mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 11:40:37 +08:00
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/index/api/stack/reset 在相同url和通分辨率多次调用channel析构没画面的问题 是在 VideoStackManager::parseParams 函数里 多次 (*params)[i * cols + j] = nullptr; 导致 channel 计数器为0,析构没画面。 同时修复cpu占用过高问题。
542 lines
18 KiB
542 lines
18 KiB
#if defined(ENABLE_VIDEOSTACK) && defined(ENABLE_X264) && defined(ENABLE_FFMPEG)
#include "VideoStack.h"
#include "Codec/Transcode.h"
#include "Common/Device.h"
#include "Util/logger.h"
#include "Util/util.h"
#include "json/value.h"
#include <Thread/WorkThreadPool.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <libavutil/pixfmt.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
// ITU-R BT.601
// #define RGB_TO_Y(R, G, B) ((( 66 * (R) + 129 * (G) + 25 * (B)+128) >> 8)+16)
// #define RGB_TO_U(R, G, B) (((-38 * (R) - 74 * (G) + 112 * (B)+128) >> 8)+128)
// #define RGB_TO_V(R, G, B) (((112 * (R) - 94 * (G) - 18 * (B)+128) >> 8)+128)
// ITU-R BT.709
#define RGB_TO_Y(R, G, B) (((47 * (R) + 157 * (G) + 16 * (B) + 128) >> 8) + 16)
#define RGB_TO_U(R, G, B) (((-26 * (R) - 87 * (G) + 112 * (B) + 128) >> 8) + 128)
#define RGB_TO_V(R, G, B) (((112 * (R) - 102 * (G) - 10 * (B) + 128) >> 8) + 128)
Param::~Param() {
auto strongChn= weak_chn.lock();
if (!strongChn) { return; }
VideoStackManager::Instance().unrefChannel(id, width, height, pixfmt);
Channel::Channel(const std::string& id, int width, int height, AVPixelFormat pixfmt)
: _id(id), _width(width), _height(height), _pixfmt(pixfmt) {
_tmp = std::make_shared<mediakit::FFmpegFrame>();
_tmp->get()->width = _width;
_tmp->get()->height = _height;
_tmp->get()->format = _pixfmt;
av_frame_get_buffer(_tmp->get(), 32);
memset(_tmp->get()->data[0], 0, _tmp->get()->linesize[0] * _height);
memset(_tmp->get()->data[1], 0, _tmp->get()->linesize[1] * _height / 2);
memset(_tmp->get()->data[2], 0, _tmp->get()->linesize[2] * _height / 2);
auto frame = VideoStackManager::Instance().getBgImg();
_sws = std::make_shared<mediakit::FFmpegSws>(_pixfmt, _width, _height);
_tmp = _sws->inputFrame(frame);
void Channel::addParam(const std::weak_ptr<Param>& p) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
void Channel::onFrame(const mediakit::FFmpegFrame::Ptr& frame) {
std::weak_ptr<Channel> weakSelf = shared_from_this();
_poller = _poller ? _poller : toolkit::WorkThreadPool::Instance().getPoller();
_poller->async([weakSelf, frame]() {
auto self = weakSelf.lock();
if (!self) { return; }
self->_tmp = self->_sws->inputFrame(frame);
self->forEachParam([self](const Param::Ptr& p) { self->fillBuffer(p); });
void Channel::forEachParam(const std::function<void(const Param::Ptr&)>& func) {
for (auto& wp : _params) {
if (auto sp = wp.lock()) { func(sp); }
void Channel::fillBuffer(const Param::Ptr& p) {
if (auto buf = p->weak_buf.lock()) { copyData(buf, p); }
void Channel::copyData(const mediakit::FFmpegFrame::Ptr& buf, const Param::Ptr& p) {
switch (p->pixfmt) {
case AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P: {
for (int i = 0; i < p->height; i++) {
memcpy(buf->get()->data[0] + buf->get()->linesize[0] * (i + p->posY) + p->posX,
_tmp->get()->data[0] + _tmp->get()->linesize[0] * i, _tmp->get()->width);
// 确保height为奇数时,也能正确的复制到最后一行uv数据 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:69895ea5]
// Ensure that the uv data can be copied to the last line correctly when height is odd
for (int i = 0; i < (p->height + 1) / 2; i++) {
// U平面 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8b73dc2d]
// U plane
memcpy(buf->get()->data[1] + buf->get()->linesize[1] * (i + p->posY / 2) +
p->posX / 2,
_tmp->get()->data[1] + _tmp->get()->linesize[1] * i, _tmp->get()->width / 2);
// V平面 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8fa72cc7]
// V plane
memcpy(buf->get()->data[2] + buf->get()->linesize[2] * (i + p->posY / 2) +
p->posX / 2,
