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# from https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_Multimedia_with_FFmpeg
# vcpkg install ffmpeg[core,swresample,swscale,avdevice]:x64-windows
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Path::Tiny;
use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run run];
use Getopt::Long;
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
# check requirements:
die "Cannot proceed without the '_tools' folder'" if (!-e "_tools");
my $current_dir = getcwd;
my $prefix_dir = path($current_dir)->parent(1); # one level up
$current_dir =~ s#/#\\#g; # convert separators to Windows-style
$prefix_dir =~ s#/#\\#g; # convert separators to Windows-style
my $arch = $ARGV[0];
my $install_dir = $ARGV[1];
my $vcpkg_dir;
my $build_multimedia = 0;
my $build_graphs = 0;
my $build_pdf = 0;
'vcpkg-dir=s' => \$vcpkg_dir,
'build-multimedia' => \$build_multimedia,
'build-graphs' => \$build_graphs,
'build-pdf' => \$build_pdf,
) or die "Error in command line arguments\n";
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
$arch = "amd64" if ($arch eq ''); # amd64 is nothing is specified, can be x86
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
die "Error: Please specify architecture (x86 or amd64)" if ($arch ne "x86" && $arch ne "amd64"); # die if user specified anything except x86 or amd64
die "Error: Please specify install dir as second parameter" if (!$install_dir);
2024-06-29 23:59:20 +08:00
die "Error: istall dir '$install_dir' already exists" if (-d $install_dir);
my $build_dir = "_qt6-build-$arch";
2024-06-29 23:59:20 +08:00
die "Error: build dir '$build_dir' already exists" if (-d $build_dir);
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
if (defined $vcpkg_dir)
$vcpkg_dir .= "\\installed\\x64-windows" if ($arch eq 'amd64');
$vcpkg_dir .= "\\installed\\x86-windows" if ($arch eq 'x86');
die "vcpkg dir $vcpkg_dir doesn't exist" if (!-e "$vcpkg_dir");
die "vcpkg_dir dir is required to build multimedia" if ($build_multimedia && !defined $vcpkg_dir);
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
my $openssl_version = "3.0.13"; # supported until 7th September 2026
my $openssl_download = "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz";
my $openssl_arch = $arch eq "amd64" ? "WIN64A" : "WIN32";
my $openssl_dir = "$current_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version-$openssl_arch";
my $openssl_7z = "openssl-$openssl_version-$openssl_arch.7z";
# will create a batch file
my $batfile = 'compile_win.bat';
open BAT, '>', $batfile;
printLineToBat ("SET PATH=%PATH%;%cd%\\_tools;%cd%\\_tools\\cmake\\bin"); # add folders to the path for 7z, wget, cmake, etc
2024-08-06 23:46:22 +08:00
printLineToBat ("CALL \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall.bat\" $arch");
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
printLineToBat ("SET _ROOT=%cd%");
printLineToBat ("SET PATH=%_ROOT%\\qtbase\\bin;%_ROOT%\\gnuwin32\\bin;%PATH%"); # http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-building.html
printLineToBat ("SET OPENSSL_LIBS=-lUser32 -lAdvapi32 -lGdi32 -llibcrypto -llibssl");
printLineToBat ("cd _tools");
printLineToBat ("7z x cmake.7z -aoa -y");
printLineToBat ("7z x $openssl_7z -o$openssl_dir -y") if (-e "_tools\\$openssl_7z");
printLineToBat ("cd ..");
2024-06-29 23:59:20 +08:00
printLineToBat ("IF EXIST $build_dir GOTO SECOND_STEP");
printLineToBat ("mkdir $build_dir");
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
printLineToBat (":SECOND_STEP");
2024-06-29 23:59:20 +08:00
printLineToBat ("cd $build_dir");
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
printLineToBat ("if \"%~1\"==\"step2\" goto step2");
# step1: compile openssl and do configure. For some reason, can't continue script execution after configure, have to make step2
printLineToBat ("IF EXIST $openssl_dir\\build GOTO OPENSSL_ALREAD_COMPILED");
printLineToBat ("wget --no-check-certificate $openssl_download");
printLineToBat ("7z x openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz");
printLineToBat ("7z x openssl-$openssl_version.tar -o$openssl_dir -y");
