2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
# include <QTest>
# include <QBuffer>
# include <QtEndian>
# if QT_CONFIG(process)
# include <QProcess>
# endif
# include <qfont.h>
# include <private/qfont_p.h>
# include <qfontdatabase.h>
# include <qfontinfo.h>
# include <qstringlist.h>
# include <qguiapplication.h>
# ifndef QT_NO_WIDGETS
# include <qwidget.h>
# endif
# include <qlist.h>
# include <QtTest/private/qemulationdetector_p.h>
class tst_QFont : public QObject
private slots :
void getSetCheck ( ) ;
void exactMatch ( ) ;
void compare ( ) ;
void resolve ( ) ;
# ifndef QT_NO_WIDGETS
void resetFont ( ) ;
# endif
void isCopyOf ( ) ;
void italicOblique ( ) ;
void insertAndRemoveSubstitutions ( ) ;
void serialize_data ( ) ;
void serialize ( ) ;
void deserializeQt515 ( ) ;
void styleName ( ) ;
void defaultFamily_data ( ) ;
void defaultFamily ( ) ;
void toAndFromString ( ) ;
void fromStringWithoutStyleName ( ) ;
void fromDegenerateString_data ( ) ;
void fromDegenerateString ( ) ;
void sharing ( ) ;
void familyNameWithCommaQuote_data ( ) ;
void familyNameWithCommaQuote ( ) ;
void setFamilies_data ( ) ;
void setFamilies ( ) ;
void setFamiliesAndFamily_data ( ) ;
void setFamiliesAndFamily ( ) ;
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void featureAccessors ( ) ;
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
} ;
// Testing get/set functions
void tst_QFont : : getSetCheck ( )
QFont obj1 ;
// Style QFont::style()
// void QFont::setStyle(Style)
obj1 . setStyle ( QFont : : Style ( QFont : : StyleNormal ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : Style ( QFont : : StyleNormal ) , obj1 . style ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyle ( QFont : : Style ( QFont : : StyleItalic ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : Style ( QFont : : StyleItalic ) , obj1 . style ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyle ( QFont : : Style ( QFont : : StyleOblique ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : Style ( QFont : : StyleOblique ) , obj1 . style ( ) ) ;
// StyleStrategy QFont::styleStrategy()
// void QFont::setStyleStrategy(StyleStrategy)
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferDefault ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferDefault ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferBitmap ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferBitmap ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferDevice ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferDevice ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferOutline ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferOutline ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : ForceOutline ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : ForceOutline ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferMatch ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferMatch ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferQuality ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferQuality ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferAntialias ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferAntialias ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
obj1 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : NoAntialias ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : StyleStrategy ( QFont : : NoAntialias ) , obj1 . styleStrategy ( ) ) ;
void tst_QFont : : exactMatch ( )
QFont font ;
// Check if a non-existing font hasn't an exact match
font = QFont ( " BogusFont " , 33 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! font . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFont ( " sans " ) . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFont ( " sans-serif " ) . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFont ( " serif " ) . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFont ( " monospace " ) . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
font . setFamilies ( QStringList ( ) < < " BogusFont " ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! font . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFont ( " sans " ) . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFont ( " sans-serif " ) . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFont ( " serif " ) . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFont ( " monospace " ) . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
// Confirm that exactMatch is true for a valid font
const QString family = QFontDatabase : : families ( ) . first ( ) ;
const QString style = QFontDatabase : : styles ( family ) . first ( ) ;
const int pointSize = QFontDatabase : : pointSizes ( family , style ) . first ( ) ;
font = QFontDatabase : : font ( family , style , pointSize ) ;
QVERIFY ( font . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
