# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # QTBUG-88538 if(NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) add_subdirectory(qmakelib) if(QT_FEATURE_qmake) add_subdirectory(qmake) endif() add_subdirectory(moc) add_subdirectory(rcc) endif() # QTBUG-88538 if(TARGET Qt::Widgets AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) add_subdirectory(uic) endif() if(TARGET Qt::DBus) add_subdirectory(qdbuscpp2xml) add_subdirectory(qdbusxml2cpp) endif() if(TARGET Qt::Gui AND QT_FEATURE_process AND NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) # testapp (windeployqt) and source_basicapp (macdeployqt) require QtGui. if(QT_FEATURE_macdeployqt) add_subdirectory(macdeployqt) endif() if(QT_FEATURE_windeployqt AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # windeployqt does not work with static Qt builds. See QTBUG-69427. add_subdirectory(windeployqt) endif() endif()