2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
# include <QTest>
# include <QStandardPaths>
# include <QSignalSpy>
# include <QTemporaryFile>
# include <qcoreapplication.h>
# include <qfile.h>
# include <qdebug.h>
# include <qsharedpointer.h>
# include <qfiledialog.h>
# include <qabstractitemdelegate.h>
# include <qitemdelegate.h>
# include <qlistview.h>
# include <qcombobox.h>
# include <qpushbutton.h>
# include <qtoolbutton.h>
# include <qtreeview.h>
# include <qheaderview.h>
# include <qcompleter.h>
# include <qaction.h>
# include <qdialogbuttonbox.h>
# include <qsortfilterproxymodel.h>
# include <qlineedit.h>
# include <qlayout.h>
# include <qtemporarydir.h>
# include <private/qfiledialog_p.h>
# if defined QT_BUILD_INTERNAL
# include <private/qsidebar_p.h>
# include <private/qfilesystemmodel_p.h>
# endif
# include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
# include <qpa/qplatformtheme.h>
# include <qpa/qplatformintegration.h>
# include <QFileDialog>
# include <QFileSystemModel>
# include <QtWidgets/private/qapplication_p.h>
# if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
# include <unistd.h> // for pathconf() on OS X
extern Q_GUI_EXPORT QString qt_tildeExpansion ( const QString & path ) ;
# endif
# endif
static inline bool isCaseSensitiveFileSystem ( const QString & path )
Q_UNUSED ( path ) ;
# if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
return pathconf ( QFile : : encodeName ( path ) . constData ( ) , _PC_CASE_SENSITIVE ) ;
# elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
return false ;
# else
return true ;
# endif
class tst_QFiledialog : public QObject
private slots :
void initTestCase ( ) ;
void init ( ) ;
void cleanup ( ) ;
void currentChangedSignal ( ) ;
void directoryEnteredSignal ( ) ;
# endif
void filesSelectedSignal_data ( ) ;
void filesSelectedSignal ( ) ;
void filterSelectedSignal ( ) ;
void args ( ) ;
void directory ( ) ;
void completer_data ( ) ;
void completer ( ) ;
void completer_up ( ) ;
void acceptMode ( ) ;
void confirmOverwrite ( ) ;
void defaultSuffix ( ) ;
void fileMode ( ) ;
void filters ( ) ;
void history ( ) ;
void iconProvider ( ) ;
void isReadOnly ( ) ;
void itemDelegate ( ) ;
void labelText ( ) ;
void resolveSymlinks ( ) ;
void selectFile_data ( ) ;
void selectFile ( ) ;
void selectFiles ( ) ;
void selectFileWrongCaseSaveAs ( ) ;
void selectFilter ( ) ;
void viewMode ( ) ;
void proxymodel ( ) ;
void setMimeTypeFilters_data ( ) ;
void setMimeTypeFilters ( ) ;
void setNameFilter_data ( ) ;
void setNameFilter ( ) ;
void setEmptyNameFilter ( ) ;
void focus ( ) ;
void caption ( ) ;
void historyBack ( ) ;
void historyForward ( ) ;
void disableSaveButton_data ( ) ;
void disableSaveButton ( ) ;
void saveButtonText_data ( ) ;
void saveButtonText ( ) ;
void clearLineEdit ( ) ;
void enableChooseButton ( ) ;
void selectedFilesWithoutWidgets ( ) ;
void selectedFileWithDefaultSuffix ( ) ;
void trailingDotsAndSpaces ( ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
void tildeExpansion_data ( ) ;
void tildeExpansion ( ) ;
# endif
void rejectModalDialogs ( ) ;
void QTBUG49600_nativeIconProviderCrash ( ) ;
void focusObjectDuringDestruction ( ) ;
2023-11-02 01:02:52 +08:00
// NOTE: Please keep widgetlessNativeDialog() and
// hideNativeByDestruction() as the LAST tests!
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
2023-11-02 01:02:52 +08:00
// widgetlessNativeDialog() are the only test functions that create
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
// a native file dialog instance. GTK+ versions prior 3.15.5 have
// a nasty bug (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=725164)
// in GtkFileChooserWidget, which makes it leak its folder change
// callback, causing a crash "at some point later". Running the
// native test last is enough to avoid spinning the event loop after
// the test, and that way circumvent the crash.
// The crash has been fixed in GTK+ 3.15.5, but the RHEL 7.2 CI has
// GTK+ 3.14.13 installed (QTBUG-55276).
void widgetlessNativeDialog ( ) ;
2023-11-02 01:02:52 +08:00
void hideNativeByDestruction ( ) ;
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
private :
void cleanupSettingsFile ( ) ;
} ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : cleanupSettingsFile ( )
// clean up the sidebar between each test
QSettings settings ( QSettings : : UserScope , QLatin1String ( " QtProject " ) ) ;
settings . beginGroup ( QLatin1String ( " FileDialog " ) ) ;
settings . remove ( QString ( ) ) ;
settings . endGroup ( ) ;
settings . beginGroup ( QLatin1String ( " Qt " ) ) ; // Compatibility settings
settings . remove ( QLatin1String ( " filedialog " ) ) ;
settings . endGroup ( ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : initTestCase ( )
QStandardPaths : : setTestModeEnabled ( true ) ;
cleanupSettingsFile ( ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : init ( )
// all tests, except widgetlessNativeDialog, use non-native dialogs
QCoreApplication : : setAttribute ( Qt : : AA_DontUseNativeDialogs ) ;
QFileDialogPrivate : : setLastVisitedDirectory ( QUrl ( ) ) ;
// populate the sidebar with some default settings
QFileDialog fd ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : cleanup ( )
cleanupSettingsFile ( ) ;
class MyAbstractItemDelegate : public QAbstractItemDelegate
public :
MyAbstractItemDelegate ( ) : QAbstractItemDelegate ( ) { } ;
void paint ( QPainter * , const QStyleOptionViewItem & , const QModelIndex & ) const override { }
QSize sizeHint ( const QStyleOptionViewItem & , const QModelIndex & ) const override { return QSize ( ) ; }
} ;
// emitted any time the selection model emits current changed
void tst_QFiledialog : : currentChangedSignal ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ;
QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged ( & fd , SIGNAL ( currentChanged ( QString ) ) ) ;
QListView * listView = fd . findChild < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QVERIFY ( listView ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( QDir : : root ( ) ) ;
QModelIndex root = listView - > rootIndex ( ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( listView - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( root ) > 0 , true ) ;
QModelIndex folder ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < listView - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( root ) ; + + i ) {
folder = listView - > model ( ) - > index ( i , 0 , root ) ;
if ( listView - > model ( ) - > hasChildren ( folder ) )
break ;
QVERIFY ( listView - > model ( ) - > hasChildren ( folder ) ) ;
listView - > setCurrentIndex ( folder ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyCurrentChanged . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
// only emitted from the views, sidebar, or lookin combo
# if defined QT_BUILD_INTERNAL
void tst_QFiledialog : : directoryEnteredSignal ( )
QFileDialog fd ( 0 , " " , QDir : : root ( ) . path ( ) ) ;
QSidebar * sidebar = fd . findChild < QSidebar * > ( " sidebar " ) ;
QVERIFY ( sidebar ) ;
if ( sidebar - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( ) < 2 )
QSKIP ( " This test requires at least 2 side bar entries. " ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( fd . isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered ( & fd , SIGNAL ( directoryEntered ( QString ) ) ) ;
// sidebar
QModelIndex secondItem = sidebar - > model ( ) - > index ( 1 , 0 ) ;
QVERIFY ( secondItem . isValid ( ) ) ;
sidebar - > setCurrentIndex ( secondItem ) ;
QTest : : keyPress ( sidebar - > viewport ( ) , Qt : : Key_Return ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyDirectoryEntered . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
spyDirectoryEntered . clear ( ) ;
// lookInCombo
QComboBox * comboBox = fd . findChild < QComboBox * > ( " lookInCombo " ) ;
comboBox - > showPopup ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( comboBox - > view ( ) - > model ( ) - > index ( 1 , 0 ) . isValid ( ) ) ;
comboBox - > view ( ) - > setCurrentIndex ( comboBox - > view ( ) - > model ( ) - > index ( 1 , 0 ) ) ;
QTest : : keyPress ( comboBox - > view ( ) - > viewport ( ) , Qt : : Key_Return ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyDirectoryEntered . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
spyDirectoryEntered . clear ( ) ;
// view
// platform specific
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : ViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ) ;
QListView * listView = fd . findChild < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QVERIFY ( listView ) ;
QModelIndex root = listView - > rootIndex ( ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( listView - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( root ) > 0 , true ) ;
QModelIndex folder ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < listView - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( root ) ; + + i ) {
folder = listView - > model ( ) - > index ( i , 0 , root ) ;
if ( listView - > model ( ) - > hasChildren ( folder ) )
break ;
QVERIFY ( listView - > model ( ) - > hasChildren ( folder ) ) ;
listView - > setCurrentIndex ( folder ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( ( listView - > indexAt ( listView - > visualRect ( folder ) . center ( ) ) ) , folder ) ;
QTest : : mouseDClick ( listView - > viewport ( ) , Qt : : LeftButton , 0 , listView - > visualRect ( folder ) . center ( ) ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( spyDirectoryEntered . count ( ) , 1 ) ;