_tmp->get()->data[2] + _tmp->get()->linesize[2] * i, _tmp->get()->width / 2);
case AV_PIX_FMT_NV12: {
// TODO: 待实现 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:247ec1df]
// TODO: To be implemented
default: WarnL << "No support pixformat: " << av_get_pix_fmt_name(p->pixfmt); break;
void StackPlayer::addChannel(const std::weak_ptr<Channel>& chn) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
void StackPlayer::play() {
auto url = _url;
// 创建拉流 解码对象 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9267c5dc]
// Create a pull stream decoding object
_player = std::make_shared<mediakit::MediaPlayer>();
std::weak_ptr<mediakit::MediaPlayer> weakPlayer = _player;
std::weak_ptr<StackPlayer> weakSelf = shared_from_this();
(*_player)[mediakit::Client::kWaitTrackReady] = false;
(*_player)[mediakit::Client::kRtpType] = mediakit::Rtsp::RTP_TCP;
_player->setOnPlayResult([weakPlayer, weakSelf, url](const toolkit::SockException& ex) mutable {
TraceL << "StackPlayer: " << url << " OnPlayResult: " << ex.what();
auto strongPlayer = weakPlayer.lock();
if (!strongPlayer) { return; }
auto self = weakSelf.lock();
if (!self) { return; }
if (!ex) {
// 取消定时器 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:41ff7c9a]
// Cancel the timer
self->_failedCount = 0;
} else {
auto videoTrack = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<mediakit::VideoTrack>(
strongPlayer->getTrack(mediakit::TrackVideo, false));
// auto audioTrack = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<mediakit::AudioTrack>(strongPlayer->getTrack(mediakit::TrackAudio, false));
if (videoTrack) {
// TODO:添加使用显卡还是cpu解码的判断逻辑 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:44bef37a]
// TODO: Add logic to determine whether to use GPU or CPU decoding
auto decoder = std::make_shared<mediakit::FFmpegDecoder>(
videoTrack, 0, std::vector<std::string>{"h264", "hevc"});
decoder->setOnDecode([weakSelf](const mediakit::FFmpegFrame::Ptr& frame) mutable {
auto self = weakSelf.lock();
if (!self) { return; }
videoTrack->addDelegate([decoder](const mediakit::Frame::Ptr& frame) {
return decoder->inputFrame(frame, false, true);
_player->setOnShutdown([weakPlayer, url, weakSelf](const toolkit::SockException& ex) {
TraceL << "StackPlayer: " << url << " OnShutdown: " << ex.what();
auto strongPlayer = weakPlayer.lock();
if (!strongPlayer) { return; }
auto self = weakSelf.lock();
if (!self) { return; }
void StackPlayer::onFrame(const mediakit::FFmpegFrame::Ptr& frame) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
for (auto& weak_chn : _channels) {
if (auto chn = weak_chn.lock()) { chn->onFrame(frame); }
void StackPlayer::onDisconnect() {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
for (auto& weak_chn : _channels) {
if (auto chn = weak_chn.lock()) {
auto frame = VideoStackManager::Instance().getBgImg();
void StackPlayer::rePlay(const std::string& url) {
auto delay = MAX(2 * 1000, MIN(_failedCount * 3 * 1000, 60 * 1000));// 步进延迟 重试间隔
std::weak_ptr<StackPlayer> weakSelf = shared_from_this();
_timer = std::make_shared<toolkit::Timer>(delay / 1000.0f, [weakSelf, url]() {
auto self = weakSelf.lock();
if (!self) {}
WarnL << "replay [" << self->_failedCount << "]:" << url;
return false;
}, nullptr);
VideoStack::VideoStack(const std::string& id, int width, int height, AVPixelFormat pixfmt,
float fps, int bitRate)
: _id(id), _width(width), _height(height), _pixfmt(pixfmt), _fps(fps), _bitRate(bitRate) {
_buffer = std::make_shared<mediakit::FFmpegFrame>();
_buffer->get()->width = _width;
_buffer->get()->height = _height;
_buffer->get()->format = _pixfmt;
av_frame_get_buffer(_buffer->get(), 32);
_dev = std::make_shared<mediakit::DevChannel>(
mediakit::MediaTuple{DEFAULT_VHOST, "live", _id, ""});
mediakit::VideoInfo info;
info.codecId = mediakit::CodecH264;
info.iWidth = _width;
info.iHeight = _height;
info.iFrameRate = _fps;
info.iBitRate = _bitRate;