if ( QFontDatabase : : families ( ) . contains ( " Arial " ) ) {
font = QFont ( " Arial " ) ;
QVERIFY ( font . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
font = QFont ( QString ( ) ) ;
font . setFamilies ( { " Arial " } ) ;
QVERIFY ( font . exactMatch ( ) ) ;
void tst_QFont : : italicOblique ( )
QStringList families = QFontDatabase : : families ( ) ;
if ( families . isEmpty ( ) )
return ;
QStringList : : ConstIterator f_it , f_end = families . end ( ) ;
for ( f_it = families . begin ( ) ; f_it ! = f_end ; + + f_it ) {
QString family = * f_it ;
QStringList styles = QFontDatabase : : styles ( family ) ;
QStringList : : ConstIterator s_it , s_end = styles . end ( ) ;
for ( s_it = styles . begin ( ) ; s_it ! = s_end ; + + s_it ) {
QString style = * s_it ;
if ( QFontDatabase : : isSmoothlyScalable ( family , style ) ) {
if ( style . contains ( " Oblique " ) ) {
style . replace ( " Oblique " , " Italic " ) ;
} else if ( style . contains ( " Italic " ) ) {
style . replace ( " Italic " , " Oblique " ) ;
} else {
continue ;
QFont f = QFontDatabase : : font ( family , style , 12 ) ;
2023-11-02 05:23:55 +08:00
QVERIFY2 ( f . italic ( ) , qPrintable ( QString : : asprintf ( " Failed for font \" %ls \" " , qUtf16Printable ( f . family ( ) ) ) ) ) ;
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
void tst_QFont : : compare ( )
QFont font ;
QFont font2 = font ;
font2 . setPointSize ( 24 ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
QFont font2 = font ;
font2 . setPixelSize ( 24 ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
font . setPointSize ( 12 ) ;
font . setItalic ( false ) ;
font . setWeight ( QFont : : Normal ) ;
font . setUnderline ( false ) ;
font . setStrikeOut ( false ) ;
font . setOverline ( false ) ;
QFont font2 = font ;
font2 . setPointSize ( 24 ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
QFont font2 = font ;
font2 . setPixelSize ( 24 ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
QFont font2 = font ;
font2 . setItalic ( true ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
font2 . setItalic ( false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font , font2 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! ( font < font2 ) ) ;
font2 . setWeight ( QFont : : Bold ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
font2 . setWeight ( QFont : : Normal ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font , font2 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! ( font < font2 ) ) ;
font . setUnderline ( true ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
font . setUnderline ( false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font , font2 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! ( font < font2 ) ) ;
font . setStrikeOut ( true ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
font . setStrikeOut ( false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font , font2 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! ( font < font2 ) ) ;
font . setOverline ( true ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
font . setOverline ( false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font , font2 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! ( font < font2 ) ) ;
font . setCapitalization ( QFont : : SmallCaps ) ;
QVERIFY ( font ! = font2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font < font2 , ! ( font2 < font ) ) ;
font . setCapitalization ( QFont : : MixedCase ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font , font2 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! ( font < font2 ) ) ;
void tst_QFont : : resolve ( )
QFont font ;
font . setPointSize ( font . pointSize ( ) * 2 ) ;
font . setItalic ( false ) ;
font . setWeight ( QFont : : Normal ) ;
font . setUnderline ( false ) ;
font . setStrikeOut ( false ) ;
font . setOverline ( false ) ;
font . setStretch ( QFont : : Unstretched ) ;
QFont font1 ;
font1 . setWeight ( QFont : : Bold ) ;
QFont font2 = font1 . resolve ( font ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font2 . weight ( ) , font1 . weight ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font2 . pointSize ( ) , font . pointSize ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font2 . italic ( ) , font . italic ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font2 . underline ( ) , font . underline ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font2 . overline ( ) , font . overline ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font2 . strikeOut ( ) , font . strikeOut ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font2 . stretch ( ) , font . stretch ( ) ) ;
QFont font3 ;
font3 . setStretch ( QFont : : UltraCondensed ) ;