# endif
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE ( QFileDialog : : FileMode )
void tst_QFiledialog : : filesSelectedSignal_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QFileDialog : : FileMode > ( " fileMode " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " any " ) < < QFileDialog : : AnyFile ;
QTest : : newRow ( " existing " ) < < QFileDialog : : ExistingFile ;
QTest : : newRow ( " directory " ) < < QFileDialog : : Directory ;
QTest : : newRow ( " existingFiles " ) < < QFileDialog : : ExistingFiles ;
// emitted when the dialog closes with the selected files
void tst_QFiledialog : : filesSelectedSignal ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( testDir ) ;
QFETCH ( QFileDialog : : FileMode , fileMode ) ;
fd . setFileMode ( fileMode ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filesSelected ( QStringList ) ) ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( QTest : : qWaitForWindowExposed ( & fd ) ) ;
QListView * listView = fd . findChild < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QVERIFY ( listView ) ;
QModelIndex root = listView - > rootIndex ( ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( listView - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( root ) > 0 , true ) ;
QModelIndex file ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < listView - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( root ) ; + + i ) {
file = listView - > model ( ) - > index ( i , 0 , root ) ;
if ( fileMode = = QFileDialog : : Directory ) {
if ( listView - > model ( ) - > hasChildren ( file ) )
break ;
} else {
if ( ! listView - > model ( ) - > hasChildren ( file ) )
break ;
file = QModelIndex ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( file . isValid ( ) ) ;
listView - > selectionModel ( ) - > select ( file , QItemSelectionModel : : Select | QItemSelectionModel : : Rows ) ;
listView - > setCurrentIndex ( file ) ;
QDialogButtonBox * buttonBox = fd . findChild < QDialogButtonBox * > ( " buttonBox " ) ;
QPushButton * button = buttonBox - > button ( QDialogButtonBox : : Open ) ;
QVERIFY ( button ) ;
QVERIFY ( button - > isEnabled ( ) ) ;
button - > animateClick ( ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( fd . isVisible ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
// only emitted when the combo box is activated
void tst_QFiledialog : : filterSelectedSignal ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filterSelected ( QString ) ) ) ;
QStringList filterChoices ;
filterChoices < < " Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg) "
< < " Text files (*.txt) "
< < " Any files (*.*) " ;
fd . setNameFilters ( filterChoices ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . nameFilters ( ) , filterChoices ) ;
QComboBox * filters = fd . findChild < QComboBox * > ( " fileTypeCombo " ) ;
QVERIFY ( filters ) ;
QVERIFY ( filters - > view ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( filters - > isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
QTest : : keyPress ( filters , Qt : : Key_Down ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilterSelected . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : args ( )
QWidget * parent = nullptr ;
QString caption = " caption " ;
QString directory = QDir : : tempPath ( ) ;
QString filter = " *.mp3 " ;
QFileDialog fd ( parent , caption , directory , filter ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . parent ( ) , ( QObject * ) parent ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . windowTitle ( ) , caption ) ;
# ifndef Q_OS_WIN
QCOMPARE ( fd . directory ( ) , QDir ( directory ) ) ;
# endif
QCOMPARE ( fd . nameFilters ( ) , QStringList ( filter ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : directory ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ;
QFileSystemModel * model = fd . findChild < QFileSystemModel * > ( " qt_filesystem_model " ) ;
QVERIFY ( model ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( QDir : : currentPath ( ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged ( & fd , SIGNAL ( currentChanged ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered ( & fd , SIGNAL ( directoryEntered ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filesSelected ( QStringList ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filterSelected ( QString ) ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QDir : : current ( ) . absolutePath ( ) , fd . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
QDir temp = QDir : : temp ( ) ;
QString tempPath = temp . absolutePath ( ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// since the user can have lowercase temp dir, check that we are actually case-insensitive.
tempPath = tempPath . toLower ( ) ;
# endif
fd . setDirectory ( tempPath ) ;
# ifndef Q_OS_WIN
QCOMPARE ( tempPath , fd . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
# endif
QCOMPARE ( spyCurrentChanged . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyDirectoryEntered . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilterSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
// Check my way
QList < QListView * > list = fd . findChildren < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QVERIFY ( list . size ( ) > 0 ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QCOMPARE ( list . at ( 0 ) - > rootIndex ( ) . data ( ) . toString ( ) . toLower ( ) , temp . dirName ( ) . toLower ( ) ) ;
# else
QCOMPARE ( list . at ( 0 ) - > rootIndex ( ) . data ( ) . toString ( ) , temp . dirName ( ) ) ;
# endif
QFileDialog * dlg = new QFileDialog ( 0 , " " , tempPath ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( tempPath ) , model - > index ( dlg - > directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( tempPath ) . data ( QFileSystemModel : : FileNameRole ) . toString ( ) ,
model - > index ( dlg - > directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) . data ( QFileSystemModel : : FileNameRole ) . toString ( ) ) ;
delete dlg ;
dlg = new QFileDialog ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( tempPath ) , model - > index ( dlg - > directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ) ;
delete dlg ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : completer_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " startPath " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " input " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < int > ( " expected " ) ;
const QString rootPath = QDir : : rootPath ( ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " r, 10 " ) < < QString ( ) < < " r " < < 10 ;
QTest : : newRow ( " x, 0 " ) < < QString ( ) < < " x " < < 0 ;
QTest : : newRow ( " ../, -1 " ) < < QString ( ) < < " ../ " < < - 1 ;
QTest : : newRow ( " goto root " ) < < QString ( ) < < rootPath < < - 1 ;
QTest : : newRow ( " start at root " ) < < rootPath < < QString ( ) < < - 1 ;
QDir dir = QDir : : root ( ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
const auto homePaths = QStandardPaths : : standardLocations ( QStandardPaths : : HomeLocation ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! homePaths . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
dir = QDir ( homePaths . first ( ) ) ;
# endif
QFileInfoList list = dir . entryInfoList ( QDir : : Dirs | QDir : : NoDotAndDotDot ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! list . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
const QString folder = list . first ( ) . absoluteFilePath ( ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " start at one below root r " ) < < folder < < " r " < < - 1 ;
QTest : : newRow ( " start at one below root ../ " ) < < folder < < " ../ " < < - 1 ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : completer ( )
typedef QSharedPointer < QTemporaryFile > TemporaryFilePtr ;
# ifdef Q_OS_WIN
static const Qt : : CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity = Qt : : CaseInsensitive ;
# else
static const Qt : : CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity = Qt : : CaseSensitive ;
# endif
QFETCH ( QString , input ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , startPath ) ;
QFETCH ( int , expected ) ;
// make temp dir and files
QScopedPointer < QTemporaryDir > tempDir ;
QList < TemporaryFilePtr > files ;
if ( startPath . isEmpty ( ) ) {
tempDir . reset ( new QTemporaryDir ) ;
QVERIFY2 ( tempDir - > isValid ( ) , qPrintable ( tempDir - > errorString ( ) ) ) ;
startPath = tempDir - > path ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; + + i ) {
TemporaryFilePtr file ( new QTemporaryFile ( startPath + QStringLiteral ( " /rXXXXXX " ) ) ) ;
QVERIFY2 ( file - > open ( ) , qPrintable ( file - > errorString ( ) ) ) ;
// Force the temporary file to materialize with the requested name
( void ) file - > fileName ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( file - > exists ( ) ) ;
files . append ( file ) ;
// ### flesh this out more
QFileDialog fd ( 0 , QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentTestFunction ( ) )
+ QStringLiteral ( " \" " ) + QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentDataTag ( ) )
+ QLatin1Char ( ' " ' ) , startPath ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( QTest : : qWaitForWindowExposed ( & fd ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( fd . isVisible ( ) ) ;
QFileSystemModel * model = fd . findChild < QFileSystemModel * > ( " qt_filesystem_model " ) ;
QVERIFY ( model ) ;
