2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
#ifndef QFLAGS_H
#define QFLAGS_H
2023-11-02 05:23:55 +08:00
#include <QtCore/qcompare_impl.h>
#include <QtCore/qtypeinfo.h>
2023-10-30 06:33:08 +08:00
#include <initializer_list>
class QDataStream;
class QFlag
int i;
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT QFlag(int value) noexcept : i(value) {}
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT operator int() const noexcept { return i; }
#if !defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
// Microsoft Visual Studio has buggy behavior when it comes to
// unsigned enums: even if the enum is unsigned, the enum tags are
// always signed
# if !defined(__LP64__) && !defined(Q_QDOC)
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT QFlag(long value) noexcept : i(int(value)) {}
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT QFlag(ulong value) noexcept : i(int(long(value))) {}
# endif
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT QFlag(uint value) noexcept : i(int(value)) {}
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT QFlag(short value) noexcept : i(int(value)) {}
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT QFlag(ushort value) noexcept : i(int(uint(value))) {}
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT operator uint() const noexcept { return uint(i); }
class QIncompatibleFlag
int i;
constexpr inline explicit QIncompatibleFlag(int i) noexcept;
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT operator int() const noexcept { return i; }
constexpr inline QIncompatibleFlag::QIncompatibleFlag(int value) noexcept : i(value) {}
template<typename Enum>
class QFlags
static_assert((sizeof(Enum) <= sizeof(int)),
"QFlags uses an int as storage, so an enum with underlying "
"long long will overflow.");
static_assert((std::is_enum<Enum>::value), "QFlags is only usable on enumeration types.");
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC) || defined(Q_QDOC)
// see above for MSVC
// the definition below is too complex for qdoc
typedef int Int;
typedef typename std::conditional<
std::is_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>::value,
unsigned int,
signed int
>::type Int;
typedef Enum enum_type;
// compiler-generated copy/move ctor/assignment operators are fine!
constexpr inline QFlags() noexcept : i(0) {}
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT QFlags(Enum flags) noexcept : i(Int(flags)) {}
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT QFlags(QFlag flag) noexcept : i(flag) {}
constexpr inline QFlags(std::initializer_list<Enum> flags) noexcept
: i(initializer_list_helper(flags.begin(), flags.end())) {}
constexpr static inline QFlags fromInt(Int i) noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i)); }
constexpr inline Int toInt() const noexcept { return i; }
constexpr inline QFlags &operator&=(int mask) noexcept { i &= mask; return *this; }
constexpr inline QFlags &operator&=(uint mask) noexcept { i &= mask; return *this; }
constexpr inline QFlags &operator&=(QFlags mask) noexcept { i &= mask.i; return *this; }
constexpr inline QFlags &operator&=(Enum mask) noexcept { i &= Int(mask); return *this; }
constexpr inline QFlags &operator|=(QFlags other) noexcept { i |= other.i; return *this; }
constexpr inline QFlags &operator|=(Enum other) noexcept { i |= Int(other); return *this; }
constexpr inline QFlags &operator^=(QFlags other) noexcept { i ^= other.i; return *this; }
constexpr inline QFlags &operator^=(Enum other) noexcept { i ^= Int(other); return *this; }
constexpr inline explicit operator Int() const noexcept { return i; }
constexpr inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return i; }
// For some reason, moc goes through QFlag in order to read/write
// properties of type QFlags; so a conversion to QFlag is also
// needed here. (It otherwise goes through a QFlags->int->QFlag
// conversion sequence.)
constexpr inline explicit operator QFlag() const noexcept { return QFlag(i); }
constexpr inline Q_IMPLICIT operator Int() const noexcept { return i; }
constexpr inline bool operator!() const noexcept { return !i; }
constexpr inline QFlags operator|(QFlags other) const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i | other.i)); }
constexpr inline QFlags operator|(Enum other) const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i | Int(other))); }
constexpr inline QFlags operator^(QFlags other) const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i ^ other.i)); }
constexpr inline QFlags operator^(Enum other) const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i ^ Int(other))); }
constexpr inline QFlags operator&(int mask) const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i & mask)); }
constexpr inline QFlags operator&(uint mask) const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i & mask)); }
constexpr inline QFlags operator&(QFlags other) const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i & other.i)); }
constexpr inline QFlags operator&(Enum other) const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(i & Int(other))); }
constexpr inline QFlags operator~() const noexcept { return QFlags(QFlag(~i)); }
constexpr inline void operator+(QFlags other) const noexcept = delete;
constexpr inline void operator+(Enum other) const noexcept = delete;
constexpr inline void operator+(int other) const noexcept = delete;
constexpr inline void operator-(QFlags other) const noexcept = delete;
constexpr inline void operator-(Enum other) const noexcept = delete;
constexpr inline void operator-(int other) const noexcept = delete;
constexpr inline bool testFlag(Enum flag) const noexcept { return testFlags(flag); }
constexpr inline bool testFlags(QFlags flags) const noexcept { return flags.i ? ((i & flags.i) == flags.i) : i == Int(0); }
constexpr inline bool testAnyFlag(Enum flag) const noexcept { return testAnyFlags(flag); }
constexpr inline bool testAnyFlags(QFlags flags) const noexcept { return (i & flags.i) != Int(0); }
constexpr inline QFlags &setFlag(Enum flag, bool on = true) noexcept
return on ? (*this |= flag) : (*this &= ~QFlags(flag));
friend constexpr inline bool operator==(QFlags lhs, QFlags rhs) noexcept
{ return lhs.i == rhs.i; }
friend constexpr inline bool operator!=(QFlags lhs, QFlags rhs) noexcept
{ return lhs.i != rhs.i; }
friend constexpr inline bool operator==(QFlags lhs, Enum rhs) noexcept
{ return lhs == QFlags(rhs); }
friend constexpr inline bool operator!=(QFlags lhs, Enum rhs) noexcept
{ return lhs != QFlags(rhs); }
friend constexpr inline bool operator==(Enum lhs, QFlags rhs) noexcept
{ return QFlags(lhs) == rhs; }
friend constexpr inline bool operator!=(Enum lhs, QFlags rhs) noexcept
{ return QFlags(lhs) != rhs; }
// Provide means of comparing flags against a literal 0; opt-in
// because otherwise they're ambiguous against operator==(int,int)
// after a QFlags->int conversion.