// dev->initAudio(); //TODO:音频 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:adc5658b]
// dev->initAudio(); //TODO: Audio
_isExit = false;
VideoStack::~VideoStack() {
_isExit = true;
if (_thread.joinable()) { _thread.join(); }
void VideoStack::setParam(const Params& params) {
if (_params) {
for (auto& p : (*_params)) {
if (!p) continue;
for (auto& p : (*params)) {
if (!p) continue;
p->weak_buf = _buffer;
if (auto chn = p->weak_chn.lock()) {
_params = params;
void VideoStack::start() {
_thread = std::thread([&]() {
uint64_t pts = 0;
int frameInterval = 1000 / _fps;
auto lastEncTP = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while (!_isExit) {
if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - lastEncTP >
std::chrono::milliseconds(frameInterval)) {
lastEncTP = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
_dev->inputYUV((char**)_buffer->get()->data, _buffer->get()->linesize, pts);
pts += frameInterval;
} else {
void VideoStack::initBgColor() {
// 填充底色 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ee9bbd46]
// Fill the background color
auto R = 20;
auto G = 20;
auto B = 20;
double Y = RGB_TO_Y(R, G, B);
double U = RGB_TO_U(R, G, B);
double V = RGB_TO_V(R, G, B);
memset(_buffer->get()->data[0], Y, _buffer->get()->linesize[0] * _height);
memset(_buffer->get()->data[1], U, _buffer->get()->linesize[1] * _height / 2);
memset(_buffer->get()->data[2], V, _buffer->get()->linesize[2] * _height / 2);
Channel::Ptr VideoStackManager::getChannel(const std::string& id, int width, int height,
AVPixelFormat pixfmt) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
auto key = id + std::to_string(width) + std::to_string(height) + std::to_string(pixfmt);
auto it = _channelMap.find(key);
if (it != _channelMap.end()) { return it->second->acquire(); }
return createChannel(id, width, height, pixfmt);
void VideoStackManager::unrefChannel(const std::string& id, int width, int height,
AVPixelFormat pixfmt) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
auto key = id + std::to_string(width) + std::to_string(height) + std::to_string(pixfmt);
auto chn_it = _channelMap.find(key);
if (chn_it != _channelMap.end() && chn_it->second->dispose()) {
auto player_it = _playerMap.find(id);
if (player_it != _playerMap.end() && player_it->second->dispose()) {
int VideoStackManager::startVideoStack(const Json::Value& json) {
std::string id;
int width, height;
auto params = parseParams(json, id, width, height);
if (!params) {
ErrorL << "Videostack parse params failed!";
return -1;
auto stack = std::make_shared<VideoStack>(id, width, height);
for (auto& p : (*params)) {
if (!p) continue;
p->weak_chn = getChannel(p->id, p->width, p->height, p->pixfmt);
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
_stackMap[id] = stack;
return 0;
int VideoStackManager::resetVideoStack(const Json::Value& json) {
std::string id;
int width, height;
auto params = parseParams(json, id, width, height);
if (!params) {
ErrorL << "Videostack parse params failed!";
return -1;
VideoStack::Ptr stack;
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
auto it = _stackMap.find(id);
if (it == _stackMap.end()) { return -2; }
stack = it->second;
for (auto& p : (*params)) {
if (!p) continue;
p->weak_chn = getChannel(p->id, p->width, p->height, p->pixfmt);
return 0;
int VideoStackManager::stopVideoStack(const std::string& id) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
auto it = _stackMap.find(id);
if (it != _stackMap.end()) {
InfoL << "VideoStack stop: " << id;
return 0;
return -1;
mediakit::FFmpegFrame::Ptr VideoStackManager::getBgImg() { return _bgImg; }
template<typename T> T getJsonValue(const Json::Value& json, const std::string& key) {
if (!json.isMember(key)) {
throw Json::LogicError("VideoStack parseParams missing required field: " + key);
return json[key].as<T>();
Params VideoStackManager::parseParams(const Json::Value& json, std::string& id, int& width,