QLineEdit * lineEdit = fd . findChild < QLineEdit * > ( " fileNameEdit " ) ;
QVERIFY ( lineEdit ) ;
QCompleter * completer = lineEdit - > completer ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( completer ) ;
QAbstractItemModel * cModel = completer - > completionModel ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( cModel ) ;
// path C:\depot\qt\examples\dialogs\standarddialogs
// files
// [debug] [release] [tmp] dialog dialog main makefile makefile.debug makefile.release standarddialgos
// d -> D:\ debug dialog.cpp dialog.h
// ..\ -> ..\classwizard ..\configdialog ..\dialogs.pro
// c -> C:\ control panel
// c: -> C:\ (nothing more)
// C:\ -> C:\, C:\_viminfo, ...
// \ -> \_viminfo
// c:\depot -> 'nothing'
// c:\depot\ -> C:\depot\devtools, C:\depot\dteske
QTRY_COMPARE ( model - > index ( fd . directory ( ) . path ( ) ) , model - > index ( startPath ) ) ;
if ( input . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// Try to find a suitable directory under root that does not
// start with 'C' to avoid issues with completing to "C:" drives on Windows.
const QString rootPath = model - > rootPath ( ) ;
const QChar rootPathFirstChar = rootPath . at ( 0 ) . toLower ( ) ;
QModelIndex rootIndex = model - > index ( rootPath ) ;
const int rowCount = model - > rowCount ( rootIndex ) ;
QVERIFY ( rowCount > 0 ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < rowCount & & input . isEmpty ( ) ; + + row ) {
const QString name = model - > index ( row , 0 , rootIndex ) . data ( ) . toString ( ) ;
const QChar firstChar = name . at ( 0 ) ;
if ( firstChar . isLetter ( ) & & firstChar . toLower ( ) ! = rootPathFirstChar )
input = firstChar ;
QVERIFY2 ( ! input . isEmpty ( ) , " Unable to find a suitable input directory " ) ;
// press 'keys' for the input
for ( int i = 0 ; i < input . size ( ) ; + + i )
QTest : : keyPress ( lineEdit , input [ i ] . toLatin1 ( ) ) ;
if ( expected = = - 1 ) {
QString fullPath = startPath ;
if ( ! fullPath . endsWith ( QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) ) )
fullPath . append ( QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) ) ;
fullPath . append ( input ) ;
if ( input . startsWith ( QDir : : rootPath ( ) , caseSensitivity ) ) {
fullPath = input ;
input . clear ( ) ;
QFileInfo fi ( fullPath ) ;
QDir x ( fi . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
2023-11-02 01:02:52 +08:00
const QStringList expectedFiles = x . entryList ( model - > filter ( ) ) ;
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
expected = 0 ;
if ( input . startsWith ( " .. " ) )
input . clear ( ) ;
2023-11-02 01:02:52 +08:00
for ( const QString & expectedFile : expectedFiles ) {
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
if ( expectedFile . startsWith ( input , caseSensitivity ) )
+ + expected ;
// The temporary dir may create a node in QFileSystemModel
// which will bypass filters. If the path to the temporary
// dir contains an element which should be a subdirectory
// of x dir, but which is not listed, then take it into
// accont.
if ( ! tempDir . isNull ( ) ) {
QString xPath = x . absolutePath ( ) ;
if ( ! xPath . endsWith ( QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) ) )
xPath . append ( QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) ) ;
QString tmpPath = tempDir - > path ( ) ;
if ( tmpPath . startsWith ( xPath ) ) {
QString bypassedDirName = tmpPath . mid ( xPath . size ( ) ) . section ( QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! expectedFiles . contains ( bypassedDirName ) )
+ + expected ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( cModel - > rowCount ( ) , expected ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : completer_up ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged ( & fd , SIGNAL ( currentChanged ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered ( & fd , SIGNAL ( directoryEntered ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filesSelected ( QStringList ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filterSelected ( QString ) ) ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QLineEdit * lineEdit = fd . findChild < QLineEdit * > ( " fileNameEdit " ) ;
QVERIFY ( lineEdit ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
int depth = QDir : : currentPath ( ) . split ( ' / ' ) . size ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < = depth * 3 + 1 ; + + i ) {
lineEdit - > insert ( " ../ " ) ;
qApp - > processEvents ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyCurrentChanged . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyDirectoryEntered . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilterSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : acceptMode ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QToolButton * newButton = fd . findChild < QToolButton * > ( " newFolderButton " ) ;
QVERIFY ( newButton ) ;
// default
QCOMPARE ( fd . acceptMode ( ) , QFileDialog : : AcceptOpen ) ;
QCOMPARE ( newButton & & newButton - > isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
fd . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . acceptMode ( ) , QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
QCOMPARE ( newButton - > isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
fd . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptOpen ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . acceptMode ( ) , QFileDialog : : AcceptOpen ) ;
QCOMPARE ( newButton - > isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : confirmOverwrite ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite ) , false ) ;
fd . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite ) , false ) ;
fd . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite ) , true ) ;
fd . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : DontConfirmOverwrite ) , false ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : defaultSuffix ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . defaultSuffix ( ) , QString ( ) ) ;
fd . setDefaultSuffix ( " txt " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . defaultSuffix ( ) , QString ( " txt " ) ) ;
fd . setDefaultSuffix ( " .txt " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . defaultSuffix ( ) , QString ( " txt " ) ) ;
fd . setDefaultSuffix ( QString ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . defaultSuffix ( ) , QString ( ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : fileMode ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . fileMode ( ) , QFileDialog : : AnyFile ) ;
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : ExistingFile ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . fileMode ( ) , QFileDialog : : ExistingFile ) ;
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : Directory ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . fileMode ( ) , QFileDialog : : Directory ) ;
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : ExistingFiles ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . fileMode ( ) , QFileDialog : : ExistingFiles ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : caption ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setWindowTitle ( " testing " ) ;
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : Directory ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . windowTitle ( ) , QString ( " testing " ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : filters ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged ( & fd , SIGNAL ( currentChanged ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered ( & fd , SIGNAL ( directoryEntered ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filesSelected ( QStringList ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filterSelected ( QString ) ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . nameFilters ( ) , QStringList ( " All Files (*) " ) ) ;
// effects
QList < QComboBox * > views = fd . findChildren < QComboBox * > ( " fileTypeCombo " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( views . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( views . at ( 0 ) - > isVisible ( ) , false ) ;
QStringList filters ;
filters < < " Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg) "
< < " Text files (*.txt) "
< < " Any files (*.*) " ;
fd . setNameFilters ( filters ) ;
QCOMPARE ( views . at ( 0 ) - > isVisible ( ) , false ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
fd . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
QCOMPARE ( views . at ( 0 ) - > isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . nameFilters ( ) , filters ) ;
fd . setNameFilter ( " Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;Any files (*.*) " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . nameFilters ( ) , filters ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyCurrentChanged . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyDirectoryEntered . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilterSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
// setting shouldn't emit any signals
for ( int i = views . at ( 0 ) - > currentIndex ( ) ; i < views . at ( 0 ) - > count ( ) ; + + i )
views . at ( 0 ) - > setCurrentIndex ( i ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilterSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
//Let check if filters with whitespaces
QFileDialog fd2 ;
QStringList expected ;
expected < < " C++ Source Files(*.cpp) " ;
expected < < " Any(*.*) " ;