QFont font4 = font3 . resolve ( font1 ) . resolve ( font ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font4 . stretch ( ) , font3 . stretch ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font4 . weight ( ) , font . weight ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font4 . pointSize ( ) , font . pointSize ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font4 . italic ( ) , font . italic ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font4 . underline ( ) , font . underline ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font4 . overline ( ) , font . overline ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font4 . strikeOut ( ) , font . strikeOut ( ) ) ;
QFont f1 , f2 , f3 ;
f2 . setPointSize ( 45 ) ;
f3 . setPointSize ( 55 ) ;
QFont f4 = f1 . resolve ( f2 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( f4 . pointSize ( ) , 45 ) ;
f4 = f4 . resolve ( f3 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( f4 . pointSize ( ) , 55 ) ;
QFont font5 , font6 ;
const QStringList fontFamilies = { QStringLiteral ( " Arial " ) } ;
font5 . setFamilies ( fontFamilies ) ;
font6 = font6 . resolve ( font5 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font6 . families ( ) , fontFamilies ) ;
QFont font7 , font8 ;
// This will call setFamilies() directly now
font7 . setFamily ( QLatin1String ( " Helvetica " ) ) ;
font8 . setFamilies ( fontFamilies ) ;
font7 = font7 . resolve ( font8 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font7 . families ( ) , QStringList ( { " Helvetica " } ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font7 . family ( ) , " Helvetica " ) ;
# ifndef QT_NO_WIDGETS
void tst_QFont : : resetFont ( )
QWidget parent ;
QWidget firstChild ( & parent ) ;
QFont parentFont = parent . font ( ) ;
parentFont . setPointSize ( parentFont . pointSize ( ) + 2 ) ;
parent . setFont ( parentFont ) ;
QFont childFont = firstChild . font ( ) ;
childFont . setBold ( ! childFont . bold ( ) ) ;
firstChild . setFont ( childFont ) ;
QWidget secondChild ( & parent ) ;
secondChild . setFont ( childFont ) ;
QVERIFY ( parentFont . resolveMask ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
QVERIFY ( childFont . resolveMask ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
QVERIFY ( childFont ! = parentFont ) ;
// reset font on both children
firstChild . setFont ( QFont ( ) ) ;
secondChild . setFont ( QFont ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( firstChild . font ( ) . resolveMask ( ) , QFont : : SizeResolved ) ;
QCOMPARE ( secondChild . font ( ) . resolveMask ( ) , QFont : : SizeResolved ) ;
QCOMPARE ( firstChild . font ( ) . pointSize ( ) , parent . font ( ) . pointSize ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( secondChild . font ( ) . pointSize ( ) , parent . font ( ) . pointSize ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( parent . font ( ) . resolveMask ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
# endif
void tst_QFont : : isCopyOf ( )
QFont font ;
QVERIFY ( font . isCopyOf ( QGuiApplication : : font ( ) ) ) ;
QFont font2 ( " bogusfont " , 23 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! font2 . isCopyOf ( QGuiApplication : : font ( ) ) ) ;
QFont font3 = font ;
QVERIFY ( font3 . isCopyOf ( font ) ) ;
font3 . setPointSize ( 256 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! font3 . isCopyOf ( font ) ) ;
font3 . setPointSize ( font . pointSize ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! font3 . isCopyOf ( font ) ) ;
void tst_QFont : : insertAndRemoveSubstitutions ( )
QFont : : removeSubstitutions ( " BogusFontFamily " ) ;
// make sure it is empty before we start
QVERIFY ( QFont : : substitutes ( " BogusFontFamily " ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFont : : substitutes ( " bogusfontfamily " ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
// inserting Foo
QFont : : insertSubstitution ( " BogusFontFamily " , " Foo " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : substitutes ( " BogusFontFamily " ) . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : substitutes ( " bogusfontfamily " ) . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
// inserting Bar and Baz
QStringList moreFonts ;
moreFonts < < " Bar " < < " Baz " ;
QFont : : insertSubstitutions ( " BogusFontFamily " , moreFonts ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : substitutes ( " BogusFontFamily " ) . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : substitutes ( " bogusfontfamily " ) . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
QFont : : removeSubstitutions ( " BogusFontFamily " ) ;
// make sure it is empty again
QVERIFY ( QFont : : substitutes ( " BogusFontFamily " ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFont : : substitutes ( " bogusfontfamily " ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE ( QDataStream : : Version )
void tst_QFont : : serialize_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QFont > ( " font " ) ;
// The version in which the tested feature was added.
