 1, _save_file_rtp.get());
if (!_process) {
_process = std::make_shared<GB28181Process>(_media_info, this);
GET_CONFIG(string, dump_dir, RtpProxy::kDumpDir);
if (_muxer && !_muxer->isEnabled() && !dts_out && dump_dir.empty()) {
return false;
bool ret = _process ? _process->inputRtp(is_udp, data, len) : false;
if (dts_out) {
*dts_out = _dts;
return ret;
bool RtpProcess::inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) {
_dts = frame->dts();
if (_save_file_video && frame->getTrackType() == TrackVideo) {
fwrite((uint8_t *) frame->data(), frame->size(), 1, _save_file_video.get());
if (_muxer) {
return _muxer->inputFrame(frame);
if (_cached_func.size() > kMaxCachedFrame) {
WarnL << "cached frame of track(" << frame->getCodecName() << ") is too much, now dropped, please check your on_publish hook url in config.ini file";
return false;
auto frame_cached = Frame::getCacheAbleFrame(frame);
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_func_mtx);
_cached_func.emplace_back([this, frame_cached]() {
return true;
bool RtpProcess::addTrack(const Track::Ptr &track) {
if (_muxer) {
return _muxer->addTrack(track);
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_func_mtx);
_cached_func.emplace_back([this, track]() {
return true;
void RtpProcess::addTrackCompleted() {
if (_muxer) {
} else {
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_func_mtx);
_cached_func.emplace_back([this]() {
void RtpProcess::doCachedFunc() {
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_func_mtx);
for (auto &func : _cached_func) {
bool RtpProcess::alive() {
if (_stop_rtp_check.load()) {
if(_last_check_alive.elapsedTime() > 5 * 60 * 1000){
_stop_rtp_check = false;
} else {
return true;
GET_CONFIG(uint64_t, timeoutSec, RtpProxy::kTimeoutSec)
if (_last_frame_time.elapsedTime() / 1000 < timeoutSec) {
return true;
return false;
void RtpProcess::setStopCheckRtp(bool is_check){
_stop_rtp_check = is_check;
if (!is_check) {
void RtpProcess::onDetach() {
if (_on_detach) {
void RtpProcess::setOnDetach(const function<void()> &cb) {
_on_detach = cb;
string RtpProcess::get_peer_ip() {
if (!_addr) {
return "::";
return SockUtil::inet_ntoa((sockaddr *)_addr.get());
uint16_t RtpProcess::get_peer_port() {
if (!_addr) {
return 0;
return SockUtil::inet_port((sockaddr *)_addr.get());
string RtpProcess::get_local_ip() {
if (_sock) {
return _sock->get_local_ip();
return "::";
uint16_t RtpProcess::get_local_port() {
if (_sock) {
return _sock->get_local_port();
return 0;
string RtpProcess::getIdentifier() const {
return _media_info._streamid;
int RtpProcess::getTotalReaderCount() {
return _muxer ? _muxer->totalReaderCount() : 0;
void RtpProcess::setListener(const std::weak_ptr<MediaSourceEvent> &listener) {
void RtpProcess::emitOnPublish() {
weak_ptr<RtpProcess> weak_self = shared_from_this();
Broadcast::PublishAuthInvoker invoker = [weak_self](const string &err, const ProtocolOption &option) {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
auto poller = strong_self->_sock ? strong_self->_sock->getPoller() : EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller();
poller->async([weak_self, err, option]() {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
if (err.empty()) {
strong_self->_muxer = std::make_shared<MultiMediaSourceMuxer>(strong_self->_media_info._vhost,
InfoP(strong_self) << "允许RTP推流";
} else {
WarnP(strong_self) << "禁止RTP推流:" << err;
auto flag = NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPublish, MediaOriginType::rtp_push, _media_info, invoker, static_cast<SockInfo &>(*this));
if (!flag) {
invoker("", ProtocolOption());
MediaOriginType RtpProcess::getOriginType(MediaSource &sender) const{
return MediaOriginType::rtp_push;
string RtpProcess::getOriginUrl(MediaSource &sender) const {
return _media_info._schema + "://" + _media_info._vhost + "/" + _media_info._app + "/" + _media_info._streamid;
std::shared_ptr<SockInfo> RtpProcess::getOriginSock(MediaSource &sender) const {
return const_cast<RtpProcess *>(this)->shared_from_this();
toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr RtpProcess::getOwnerPoller(MediaSource &sender) {
return _sock ? _sock->getPoller() : EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller();
void RtpProcess::setHelper(std::weak_ptr<RtcpContext> help) {
_help = std::move(help);
int RtpProcess::getLossRate(MediaSource &sender, TrackType type) {
auto help = _help.lock();
if (!help) {
return -1;
auto expected = help->getExpectedPacketsInterval();
if (!expected) {
return 0;
return help->geLostInterval() * 100 / expected;
}//namespace mediakit