fd2 . setNameFilter ( " C++ Source Files(*.cpp);;Any(*.*) " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( expected , fd2 . nameFilters ( ) ) ;
fd2 . setNameFilter ( " C++ Source Files(*.cpp) ;;Any(*.*) " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( expected , fd2 . nameFilters ( ) ) ;
fd2 . setNameFilter ( " C++ Source Files(*.cpp);; Any(*.*) " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( expected , fd2 . nameFilters ( ) ) ;
fd2 . setNameFilter ( " C++ Source Files(*.cpp);; Any(*.*) " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( expected , fd2 . nameFilters ( ) ) ;
fd2 . setNameFilter ( " C++ Source Files(*.cpp) ;; Any(*.*) " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( expected , fd2 . nameFilters ( ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : selectFilter ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filterSelected ( QString ) ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedNameFilter ( ) , QString ( " All Files (*) " ) ) ;
QStringList filters ;
filters < < " Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg) "
< < " Text files (*.txt) "
< < " Any files (*.*) " ;
fd . setNameFilters ( filters ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedNameFilter ( ) , filters . at ( 0 ) ) ;
fd . selectNameFilter ( filters . at ( 1 ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedNameFilter ( ) , filters . at ( 1 ) ) ;
fd . selectNameFilter ( filters . at ( 2 ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedNameFilter ( ) , filters . at ( 2 ) ) ;
fd . selectNameFilter ( " bob " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedNameFilter ( ) , filters . at ( 2 ) ) ;
fd . selectNameFilter ( " " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedNameFilter ( ) , filters . at ( 2 ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilterSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : history ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ;
QFileSystemModel * model = fd . findChild < QFileSystemModel * > ( " qt_filesystem_model " ) ;
QVERIFY ( model ) ;
QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged ( & fd , SIGNAL ( currentChanged ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered ( & fd , SIGNAL ( directoryEntered ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filesSelected ( QStringList ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filterSelected ( QString ) ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( fd . history ( ) . first ( ) ) , model - > index ( QDir : : toNativeSeparators ( fd . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ) ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( QDir : : current ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
QStringList history ;
history < < QDir : : toNativeSeparators ( QDir : : current ( ) . absolutePath ( ) )
< < QDir : : toNativeSeparators ( QDir : : home ( ) . absolutePath ( ) )
< < QDir : : toNativeSeparators ( QDir : : temp ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
fd . setHistory ( history ) ;
if ( fd . history ( ) ! = history ) {
qDebug ( ) < < fd . history ( ) < < history ;
// quick and dirty output for windows failure.
QListView * list = fd . findChild < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QVERIFY ( list ) ;
QModelIndex root = list - > rootIndex ( ) ;
while ( root . isValid ( ) ) {
qDebug ( ) < < root . data ( ) ;
root = root . parent ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . history ( ) , history ) ;
QStringList badHistory ;
badHistory < < " junk " ;
fd . setHistory ( badHistory ) ;
badHistory < < QDir : : toNativeSeparators ( QDir : : current ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . history ( ) , badHistory ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyCurrentChanged . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyDirectoryEntered . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilterSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : iconProvider ( )
QFileDialog * fd = new QFileDialog ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( fd - > iconProvider ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
QFileIconProvider * ip = new QFileIconProvider ( ) ;
fd - > setIconProvider ( ip ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd - > iconProvider ( ) , ip ) ;
delete fd ;
delete ip ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : isReadOnly ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QPushButton * newButton = fd . findChild < QPushButton * > ( " newFolderButton " ) ;
QAction * renameAction = fd . findChild < QAction * > ( " qt_rename_action " ) ;
QAction * deleteAction = fd . findChild < QAction * > ( " qt_delete_action " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : ReadOnly ) , false ) ;
// This is dependent upon the file/dir, find cross platform way to test
//QCOMPARE(newButton && newButton->isEnabled(), true);
//QCOMPARE(renameAction && renameAction->isEnabled(), true);
//QCOMPARE(deleteAction && deleteAction->isEnabled(), true);
fd . setOption ( QFileDialog : : ReadOnly , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : ReadOnly ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( newButton & & newButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( renameAction & & renameAction - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( deleteAction & & deleteAction - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : itemDelegate ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QVERIFY ( fd . itemDelegate ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
QItemDelegate * id = new QItemDelegate ( & fd ) ;
fd . setItemDelegate ( id ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . itemDelegate ( ) , ( QAbstractItemDelegate * ) id ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : labelText ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QDialogButtonBox buttonBox ;
QPushButton * cancelButton = buttonBox . addButton ( QDialogButtonBox : : Cancel ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : LookIn ) , QString ( " Look in: " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : FileName ) , QString ( " File &name: " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : FileType ) , QString ( " Files of type: " ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : Accept ) , QString ( " &Open " ) ) ; ///### see task 241462
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : Reject ) , cancelButton - > text ( ) ) ;
fd . setLabelText ( QFileDialog : : LookIn , " 1 " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : LookIn ) , QString ( " 1 " ) ) ;
fd . setLabelText ( QFileDialog : : FileName , " 2 " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : FileName ) , QString ( " 2 " ) ) ;
fd . setLabelText ( QFileDialog : : FileType , " 3 " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : FileType ) , QString ( " 3 " ) ) ;
fd . setLabelText ( QFileDialog : : Accept , " 4 " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : Accept ) , QString ( " 4 " ) ) ;
fd . setLabelText ( QFileDialog : : Reject , " 5 " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . labelText ( QFileDialog : : Reject ) , QString ( " 5 " ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : resolveSymlinks ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
// default
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : DontResolveSymlinks ) , false ) ;
fd . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontResolveSymlinks , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : DontResolveSymlinks ) , true ) ;
fd . setOption ( QFileDialog : : DontResolveSymlinks , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . testOption ( QFileDialog : : DontResolveSymlinks ) , false ) ;
// the file dialog doesn't do anything based upon this, just passes it to the model
// the model should fully test it, don't test it here
void tst_QFiledialog : : selectFile_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " file " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < int > ( " count " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " null " ) < < QString ( ) < < 1 ;
QTest : : newRow ( " file " ) < < " foo " < < 1 ;
QTest : : newRow ( " tmp " ) < < " temp " < < 1 ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : selectFile ( )
QFETCH ( QString , file ) ;
QFETCH ( int , count ) ;
QScopedPointer < QFileDialog > fd ( new QFileDialog ) ;
QFileSystemModel * model = fd - > findChild < QFileSystemModel * > ( " qt_filesystem_model " ) ;
QVERIFY ( model ) ;
fd - > setDirectory ( QDir : : currentPath ( ) ) ;
// default value
QCOMPARE ( fd - > selectedFiles ( ) . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QScopedPointer < QTemporaryFile > tempFile ;
if ( file = = QLatin1String ( " temp " ) ) {
tempFile . reset ( new QTemporaryFile ( QDir : : tempPath ( ) + QStringLiteral ( " /aXXXXXX " ) ) ) ;
QVERIFY2 ( tempFile - > open ( ) , qPrintable ( tempFile - > errorString ( ) ) ) ;
file = tempFile - > fileName ( ) ;
fd - > selectFile ( file ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd - > selectedFiles ( ) . size ( ) , count ) ;
if ( tempFile . isNull ( ) ) {
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( fd - > directory ( ) . path ( ) ) , model - > index ( QDir : : currentPath ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( fd - > directory ( ) . path ( ) ) , model - > index ( QDir : : tempPath ( ) ) ) ;
fd . reset ( ) ; // Ensure the file dialog let's go of the temporary file for "temp".