QTest : : addColumn < QDataStream : : Version > ( " minimumStreamVersion " ) ;
QFont basicFont ;
// Versions <= Qt 2.1 had broken point size serialization,
// so we set an integer point size.
basicFont . setPointSize ( 9 ) ;
// Versions <= Qt 5.4 didn't serialize styleName, so clear it
basicFont . setStyleName ( QString ( ) ) ;
QFont font = basicFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " defaultConstructed " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_1_0 ;
font . setLetterSpacing ( QFont : : AbsoluteSpacing , 105 ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " letterSpacing=105 " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_4_5 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setWordSpacing ( 50.0 ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " wordSpacing " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_4_5 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setPointSize ( 20 ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " pointSize " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_1_0 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setPixelSize ( 32 ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " pixelSize " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_3_0 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setStyleHint ( QFont : : Monospace ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " styleHint " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_1_0 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setStretch ( 4000 ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " stretch " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_4_3 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setWeight ( QFont : : Light ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " weight " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_1_0 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setUnderline ( true ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " underline " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_1_0 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setStrikeOut ( true ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " strikeOut " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_1_0 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setFixedPitch ( true ) ;
// This fails for versions less than this, as ignorePitch is set to false
// whenever setFixedPitch() is called, but ignorePitch is considered an
// extended bit, which were apparently not available until 4.4.
QTest : : newRow ( " fixedPitch " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_4_4 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setLetterSpacing ( QFont : : AbsoluteSpacing , 10 ) ;
// Fails for 4.4 because letterSpacing wasn't read until 4.5.
QTest : : newRow ( " letterSpacing=10 " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_4_5 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setKerning ( false ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " kerning " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_4_0 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : NoFontMerging ) ;
// This wasn't read properly until 5.4.
QTest : : newRow ( " styleStrategy " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_5_4 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setHintingPreference ( QFont : : PreferFullHinting ) ;
// This wasn't read until 5.4.
QTest : : newRow ( " hintingPreference " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_5_4 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setStyleName ( " Regular Black Condensed " ) ;
// This wasn't read until 5.4.
QTest : : newRow ( " styleName " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_5_4 ;
font = basicFont ;
font . setCapitalization ( QFont : : AllUppercase ) ;
// This wasn't read until 5.6.
QTest : : newRow ( " capitalization " ) < < font < < QDataStream : : Qt_5_6 ;
void tst_QFont : : serialize ( )
QFETCH ( QFont , font ) ;
QFETCH ( QDataStream : : Version , minimumStreamVersion ) ;
QDataStream stream ;
const int thisVersion = stream . version ( ) ;
for ( int version = minimumStreamVersion ; version < = thisVersion ; + + version ) {
QBuffer buffer ;
buffer . open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly ) ;
stream . setDevice ( & buffer ) ;
stream . setVersion ( version ) ;
stream < < font ;
buffer . close ( ) ;
buffer . open ( QIODevice : : ReadOnly ) ;
QFont readFont ;
stream > > readFont ;
QVERIFY2 ( readFont = = font , qPrintable ( QString : : fromLatin1 ( " Fonts do not compare equal for QDataStream version " ) +