friend constexpr inline bool operator==(QFlags flags, QtPrivate::CompareAgainstLiteralZero) noexcept
{ return flags.i == Int(0); }
friend constexpr inline bool operator!=(QFlags flags, QtPrivate::CompareAgainstLiteralZero) noexcept
{ return flags.i != Int(0); }
friend constexpr inline bool operator==(QtPrivate::CompareAgainstLiteralZero, QFlags flags) noexcept
{ return Int(0) == flags.i; }
friend constexpr inline bool operator!=(QtPrivate::CompareAgainstLiteralZero, QFlags flags) noexcept
{ return Int(0) != flags.i; }
constexpr static inline Int initializer_list_helper(typename std::initializer_list<Enum>::const_iterator it,
typename std::initializer_list<Enum>::const_iterator end)
return (it == end ? Int(0) : (Int(*it) | initializer_list_helper(it + 1, end)));
Int i;
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
#define Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flags, Enum)\
typedef QFlags<Enum> Flags;
// These are opt-in, for backwards compatibility
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline Flags operator~(Flags::enum_type e) noexcept \
{ return ~Flags(e); } \
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline void operator|(Flags::enum_type f1, int f2) noexcept = delete;
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline QIncompatibleFlag operator|(Flags::enum_type f1, int f2) noexcept \
{ return QIncompatibleFlag(int(f1) | f2); }
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline QFlags<Flags::enum_type> operator|(Flags::enum_type f1, Flags::enum_type f2) noexcept \
{ return QFlags<Flags::enum_type>(f1) | f2; } \
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline QFlags<Flags::enum_type> operator|(Flags::enum_type f1, QFlags<Flags::enum_type> f2) noexcept \
{ return f2 | f1; } \
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline QFlags<Flags::enum_type> operator&(Flags::enum_type f1, Flags::enum_type f2) noexcept \
{ return QFlags<Flags::enum_type>(f1) & f2; } \
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline QFlags<Flags::enum_type> operator&(Flags::enum_type f1, QFlags<Flags::enum_type> f2) noexcept \
{ return f2 & f1; } \
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline QFlags<Flags::enum_type> operator^(Flags::enum_type f1, Flags::enum_type f2) noexcept \
{ return QFlags<Flags::enum_type>(f1) ^ f2; } \
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline QFlags<Flags::enum_type> operator^(Flags::enum_type f1, QFlags<Flags::enum_type> f2) noexcept \
{ return f2 ^ f1; } \
constexpr inline void operator+(Flags::enum_type f1, Flags::enum_type f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator+(Flags::enum_type f1, QFlags<Flags::enum_type> f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator+(int f1, QFlags<Flags::enum_type> f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator-(Flags::enum_type f1, Flags::enum_type f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator-(Flags::enum_type f1, QFlags<Flags::enum_type> f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator-(int f1, QFlags<Flags::enum_type> f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator+(int f1, Flags::enum_type f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator+(Flags::enum_type f1, int f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator-(int f1, Flags::enum_type f2) noexcept = delete; \
constexpr inline void operator-(Flags::enum_type f1, int f2) noexcept = delete; \
// restore bit-wise enum-enum operators deprecated in C++20,
// but used in a few places in the API
#if __cplusplus > 201702L // assume compilers don't warn if in C++17 mode
// in C++20 mode, provide user-defined operators to override the deprecated operations:
[[maybe_unused]] \
constexpr inline Ret operator op (LHS lhs, RHS rhs) noexcept \
{ return static_cast<Ret>(qToUnderlying(lhs) op qToUnderlying(rhs)); } \
/* end */
// in C++17 mode, statically-assert that this compiler's result of the
// operation is the same that the C++20 version would produce:
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(std::declval<LHS>() op std::declval<RHS>()), Ret>);
#define Q_DECLARE_MIXED_ENUM_OPERATORS(Ret, Flags, Enum) \
/* end */
/* end */
#endif // QFLAGS_H