void tst_QFiledialog : : selectFileWrongCaseSaveAs ( )
const QString home = QDir : : homePath ( ) ;
if ( isCaseSensitiveFileSystem ( home ) )
QSKIP ( " This test is intended for case-insensitive file systems only. " ) ;
// QTBUG-38162: when passing a wrongly capitalized path to selectFile()
// on a case-insensitive file system, the line edit should only
// contain the file name ("c:\PRogram files\foo.txt" -> "foo.txt").
const QString fileName = QStringLiteral ( " foo.txt " ) ;
const QString path = home + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + fileName ;
QString wrongCasePath = path ;
for ( int c = 0 ; c < wrongCasePath . size ( ) ; c + = 2 )
wrongCasePath [ c ] = wrongCasePath . at ( c ) . isLower ( ) ? wrongCasePath . at ( c ) . toUpper ( ) : wrongCasePath . at ( c ) . toLower ( ) ;
QFileDialog fd ( 0 , " QTBUG-38162 " , wrongCasePath ) ;
fd . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
fd . selectFile ( wrongCasePath ) ;
const QLineEdit * lineEdit = fd . findChild < QLineEdit * > ( " fileNameEdit " ) ;
QVERIFY ( lineEdit ) ;
QCOMPARE ( lineEdit - > text ( ) . compare ( fileName , Qt : : CaseInsensitive ) , 0 ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : selectFiles ( )
QTemporaryDir tempDir ;
QVERIFY2 ( tempDir . isValid ( ) , qPrintable ( tempDir . errorString ( ) ) ) ;
const QString tempPath = tempDir . path ( ) ;
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( tempPath ) ;
QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged ( & fd , SIGNAL ( currentChanged ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered ( & fd , SIGNAL ( directoryEntered ( QString ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filesSelected ( QStringList ) ) ) ;
QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected ( & fd , SIGNAL ( filterSelected ( QString ) ) ) ;
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : ExistingFiles ) ;
QString filesPath = fd . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; + + i ) {
QFile file ( filesPath + QLatin1String ( " /qfiledialog_auto_test_not_pres_ " ) + QString : : number ( i ) ) ;
file . open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly ) ;
file . resize ( 1024 ) ;
file . flush ( ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
// Get a list of files in the view and then get the corresponding index's
QStringList list = fd . directory ( ) . entryList ( QDir : : Files ) ;
QModelIndexList toSelect ;
QVERIFY ( list . size ( ) > 1 ) ;
QListView * listView = fd . findChild < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QVERIFY ( listView ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
fd . selectFile ( fd . directory ( ) . path ( ) + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + list . at ( i ) ) ;
QTRY_VERIFY ( ! listView - > selectionModel ( ) - > selectedRows ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
toSelect . append ( listView - > selectionModel ( ) - > selectedRows ( ) . last ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
listView - > selectionModel ( ) - > clear ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
// select the indexes
for ( int i = 0 ; i < toSelect . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
listView - > selectionModel ( ) - > select ( toSelect . at ( i ) ,
QItemSelectionModel : : Select | QItemSelectionModel : : Rows ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedFiles ( ) . size ( ) , toSelect . size ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyCurrentChanged . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyDirectoryEntered . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilesSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spyFilterSelected . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
//If the selection is invalid then we fill the line edit but without the /
QFileDialog dialog ( 0 , " Save " ) ;
dialog . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : AnyFile ) ;
dialog . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
dialog . selectFile ( tempPath + QStringLiteral ( " /blah " ) ) ;
dialog . show ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( QTest : : qWaitForWindowExposed ( & dialog ) ) ;
QLineEdit * lineEdit = dialog . findChild < QLineEdit * > ( " fileNameEdit " ) ;
QVERIFY ( lineEdit ) ;
QCOMPARE ( lineEdit - > text ( ) , QLatin1String ( " blah " ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : viewMode ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
// find widgets
QList < QTreeView * > treeView = fd . findChildren < QTreeView * > ( " treeView " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( treeView . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QList < QListView * > listView = fd . findChildren < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( listView . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QList < QToolButton * > listButton = fd . findChildren < QToolButton * > ( " listModeButton " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( listButton . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QList < QToolButton * > treeButton = fd . findChildren < QToolButton * > ( " detailModeButton " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( treeButton . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
// default value
QCOMPARE ( fd . viewMode ( ) , QFileDialog : : List ) ;
// detail
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : ViewMode ( QFileDialog : : Detail ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFileDialog : : ViewMode ( QFileDialog : : Detail ) , fd . viewMode ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( listView . at ( 0 ) - > isVisible ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( listButton . at ( 0 ) - > isDown ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( treeView . at ( 0 ) - > isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( treeButton . at ( 0 ) - > isDown ( ) , true ) ;
// list
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : ViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QFileDialog : : ViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) , fd . viewMode ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( treeView . at ( 0 ) - > isVisible ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( treeButton . at ( 0 ) - > isDown ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( listView . at ( 0 ) - > isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( listButton . at ( 0 ) - > isDown ( ) , true ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : proxymodel ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . proxyModel ( ) , nullptr ) ;
fd . setProxyModel ( 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . proxyModel ( ) , nullptr ) ;
QSortFilterProxyModel * proxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel ( & fd ) ;
fd . setProxyModel ( proxyModel ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . proxyModel ( ) , ( QAbstractProxyModel * ) proxyModel ) ;
fd . setProxyModel ( 0 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . proxyModel ( ) , nullptr ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : setMimeTypeFilters_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QStringList > ( " mimeTypeFilters " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " targetMimeTypeFilter " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " expectedSelectedMimeTypeFilter " ) ;
const auto headerMime = QStringLiteral ( " text/x-chdr " ) ;
const auto pdfMime = QStringLiteral ( " application/pdf " ) ;
const auto zipMime = QStringLiteral ( " application/zip " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " single mime filter (C header file) " ) < < QStringList { headerMime } < < headerMime < < headerMime ;
QTest : : newRow ( " single mime filter (JSON file) " ) < < QStringList { pdfMime } < < pdfMime < < pdfMime ;
QTest : : newRow ( " multiple mime filters " ) < < QStringList { pdfMime , zipMime } < < pdfMime < < pdfMime ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : setMimeTypeFilters ( )
QFETCH ( QStringList , mimeTypeFilters ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , targetMimeTypeFilter ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , expectedSelectedMimeTypeFilter ) ;
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setMimeTypeFilters ( mimeTypeFilters ) ;
fd . selectMimeTypeFilter ( targetMimeTypeFilter ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedMimeTypeFilter ( ) , expectedSelectedMimeTypeFilter ) ;
auto * filters = fd . findChild < QComboBox * > ( " fileTypeCombo " ) ;
filters - > setCurrentIndex ( filters - > count ( ) - 1 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedMimeTypeFilter ( ) , mimeTypeFilters . last ( ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : setEmptyNameFilter ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setNameFilter ( QString ( ) ) ;
fd . setNameFilters ( QStringList ( ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : setNameFilter_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < bool > ( " nameFilterDetailsVisible " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QStringList > ( " filters " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " selectFilter " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " expectedSelectedFilter " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " namedetailsvisible-empty " ) < < true < < QStringList ( ) < < QString ( ) < < QString ( ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " namedetailsinvisible-empty " ) < < false < < QStringList ( ) < < QString ( ) < < QString ( ) ;
const QString anyFileNoDetails = QLatin1String ( " Any files " ) ;
const QString anyFile = anyFileNoDetails + QLatin1String ( " (*) " ) ;
const QString imageFilesNoDetails = QLatin1String ( " Image files " ) ;
const QString imageFiles = imageFilesNoDetails + QLatin1String ( " (*.png *.xpm *.jpg) " ) ;
const QString textFileNoDetails = QLatin1String ( " Text files " ) ;
const QString textFile = textFileNoDetails + QLatin1String ( " (*.txt) " ) ;
QStringList filters ;
filters < < anyFile < < imageFiles < < textFile ;
QTest : : newRow ( " namedetailsvisible-images " ) < < true < < filters < < imageFiles < < imageFiles ;
QTest : : newRow ( " namedetailsinvisible-images " ) < < false < < filters < < imageFiles < < imageFilesNoDetails ;
const QString invalid = " foo " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " namedetailsvisible-invalid " ) < < true < < filters < < invalid < < anyFile ;
// Potential crash when trying to convert the invalid filter into a list and stripping it, resulting in an empty list.