QString : : fromLatin1 ( " %1: \n actual: %2 \n expected: %3 " ) . arg ( version ) . arg ( readFont . toString ( ) ) . arg ( font . toString ( ) ) ) ) ;
void tst_QFont : : deserializeQt515 ( )
QFile file ;
file . setFileName ( QFINDTESTDATA ( " datastream.515 " ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( file . open ( QIODevice : : ReadOnly ) ) ;
QFont font ;
QDataStream stream ( & file ) ;
stream . setVersion ( QDataStream : : Qt_5_15 ) ;
stream > > font ;
QCOMPARE ( font . family ( ) , QStringLiteral ( " FirstFamily " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . families ( ) . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . families ( ) . at ( 0 ) , QStringLiteral ( " FirstFamily " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . families ( ) . at ( 1 ) , QStringLiteral ( " OtherFamily1 " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . families ( ) . at ( 2 ) , QStringLiteral ( " OtherFamily2 " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . pointSize ( ) , 12 ) ;
QVERIFY ( file . reset ( ) ) ;
QByteArray fileContent = file . readAll ( ) ;
QByteArray serializedContent ;
QBuffer buffer ( & serializedContent ) ;
QVERIFY ( buffer . open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly ) ) ;
QDataStream stream ( & buffer ) ;
stream . setVersion ( QDataStream : : Qt_5_15 ) ;
stream < < font ;
QCOMPARE ( serializedContent , fileContent ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
void tst_QFont : : styleName ( )
# if !defined(Q_OS_MAC)
QSKIP ( " Only tested on Mac " ) ;
# else
QFont font ( " Helvetica Neue " ) ;
font . setStyleName ( " UltraLight " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontInfo ( font ) . styleName ( ) , QString ( " UltraLight " ) ) ;
# endif
QString getPlatformGenericFont ( const char * genericName )
# if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(QT_NO_FONTCONFIG) && QT_CONFIG(process)
QProcess p ;
p . start ( QLatin1String ( " fc-match " ) , ( QStringList ( ) < < " -f%{family} " < < genericName ) ) ;
if ( ! p . waitForStarted ( ) )
qWarning ( " fc-match cannot be started: %s " , qPrintable ( p . errorString ( ) ) ) ;
if ( p . waitForFinished ( ) )
return QString : : fromLatin1 ( p . readAllStandardOutput ( ) ) ;
# endif
return QLatin1String ( genericName ) ;
static inline QByteArray msgNotAcceptableFont ( const QString & defaultFamily , const QStringList & acceptableFamilies )
QString res = QString : : fromLatin1 ( " Font family '%1' is not one of the following acceptable results: " ) . arg ( defaultFamily ) ;
Q_FOREACH ( const QString & family , acceptableFamilies )
res + = QLatin1String ( " \n " ) + family ;
return res . toLocal8Bit ( ) ;
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE ( QFont : : StyleHint )
void tst_QFont : : defaultFamily_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QFont : : StyleHint > ( " styleHint " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QStringList > ( " acceptableFamilies " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " serif " ) < < QFont : : Serif < < ( QStringList ( ) < < " Times New Roman " < < " Times " < < " Droid Serif " < < getPlatformGenericFont ( " serif " ) . split ( " , " ) ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " monospace " ) < < QFont : : Monospace < < ( QStringList ( ) < < " Courier New " < < " Monaco " < < " Menlo " < < " Droid Sans Mono " < < getPlatformGenericFont ( " monospace " ) . split ( " , " ) ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " cursive " ) < < QFont : : Cursive < < ( QStringList ( ) < < " Comic Sans MS " < < " Apple Chancery " < < " Roboto " < < " Droid Sans " < < getPlatformGenericFont ( " cursive " ) . split ( " , " ) ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " fantasy " ) < < QFont : : Fantasy < < ( QStringList ( ) < < " Impact " < < " Zapfino " < < " Roboto " < < " Droid Sans " < < getPlatformGenericFont ( " fantasy " ) . split ( " , " ) ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " sans-serif " ) < < QFont : : SansSerif < < ( QStringList ( ) < < " Arial " < < " Lucida Grande " < < " Helvetica " < < " Roboto " < < " Droid Sans " < < " Segoe UI " < < getPlatformGenericFont ( " sans-serif " ) . split ( " , " ) ) ;
void tst_QFont : : defaultFamily ( )
QFETCH ( QFont : : StyleHint , styleHint ) ;
QFETCH ( QStringList , acceptableFamilies ) ;
QFont f ;
f . setStyleHint ( styleHint ) ;
const QString familyForHint ( f . defaultFamily ( ) ) ;
// it should at least return a family that is available.
