#! [0] TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += plugin QT += widgets HEADERS = simplestyle.h \ simplestyleplugin.h SOURCES = simplestyle.cpp \ simplestyleplugin.cpp TARGET = simplestyleplugin #! [0] win32 { CONFIG(debug, release|debug):DESTDIR = ../debug/styles/ CONFIG(release, release|debug):DESTDIR = ../release/styles/ } else { macos { # The non-app-bundle case is not supported with qmake, because # the plugin project cannot know whether the app is built # as a bundle or not. DESTDIR = ../styleplugin.app/Contents/PlugIns/styles/ contains(QT_CONFIG, debug) { TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug) } } else { DESTDIR = ../styles/ } } EXAMPLE_FILES += simplestyle.json # install target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/widgets/tools/styleplugin/styles INSTALLS += target CONFIG += install_ok # Do not cargo-cult this!