QTest : : newRow ( " namedetailsinvisible-invalid " ) < < false < < filters < < invalid < < anyFileNoDetails ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : setNameFilter ( )
QFETCH ( bool , nameFilterDetailsVisible ) ;
QFETCH ( QStringList , filters ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , selectFilter ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , expectedSelectedFilter ) ;
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setNameFilters ( filters ) ;
fd . setOption ( QFileDialog : : HideNameFilterDetails , ! nameFilterDetailsVisible ) ;
fd . selectNameFilter ( selectFilter ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . selectedNameFilter ( ) , expectedSelectedFilter ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : focus ( )
if ( ! QGuiApplicationPrivate : : platformIntegration ( ) - > hasCapability ( QPlatformIntegration : : WindowActivation ) )
QSKIP ( " Window activation is not supported " ) ;
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setDirectory ( QDir : : currentPath ( ) ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QApplicationPrivate : : setActiveWindow ( & fd ) ;
QVERIFY ( QTest : : qWaitForWindowActive ( & fd ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( fd . isVisible ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( QApplication : : activeWindow ( ) , static_cast < QWidget * > ( & fd ) ) ;
qApp - > processEvents ( ) ;
// make sure the tests work with focus follows mouse
QCursor : : setPos ( fd . geometry ( ) . center ( ) ) ;
QList < QWidget * > treeView = fd . findChildren < QWidget * > ( " fileNameEdit " ) ;
QCOMPARE ( treeView . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QVERIFY ( treeView . at ( 0 ) ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( treeView . at ( 0 ) - > hasFocus ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( treeView . at ( 0 ) - > hasFocus ( ) , true ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : historyBack ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
QFileSystemModel * model = fd . findChild < QFileSystemModel * > ( " qt_filesystem_model " ) ;
QVERIFY ( model ) ;
QToolButton * backButton = fd . findChild < QToolButton * > ( " backButton " ) ;
QVERIFY ( backButton ) ;
QToolButton * forwardButton = fd . findChild < QToolButton * > ( " forwardButton " ) ;
QVERIFY ( forwardButton ) ;
QSignalSpy spy ( model , SIGNAL ( rootPathChanged ( QString ) ) ) ;
QString home = fd . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ;
QString desktop = QDir : : homePath ( ) ;
QString temp = QDir : : tempPath ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( backButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( temp ) ;
qApp - > processEvents ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( backButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( desktop ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spy . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
qApp - > processEvents ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( backButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spy . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
QString currentPath = qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( currentPath ) , model - > index ( temp ) ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
currentPath = qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( currentPath , home ) ;
QCOMPARE ( backButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spy . size ( ) , 4 ) ;
// nothing should change at this point
backButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spy . size ( ) , 4 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( backButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : historyForward ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setDirectory ( QDir : : currentPath ( ) ) ;
QToolButton * backButton = fd . findChild < QToolButton * > ( " backButton " ) ;
QVERIFY ( backButton ) ;
QToolButton * forwardButton = fd . findChild < QToolButton * > ( " forwardButton " ) ;
QVERIFY ( forwardButton ) ;
QFileSystemModel * model = fd . findChild < QFileSystemModel * > ( " qt_filesystem_model " ) ;
QVERIFY ( model ) ;
QSignalSpy spy ( model , SIGNAL ( rootPathChanged ( QString ) ) ) ;
QString home = fd . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ;
QString desktop = QDir : : homePath ( ) ;
QString temp = QDir : : tempPath ( ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( home ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( temp ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( desktop ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( temp ) ) ;
forwardButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( desktop ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( backButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spy . size ( ) , 4 ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( temp ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( backButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( home ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( backButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spy . size ( ) , 6 ) ;
forwardButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( temp ) ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( home ) ) ;
QCOMPARE ( spy . size ( ) , 8 ) ;
forwardButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( temp ) ) ;
forwardButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( desktop ) ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( temp ) ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( model - > index ( qvariant_cast < QString > ( spy . last ( ) . first ( ) ) ) , model - > index ( home ) ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( desktop ) ;
QCOMPARE ( forwardButton - > isEnabled ( ) , false ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : disableSaveButton_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " path " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < bool > ( " isEnabled " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " valid path " ) < < QDir : : temp ( ) . absolutePath ( ) + QDir : : separator ( ) + " qfiledialog.new_file " < < true ;
QTest : : newRow ( " no path " ) < < " " < < false ;
# if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_OPENBSD)
QTest : : newRow ( " too long path " ) < < " iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii " < < false ;
# endif
QTest : : newRow ( " file " ) < < " foo.html " < < true ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : disableSaveButton ( )
QFETCH ( QString , path ) ;
QFETCH ( bool , isEnabled ) ;
QFileDialog fd ( 0 , " caption " , path ) ;
fd . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
QDialogButtonBox * buttonBox = fd . findChild < QDialogButtonBox * > ( " buttonBox " ) ;
QPushButton * button = buttonBox - > button ( QDialogButtonBox : : Save ) ;
QVERIFY ( button ) ;
QCOMPARE ( button - > isEnabled ( ) , isEnabled ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : saveButtonText_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " path " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " label " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " caption " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " empty path " ) < < " " < < QString ( ) < < QFileDialog : : tr ( " &Save " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " file path " ) < < " qfiledialog.new_file " < < QString ( ) < < QFileDialog : : tr ( " &Save " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " dir " ) < < QDir : : temp ( ) . absolutePath ( ) < < QString ( ) < < QFileDialog : : tr ( " &Open " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " setTextLabel " ) < < " qfiledialog.new_file " < < " Mooo " < < " Mooo " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " dir & label " ) < < QDir : : temp ( ) . absolutePath ( ) < < " Poo " < < QFileDialog : : tr ( " &Open " ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : saveButtonText ( )
QFETCH ( QString , path ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , label ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , caption ) ;
QFileDialog fd ( 0 , " auto test " , QDir : : temp ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
fd . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptSave ) ;
if ( ! label . isNull ( ) )
fd . setLabelText ( QFileDialog : : Accept , label ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( QDir : : temp ( ) ) ;
fd . selectFile ( path ) ;
QDialogButtonBox * buttonBox = fd . findChild < QDialogButtonBox * > ( " buttonBox " ) ;
QVERIFY ( buttonBox ) ;
QPushButton * button = buttonBox - > button ( QDialogButtonBox : : Save ) ;
QVERIFY ( button ) ;
QCOMPARE ( button - > text ( ) , caption ) ;
// Predicate for use with QTRY_VERIFY() that checks whether the file dialog list
// has been populated (contains an entry).