QVERIFY ( QFontDatabase : : hasFamily ( familyForHint ) ) ;
bool isAcceptable = false ;
Q_FOREACH ( const QString & family , acceptableFamilies ) {
if ( ! familyForHint . compare ( family , Qt : : CaseInsensitive ) ) {
isAcceptable = true ;
break ;
# if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && defined(QT_NO_FONTCONFIG)
QSKIP ( " This platform does not support checking for default font acceptability " ) ;
# endif
# ifdef Q_PROCESSOR_ARM_32
if ( QTestPrivate : : isRunningArmOnX86 ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " Fails on ARMv7 QEMU (QTQAINFRA-4127) " , Continue ) ;
# endif
# ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " serif " , " QTBUG-69215 " , Continue ) ;
# endif
QVERIFY2 ( isAcceptable , msgNotAcceptableFont ( familyForHint , acceptableFamilies ) ) ;
void tst_QFont : : toAndFromString ( )
QFont defaultFont = QGuiApplication : : font ( ) ;
QString family = defaultFont . family ( ) ;
const QStringList stylesList = QFontDatabase : : styles ( family ) ;
if ( stylesList . size ( ) = = 0 )
QSKIP ( " Default font doesn't have any styles " ) ;
for ( const QString & style : stylesList ) {
QFont result ;
QFont initial = QFontDatabase : : font ( family , style , defaultFont . pointSize ( ) ) ;
result . fromString ( initial . toString ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( result , initial ) ;
// Since Qt 6.0 it was changed to include more information in the description, so
// this checks for compatibility
const QString fontStringFrom515 ( QLatin1String ( " Times New Roman,18,-1,5,75,1,0,0,1,0,Regular " ) ) ;
QFont fontFrom515 ( " Times New Roman " , 18 ) ;
fontFrom515 . setBold ( true ) ;
fontFrom515 . setItalic ( true ) ;
fontFrom515 . setFixedPitch ( true ) ;
fontFrom515 . setStyleName ( " Regular " ) ;
QFont from515String ;
from515String . fromString ( fontStringFrom515 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( from515String , fontFrom515 ) ;
const QString fontStringFrom60 (
QLatin1String ( " Times New Roman,18,-1,5,700,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,150.5,2.5,50,2,Regular " ) ) ;
QFont fontFrom60 = fontFrom515 ;
fontFrom60 . setStyleStrategy ( QFont : : PreferBitmap ) ;
fontFrom60 . setCapitalization ( QFont : : AllUppercase ) ;
fontFrom60 . setLetterSpacing ( QFont : : PercentageSpacing , 150.5 ) ;
fontFrom60 . setWordSpacing ( 2.5 ) ;
fontFrom60 . setStretch ( 50 ) ;
QFont from60String ;
from60String . fromString ( fontStringFrom60 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fontFrom60 . toString ( ) , fontStringFrom60 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( from60String , fontFrom60 ) ;
void tst_QFont : : fromStringWithoutStyleName ( )
QFont font1 ;
font1 . fromString ( " Noto Sans,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular " ) ;
QFont font2 = font1 ;
const QString str = " Times,16,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 " ;
font2 . fromString ( str ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font2 . toString ( ) , str ) ;
const QString fontStringFrom60 (
QLatin1String ( " Times New Roman,18,-1,5,700,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,150.5,2.5,50,2 " ) ) ;
QFont font3 ;
font3 . fromString ( " Noto Sans,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular " ) ;
QFont font4 = font3 ;
font4 . fromString ( fontStringFrom60 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font4 . toString ( ) , fontStringFrom60 ) ;
void tst_QFont : : fromDegenerateString_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " string " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " empty " ) < < QString ( ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " justAComma " ) < < " , " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " commasAndSpaces " ) < < " , , " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " spaces " ) < < " " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " spacesTabsAndNewlines " ) < < " \t \n " ;
void tst_QFont : : fromDegenerateString ( )
QFETCH ( QString , string ) ;
QFont f ;
QTest : : ignoreMessage ( QtWarningMsg , QRegularExpression ( " .*Invalid description.* " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( f . fromString ( string ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( f , QFont ( ) ) ;
void tst_QFont : : sharing ( )
// QFontCache references the engineData
int refs_by_cache = 1 ;
QFont f ;
f . setStyleHint ( QFont : : Serif ) ;
f . exactMatch ( ) ; // loads engine