printLineToBat ("mv $openssl_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version\\* $openssl_dir");
printLineToBat ("rmdir $openssl_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version"); # empty now
printLineToBat ("rm openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz");
printLineToBat ("rm openssl-$openssl_version.tar");
printLineToBat ("cd $openssl_dir"); # go to openssl dir
printLineToBat ("perl Configure VC-$openssl_arch no-asm no-shared no-tests --prefix=%cd%\\build --openssldir=%cd%\\build");
printLineToBat ("nmake");
printLineToBat ("nmake install");
# do some clean up:
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.exe");
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.pdb");
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.obj");
printLineToBat ("del /s /f /q out32");
printLineToBat ("del /s /f /q out32.dbg");
printLineToBat ("cd .."); # go back to qtbase
# openssl: see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-65501
my $skipped_modules = "qthttpserver qtlocation qtspeech qtgrpc qt3d qtactiveqt qtcharts qtcoap qtconnectivity qtdatavis3d qtdoc qtlottie qtmqtt qtnetworkauth qtopcua qtpositioning qtremoteobjects qtscxml qtsensors qtserialbus qtserialport qtsvg qttranslations qtvirtualkeyboard qtwayland qtwebchannel qtwebengine qtwebsockets qtwebview";
$skipped_modules .= " qtquickeffectmaker qtquicktimeline qtquick3d qtquick3dphysics";
$skipped_modules.=' qtmultimedia' if (!$build_multimedia);
$skipped_modules.=' qtgraphs' if (!$build_graphs);
if ($build_pdf && $arch eq 'x86')
# This version of the script is not able to build x86 qtwebengine on a 64-bit machine"
# need to override target_cpu='x86' somehow: https://www.chromium.org/developers/gn-build-configuration/
$build_pdf = 0;
if (!$build_pdf)
$skipped_modules .= ' qtdeclarative';
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
my $skipped_modules_cmd;
foreach (split(/\s/, $skipped_modules)) {
$skipped_modules_cmd .= "-skip $_ ";
my $configure_cmd = "..\\configure -prefix $install_dir -opensource -debug-and-release -confirm-license -opengl desktop -nomake tests -nomake examples";
# append skip modules
$configure_cmd .= " $skipped_modules_cmd";
# append openssl related parameters
$configure_cmd .= " -openssl-linked -- -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=\"$openssl_dir\\build\" -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=\"$openssl_dir\\build\\include\" -DOPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON";
# append ffmpeg dir when building multimedia
$configure_cmd .= " -DFFMPEG_DIR=$vcpkg_dir" if ($build_multimedia);
printLineToBat ($configure_cmd);
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
printLineToBat ("goto :EOF");
# step 2:
printLineToBat (":step2");
printLineToBat ("cmake --build . --parallel");
2024-06-29 23:59:20 +08:00
printLineToBat ("IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (");
printLineToBat ("echo Build failed with error %ERRORLEVEL%.");
printLineToBat ("EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%");
printLineToBat (")");
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
printLineToBat ("cmake --install . --config Release");
printLineToBat ("cmake --install . --config Debug");
# clean up
printLineToBat ("cd .."); # since we're now in 'qt6-build' for some reason
2024-06-29 23:59:20 +08:00
printLineToBat ("rmdir $build_dir /s /q");
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
# remove _tools folder from the installation directory
printLineToBat ("rmdir $install_dir\\_tools /s /q");
# NEW: let's build the PDF module
if ($build_pdf)
printLineToBat ("mkdir _qtwebengine-pdf-build-$arch");
printLineToBat ("cd _qtwebengine-pdf-build-$arch");
printLineToBat ("$install_dir\\bin\\qt-configure-module.bat ../qtwebengine -- -DFEATURE_qtwebengine_build=OFF && cmake --build . --parallel && cmake --install . --config Release && cmake --install . --config Debug")
2024-06-21 23:11:25 +08:00
close BAT;
system ($batfile);
system ("$batfile step2");
system ("pause");
sub printLineToBat
print BAT "$_[0]\n";