class DirPopulatedPredicate
public :
explicit DirPopulatedPredicate ( QListView * list , const QString & needle ) :
m_list ( list ) , m_needle ( needle ) { }
operator bool ( ) const
const auto model = m_list - > model ( ) ;
const auto root = m_list - > rootIndex ( ) ;
for ( int r = 0 , count = model - > rowCount ( root ) ; r < count ; + + r ) {
if ( m_needle = = model - > index ( r , 0 , root ) . data ( Qt : : DisplayRole ) . toString ( ) )
return true ;
return false ;
private :
QListView * m_list ;
QString m_needle ;
} ;
// A predicate for use with QTRY_VERIFY() that ensures an entry of the file dialog
// list is selected by pressing cursor down.
class SelectDirTestPredicate
public :
explicit SelectDirTestPredicate ( QListView * list , const QString & needle ) :
m_list ( list ) , m_needle ( needle ) { }
operator bool ( ) const
if ( m_needle = = m_list - > currentIndex ( ) . data ( Qt : : DisplayRole ) . toString ( ) )
return true ;
QCoreApplication : : processEvents ( ) ;
QTest : : keyClick ( m_list , Qt : : Key_Down ) ;
return false ;
private :
QListView * m_list ;
QString m_needle ;
} ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : clearLineEdit ( )
// Play it really safe by creating a directory which should show first in
// a temporary dir
QTemporaryDir workDir ( QDir : : tempPath ( ) + QLatin1String ( " /tst_qfd_clearXXXXXX " ) ) ;
QVERIFY2 ( workDir . isValid ( ) , qPrintable ( workDir . errorString ( ) ) ) ;
const QString workDirPath = workDir . path ( ) ;
const QString dirName = QLatin1String ( " aaaaa " ) ;
QVERIFY ( QDir ( workDirPath ) . mkdir ( dirName ) ) ;
QFileDialog fd ( nullptr ,
QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentTestFunction ( ) ) + QLatin1String ( " AnyFile " ) ,
" foo " ) ;
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ;
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : AnyFile ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( QTest : : qWaitForWindowExposed ( & fd ) ) ;
QLineEdit * lineEdit = fd . findChild < QLineEdit * > ( " fileNameEdit " ) ;
QVERIFY ( lineEdit ) ;
QCOMPARE ( lineEdit - > text ( ) , QLatin1String ( " foo " ) ) ;
QListView * list = fd . findChild < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QVERIFY ( list ) ;
// When in AnyFile mode, lineEdit's text shouldn't be cleared when entering
// a directory by activating one in the list
fd . setDirectory ( workDirPath ) ;
DirPopulatedPredicate dirPopulated ( list , dirName ) ;
QTRY_VERIFY ( dirPopulated ) ;
list - > setEditFocus ( true ) ;
# endif
SelectDirTestPredicate selectTestDir ( list , dirName ) ;
QTRY_VERIFY ( selectTestDir ) ;
# ifndef Q_OS_MAC
QTest : : keyClick ( list , Qt : : Key_Return ) ;
# else
QTest : : keyClick ( list , Qt : : Key_O , Qt : : ControlModifier ) ;
# endif
QTRY_VERIFY ( fd . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ! = workDirPath ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! lineEdit - > text ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
// When in Directory mode, lineEdit's text should be cleared when entering
// a directory by activating one in the list so one can just hit ok
// and it selects that directory
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : Directory ) ;
fd . setWindowTitle ( QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentTestFunction ( ) ) + QLatin1String ( " Directory " ) ) ;
fd . setDirectory ( workDirPath ) ;
QTRY_VERIFY ( dirPopulated ) ;
QTRY_VERIFY ( selectTestDir ) ;
# ifndef Q_OS_MAC
QTest : : keyClick ( list , Qt : : Key_Return ) ;
# else
QTest : : keyClick ( list , Qt : : Key_O , Qt : : ControlModifier ) ;
# endif
QTRY_VERIFY ( fd . directory ( ) . absolutePath ( ) ! = workDirPath ) ;
QVERIFY ( lineEdit - > text ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
// QTBUG-71415: When pressing back, the selection (activated
// directory) should be restored.
QToolButton * backButton = fd . findChild < QToolButton * > ( " backButton " ) ;
QVERIFY ( backButton ) ;
QTreeView * treeView = fd . findChildren < QTreeView * > ( " treeView " ) . value ( 0 ) ;
QVERIFY ( treeView ) ;
backButton - > click ( ) ;
QTRY_COMPARE ( treeView - > selectionModel ( ) - > selectedIndexes ( ) . value ( 0 ) . data ( ) . toString ( ) ,
dirName ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : enableChooseButton ( )
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : Directory ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QDialogButtonBox * buttonBox = fd . findChild < QDialogButtonBox * > ( " buttonBox " ) ;
QPushButton * button = buttonBox - > button ( QDialogButtonBox : : Open ) ;
QVERIFY ( button ) ;
QCOMPARE ( button - > isEnabled ( ) , true ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : widgetlessNativeDialog ( )
if ( ! QGuiApplicationPrivate : : platformTheme ( ) - > usePlatformNativeDialog ( QPlatformTheme : : FileDialog ) )
QSKIP ( " This platform always uses widgets to realize its QFileDialog, instead of the native file dialog. " ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
// QTBUG-101194
2023-11-02 01:02:52 +08:00
QSKIP ( " Android: This keeps the window open. Figure out why. " ) ;
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
# endif
QApplication : : setAttribute ( Qt : : AA_DontUseNativeDialogs , false ) ;
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setWindowModality ( Qt : : ApplicationModal ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QTRY_VERIFY ( fd . isVisible ( ) ) ;
QFileSystemModel * model = fd . findChild < QFileSystemModel * > ( " qt_filesystem_model " ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! model ) ;
QPushButton * button = fd . findChild < QPushButton * > ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! button ) ;
QApplication : : setAttribute ( Qt : : AA_DontUseNativeDialogs , true ) ;
2023-11-02 01:02:52 +08:00
void tst_QFiledialog : : hideNativeByDestruction ( )
if ( ! QGuiApplicationPrivate : : platformTheme ( ) - > usePlatformNativeDialog ( QPlatformTheme : : FileDialog ) )
QSKIP ( " This platform always uses widgets to realize its QFileDialog, instead of the native file dialog. " ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
// QTBUG-101194
QSKIP ( " Android: This keeps the native window open. Figure out why. " ) ;
# endif
QApplication : : setAttribute ( Qt : : AA_DontUseNativeDialogs , false ) ;
auto resetAttribute = qScopeGuard ( [ ] {
QApplication : : setAttribute ( Qt : : AA_DontUseNativeDialogs , true ) ;
} ) ;
QWidget window ;
QWidget * child = new QWidget ( & window ) ;
QPointer < QFileDialog > dialog = new QFileDialog ( child ) ;
// Make it application modal so that we don't end up with a sheet on macOS
dialog - > setWindowModality ( Qt : : ApplicationModal ) ;
window . show ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( QTest : : qWaitForWindowActive ( & window ) ) ;
dialog - > open ( ) ;
// We test that the dialog opens and closes by watching the activation of the
// transient parent window. If it doesn't deactivate, then we have to skip.
const auto windowActive = [ & window ] { return window . isActiveWindow ( ) ; } ;
const auto windowInactive = [ & window ] { return ! window . isActiveWindow ( ) ; } ;
if ( ! QTest : : qWaitFor ( windowInactive , 2000 ) )
QSKIP ( " Dialog didn't activate " ) ;
// This should destroy the dialog and close the native window
child - > deleteLater ( ) ;
QTRY_VERIFY ( ! dialog ) ;
// If the native window is still open, then the transient parent can't become
// active
window . activateWindow ( ) ;
QVERIFY ( QTest : : qWaitFor ( windowActive , 2000 ) ) ;
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
void tst_QFiledialog : : selectedFilesWithoutWidgets ( )
// Test for a crash when widgets are not instantiated yet.