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 1 ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) - > engineData ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) - > engineData - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 1 + refs_by_cache ) ;
QFont f2 ( f ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) , QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 2 ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData , QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) - > engineData ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 1 + refs_by_cache ) ;
f2 . setKerning ( ! f . kerning ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) ! = QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 1 ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData , QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) - > engineData ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 2 + refs_by_cache ) ;
f2 = f ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) , QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 2 ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData , QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) - > engineData ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 1 + refs_by_cache ) ;
if ( f . pointSize ( ) > 0 )
f2 . setPointSize ( f . pointSize ( ) * 2 / 3 ) ;
f2 . setPixelSize ( f . pixelSize ( ) * 2 / 3 ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) ! = QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > ref . loadRelaxed ( ) , 1 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData ) ;
QVERIFY ( QFontPrivate : : get ( f2 ) - > engineData ! = QFontPrivate : : get ( f ) - > engineData ) ;
void tst_QFont : : familyNameWithCommaQuote_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " enteredFamilyName " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " familyName " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " chosenFamilyName " ) ;
const QString standardFont ( QFont ( ) . defaultFamily ( ) ) ;
if ( standardFont . isEmpty ( ) )
QSKIP ( " No default font available on the system " ) ;
const QString weirdFont ( QLatin1String ( " 'My, weird'' font name', " ) ) ;
const QString bogusFont ( QLatin1String ( " BogusFont " ) ) ;
const QString commaSeparated ( standardFont + QLatin1String ( " ,Times New Roman " ) ) ;
const QString commaSeparatedWeird ( weirdFont + QLatin1String ( " , " ) + standardFont ) ;
const QString commaSeparatedBogus ( bogusFont + QLatin1String ( " , " ) + standardFont ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " standard " ) < < standardFont < < standardFont < < standardFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " weird " ) < < weirdFont < < QString ( " 'My " ) < < standardFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " commaSeparated " ) < < commaSeparated < < standardFont < < standardFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " commaSeparatedWeird " ) < < commaSeparatedWeird < < QString ( " 'My " ) < < standardFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " commaSeparatedBogus " ) < < commaSeparatedBogus < < bogusFont < < standardFont ;
void tst_QFont : : familyNameWithCommaQuote ( )
QFETCH ( QString , familyName ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , chosenFamilyName ) ;
const int weirdFontId = QFontDatabase : : addApplicationFont ( " :/weirdfont.otf " ) ;
QVERIFY ( weirdFontId ! = - 1 ) ;
QFont f ( familyName ) ;
QCOMPARE ( f . family ( ) , familyName ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFontInfo ( f ) . family ( ) , chosenFamilyName ) ;
QFontDatabase : : removeApplicationFont ( weirdFontId ) ;
void tst_QFont : : setFamilies_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QStringList > ( " families " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " chosenFamilyName " ) ;
const QString weirdFont ( QLatin1String ( " 'My, weird'' font name', " ) ) ;
const QString standardFont ( QFont ( ) . defaultFamily ( ) ) ;
if ( standardFont . isEmpty ( ) )
QSKIP ( " No default font available on the system " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " emptyFamily " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) ) < < QString ( ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " standard " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) < < standardFont ) < < standardFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " weird " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) < < weirdFont ) < < weirdFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " standard-weird " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) < < standardFont < < weirdFont ) < < standardFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " weird-standard " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) < < weirdFont < < standardFont ) < < weirdFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " nonexist-weird " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) < < " NonExistentFont " < < weirdFont ) < < weirdFont ;
