QT_FOR_CONFIG += core-private # DESTDIR will be empty if not set in the app .pro file; make sure it has a value isEmpty(DESTDIR): DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD exists($$QMAKE_QT_CONFIG) { ## this may be subject to change ## qmake puts a space if done otherwise !isEmpty(QT_WASM_EXTRA_EXPORTED_METHODS): { EXPORTED_METHODS = UTF16ToString,stringToUTF16,JSEvents,specialHTMLTargets,FS,$$QT_WASM_EXTRA_EXPORTED_METHODS } else { EXPORTED_METHODS = UTF16ToString,stringToUTF16,JSEvents,specialHTMLTargets,FS } EMCC_LFLAGS += -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=$$EXPORTED_METHODS qtConfig(thread) { EMCC_LFLAGS += -pthread EMCC_CFLAGS += -pthread # Create worker threads at startup. This is supposed to be an optimization, # however exceeding the pool size has been obesverved to hang the application. POOL_SIZE = 4 !isEmpty(QT_WASM_PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE) { POOL_SIZE = $$QT_WASM_PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE } message("Setting PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE to" $$POOL_SIZE) EMCC_LFLAGS += -s PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=$$POOL_SIZE } # Set memory options EMCC_LFLAGS += -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH isEmpty(QT_WASM_INITIAL_MEMORY) { INITIAL_MEMORY = 50MB # emscripten default is 16MB, we need slightly more } else { INITIAL_MEMORY = $$QT_WASM_INITIAL_MEMORY } EMCC_LFLAGS += -s INITIAL_MEMORY=$$INITIAL_MEMORY qtConfig(sse2) { QMAKE_CFLAGS += -O2 -msimd128 -msse -msse2 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -O2 -msimd128 -msse -msse2 QMAKE_LFLAGS += -msimd128 -msse -msse2 QMAKE_LFLAGS_DEBUG += -msimd128 -msse -msse2 } qtConfig(shared) { contains(TEMPLATE, .*app) { EMCC_MODULE_FLAGS = -s MAIN_MODULE=1 } contains(TEMPLATE, .*lib):!static: { EMCC_MODULE_FLAGS = -s SIDE_MODULE=1 } EMCC_CFLAGS += $$EMCC_MODULE_FLAGS EMCC_LFLAGS += $$EMCC_MODULE_FLAGS } QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$EMCC_LFLAGS QMAKE_LFLAGS_DEBUG += $$EMCC_LFLAGS QMAKE_CFLAGS += $$EMCC_CFLAGS QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$EMCC_CFLAGS } # Create js and wasm files for applications contains(TEMPLATE, .*app) { TARGET_BASE = $${TARGET} TARGET_HTML = $${TARGET}.html TARGET_JS = $${TARGET}.js # Make the emscripten compiler generate a js file TARGET = $$TARGET_JS QMAKE_INCDIR += $$(HOME)/.emscripten_ports/openssl/include CONFIG += static js_file.files = $$TARGET_JS js_file.path = $$target.path isEmpty(js_file.path): \ js_file.path += ./ INSTALLS += js_file # Copy hosting html and javascript to the application build directory. exists($$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/platforms/wasm_shell.html) { # don't pass this until it's installed somewhere # otherwise makespec test fails during qt configure WASM_PLUGIN_PATH = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/platforms } else { ## internal build. not installed WASM_PLUGIN_PATH = $$PWD/../../../src/plugins/platforms/wasm } PRELOAD = "" shared { PRELOAD = "preload:\ ['qt_plugins.json',\ 'qt_qml_imports.json']," } # Copy/Generate main .html file (e.g. myapp.html) from the webassembly_shell.html by # replacing the app name placeholder with the actual app name. apphtml.name = application main html file apphtml.output = $$DESTDIR/$$TARGET_HTML apphtml.commands = $$QMAKE_STREAM_EDITOR -e s/@APPNAME@/$$TARGET_BASE/g -e s/@PRELOAD@/$$PRELOAD/g $$WASM_PLUGIN_PATH/wasm_shell.html > $$DESTDIR/$$TARGET_HTML apphtml.input = $$WASM_PLUGIN_PATH/wasm_shell.html apphtml.depends = $$apphtml.input QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += apphtml appjs.name = application qtloader.js appjs.output = $$DESTDIR/qtloader.js appjs.commands = $$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_path($$WASM_PLUGIN_PATH/qtloader.js) $$shell_path($$DESTDIR) appjs.input = $$WASM_PLUGIN_PATH/qtloader.js appjs.depends = $$appjs.input QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += appjs appsvg.name = application qtlogo.svg appsvg.output = $$DESTDIR/qtlogo.svg appsvg.commands = $$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_path($$WASM_PLUGIN_PATH/qtlogo.svg) $$shell_path($$DESTDIR) appsvg.input = $$WASM_PLUGIN_PATH/qtlogo.svg appsvg.depends = $$appsvg.input QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += appsvg QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += apphtml appjs appsvg POST_TARGETDEPS += apphtml appjs appsvg # Add manual target to make "make -B shellfiles" work. shellfiles.target = shellfiles shellfiles.depends = apphtml appjs appsvg QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += shellfiles # emscripten ports are linked into the main module (this app), not the Qt # libs which reference them qt { qt_depends = $$resolve_depends(QT, "QT.") contains(qt_depends, core(-private)?): QMAKE_LFLAGS += \ $$QMAKE_LIBS_THREAD $$QMAKE_LIBS_ZLIB contains(qt_depends, gui(-private)?): QMAKE_LFLAGS += \ $$QMAKE_LIBS_FREETYPE $$QMAKE_LIBS_LIBPNG } } qtConfTest_emccVersion() CONFIG(debug):!isEmpty(QT_WASM_SOURCE_MAP) { EMCC_VERSION = $$qtSystemEmccVersion() QMAKE_LFLAGS += -gsource-map # Pass --source-map-base on the linker line. This informs the # browser where to find the source files when debugging. WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE = http://localhost:8000/ !isEmpty(QT_WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE):\ WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE = $$QT_WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE QMAKE_LFLAGS += --source-map-base $$WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE } # Creates the stand-alone version of the library from bitcode !static:contains(TEMPLATE, .*lib): { load(resolve_target) QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB $$QMAKE_RESOLVED_TARGET -o $${QMAKE_RESOLVED_TARGET}.js QMAKE_INCDIR += $$(HOME)/.emscripten_ports/openssl/include }