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog : : AcceptOpen ) ;
QVERIFY ( fd . selectedFiles ( ) . size ( ) > = 0 ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : selectedFileWithDefaultSuffix ( )
// QTBUG-59401: dot in file path should not prevent default suffix from being added
QTemporaryDir tempDir ( QDir : : tempPath ( ) + " /abcXXXXXX.def " ) ;
QVERIFY2 ( tempDir . isValid ( ) , qPrintable ( tempDir . errorString ( ) ) ) ;
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setDirectory ( tempDir . path ( ) ) ;
fd . setDefaultSuffix ( " .txt " ) ;
fd . selectFile ( " xxx " ) ;
const auto selectedFiles = fd . selectedFiles ( ) ;
QCOMPARE ( selectedFiles . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
QVERIFY ( selectedFiles . first ( ) . endsWith ( " .txt " ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : trailingDotsAndSpaces ( )
# ifndef Q_OS_WIN
QSKIP ( " This is only tested on Windows " ) ;
# endif
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . setViewMode ( QFileDialog : : List ) ;
fd . setFileMode ( QFileDialog : : ExistingFile ) ;
fd . show ( ) ;
QLineEdit * lineEdit = fd . findChild < QLineEdit * > ( " fileNameEdit " ) ;
QVERIFY ( lineEdit ) ;
QListView * list = fd . findChild < QListView * > ( " listView " ) ;
QVERIFY ( list ) ;
QTest : : qWait ( 1000 ) ;
int currentChildrenCount = list - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( list - > rootIndex ( ) ) ;
QTest : : keyClick ( lineEdit , Qt : : Key_Space ) ;
QTest : : keyClick ( lineEdit , Qt : : Key_Period ) ;
QTest : : qWait ( 1000 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( currentChildrenCount , list - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( list - > rootIndex ( ) ) ) ;
lineEdit - > clear ( ) ;
QTest : : keyClick ( lineEdit , Qt : : Key_Period ) ;
QTest : : keyClick ( lineEdit , Qt : : Key_Space ) ;
QTest : : qWait ( 1000 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( currentChildrenCount , list - > model ( ) - > rowCount ( list - > rootIndex ( ) ) ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
void tst_QFiledialog : : tildeExpansion_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " tildePath " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " expandedPath " ) ;
const QString tilde = QStringLiteral ( " ~ " ) ;
const QString tildeUser = tilde + QString ( qgetenv ( " USER " ) ) ;
const QLatin1String someSubDir ( " /some/sub/dir " ) ;
const QString homePath = QDir : : homePath ( ) ;
const QString invalid = QStringLiteral ( " ~thisIsNotAValidUserName " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " empty path " ) < < QString ( ) < < QString ( ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " ~ " ) < < tilde < < homePath ;
QTest : : newRow ( " ~/some/sub/dir/ " ) < < tilde + someSubDir < < homePath + someSubDir ;
QTest : : newRow ( " ~<user> " ) < < tildeUser < < homePath ;
QTest : : newRow ( " ~<user>/some/sub/dir " ) < < tildeUser + someSubDir < < homePath + someSubDir ;
QTest : : newRow ( " invalid user name " ) < < invalid < < invalid ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : tildeExpansion ( )
QFETCH ( QString , tildePath ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , expandedPath ) ;
QCOMPARE ( qt_tildeExpansion ( tildePath ) , expandedPath ) ;
# endif
class DialogRejecter : public QObject
public :
DialogRejecter ( )
connect ( qApp , & QApplication : : focusChanged , this , & DialogRejecter : : rejectFileDialog ) ;
public slots :
virtual void rejectFileDialog ( )
if ( QWidget * w = QApplication : : activeModalWidget ( ) )
if ( QDialog * d = qobject_cast < QDialog * > ( w ) )
QTest : : keyClick ( d , Qt : : Key_Escape ) ;
} ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : rejectModalDialogs ( )
if ( QGuiApplication : : platformName ( ) . startsWith ( QLatin1String ( " wayland " ) , Qt : : CaseInsensitive ) )
QSKIP ( " Wayland: This freezes. Figure out why. " ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
// QTBUG-101194
QSKIP ( " Android: This freezes. Figure out why. " ) ;
# endif
// QTBUG-38672 , static functions should return empty Urls
DialogRejecter dr ;
QUrl url = QFileDialog : : getOpenFileUrl ( 0 , QStringLiteral ( " getOpenFileUrl " ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( url . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! url . isValid ( ) ) ;
url = QFileDialog : : getExistingDirectoryUrl ( 0 , QStringLiteral ( " getExistingDirectoryUrl " ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( url . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! url . isValid ( ) ) ;
url = QFileDialog : : getSaveFileUrl ( 0 , QStringLiteral ( " getSaveFileUrl " ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( url . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( ! url . isValid ( ) ) ;
// Same test with local files
QString file = QFileDialog : : getOpenFileName ( 0 , QStringLiteral ( " getOpenFileName " ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( file . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
file = QFileDialog : : getExistingDirectory ( 0 , QStringLiteral ( " getExistingDirectory " ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( file . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
file = QFileDialog : : getSaveFileName ( 0 , QStringLiteral ( " getSaveFileName " ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( file . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : QTBUG49600_nativeIconProviderCrash ( )
if ( ! QGuiApplicationPrivate : : platformTheme ( ) - > usePlatformNativeDialog ( QPlatformTheme : : FileDialog ) )
QSKIP ( " This platform always uses widgets to realize its QFileDialog, instead of the native file dialog. " ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
// QTBUG-101194
QSKIP ( " Android: This hangs. Figure out why. " ) ;
# endif
QFileDialog fd ;
fd . iconProvider ( ) ;
class qtbug57193DialogRejecter : public DialogRejecter
public :
void rejectFileDialog ( ) override
QCOMPARE ( QGuiApplication : : topLevelWindows ( ) . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
const QWindow * window = QGuiApplication : : topLevelWindows ( ) . constFirst ( ) ;
const QFileDialog * fileDialog = qobject_cast < QFileDialog * > ( QApplication : : activeModalWidget ( ) ) ;
if ( ! fileDialog )
return ;
// The problem in QTBUG-57193 was from a platform input context plugin that was
// connected to QWindow::focusObjectChanged(), and consequently accessed the focus
// object (the QFileDialog) that was in the process of being destroyed. This test
// checks that the QFileDialog is never set as the focus object after its destruction process begins.
connect ( window , & QWindow : : focusObjectChanged , [ = ] ( QObject * focusObject ) {
QVERIFY ( focusObject ! = fileDialog ) ;
} ) ;
DialogRejecter : : rejectFileDialog ( ) ;
} ;
void tst_QFiledialog : : focusObjectDuringDestruction ( )
if ( QGuiApplication : : platformName ( ) . startsWith ( QLatin1String ( " wayland " ) , Qt : : CaseInsensitive ) )
QSKIP ( " Wayland: This freezes. Figure out why. " ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
// QTBUG-101194
QSKIP ( " Android: This freezes. Figure out why. " ) ;
# endif
QTRY_VERIFY ( QGuiApplication : : topLevelWindows ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
qtbug57193DialogRejecter dialogRejecter ;
QFileDialog : : getOpenFileName ( nullptr , QString ( ) , QString ( ) , QString ( ) , nullptr ) ;
QTEST_MAIN ( tst_QFiledialog )
# include "tst_qfiledialog.moc"