void tst_QFont : : setFamilies ( )
QFETCH ( QStringList , families ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , chosenFamilyName ) ;
const int weirdFontId = QFontDatabase : : addApplicationFont ( " :/weirdfont.otf " ) ;
QVERIFY ( weirdFontId ! = - 1 ) ;
QFont f ;
f . setFamilies ( families ) ;
if ( ! chosenFamilyName . isEmpty ( ) ) // Only check when it is not empty
QCOMPARE ( QFontInfo ( f ) . family ( ) , chosenFamilyName ) ;
QFontDatabase : : removeApplicationFont ( weirdFontId ) ;
void tst_QFont : : setFamiliesAndFamily_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QStringList > ( " families " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " family " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " chosenFamilyName " ) ;
const QString weirdFont ( QLatin1String ( " 'My, weird'' font name', " ) ) ;
const QString defaultFont ( QFont ( ) . defaultFamily ( ) ) ;
if ( defaultFont . isEmpty ( ) )
QSKIP ( " No default font available on the system " ) ;
const QString timesFont ( QLatin1String ( " Times " ) ) ;
const QString nonExistFont ( QLatin1String ( " NonExistentFont " ) ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " emptyFamily " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) ) < < QString ( ) < < QString ( ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " firstInFamilies " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) < < defaultFont < < timesFont ) < < weirdFont < < defaultFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " secondInFamilies " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) < < nonExistFont < < weirdFont ) < < defaultFont < < weirdFont ;
QTest : : newRow ( " family " ) < < ( QStringList ( ) < < nonExistFont ) < < defaultFont < < defaultFont ;
void tst_QFont : : setFamiliesAndFamily ( )
QFETCH ( QStringList , families ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , family ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , chosenFamilyName ) ;
const int weirdFontId = QFontDatabase : : addApplicationFont ( " :/weirdfont.otf " ) ;
QVERIFY ( weirdFontId ! = - 1 ) ;
QFont f ;
f . setFamily ( family ) ;
f . setFamilies ( families ) ;
if ( ! family . isEmpty ( ) ) // Only check when it is not empty
QCOMPARE ( QFontInfo ( f ) . family ( ) , chosenFamilyName ) ;
QFontDatabase : : removeApplicationFont ( weirdFontId ) ;
2023-11-02 05:23:55 +08:00
void tst_QFont : : featureAccessors ( )
QFont font ;
QVERIFY ( font . featureTags ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
font . setFeature ( " abcd " , 0xc0ffee ) ;
quint32 abcdTag = QFont : : stringToTag ( " abcd " ) ;
quint32 bcdeTag = QFont : : stringToTag ( " bcde " ) ;
QVERIFY ( font . isFeatureSet ( abcdTag ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! font . isFeatureSet ( bcdeTag ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . featureTags ( ) . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . featureTags ( ) . first ( ) , abcdTag ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFont : : tagToString ( font . featureTags ( ) . first ( ) ) , QByteArray ( " abcd " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . featureValue ( abcdTag ) , 0xc0ffeeU ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . featureValue ( bcdeTag ) , 0U ) ;
font . setFeature ( abcdTag , 0xf00d ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . featureTags ( ) . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . featureValue ( abcdTag ) , 0xf00dU ) ;
font . setFeature ( " abcde " , 0xcaca0 ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! font . isFeatureSet ( QFont : : stringToTag ( " abcde " ) ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( font . featureTags ( ) . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QFont font2 = font ;
font . unsetFeature ( " abcd " ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! font . isFeatureSet ( QFont : : stringToTag ( " abcd " ) ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( font . featureTags ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( font2 . isFeatureSet ( QFont : : stringToTag ( " abcd " ) ) ) ;
font2 . clearFeatures ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( font . featureTags ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
QTEST_MAIN ( tst_QFont )
# include "tst_qfont.moc"