int& height) {
id = getJsonValue<std::string>(json, "id");
width = getJsonValue<int>(json, "width");
height = getJsonValue<int>(json, "height");
int rows = getJsonValue<int>(json, "row");// 行数
int cols = getJsonValue<int>(json, "col");// 列数
float gapv = json["gapv"].asFloat();// 垂直间距
float gaph = json["gaph"].asFloat();// 水平间距
// 单个间距 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e1b9b5b6]
// Single spacing
int gaphPix = static_cast<int>(round(width * gaph));
int gapvPix = static_cast<int>(round(height * gapv));
// 根据间距计算格子宽高 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b9972498]
// Calculate the width and height of the grid according to the spacing
int gridWidth = cols > 1 ? (width - gaphPix * (cols - 1)) / cols : width;
int gridHeight = rows > 1 ? (height - gapvPix * (rows - 1)) / rows : height;
auto params = std::make_shared<std::vector<Param::Ptr>>(rows * cols);
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
std::string url = json["url"][row][col].asString();
auto param = std::make_shared<Param>();
param->posX = gridWidth * col + col * gaphPix;
param->posY = gridHeight * row + row * gapvPix;
param->width = gridWidth;
param->height = gridHeight;
param->id = url;
(*params)[row * cols + col] = param;
// 判断是否需要合并格子 (焦点屏) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bfa14430]
// Determine whether to merge grids (focus screen)
if (json.isMember("span") && json["span"].isArray() && json["span"].size() > 0) {
for (const auto& subArray : json["span"]) {
if (!subArray.isArray() || subArray.size() != 2) {
throw Json::LogicError("Incorrect 'span' sub-array format in JSON");
std::array<int, 4> mergePos;
unsigned int index = 0;
for (const auto& innerArray : subArray) {
if (!innerArray.isArray() || innerArray.size() != 2) {
throw Json::LogicError("Incorrect 'span' inner-array format in JSON");
for (const auto& number : innerArray) {
if (index < mergePos.size()) { mergePos[index++] = number.asInt(); }
for (int i = mergePos[0]; i <= mergePos[2]; i++) {
for (int j = mergePos[1]; j <= mergePos[3]; j++) {
if (i == mergePos[0] && j == mergePos[1]) {
(*params)[i * cols + j]->width =
(mergePos[3] - mergePos[1] + 1) * gridWidth +
(mergePos[3] - mergePos[1]) * gapvPix;
(*params)[i * cols + j]->height =
(mergePos[2] - mergePos[0] + 1) * gridHeight +
(mergePos[2] - mergePos[0]) * gaphPix;
} else {
(*params)[i * cols + j] = nullptr;
return params;
bool VideoStackManager::loadBgImg(const std::string& path) {
_bgImg = std::make_shared<mediakit::FFmpegFrame>();
_bgImg->get()->width = 1280;
_bgImg->get()->height = 720;
_bgImg->get()->format = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
av_frame_get_buffer(_bgImg->get(), 32);
std::ifstream file(path, std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) { return false; }
_bgImg->get()->linesize[0] * _bgImg->get()->height);// Y
_bgImg->get()->linesize[1] * _bgImg->get()->height / 2);// U
_bgImg->get()->linesize[2] * _bgImg->get()->height / 2);// V
return true;
void VideoStackManager::clear() { _stackMap.clear(); }
Channel::Ptr VideoStackManager::createChannel(const std::string& id, int width, int height,
AVPixelFormat pixfmt) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
StackPlayer::Ptr player;
auto it = _playerMap.find(id);
if (it != _playerMap.end()) {
player = it->second->acquire();
} else {
player = createPlayer(id);
auto refChn = std::make_shared<RefWrapper<Channel::Ptr>>(
std::make_shared<Channel>(id, width, height, pixfmt));
auto chn = refChn->acquire();
_channelMap[id + std::to_string(width) + std::to_string(height) + std::to_string(pixfmt)] =
return chn;
StackPlayer::Ptr VideoStackManager::createPlayer(const std::string& id) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mx);
auto refPlayer =
_playerMap[id] = refPlayer;
auto player = refPlayer->acquire();
if (!id.empty()) { player->play(); }
return player;